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[女s男m] 男童惩戒学校 下

发表于 2023-1-11 21:33:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
; i3 t/ E/ ?' E7 g
Authors note: The votes have been counted. The readers have
1 K4 ]3 L: ^) ?& z$ w: `responded well. Here is the final chapter in the saga of- H# J: A/ |% T4 X' ^0 Y1 X) X) @1 ~
Grandview school.  The scenario of this story is based upon- J9 e& d5 Z4 u  u+ q* v& r. K
the results of the ballots cast by the readers. (Florida
" ]0 ], p1 U" a: Ureaders will have to be recounted.)
. U* \0 y4 M: O- p. \4 Y
& I# o1 y3 g/ t' h  `; @Jean Connolly paced back and forth. The big day was here. In  J$ }1 \4 {1 Z/ @! U+ c
a little while the Governor would arrive to tour the" U) ?! [0 m( s( s1 t& R6 \9 X9 o& t2 w
facilities and check out the student body's bodies.4 \' ?3 y& e9 j: |: ]

' W; H: @5 J9 d" n# O* D* O( bThe school sparkled. For three days the boys had been put to
) ^; p8 R2 f- d( s- R# @work scrubbing everything in the building. The students+ L2 v5 n% ~) N: s6 |9 z! x/ L- d
themselves were looking good. They had been given haircuts.$ O2 ~- J( q; L: S/ e6 e5 m" t
Their finger and toenails were trimmed. Michael had been, M4 o; {, t  h& @. m* a' R1 {
stripped of all his pubic hair once again. Everyone was& C3 x: ]4 i$ o" x
looking tanned and strong from their days spent working on8 F) z. n3 V7 [  m) @; A# I% F: o
the farm in the sunshine.  . n, R' j! s8 Z6 V) j- s0 ]3 ]; k
1 k( [! n4 D/ y/ X- g2 d# h  }( l
Her daughters were in their uniforms, Blue jeans and shirts
# [" w& t- d" A1 p- v9 Mwith the words "Grandview School Staff " on the back. The
# P' G* U- G/ F, E9 Awore their white Keds and socks on their feet. On duty with
4 V/ l2 L' {; d9 g- sthe family for the visit were Lori Paulson and Paula Thomas.
1 P9 ^4 ^$ g. b# i; a& h! Y+ N( fMrs. Maikowski and  Mrs. Mandel had been given the day off. " l, m+ i: @( r9 ]. V( v
" Z- J1 l* y* D$ ?  r5 i3 _' e
The two teachers, Miss Fanelli and Miss Walton were also on
! t/ ^( W# ?' N  I# k/ |  Ohand to greet the Governor. Like all the others on staff they; t7 C) h+ p& O" B! y& C' M
wore their blue uniforms with the white sneakers and socks.
. L! T0 e6 a! A8 u+ s) D) c7 ~0 iEveryone had their remotes in holsters on their hips.
- k9 G5 v% y8 a  @! s
+ d) Z* [  y" ]8 LMrs. Connolly glanced at her watch. The Governor would be3 [- ^0 M: J& |6 E
arriving in less than an hour. "Are you sure the boys are all
3 a" [! B0 N( ~cleaned up and ready for the Governors inspection?" She asked7 ^: ]+ o6 s0 k, f) K" ^  a
Miss Thomas for the tenth time.% M; A& ?7 k; m; [
; \! f6 a# g5 a0 U$ h0 m
"I'm sure," The chief guard answered. ; k! r, w$ n* @9 u

2 w7 p8 J, p  C* k"Let's check them one more time," Mrs. Connolly said. She led
/ `. u* ]* p- G" V+ Kthe way down the hall with the four girls and Miss Thomas8 o" r( k* ?  r; r! j4 E" x$ c
following.! g) x$ H+ m3 p1 d; B: L
: V! N9 I  u# J9 N! J' d- ^
Who's coming with the governor today, Mom?" Jennifer asked.2 u1 D2 D4 l' S  w( A

; `1 X( e; `% t; t"She's picking up the Chief in town and she's bringing her
& Q* Y3 A0 C" H; l( [body guard, Captain Williams of the state police," Miss
& _4 \; ?" [5 Q; s; p1 k8 p( sThomas answered. "Doctor Brenner and her Nurse are coming as
( w6 Q9 H+ q- T5 F$ {* c4 wwell. They want to discuss where to plant the chips on the5 t; @* A- Q+ G6 w( t
female students when we go co-ed. She's also bringing Judge4 h& [$ w5 D2 \7 [7 j
Robinson. He's the Judge that sentenced Andy and Chris to
3 [& Q) x' {& B& u6 w- s! P( p* Dthis school.  He wants to see how the program is working
) p7 w* d1 f1 W1 m, i$ H& ?* Eout.": Z8 H0 c, E: r2 E$ |% E
0 ^4 n, Z) R5 B! M5 t; a
Miss Paulson had been watching the boys. She had them
& ?; a0 c1 _8 }) ~$ P, ustanding by their beds. Each boy was playing with the cock of, z' j0 G4 n" b% L: \6 N
the boy next to him. Seven cocks were at attention when Mrs.
7 Y3 t" m0 ^; o7 R# Y2 _Connolly and her entourage strolled in.  
9 x% R' F7 b1 E6 I. F. E8 Z$ F5 a# {0 b
"Don't let them cum," Mrs. Connolly warned. "The Governor
9 C) O: Y( ]! Y' C- ]: wshouldn't be greeted with saggy cocks and cum stained
& P* J( F5 f5 `* [+ k  d9 N: Lbellies."7 X' x* e* y7 ^
3 H+ u( q  V+ k. h  @( E
"I'm sorry," Lori said sheepishly. I heard footsteps and* m2 x& y  e6 `- H& B: L
thought you were the Governor's party."
5 Y7 k( F6 K$ w. @
0 y6 J1 o( m* W/ Z# }; X2 WMrs. Connolly sat down on one of the beds and proceeded to5 o! ~! g: T# P
examine each boy's cock. She skinned back Jerry's foreskin, r3 P7 u" ^5 X5 K+ G% h5 \
and checked the rim of his uncircumcised pecker. Miss Thomas  `! M" m: o5 s* n: C6 `  l, v/ D
did the same to Michael. Each boy passed down the line being: N: V9 H! X' D. k* q
checked and double checked by the two women. Andy was sent3 P) }6 G  l$ ^# O+ e: M: [& Q
back to the bathroom with orders to wash his feet when Miss, a2 z( L9 C% l8 W: W
Thomas found some dirt between his toes. The seven boys were
( M& A! }, F* H* a: n% S4 x! tpronounced clean and made to turn around for the ass8 Y. |* g, K8 W/ W7 n4 i
2 s6 W; h  H  x9 I5 N/ x0 J9 B. X. ~4 [# X; r" e' r, g
Seven bare pink assholes winked at The Connolly family.
: f! N$ G2 L! i) V2 B  m5 WEveryone was clean. Miss Paulson stuck her finger into Josh's/ ~+ ?4 N9 }/ K, c2 ~' L
ass while Jennifer checked Kevin. "Looking good," She; n, @& f# u3 B: J- _
complimented, patting his ass cheeks.
2 z5 d9 B" O/ D2 t- y% K1 u( b: M' |& {, ]
After each ass had been fingered the boys once again faced. v6 N+ u! G6 T) Y6 J" y
Mrs. Connolly. "The Governor will be here any moment," She
6 w0 f) f; J+ B: R6 Hsaid. "You will stand by your beds facing the door, Hands
0 s  a5 M9 L  h. [3 @$ \behind heads. When she walks in I want her to be greeted by
% m( l: A9 w$ _seven hard cocks. She and anybody with her that wants to will
( w4 T% F* h* A- oinspect your bodies. You will do whatever we tell you to do
! H) U. E+ S9 Uand do it cheerfully. Any boy that cries or protests will be5 ?, B; ]# b2 X8 u2 J, Y7 M! R; [3 A
severely punished. This means a lot to me and if any of you
  J( ~- ]* n2 j: e) {8 {( `little shitheads fuck it up, It ain't my ass that'll be# ?( N; l& e0 x: t
glowing red. Do you understand?"
& s6 e, b& l9 e4 f1 J/ N
$ F9 X9 U2 F, AThe boys nodded solemnly. Miss Thomas giggled as she informed3 H' W0 K1 l5 C7 M0 n
Andy and Chris," The Judge who sent you here is in the
- j2 s4 v2 z- {5 gGovernor's party. I know you'll enjoy seeing him." She6 l# ?" b# B8 t+ g: Z& L
tweaked Andy's cock. "He'll certainly enjoy seeing you."
3 \- B  i; B; d. e4 y) I3 R" u" K' W# B
The wall mounted intercom squawked  as Miss Walton announced,
$ T+ j' s  Z/ z6 V  ?"The Governor's limo just turned up the driveway."
: m+ c- k/ i2 j  s, g& F
0 j! e- s& Q3 Z9 DMrs. Connolly, the girls and Miss Thomas hurried from the( {; s0 N6 ]) Y' m% K) U* \9 M
room to greet the very important visitors, Leaving Lori. l4 P4 O, x9 J6 R
Paulson to watch the boys.1 T, I4 a+ g" U

