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[bb小说] ball busted

发表于 2017-7-22 11:40:40 手机浏览器 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Ball Busted
  S6 w2 u2 k" p" D9 j8 o, o7 K. L6 Q$ y9 @% R0 W/ x! R
Submitted by: Anonymous, b4 D) d8 x/ `/ s7 P3 d5 P
Susan and I had been married for about 18 years, and while I had always had a submissive streak, I had never really explored it with my wife. Instead, we had had a relatively vanilla life. Our sexual encounters seemed to become less and less frequent as time went by. I had played out very limited fantasies by myself and tended to masturbate at least a couple of times a week. While the concept of enforced chastity, and being made to do things I otherwise wouldn't have wanted to do was exciting, it was only a fantasy. I was keenly aware that fantasy could be different than reality. I was afraid to explore this side of myself with my wife not only because I was unsure of her reaction, but also because I wasn't sure that I would like the reality. How much things were about to change.
/ l, g" G+ w* }2 v  n0 [, ^: d/ l: a
Two elements converged to forever change my life. The first was that I had finally found a local place to buy a CB 2000, rather than using the internet and mail delivery - which I thought was too risky. Having found this spot I went and purchased one, took it home and hid it to await the proper opportunity.
" @3 `1 E5 J) T* M. e
( s7 i0 g3 [7 n. k9 k# ?The second element was that our two children had gone away to overnight camp, for the first time, and would be away for a whole week. Susan and I decided that we would both take the same week off work, get some stuff done around the house and spend some alone time together.- E- W8 K; l; K* D  P: h3 V9 V

% z+ r; b2 E0 x# JIt was Saturday morning about 10:00 a.m., when the bus finally pulled out with the kids happily settled in. We headed for home and what I thought would be a relaxing day. How wrong I was.* |6 w+ _" Z, h! {7 r( o  Z
9 @/ I" @, Y$ O4 }. g. J3 ]+ o$ K4 x: H
Once we got home I decided that, with the kids gone, it might be time to try the new CB. Susan seemed engrossed in her latest novel so I went off to our bathroom to try and handle the installation. I got the CB-2000 from its hiding spot, went into the bathroom, stripped naked and after a lot of fiddling managed to get all the components in their proper places. The lock was on, but not yet shut.
& ], [' c& K# O9 t2 R/ E3 a* W8 H5 P. C( a' j. o
I was really enjoying the sensations. This was the first time I'd ever had a real chastity device on. Sure I'd tried various home made devices over the years, but they were all rather poor attempts. This one felt solid and real. I knew that without the keys, I wouldn't have control over my own penis anymore. I was so excited that it was all could do to not tear the device off and masturbate right then and there. In fact it had already been more than a week since the last time I'd come - an unusually long period for me. While Susan and I didn't have intercourse very frequently anymore, I did regularly masturbate. I was enjoying the sensations of the device, though, and thought I'd hold off for a moment. I took even more pleasure in closing the lock. Even though the keys were just outside on my bedside table, the feeling I had as the lock clicked shut was exquisite. It nearly made me cum right there. I could only imagine what it would be like if I didn't have control.0 e2 N! H- k- x/ s
3 G# b8 R# Y: N8 ?0 G
Suddenly the door opened and standing there was my wife. Time stopped. Or at least it seemed to slow down to an excruciating pace. Clearly Susan was also taken by surprise. She just stared at me, and at the CB-2000 for what seemed like hours. I didn't know what to do, and I sure didn't know what to say, so I just stood there for her to examine.
. v9 M& D& Y6 ?
4 `  {3 x" f+ {" Y" ~% \) |The feelings coursing through me were incredible. Firstly, I had never been more embarrassed in my life. In some respects I just wanted to crawl into a cave for the rest of my life, or better yet, just die right where I stood. Secondly, fear. I was very afraid of how my wife was going to react and what that might mean for our relationship. Would she find this too kinky, would it upset her, would she now view me differently and not love me anymore? But I also found that I was incredibly excited. With in the confines of my little penis prison, I had a raging hard on. If I hadn't had this tortuous thing on, I'm sure that my penis could have been used as a coat hanger. From the look on her face, it was obvious that Susan could see it too.
/ `2 ~) I9 ^6 S3 \! H' A+ c$ P" z0 m: z
"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?" Susan demanded after what must have been an hour later, but in reality was only a couple of seconds. "AND WHAT IS THAT THING?" My mind was racing, was there a way out of this, could I find some magical excuse. Perhaps it was a medical thing, or maybe a new fangled sports protector. It was then that I noticed that she was dangling the keys from her left hand, and she could obviously see the lock, and I realized that there was no way out of this. This whole thing had just gotten a whole lot more serious. Whether I liked it or not, I was now in this deeper than I had intended. So finally and very hesitantly I admitted that it was a chastity device.
2 ~4 K! B, r% [* V7 v* \2 H* {" g$ q! J  @
Of course, that simple statement wasn't going to satisfy my wife. This is a woman with intense curiosity, especially when it was in her household or affected people she loved. So this first question was followed by a barrage of: Where did you get it, Why do have it on, How does it work, How long have you been doing this, How long can you wear it, Can you get it off, If you have the keys what's the point, What do you do with the keys? And on and on. Through this process I was forced to reveal all of the details of a fantasy that I, at least at this stage, had no intentions of revealing. I told Susan that it was my fantasy to be dominated and humiliated, that with my penis locked up and the key being held by her, she would be able to make me do anything she wanted. I explained that being locked up made me horny and, of course, without release I would want to please her so that she would let me come. In order to earn release, I would be forced to do all that she demanded. I would clean the house, do the laundry, prepare the meals, clean up, do the ironing, act as her personnel chauffeur, butler, maid and anything else that she wanted.
4 W: E- `/ J; J% f4 L+ X
$ p1 `4 D& y2 `I very reluctantly admitted that, for me, being horny was in some ways better than any orgasm. As soon as I said it, I knew I'd gone too far. But Susan was on to other things; How did I learn about CB's, Did I do any research, What were the available in formation resources, what were the best web pages. I told her one of the best web sites was altarboy's and she could search for it or just for chastity belts.
% V" e4 |* O, {! p; T+ g5 V# m
6 N* @  N0 ~5 D6 e7 J) \/ v; AAt that stage there was another very long pause. I just stood there stark naked, except for the chastity device and waited for Susan to say something. As I waited I started to get even hornier. I mean there I was naked, in front of my wife who was fully clothed and she held the keys. I realized that this was kind of like my fantasy. But I still didn’t know what Susan's reaction was going to be, and I wasn't sure where I wanted this to go. Anyway, for the moment it was out of my hands.- `# u& l9 v# }( o