, U8 t5 I$ ?- v2 l2 a% `They arrived in two cars. The governor was attended by her
3 k2 P4 O  _+ }4 u( Y, mbodyguard. Captain Williams, A tall heavyset black man with a: f0 Y5 B5 y9 t
stern look on his face. In the car with them were Doctor
+ l: N: }9 }% ]) p0 |9 |% tBrenner and Nurse Randi and the Chief of Police. Following! m: l! C2 z; p7 Y  c8 q
behind was a second Smaller car driven by  Deputy Sheriff
' r, V& |. K8 W# mHarley Summers with his partner, Deputy Naomi Tancredi. The
5 R8 q. Q7 _: ~Judge got out of the back seat and joined the Governor. Chief
0 n' H/ I# L! Z) Q8 m" Z( b2 b" eCrane led the way.
5 v+ f3 J+ h  o9 o! M1 K) y) T+ Z) y+ K
Mrs. Connolly herself opened the door. "Hello Governor," She6 c: o. M5 J; g" F
smiled. "Welcome to Grandview School."% N8 f# n( ?# ^' m) }" Q2 \0 W

- K  G' U( h) jThe Governor brushed past her into the hallway. "Hello Jean,1 {# d1 _' r* ^
" She answered unsmiling. The two women shook hands. "I'm# O9 L1 _8 X+ ~5 E8 z7 _6 r: O8 ~8 @
anxious to see the progress you've made with the seven boys
4 U3 Y  E1 e9 R# y  d: z3 N# lyou've been given so far," The Governor said. "This is Judge1 r6 V+ L+ I3 [$ K
Robinson from the Valley. He's here to check on the two boys
$ J9 G' B3 X3 f) _he's sent here among other things. This tall gentleman is my
0 m3 Q' ^$ N7 ^" M, Vbodyguard, Captain Williams of the state police." You know
8 i1 S" H: {4 tthe rest of the people."
* s- J, s7 C! k4 M; f- r2 ]9 e& m# b  a+ O
Mrs. Connolly shook hands with the Judge and the big state% P7 y- B4 d! ^$ j# \3 z- W" l
trooper. "These four girls are my daughters," She said9 w# R  Q$ e, Y' s
proudly, introducing the smiling children. My oldest is
" g  q" b. E1 D* tJennifer. She's fifteen. Caitlin is next. She's thirteen,7 k' Y, b- |+ L( v' M
then Christie who's almost  eleven and finally Kelly who
* u+ F% I- J5 _  o% Z: pturned nine a few weeks ago."   w6 y# Q* g% Y$ C* O$ h7 V
2 b; U! Y! }, u- I1 e- I0 g
The four girls curtsied and smiled prettily for the Governor.: ~& }: ?' p; w6 f3 S" E% h& b
"Very cute. They all look like you," The older women* r7 ^7 B, h. P/ N4 j9 f
complimented. "I suppose they're responsible for a lot of the
4 \/ w& k6 N6 T, \1 d; ddiscipline and training of the students?"
. ~9 O8 I5 C% z3 y& `+ R) @9 B6 d6 M. y
"Yes. I want the girls to be active members of the staff/ R7 M" n/ [( Z( h' k2 {
here. They're a big part of the training program." . z; ^3 x( c, R0 {3 U$ p# Q; s
Mrs. Connolly introduced the two teachers and they shook( d) C- w, |# o  q
hands with the Governor. "I'm glad to see you Paula," The
, M) B# y% m/ }4 Z* U7 [Governor said smiling as she shook Miss Thomas's hand. "I, D; n5 {$ I1 ?% |
knew Paula when she was on the force with the chief," She% m1 [) R8 w2 ^& r
explained. "She was an excellent cop."2 a/ z' ]6 l0 C- F0 [$ V- y

1 D, N" F6 g! G, E/ NMrs. Connolly escorted the governor and her party down the; a" @3 l5 @; `! P' q9 e/ ]
hall to the dorm. "We've set up chairs for everyone,"  She
. C5 f) U. t& h9 [* ]0 D4 a. Esaid. You can inspect the boys, then they will perform a
# J) z8 ?# o# R: {  J! w  Ylittle show for you. I think you all will enjoy it."- J. C; S( o& w6 n
2 ^: }3 m5 \' B* j9 n5 Z6 Z+ _
"Actually I think I'll enjoy watching everything that goes on
  ~3 w2 }6 A  |  }today," The Governor smiled as Mrs. Connolly opened the door( |! x* f- ^. C: f* Y6 u3 J8 ^
to the dorm.
0 B5 `! z! T, V8 m
; {# _$ T5 c$ M" N2 {The boys were standing at attention, Their hands were on the* _* f4 `( h0 |
back of their heads, Their cocks jutting proudly out in front
& `2 V9 h, q! V' Hof them,. They were ready to be examined.  The beds were all  s9 g. W( q7 a2 ]$ _
neatly made. Mrs. Connolly felt her nervousness leaving her.
( @1 F" C+ ~5 q' e3 H7 GEverything was as it should be. Lori Paulson stepped forward 5 h: t# [, w& A9 ~) i! I1 I" V
and said, "Welcome governor. I'm Lori Paulson. The boys are
4 v, v5 z: g5 U* z3 m$ T! D2 N  uready for your inspection."  S' l" q* q  V! X8 q9 ]6 ]
6 a* f1 k- ?4 d  ~. b
"Another blonde?" The Governor chuckled. "This place is$ U7 i/ F/ w( m6 x" }% v- }
crawling with blondes. She looks like she could be your: Z9 j7 l  c  l1 a
sister," She said to Mrs. Connolly. She told the Captain.* D6 p" l5 \9 _3 n$ e9 f
"Make a note. Hire more dark haired guards."
$ v: s6 ?& q/ D5 D2 m/ B
6 f* f& z$ Z5 i! EThe Chief pulled up a chair for the Governor to sit in. "Line1 I' y/ F) n8 N4 F
the boys up, I'll inspect them one at a time." She ordered.5 U! L( k! z% U' H  P
Mrs. Connolly hurried to obey. The captain stood on one side
9 x) z8 j/ N. }8 Uof her chair and the Judge stood on the other as the boys
: g5 \4 i2 l  i, r% j" X* Fwere paraded naked in front of the seated gray haired woman.( d% x+ J, m5 g  M3 N
5 n, T) j7 V0 y2 Q$ G' z  }
Christopher was first. The Governor cupped his cock and balls& H& \7 @' b+ d' j( Z
in her hands and bent over to get a close up look at his
1 E4 x) n* {+ W) {- elittle genitals as he stood shaking in front of her. "This is% l, j# N& z: n9 E/ M
Christopher Micelli," Miss Thomas informed her. "Judge
# d7 ~9 N+ V# g0 W: b$ y" @' RRobinson sent him to us."/ U. W/ h/ Q% u* ?
, P) Q7 Y! `- c$ M$ q! T. m
"Very cute,"  The elderly chief executive said stroking
8 ~5 C% v  J/ NChris's little hard cock. She pulled his cut foreskin back as
1 u$ d3 B( r1 kshe bent closer to look at his cock head. Judge Robinson9 t3 B% B  n* r: o
knelt and looked into Chris's face as he moved down and made" ?8 B' \2 U8 |0 Z
room for Andy to stand in front of The Governor. "How are you# k4 i' ?4 T/ G% @  G- n+ l
Christopher?" The Judge asked.
( q2 T  T! Y+ c* A2 X( Y) w
5 R, j' U6 Z; ]4 C( L"Fine Sir," Chris mumbled looking straight ahead. This man# v% M* N' s2 W
was responsible for him being here.
# b$ E. ]8 ^* ^; @; D& r. y' K/ m* J$ J$ P9 q* d* O
"The last time I saw you, You were dressed a little$ n- W1 J" Y6 _# }. i) [/ `
differently," the Judge said looking at the little boy's7 s2 R+ u" R) _& j4 |# e# U
naked balls and cock.  # z! C6 I' m+ q& Y- d4 T

# x& y0 Q6 `5 ^2 X1 K9 ^7 TThe Governor was cupping Andy's balls in one hand while5 R2 P/ I8 q0 A$ U5 S
stroking his cock with the other. "What's your name son?" She& ?7 O0 _2 s, D# m. e$ Y9 V
. x5 t7 j* X! V/ G  y" r, l0 a5 O  I/ C6 P/ Z
7 R1 P+ j: \- _0 p
"Andy Micelli, Ma'am," he answered nervously.
" a8 o) |) N( k) d2 q& Z, m9 n0 z
( S  X! F4 G: F9 c, v"Do you like it here Andy?" She asked pushing back his cut
7 y' y+ g, \7 W, S; E, mforeskin and running her thumb around his pee hole.
0 f+ K0 D2 A7 U  ^$ a2 R) m( ?/ B' o" i, s& @0 w
"I'd rather be home with my family," Andy answered truthfully
* ^% Z- ^, ^2 ~: d2 r* I/ `' qas the Governor bounced his balls in her palm.& C2 ~  z$ a$ W+ z; u% h: K7 `

5 B4 _% _: ]8 {* g' G1 Z"I'm sure you would," she said patting his cock and gently- N) d  k. n4 X+ {. O% P
pushing him down as Ricky took his place.
5 U' D! I% K7 s# d0 w
6 p, m4 [8 Y7 G" D  g' [8 r+ `Andy stood in front of the Judge. "Well Andrew I wouldn't
! Z) \, S2 g+ Hhave recognized you," the judge joked. "Last time we met you& V  T+ D7 H6 F$ j
looked different." He bent down to get a better look at the  H! I' L  E& g' _4 m) h
boy's cock and balls. "Oh yeah, you  had your clothing on."% Z' M. ^9 g2 G7 u

. Q. H# B7 x6 I6 r% hAndy nodded miserably. The last thing he would have thought
+ [  P7 y7 g: o# I, cpossible was being nude in front of the man who sent him
4 B7 q  Y, ]* l4 ohere. Nothing was normal about this place He thought. "Why; Z: y" |) X  e% {$ X6 p( S
not be naked in front of him. Everybody else has seen my: \: _, T/ J: q8 J9 z' w% k" J
0 f0 f* a7 o" S+ B  _' h  k7 T" U+ |
The Governor was examining Ricky's cock. She skinned back his
2 Z; t" ?0 C9 s( S( I8 L' S$ Oforeskin and cradled his balls as Miss Thomas said, "This is
5 _# n- T/ V. Y" Y7 a# \# R/ HRicky Gordon ma'am." The boys were passed down to the doctor
: Q. p( G% p  }and the nurse next. Doctor Brenner checked each cock and ball
7 v1 q8 Y6 N* Tsack as they passed her. last in line was Deputy Tancredi.- {2 k( C+ R6 R  V3 q. R
She wound up with Christopher's cock in her hand.
& ?6 r( B0 F3 P2 _+ a: M: [2 Z# X7 w/ a3 C
The Governor was stroking and pulling Kevin's large cock.
! \8 ^1 R. K" R0 a"This young man has a serious cock," She said in approval.
  v! p2 I# C- W' X% [. X"Do you cum yet young Man?"
+ F7 @) ?7 D# n4 ]( [4 g/ C4 r  h
: E9 r3 _4 b# B"He just started the other day," Mrs. Connolly answered.
! a; e& L* M  n# q
5 w' y0 \: z) W: n+ ]( v- U6 F"Let him answer for himself Jean," The older woman
; K+ ^2 H0 E, [3 }reprimanded. Kevin nodded "Yes Ma'am I just started cumming."
! k, n* M) f% ?0 K- t1 c  Q# I/ j! q5 Z8 Y7 s7 ~& U4 k+ H
Mrs. Connolly frowned. The governor was acting strange. She8 ]) X4 S4 b: V. E9 |$ O' u
felt a little uneasy as she watched the older woman examine( C6 z. H1 T. i5 t4 o" u. @) I
each of the boy's cocks.* O1 y, |- U: X
7 G: r9 J; I( {. ?& J  f. e
The next boy up was Jerry. "Did your father ever mention that
% w, ^/ M1 _& Q0 \# ]1 |- n5 she and I knew each other?" The Governor said as she skinned% U  j; |  u# p' [
back the uncut foreskin of the blonde boy and bent over his
0 U( O8 [5 y# [3 D! f- |3 ucock to get a better look.
( B9 l/ L/ o5 ]/ v2 k4 @7 j- V" E2 V8 d. \
"No Ma'am," Jerry said shaking as the Governor cradled his
7 f* V4 H. @6 q8 f; W  I$ \) a8 jballs. ; V$ {( p+ [$ v/ e$ ~
5 x2 ~8 D2 {" ]3 Z, i) u. V. m
"He was on the committee to get me elected," She said running( d& z4 @/ U* O$ r# A! S5 ]
her thumb over his velvet cock head. "He's a very nice man."
( C; C1 v5 }7 i4 T! G! SShe lifted his cock up and gazed at his balls then allowed
" X: z4 i3 e, u5 H* |9 d! I2 |& dhim to move on and turned her attention to Josh. + c* u* u/ m' a, m1 c8 T. X
& S5 @- `6 {* s5 H" W' }% @, |# s) N
"This is Josh Steinberg," Miss Thomas said as the Governor
; m8 v. L6 x$ [7 I9 s/ S( ntook Josh's slim hard cock in her hands.
3 Q( J% S- X, r; b' ]. ?' v# {& A' q/ q$ _' C0 |
The Governors eyes lit up. "So this is the young man who0 Y1 Y9 S  R$ h7 _- t# b
almost caused Greenville savings and loan to crash." She6 }1 V2 w; x3 h2 j4 r
snorted. "Instead of arresting this boy they should have
* A5 [) R2 I* Y* m1 Igiven him a medal. Piermont is nothing but a crook himself,"
$ r4 x+ Q0 G0 }& Q2 {She said referring to the president of the bank that Josh
, _8 O) @7 }- `  K4 a8 qalmost ruined.: \4 o% B3 G* b" \: w
; j) _8 b. M4 i8 T( L2 J9 \
She examined Josh's ball sack. "You have lots of balls young
/ O" ~0 [+ j( d  ?/ {3 `man and also quite nice testicles," she laughed as she
. P" t% }' R' t9 \9 Nweighed his dangling balls in her cupped hands.: K$ z4 p4 u/ Z" s: O2 O
Josh blushed as the governor stroked his slim long cock. Then
0 _8 k8 e  g8 P7 ^! J' I& y& V4 O3 l# dhe was replaced in front of the seated woman by Michael as
) }! T$ M, d1 V5 W6 |4 xJennifer pushed him down the line to the Judge. The governor
: M: t+ n+ y/ @& F2 H/ ilooked up. "How old are you young man?"
! L6 r- R* a( T1 ?8 G
' g0 g5 [+ Y$ k7 w"I'm twelve, Your worship," Michael answered smirking. The: a8 A) z# N) I- X5 f
governor whistled in appreciation. "This is some cock. How
) A4 B* Y9 n: Q6 a" Xcome he hasn't pubic hair yet?"
8 K; d6 x* o% V9 Y6 D/ j7 i+ D
, U6 W% m2 R/ C. ~% M( h: [& r$ ], J"As a punishment for being a wise ass, We Nair him every week* L# v# x( \: ^7 H2 D
Ma'am," Mrs. Connolly answered.) Q+ d' h" v5 f2 {, A7 e; {