- H$ ]/ X& _9 g0 ?6 L  WWhat happened next was the most mind blowing part yet. Just like in the movies, it seemed to happen in slow motion - Susan put the keys in her pocket. That was it, I clearly wasn't getting out right now anyway. Then she said "I'm not sure how I feel about this situation. Here I am discovering a new secret fantasy of yours and I feel a little betrayed. Get dressed and go do the laundry, I have some research and some thinking to do. And don’t even think about raising this subject again. When I'm ready to talk, I'll let you know. I want my ironing done too." With that she left me standing there, went to the den and closed the door.
% h# T  `: G+ z+ p$ B7 H$ u7 ?8 m+ `" e0 Y
My hard-on disappeared almost immediately. That happens when I get scared - and scared I was. I was scared of what she might find on the net, scared of how she felt betrayed, and scared of where this was going. So far, fantasy seemed better than reality, and it had barely started.: H* P& b' B# C  f' p; |% |6 U

" |$ ]7 Z0 s1 d! f5 F" IIt also dawned on me that there had already been a subtle shift in our relationship. As we both work, we tend to share household chores. I do the shopping and cooking and Susan cleans up and does laundry. If one of us gets very busy we might ask the other to help out, but generally we each perform our own roles. It just dawned on me that she had ordered me to do the laundry and the ironing. And she knows I hate ironing, I'll avoid it at all costs.
' X. x8 |- i2 x2 [# c
4 [( H8 J# i- k3 I3 eSo I got dressed and started the process of doing the laundry. It turned out that there was a fair amount and it took me the rest of the day to get it done. While I was busy, the afternoon dragged by and all I could think of was what I had gotten myself into and how Susan was going to react.
: p- B* ?8 F1 E! J
9 N+ P  ~) e) U- UFinally, as I was finishing the ironing, I heard the den door open. Once again my heart stopped. And I remained in suspense for at least another 20 minutes. Finally Susan emerged as I was putting everything away. "Hungry?" she asked. What was going on here? She had discovered me in a chastity belt, had spent the afternoon researching the topic, and had me doing her chores, but all she seemed to be able to think about was food. I realized, though, that I hadn’t eaten since breakfast so I was famishes. "Yes" I answered meekly. "Okay" she said " why don’t you barbecue a steak, throw in some bakes potatoes and whip together a salad?" So now she was giving me dinner orders too. Cooking usually meant choosing the menu too. But not tonight, I didn’t feel like I was in a position to argue.
2 N3 J- W+ g3 F' u5 H" ?4 @; d8 w) b+ ]* d7 c
Dinner was unusual to say the least. We sat there making small talk, about work, the kids the neighbors and so on, when hanging over my head was this giant elephant. Anyway it was all pleasant enough, but it sure was tense for me. As for Susan, I got the felling that she was actually enjoying keeping me in suspense. It seemed she was dragging the situation out. Not only was I not in a position to push, but I dreaded what she might say anyway. Finally, when we’d finished the bottle of wine she said "Go clean up and then meet me in the living room, we need to have a chat."; |9 @9 J% X5 r" B" s
% B* M1 a* D$ t; m+ @4 l
Once again, I noticed that I was being given orders, and doing my wife’s regular portion of the work. What registered more immediately, though, was that she was now going to address this whole situation. Dread flooded me like an avalanche. It was all I could do to not drop any dishes as I cleaned up. My hands were shaking and my heart was racing. What had I gotten myself into?% ^- r) H0 V: b2 I. L
  n( ~- `  C/ F1 @
About a half an hour later I finally sat down with Susan in the living room. At first she didn’t even acknowledge me and just kept reading her magazine. I sat there not knowing what to do. I didn’t want to upset by interrupting and I knew I couldn’t leave -- so I sat quietly contemplating my predicament. Sometimes the worst part of a situation is the unknown. You imagine all kinds of terrible scenarios. I was wrong though -- the worst was yet to come.7 w6 @6 U0 @" C
, X# X( L- c! f7 v( b
At length Susan put down the magazine and looked me in the eye. She started "I’ll speak, you’ll listen. When I’m done I’ll ask if you have any questions -- if you do you can ask them." Clearly she wasn’t in one of her better moods and I became even more reluctant about what was to follow. I knew that when Susan was upset about something, you’d better stay clear. She’d gotten more than one waiter and store clerk fired for things she didn’t like. She had a temper and wasn’t afraid to let it show. I nodded in deference to her clear dominance in the situation.
) z5 ~' w! Y3 C& Z7 l1 x" }) n- g. w0 M) l  d
, C' r. S6 z! S9 Y1 `0 a2 |2 q. g$ ^/ I. d+ p+ p; a
I sat there almost crying. Hurting Susan was the last thing I’d meant to do. My former raging hard on had now shriveled up to the size of a peanut. What’s worse, I knew I couldn’t say anything, I just had to let her vent until she ran out of steam. So I sat there and took it. I knew she was right. If this fantasy was so important that I’d go out and buy toys, I should have shared it with her.
; v1 E% f( [5 h0 Q5 x
- x7 Q( f) u4 D2 u
It’s interesting what listening to a rant like that does when you can’t respond. I started out thinking how she was over-reacting and ended up agreeing with everything she said. I felt 2 inches tall./ z" ]9 ^. G& [4 U" ^/ C+ n6 I' n7 n