) I" h" J5 y+ o: bThe governor frowned then expertly pushed Michael's foreskin
1 r9 }. f2 `! b9 O# \2 Y  aback exposing his tan colored cock head. She bent closer as
% [1 ]- J' _% Z9 U0 `9 E0 O& ]she stroked and explored the young Mexican. She cupped his! n# r6 }; e0 `5 r  k
balls and ran her finger over his pee hole causing him to
2 g7 X" A1 F8 c: L" Y5 o( J! O6 Xshiver as the teachers and the doctor and nurse fondled the
& R  I. ]; D7 Hsix other boys.
( V1 W& d2 o. ~% K/ ]3 J8 @9 x+ u- _/ N* G+ x
The women finally finished examining the boys. "What's next?"
: c/ P" s: z; I6 A4 M" Ithe Governor said glancing at her watch.
0 o& g( r& a. h: ]5 C; v" A. S' M& d
( g5 {; H( S3 n8 k3 u; ~Jennifer stepped forward. The boys had been well rehearsed.
) @: D2 ~0 |2 g"Take one step back and turn around," She ordered. All seven
0 ?, I) W& N: P. {5 b, Uboys turned, presenting their bare asses to the Governor and* N; F- Z. l, T' P# r" i+ d
her entourage.7 G* ?1 H- o/ p2 u9 i0 K
# I' `5 o% Y; m* e. u3 I+ v
"Legs apart and bend over," She ordered and seven boys bent
' `1 b8 L! {3 z# [  n5 B3 A' rat the waist . "Pull your cheeks apart and show your good
% E' u" x( R, R6 w- w# Zside to the Governor," Caitlin joked.
5 Q2 U( `0 \( |9 b& G! |. k) R0 [$ `: F( y
The boys all reached back and as one they pulled their6 D* _6 z: k' m) L/ A
buttocks apart and exhibited their puckered assholes to the
1 s9 T2 B4 @' _8 {2 c6 PGovernor and her staff.) F; t$ `# J6 j/ O
% b* K- r+ ^4 q
Everyone but the Governor, Judge Robinson and her tall stern2 R0 ~( J$ o, k0 U1 V! \9 }5 v
bodyguard Captain Williams, had seen the boys perform and
' |5 {* [! h' v. S$ s8 k0 N: Y$ Lwere used to them spreading their buttocks apart and
. T. c+ y" a0 Mrevealing their innermost secrets on command. 6 d& l" R5 f2 Q1 O# y5 t
+ d% n" s" b9 W' O1 D
"I'll be damned," the Judge whispered as he looked  at the5 ?& s1 L! [' Q4 O
sight of seven little puckered openings winking at them.* h+ B1 R- e( T) H- e
5 o" b. h5 y! h  g$ U9 \* v
Miss Thomas handed rubber gloves to the three newcomers and. y( D( F3 A1 Z& B
the others. "We inspect their assholes at least twice a day,"- O) e+ l8 I  t/ @& R- q
She told them as they pulled the gloves on. "You never know
2 E" ]  W2 V8 \( |( L4 |# Fwhat they'll try to smuggle in."2 p2 M; X2 X) ~: g

5 p' y; C$ C, MCaitlin pulled Kevin in front of the seated Governor.( Y; B$ j5 m% }; q0 {' I4 [
Kneeling to the side, she pulled his cheeks even wider apart.) M, g- Z: y; o; S
Governor Grant peered into the auburn haired boy's gaping
3 M2 r% d6 w1 ]; F+ basshole, Then she plunged her index finger into him. It
& G- g8 r2 m) @1 r7 W' v+ u) O3 Fpenetrated easily. "You have them extremely well trained,"
" r2 J  J4 [( _0 ~, Z* RShe said to Miss Thomas as she wiggled her finger inside the
7 e8 R! |* R( P# C5 Y3 N& c7 [0 Y6 [- Zembarrassed boy.
. F2 P) g3 R& H! R! \5 Z+ g% L: A% T) @7 o9 T* s) B
Kevin's balls dangled beneath him and the Governor cupped and2 ~5 E1 v/ V2 r) R6 t
kneaded them with her other hand as she pushed a second: x, i7 q( p/ o5 A) ~
finger into him.. G# u. c+ }" ^6 n+ h; @6 q

5 C- T" I! l$ tMrs. Connolly was worried. The Governor was addressing most
6 I& Q! ]) I/ N, k% R  Pof her remarks to Miss Thomas. "We have a lot of activities
' k# r1 U# W, d. r3 Zplanned for you," She said. "After you finish examining their
' r: F) t7 y6 V0 P+ mrectums the boys will put on an exhibit of cock-sucking for
% h! G* H$ L; V. ?. Z; ]you."  .
6 }! S5 ^6 Q3 N* \" v- A5 I/ ~1 z( M- C; t! Y8 b% A
"Oh I'm sure we'll see lots of things before the day is out,"& A/ F- f9 f$ d$ W2 D
Governor Grant said mysteriously.
$ @8 J9 o% c' J8 u& {& ^- f
" K- ^. N4 {: T  K7 h4 o6 e, lJerry was next. Again Caitlin knelt on the side. She pulled
" r2 k8 }* s- o' C8 J# Xhis cheeks open wider to afford the Governor a better view.
' r- h( E! R( }) ZKevin was now in front of the Judge who was pushing his thick/ I& T7 o, T7 e% E
finger into the crying boy.
$ x: Y0 `0 O4 P+ P; v: D% q6 M) q$ ]$ a, x" R0 W
Jerry's rectum was slightly larger than Kevin's and the
* {9 U7 I5 k  l( y0 nGovernor easily slid her finger into him. She cupped his
4 p0 s* [; D) R: m4 A' i* m' Z8 \testicles as well as he stood in front of her in a bent over" E3 i# T' k# x" k2 P9 A
position. The other boys waited their turn.6 D- n( e% [$ u

9 J  z. |( h) ]Jennifer was giggling. "How many people can say they were
0 ]4 J) S$ d8 M+ n8 Tmade to look like assholes in front of the Governor?" She
( v) l! I  U6 q3 I2 S2 ?whispered to Christie as Caitlin pulled Andy over to take his
: ~: I9 r+ A4 J& Mturn in front of the older woman3 }( D, [( I, T/ \- T
$ {' j  P% M7 G5 t$ j
The governor pushed two fingers into the crying boy. "You and
+ o/ X( }. I! M* i3 y" i- b+ Pyour brother were the first ones here," She observed as she
4 V5 Y) E4 ~2 B+ U& ^6 vpushed her fingers deeper. "You're almost ready to go home. I: p6 I3 g5 Q$ n8 r
hope you've learned from this experience."
8 f" ?0 y% B' X- m
  {2 s/ k- Z( @. p& G7 U6 _"Yes Ma'am," Andy grunted as he endured the humiliating2 R+ y- b2 D+ T. Y
rectal exam by the state's chief executive.
2 m) Y& i1 d! P8 K9 ?6 S! O3 n" z
0 \6 F' H# |/ T+ S% |The governor patted him on his buttocks and turned to the2 I3 h! Z2 Y  o
next boy, Josh. Andy found himself bent over in front of& V4 x; ]/ }7 R3 ]6 x0 l: \
Judge Robinson. The Jurist plunged a large finger into Andy.5 }( ?- H6 G* {$ m$ f
"I'm going to ask the Governor to commute the rest of your
$ h/ o: @% V1 v$ \! B0 vsentence," He told Andy. Your folks will be notified to come/ t7 i" z! O6 L. [4 O* ^
pick you and Christopher up on Wednesday." He pushed another$ _9 |5 g" e( w
finger into the boy and reaching under him, cupped his balls.! F( P  k- f, h% m$ g* I+ w1 o

9 _" C/ C: u, G, h5 h* PKevin was now being examined by  Captain Williams. The big" a6 p- _7 h* Q: J; K) r0 P( k8 J+ T2 g
cop had massive hands and even though Kevin's ass had been- w' R' L# F+ d3 c; l, U
stretched by butt plugs and cocks for weeks on end he was ill
, r! x' X% t$ F1 T( Y$ Tprepared for the huge finger pushing into him. He cried out( x, S$ S3 |9 @: d
as it pushed past his sphincter into his anus.& X0 b- N% O/ Q  F
: Q$ i  L- c( s: J# I! j5 R
Jerry  was bent over next to his friend. He trembled as the; q2 m5 j4 l4 i' {7 m
Chief of police cupped his balls and rammed his finger into" r2 a  x7 }, S0 j- c4 n, q# |: V
his asshole. He would be next to get the captain's huge digit% f$ }/ X0 h4 G9 C6 ?; d7 ?( P$ V
inside his rectum..
/ G, G+ P0 d5 v9 [/ z/ f6 l0 j3 q" G9 R. r- x" S9 ~8 w, y: I
Governor Grant was sliding her gloved fingers in and out of
# c+ |5 ?$ W8 C0 QJosh's pink puckered asshole. She bounced his balls sack in. e5 g  Z9 o7 V4 ]4 r) F$ O
her other hand. "You're so talented with computers. Too bad
; E) i) Q* z) U$ s( Fyou didn't pursue your training legally," She told him as
, s/ x$ y$ Y% @( B. G: X& q) c+ LCaitlin helped pull his cheeks apart.
  P* F( T6 Q1 |: d2 `4 Q
( ?3 w3 L! t0 Y2 b1 eRicky was crying as the old woman slid her finger inside him.) V5 Y: S$ V! x4 n: U- V* D3 C6 A
In the months he had been at the school he had bulked up% N; W) V4 i  j) U
slightly and his little body was tan. His asshole was still3 g+ I+ V  q# s# W6 \+ j* n9 m0 E
small however  and the Governor barely got two fingers into
- A0 ~3 c$ u- h5 G, r+ dhim.
' S# G: @' Q5 f/ d3 g% ^: l& f. X' G4 A3 J
The seven naked boys moved down the line. Still bent over
  [" Y* D- l% K2 [( X3 Nthey passed through the Governor to the Judge then the
) t/ }. t& u7 f6 [8 GCaptain and the Police Chief. After they had been reamed by
6 _8 J( y. s; y% F4 C0 s3 Othe first four, The two deputies took a turn followed by8 Q7 g1 s- S2 }9 Q& _" G
their teachers and finally the Doctor and Nurse. The guards1 u0 [7 ]; k- x. n
and the Connolly family assisted by pulling their cheeks7 K6 P6 P! m7 t( |$ S5 `
apart so the others could get better looks. While Doctor
/ m' ]2 _  a6 `7 g' r0 Q9 t# wBrenner and Randi finally finished with Kevin, The governor
' [/ z3 M& f2 I6 ewas just finishing poking her fingers into Michael's large
8 m. R9 t- o/ p' F, [: obrown asshole. She had pushed and probed Chris's small
; J$ _% ^& j* Q# Jasshole and remarked at the difference between him and
; W1 ^; [- o4 n5 L. KMichael. "I can get three fingers into this one," She told
- a: f0 |7 U% Q  a& {the judge who was preparing to check out Chris for himself. + S3 s1 {. t; \7 h

7 X' h* M: i; E/ G) p  [7 l  N8 yHe watched amused as she did just that, much to Michael's
" E6 e% h% t( R$ U. z( W0 ]discomfort. Judge Robinson turned his attention to the second# Z  y/ z" M1 W0 k4 N$ ]9 R
boy he had sentenced to this school. Chris's asshole was' O5 U- {" s0 j7 j" ~% a. W
small and pink and Kelly smiled sweetly as she pulled his
! P/ _6 O; f9 Z. e, b- H7 rcheeks wider for the Judge. "This is my favorite one," she. E) Q* ?# T  s. x
giggled as the juror pushed into the small boy. Kelly was/ p# g- L* O! `- Q% P
holding each of Christopher's cheeks apart and the judge. s+ V5 B# g% h/ ?7 H0 C5 }. n
reached under the little boy and grabbed his balls in his/ A$ i6 `9 k6 K& J  y0 Z; F
other hand. "I told your brother, now I'll tell you. I'm* S. w+ T% D- N  v, r7 A
going to have your parents pick you up after I get the
( j4 _8 Q, ~  E, lgovernor to commute your remaining weeks here. "You better
1 B; E$ U, \, c  M4 g0 Jbehave from now on. If I ever see you in my court again I'll  ]/ b: X* Q8 O: R% x& j: W
send you away for five years, Do you understand?" he asked
$ r  }- e+ u8 g% U+ T3 @+ zsqueezing Chris's little balls.  J0 n# `4 B9 Q, ?' f+ {

: p3 K$ n& F) f+ ]7 `( q"Yes Sir," Chris grunted as the Judge's thick finger pushed9 ]! H) a, J; B2 G4 F* ]
in and out of him.$ g% c  w! H5 W

) K% c! {3 |# j! J7 jThe assault on the seven naked boy's battered assholes
. b9 z0 x& ~! Bcontinued until every person in the room had  pushed their( U, ]  H! \# W& H# T3 F
rubber gloved fingers up into each boy's rectum.
( u* s/ {# P1 ~5 J  D# P7 e7 i
  r+ N2 V4 q  K5 s* L% `. eThe boys were allowed to stand up and were once again facing7 i( f. b) S4 O4 M  S) e4 J
their tormentors. "Let me say again that these boys have been1 {" ^% k. C+ ~# Y+ d# ^
well trained,". Governor Grant said sternly as she looked at7 N- Y! M3 f- E- Z' f; d  k
the line of boys, cocks standing erect. "I'd expect nothing
6 Q- h# @2 y+ B. vless. We plan to start these schools throughout the state."
3 j6 f+ p$ ^( m- a. {* JShe turned to Mrs. Connolly. "What else have you taught
$ t8 s+ ?' N( Gthem?"( U1 V& e  D  x  U