( s$ \5 A* S' p" A5 V* SAll of a sudden I noticed she wasn’t yelling anymore, she wasn’t even speaking. She was just staring at me with a very strange look in her eye. "What’s the matter, I’ve seen you naked before, GET YOUR CLOTHES OFF!" She screamed again. I had been so busy sympathizing with Susan, I had missed some of what she said. Slowly, I stood up and took my clothes off, letting them all slide to the floor.8 w( q, X. Y) f0 k& F* Y" l/ I# P

$ j! ]$ U) L" J7 rFor the second time that day, I found myself standing stark naked (except for the CB-2000), in front of my fully clothed wife. In spite of having been married for 18 years, words can’t explain the complete and total embarrassment and humiliation I felt at that point. While this would have made a great fantasy, I was too upset to notice.; l* w8 S/ k& W# i
, T% c# N( B9 `
"Good" Susan exclaimed "I’m glad to see that my little rant had an impact in Mr. Happy there. So this is how it’s going to be. If it’s chastity you wanted, it’s chastity you’ll get. Your fantasy does not exactly turn me on. In fact, it repulses me. But if you want to wear that thing you can. I’ll tell you right now though, it’s not coming off for at least one year. And if I’m going to tolerate that thing for a year, you’re going to do some things for me. First of all, from this point forward I’m going to be a lady of leisure around here. You are going to do all the chores; all the laundry, all the ironing and all the cleaning and tidying. You are also going to be my personal assistant, maid and chauffeur. You’ll give me foot rubs, back rubs, draw my bath, and shine my shoes. You’ll do what I say, when I say it and how. And don’t even think about talking back or doing a poor job. For every time you mis-behave, do something I don’t like, or not complete a chore to my satisfaction, I’ll add a week to your imprisonment. If there is more that one such occasion in one day, each subsequent event gets an additional week added. In a few days, you’ll be climbing the walls trying to find ways to please me.
( b1 D" p  B1 K# ?
8 ?  b+ B2 {) F: S; k* [. W- yFrom now on, you’ll wear what I tell you to, eat only the food I select and sleep where I say, which will be on the floor beside my bed. On Monday morning, we’re going to the lawyer and you’re going to transfer all your accounts and assets to me. If you’re good I’ll give you a little allowance each week, but the rest of the money is mine. Your Company is now mine and you work for me 24/7.# \1 l: D! v$ A! s3 w2 I& U
9 }, o& k" Q; e& t
You know, as I think about this" Susan continued, " it’s not so bad after all. I think I might like having you wear a chastity belt") H8 u# u5 H4 G4 z- ]7 z! _

" U. }, B: \% v& P. ?2 P......... To Be Continued
4 i+ F; s1 Q  k* b& X( x) A* V9 s0 `; w, _- p
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2 |& |$ L4 l) Y$ Q  {9 F6 s" H8 X5 z
Page last updated 04-Sep-19 by: Altairboy@aol.com
发表于 2017-7-24 08:05:59 手机浏览器 | 只看该作者
大神啊  谁能来翻一下啊   这个好多
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发表于 2017-7-26 21:26:13 | 只看该作者
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