( ]6 D$ u9 c1 A) b- E6 ~9 |Mrs. Connolly nodded to Jennifer and Caitlin. The two girls
; m; D, u% |1 o' X" J& gwere ready. Jennifer had Michael, Josh and Christopher lie on  Z2 @- Y: z" G
their backs on three of the beds. Andy knelt between
/ m$ M6 j6 |  `2 T, L7 _/ ^$ QMichael's open legs on the bed, Kevin between Josh's and) w- {& d% G; l6 n
Jerry between Chris's. The three kneeling boys then bent over% E- [# B# ~6 d  N; d" s
and in a well rehearsed manner each kneeling boy took the
, ~- \+ f( G# |prone boy's prick in his hand and placed his lips over the
; W/ t: A) M+ a% z. F2 v, f2 {/ nstiff cock.
6 G6 N' Z/ Z8 z1 {
3 b$ g& _' h6 Q7 y7 P  ?  W7 ?1 sRicky was odd man out and stood alone as the Governor and her  a# `; ~8 H# n7 K5 {! H" v
party watched. When  the kneeling boys had sucked awhile on8 M% i7 ^+ Q, @2 r/ z: C2 l$ R
the other boy's cocks they turned around and squatted over
' s: U6 I7 A0 rthe other boy's faces. Their balls dangled over the three) C" k$ y, m& l% h- D2 I6 f& G
prone boy's mouths. Jennifer nodded and Kevin, Andy and Jerry
9 F/ o' I1 K% _% L. K. E/ ^1 ~; Hlowered themselves until Michael, Josh and Christopher had2 ?3 Z5 L( [% I
their cocks in between their lips. Now all six boys were
2 P: o* b; n+ pgroping and moving as they sixty nined to the delight of the  I9 h  U! M! M$ X
Governor and the others.   
& R) M! ^! P& N7 P  ~9 Y) v, d3 n# G" [, l
Ricky  watched with the girls as the boys on the beds sucked" N; S7 s& ?. L5 C. e" T" ?' \
and pulled each other towards climax. He was going to be! L, b+ T* h) _' R  W9 m2 Z
next. The boys had rehearsed and Ricky was going to be sucked
5 g. q+ ~0 `$ G' y" uby all the boys at the same time as part of the next act. His% N3 `( a/ v0 k1 i. [* [1 I" b
cock and balls were going to be sucked by two of the boys.
7 x# W1 K$ i% ?6 t- o* A/ A, E  XHis toes were going to be licked by two others while a fifth
% Y' b! Q' k) S6 y* awas going to lick his asshole. All the while the sixth boy- z+ Z% W' C9 f& M! N$ v
was going to be tongue kissing him.
5 v4 B- R5 ]* S2 g
1 ^. s! R7 c* wThe boys had been very vocal about doing this and it took a7 D$ V2 c# A6 p0 Y& \- R
few spankings and the use of the remotes before they were- r+ f: M# H! o* M
convinced. They finally had a rehearsal yesterday.
% P7 Y4 i) P" T$ v5 m2 E
. Z1 L% `6 H! u7 l! GThe Governor and Captain Williams moved from bed to bed# |8 B: p4 Q' C9 u5 }
observing as the boys sucked and licked each other's cocks.
. |: w% ^. H8 D" s0 |) [3 {The four girls moved around the boys shouting instructions.
1 G3 N# O3 y( g. D1 R4 L- n3 t"Play with his balls," Christie yelled to Kevin and Josh as
: M* L& }4 G4 a# B' u% jthey bounced on the bed pushing and tugging with their cocks
. t0 |) o: c7 H1 `% [and mouths . Each boy took the other's dick deeper into their
9 A$ B2 G  S* ?$ v2 Mmouths, playing with each other's balls at the same time. 0 v( I! X1 z# O; {4 s% U

+ l2 P* j& V% ~; P) K9 [The Governor watched as Jerry, His knees on each side of
# M0 V! {+ p, d. U) T! `Christopher's head, pushed his large uncircumcised cock deep
8 M1 p3 J4 ]0 @) J4 jinto the little boy's mouth while sucking the little cock and7 B1 y' @9 Z, P# M9 U! h
balls into his mouth at the same time. All six boys were# ]! h; y+ B, t$ J0 t2 @
gasping as they neared climax.
8 \" A6 A4 P, T  [8 I
* u% N' X- Y4 U8 y  B/ Z* WMichael's enormous cock  disappeared  into Andy's mouth. The# Y0 v1 b4 G% y6 a$ F2 @" }
smaller boy's balls rested on Michael's nose as he licked and
; h$ B2 z5 M5 r- U: Ysucked Andy's dick while Judge Robinson watched. Chief Crane
$ x1 U1 W6 f: A0 \# K* v# ujoined him. The two men watched as Michael bucked upward
0 Z* Y- U2 F; I3 ~3 Q. c$ P6 wpushing his cock further into Andy's mouth. "Good show huh?"$ R/ v( i6 k/ a: L5 \+ D; @
The chief commented. "It's gonna be even better later," he
+ ?& ?0 Q5 }) F0 @: `grinned. The Judge nodded. He looked over at Mrs. Connolly
% X4 p; j# t+ j5 T1 T' `0 Sstanding with the two teachers who were watching Josh and7 ~8 ^4 }* w. D- W8 |/ u
Kevin as they brought each other closer to climax.5 J( Y! W7 @- W7 z; X& e! v, ]) I
* s- T! b9 Q3 u1 j0 Z, |
Michael stiffened, pushing upward in a final thrust then
' ?) u$ [6 r$ N+ v: Gmoaned as he shot a load of salty cum into Andy's mouth. The6 m- r; J0 A+ Y4 q4 f' {9 F/ \
Judge couldn't believe his eyes as he watched Andy swallow
7 l9 R3 ~0 ?" Z* r3 \the entire load then the youngster stiffened his own body as6 b" J' d" e! C; q( _; h
he dry came.+ K$ z9 Z4 |5 R; W% a1 d5 Q* `7 b
; P+ _/ S; f) ~: I7 }9 g" J  O# c
The Governor knelt between both beds and watched as Kevin and
6 Q1 T4 H0 f! Z6 m" k" {Josh pounded into each other's mouths and came almost as one., p, I% C6 U4 p' q( V, p
Each boy swallowed the other's cum. A drop dribbled from the9 N+ T/ F8 e; p5 C' i4 i
side of Kevin's mouth as he rapidly swallowed Josh's cum) G- ]: n! G0 K- m  d+ {
while pumping his own into Josh's mouth., x6 i: f* _* c1 A* e3 q

0 m$ k: ~  ?# C0 J# HThe Governor turned her attention to Christopher and Jerry
# e8 M: g2 M/ r+ Hjust in time to watch as the little guy arched upwards and: r% U/ h. c5 n6 p5 z9 U! j
moaned. Jerry came soon after, pumping a load into
7 u/ F3 G4 {: `& d1 w4 w7 YChristopher's greedy mouth. . j* F6 w! e! a4 X8 k- M

0 F! @  [) U- r2 ]- G, v& KAll six boys lay quietly catching their breath as the
$ {0 ], x/ G" ~8 XGovernor approached Mrs. Connolly.
& X+ j. i- H0 m' V8 j. Z) L) T! C$ U: S9 y9 s6 T6 r! }
"We have more to show you Governor," Mrs. Connolly said. "We5 A- T( }5 V8 p) }- `0 C- a
just have to let them rest a few moments and we'll watch as
2 n6 n( \  @+ X9 iall six boys suck every inch of Ricky. We rehearsed this
: ?- h, n0 u0 Byesterday and I think you'll like it."3 N6 A. v# ^8 j

) _% z( ]+ }) v, f2 m. l# u) jThe Governor nodded. "That can wait. I have something to say
; ]8 z- O" V4 c7 _+ oto you, Jean."  She wasn't smiling, Mrs. Connolly noted.9 U8 X" Y$ Q( m0 b0 |- `! |" Y
"You've done a good job with these boys. I'm going to open up* @, f: i- f6 P6 t7 i
the school to girls as well. Unfortunately you're not going4 g- z* O) i" K0 N
to be the principal here. I'm giving the job to Paula Thomas.
! A7 N" ?! q/ R) c, ]5 |Chief Crane will take over as Dean of the Girls School. That
, F1 g1 i0 v) q" W3 Z" v8 nlittle stunt a few weeks back at the 4H club caused me a lot$ S4 C) N0 P- P5 g3 l
of negative publicity. I'm running for re-election next year7 R. [: d/ a- G( f, }
and you might have cost me the Governorship. What possessed( j, c9 b% l# e7 x; U# i
you to do what you did?"
1 S, g2 _. n  V& |
8 c, q4 F$ N  ^4 |% i  E7 `. z# fMrs. Connolly was speechless. This wasn't what she expected.
* U: R% u- N1 O4 `9 r. T"I, I, I'm sorry governor this won't happen again," She3 X& P& ]$ t7 |2 A
$ ~; L9 m2 r3 m/ v! x
, X4 u; h+ D9 v! z- \"You're damn right it won't. You're through here Jean."  The$ J% j$ n+ G$ L# `/ |
Governor's voice rose. "The school will continue without you
+ P$ r7 z5 E$ p' b( |at its head. You're a loose cannon. How dare you exceed your
9 ?" W: g3 w8 W$ hauthority. What you did while you were training these boys
+ Z( l. ]& c# p$ K) H, Lwas good. It just should have stayed behind these walls."+ _: h/ k% j- C* v- [. W; n* U
" R- e0 Q; q4 k& i3 P9 x8 n" C
"This is my home," Mrs. Connolly protested. "I own this land6 x/ T5 L2 |# @) Y9 g# k
and house. You can't throw me out.1 t9 {- P3 Q' N: \4 n

) ^! H1 u) E2 `The Older woman nodded. "I have no intention of throwing you
4 B: A/ C2 o4 b7 w! q1 j( z+ f; _out You'll stay on here as the assistant cook. helping Mrs.2 Q2 S, }+ m6 Y  U1 r$ z
Mandel. Deputy Summers will assist the Chief as the guard for
( r5 \  Q6 e0 {8 Lthe girls. Deputy Tancredi  will take Paula's place as chief$ h0 \/ |; [! ]6 S3 C7 o
female guard. Lori Paulson will be allowed to keep her job as
9 r3 i& Q- J9 f& ?! ?0 m+ Dwill Miss Fanelli and Miss Walton."  The Governor's eyes
% `5 X4 `; A( J7 ]0 dhardened. "As further punishment you're to perform your
2 t7 z) c) P2 {/ \  y7 W; Vduties as assistant cook in the nude. You will stay naked at7 l, D" P) ~: Y4 W" F
all times and be treated exactly like you've treated the8 q) G. I9 n4 D6 s9 G; d
boys. You will do anything the staff asks of you. If Chief
/ ]. a: X9 t' V8 i+ K7 c+ \0 fCrane wants you to show him your asshole you'll do it.
& q4 l; J8 _4 ~" y4 ?% wFurthermore the first four girl students here at this school4 [/ s" d+ o" l$ j( K- U
are going to be your daughters."
: X% _/ F+ j. X5 n/ ]* S, p
( p* E' u6 |% S, k3 y0 zThe girls were dumfounded. Up until now they were the bosses.
+ X+ O; `, j5 U: \2 XWith one sentence the Governor had changed their lives
8 |8 N, Z2 S/ ^% }6 h- U  ?+ eforever. Now they would be prisoners just like the boys.7 S5 E: l! n# ^1 c
Christie and Kelly started crying." \! T* Y6 r0 I+ O+ a
' W  @  v& o; W& m0 _* E3 X0 l/ u, f
The Governor wasn't finished. "The night is still young. I% V) X2 E0 U; g3 Q
want to see more." She laughed. "We're going to have some co-5 }9 T  a' @- _0 e! j% K5 p
ed entertainment . The Doctor needs to do an exam on you and
5 M1 D7 P0 U& ^( g( J4 wyour daughters to see where to plant the micro chips. I7 ~1 Z/ b# I  z# l  i' z/ k" f
expect to see five naked cunts. Get started undressing ," She
: X0 G! ~' ^1 d1 W3 k  e: }ordered." m- a: _& B' ^9 p3 }8 I
8 r6 l! V, T! O" ]) q$ Y
Mrs. Connolly couldn't think straight. Her whole world had
/ E2 P/ x  u4 {: _: ^% p0 {5 Ucome crashing down. She wasn't ready for this. She looked at
  l/ X8 h% y" d8 v! K5 m4 C! ^Miss Thomas. "Paula help me," she pleaded.             / W/ }9 s) L' \# `6 n
1 L& K8 Z; x/ S/ a# V) @
Miss Thomas shook her head. "When you were the boss I did
" B' s5 Y; N/ Z! G7 wwhat you told me to do. I didn't always agree with you but I
& I% ~5 H1 U1 Sfollowed orders. Now I'm the boss and I don't have to follow
9 b3 J( R5 O# y: M' Z, xyour orders anymore, So unless you want me to rip those0 k/ r; z" j5 S5 ~+ f+ ~
uniforms off you and your brats you better strip. I always
* a9 k. x: G* O- f9 N$ @) v9 y* zwanted to see if you was a real blonde," She giggled.0 _6 K9 P0 J, Y. r
" }* P3 e& F% B7 S) o+ u9 F
The boys couldn't believe their ears. One by one they climbed
" b$ X6 p9 ]  E" F. d3 A- [off the beds and stood looking at the five Connolly women.
5 R/ B6 M1 a8 y" N2 E5 B
% j+ {" q6 U8 F0 z1 S: M* w, BChristie and Kelly were sobbing as they looked at their
' C" @; ]7 B( ]mother. Caitlin looked frightened and Jennifer was balling up8 m% a- b* {2 y5 X7 K
her fists. None of the girls had made a move to remove any
, u) d( G6 b. W2 b; {clothing. "Lori, help us," Mrs. Connolly begged.* O1 V2 |* o/ j/ ]- Y0 U

% d$ p; v% l4 p  ^7 l! o4 U+ eThe young guard shook her head. "I'm sorry. There's nothing I
" G2 I6 O- a& N( v: c2 rcan do." She said." s. p0 A+ j+ _; R, z8 M: C7 y
* e8 y) Y- i$ k
"You have five minutes to get those clothes off," Captain
: h. ?( O- Z# s/ cWilliams said through clenched lips" Then I and Officer
5 Q: j: U' D6 t, S& ?Summers will peel them off starting with the littlest one/ h; C* Z& b( t
first. He smiled at Mrs. Connolly. "You can watch as we strip
4 Q. q  O9 ]* s8 uyour daughters naked."
6 b6 Y6 p/ _) `1 Y0 f# Z" o+ \6 `" g% f% j" t! J
Mrs. Connolly tried pleading to the Governor one more time.- f; i! N$ n6 T- [
"Don't do this to us in front of the boys. Please, Governor."
$ @  R# P0 c) @0 o
% C' l. {/ L, M2 o"I want you to get naked and bend over so I can shove my
2 i  r) L2 o: T* o8 k# U7 `6 tfingers up your assholes," The Governor said. "Now get+ ~6 m, F- m9 I
moving. This is your last chance before you start earning
4 |. T% Q: l- S( m- p% |$ Cspankings."2 G- g8 J4 l' b- }) x
+ K( r4 @9 s4 {+ V* E
Mrs. Connolly knew she was defeated. Hesitating any longer& s3 L) G- C  p# ~) {
would only earn her daughters more spankings. The four girls
* \. B1 D) S# I; E. A) T7 C- Olooked to her for guidance. She nodded. "Let's get undressed
0 u/ S2 e+ ^3 p' d  }1 j2 A7 r, ^and get it over with," She said sadly.; k) E) H8 h3 c. a% {1 H+ q

$ O7 J$ P' U* W, O: u  {The two younger girls were trembling as they sobbed
0 T! P4 y: O" g7 q) G1 u+ k. Fhysterically. Caitlin looked like she was going to be sick
; D" o  F7 x& lall over herself. Only Jennifer showed a spark of defiance.5 Q. |. g9 O, J" p: K
Mrs. Connolly knew Jennifer, As good as she was at Tai kwon0 j" z* Q  j* I
Do, wouldn't stand a chance against Paula Thomas or Naomi/ p: F- ?; H1 T) P+ C
Tancredi in a fight.
6 [2 M( e* i$ v+ H"Don't try it, Jennifer," She whispered, "Its no use."  She$ p0 p8 w# z& U& \; i3 d/ t% ^
sat on the edge of a vacant bed and started untying her
) q4 B# L( O. j  esneaker laces./ l  I- y. w2 B3 S, \1 r+ v) u+ ~. o

- U4 a  a6 }5 OKelly sat down alongside her mother. Her fingers trembled so
# ~0 e' q$ \: Y$ T# q* N% ubadly she couldn't work on her laces. The boys were watching
5 \; C: i' M, w) o1 Ewide-eyed. Their cocks were slowly coming back to life.4 V' K2 R9 C4 d7 Q/ ?
Michael had a grin on his face as he realized in a few3 H7 c7 ]) l3 r( O  k0 g
minutes he'd be staring at his former tormentor's naked
0 P7 {* r0 d! @/ F- @8 itwats.
7 r7 `# `4 n6 w- b5 k, p6 f2 g3 _8 C2 B: [) l7 c  o' g! N' _
Except for the sounds of the five Connolly women  sobbing the
- I) r+ G3 ~8 }room was very quiet. Harley Summers and Captain Williams
: W* M0 o1 G8 Sstood alerted should any of the five blondes try to escape.7 C8 g1 h3 B, ^/ X
Christie managed to pull her white Keds off, the rest were
6 c0 Z( }0 g& e5 o7 ^% F1 cfumbling with the laces.( i: ?. t6 N, y9 T* f0 z- h, w

' V+ ?8 _% j0 d5 g* d" @# l"Do you want me to get them some flip-flops like the boys% ]3 [" C0 Q! p1 E) N4 x( U4 {& N
have?" Miss Thomas asked the chief. 9 A5 t" Q% i7 K6 ], |( ]
1 s* _- e' |. l( O" N
He shook his head. "The girls in this school are to be
6 |4 A9 m! V( O% C5 {5 |entirely naked. No hats or shoes. I don't even want them
+ |7 j' f1 g+ f, A( y, Cwearing toenail polish. I want them to be even more5 |- ]- o3 B7 U( @( e/ r
humiliated than the boys."4 h7 o. ~/ [- Z* \) ~$ g; Q+ W

1 N9 P0 ]# A: Q; k+ B; CJennifer kicked off her sneakers. She was used to running
( O/ o, K8 z: |# f. [0 aaround barefoot or in flimsy sandals and the boys had seen; z  n" ~/ V8 u* |
her that way several times. Now she was embarrassed to even& U+ J9 \1 j% t4 m* |" n0 m* t! ?
remove her socks. She looked over at Michael. He was grinning2 [" C1 h' O# ]$ z# M
like an idiot. Oh how she wanted to smash that smirk off his+ v- N( W; W, b6 G- @$ ^
1 j* h  r0 J% z( a8 b% l; J0 F& [. m* S9 R
Miss Thomas bent over the governor. "I think it would even be( }2 k- |7 z  `6 v  Y. i$ Z
more humiliating to have them undress one at a time." She$ C8 z0 v5 G' i. ?! X. Z
suggested. "Mrs. Connolly should be last. She can watch her! y3 |8 b0 x6 A8 Y
girls being made to show their cunts to all of us while she- s0 C8 s3 r0 `. Q) p
has to stand by helplessly."
) ~; w" c9 l/ k$ ^# y$ c' c& D+ M# Q( D& ~
The old lady smiled., "Good idea Paula." She pointed to' E' [4 {5 _/ a1 [" e. _  V
Jennifer. "I think that one will do just fine. After she/ ~. B7 o2 }6 G  z, y
strips she can amuse us by sucking some of those eager young" R. C( @" c" A" ?- D% O, G2 R
cocks while we watch her sisters undress.") k8 B$ p9 k, @, O. \
; D/ E8 Q0 ~  _6 u! b
Captain Williams smiled at Jennifer. "You heard the Governor.8 E# q- B9 R" w* T0 C, X
You're first. Get naked." He shoved her in front of the old
1 k1 U6 a; P2 j2 U% K. K2 [lady who was sitting with the Judge and the Police Chief. The
5 X0 p$ D$ G6 g3 L/ n& dtwo teachers, Nurse Randi and Doctor Brenner stood behind
/ {- T5 `1 l6 {7 DGovernor Grant. Harley Summers stood to one side. Naomi
0 V6 ^" j4 \% G) f6 FTancredi was standing with the boys, idly stroking Kevin's, A* I9 X# ]7 H
cock.. All were watching. So were the seven boys, their cocks- b+ ^7 t1 C! [- h8 I* D/ ?
now fully erect in anticipation. Lori Paulson and Miss Thomas
9 D5 v8 ^# Q& @# N) q; @" P, }  \were standing by the door to prevent the other girls from- L9 B/ m# {* ]3 Z3 d
fleeing. It wasn't necessary. They were in shock by what was
6 Y% K& J2 n" Xhappening. Their shoes lay on the floor, Soon to be joined by9 D3 E& y' S* h0 s4 R/ ~, T; w
the rest of their clothing. But Jennifer was first.
; J, O! G% [7 E7 c# |* ?' X+ O# I( v; R
She knew she could expect no mercy. She hadn't displayed any
" h9 C9 X# G: j; _; `- d/ Mduring her humiliation of the boys. She trembled as she bent
: J" j- A7 S" W3 r' M4 n  dover and lifted one foot then the other removing her white/ B- P/ N( D8 m7 Z7 o
socks. Michael snickered and was silenced as Naomi Tancredi
4 Y' S# S2 H0 v- R$ `3 mslapped him on his bare ass. "Shut up boy, You're still a! `5 F  P2 T+ d& `; }; b; I6 o5 {) a
prisoner," She warned.! [4 d3 [6 D8 Y7 A5 ~7 Q3 P
4 R* l% G" U; t/ a8 o
Chief Crane watched the pretty blonde teenager. He glanced at$ p& c" b  M; V) h* ]
her slender ankles and pretty feet. "Pink toenail polish,# v) I. F/ D" A- E0 J
I'll have to make her remove that, but first things first,"
- l" b& [6 I( U/ x% O  a7 _' [He thought.1 N- [& z% q: E2 i$ U/ {
' J2 s" v" k, h% N+ e6 f"You're stalling. Get moving or you'll get twenty with the5 {$ E* h/ f- W7 @! D2 I
paddles later," He warned.# U- d$ m& w3 a  L8 N/ k- M

, y7 m# Q, D9 {. y& x% AJennifer unbuttoned her blue shirt and shrugged it off. Her9 V- O% O$ ~  P3 b
face was red with shame as she stood in her jeans and white
; p# v$ F0 {9 @& E3 Cbra. She licked her lips nervously. She wasn't the only one, \2 r4 n& W% c9 q: x' r
licking their lips. Her small round breasts thrust against4 D5 T7 A6 c. ]/ p# N
the thin silk bra. "My god. This kid is gorgeous," Captain* v* P- ^( F2 C* j% i& N( f2 l
Williams thought looking at her with lust.! [5 |2 m+ M( k! G# y5 K

7 t/ y9 B- o# c8 N0 dGovernor Grant waved her hand. "Don't stop now you little
4 J6 {+ i( d( A. @9 `* P, Vbrat. Get those pants off, " She ordered.6 t3 I, M3 t8 i. R* Y
( f% X( D5 k- K# P
Mrs. Connolly shouted out "Nooo, Leave her alone," Then cried+ m, H+ P+ F) O2 F! O$ W* z0 J
out as Lori Paulson moved in and slapped her sharply. Her( H& U; s( I' S1 r6 u
hand flew to her red face and she stood sobbing as Jennifer( g0 R* }) G, n7 I
unbuckled her jeans. The other three girls were sobbing9 d/ D! J$ N+ L  l" o: I
hysterically as they awaited their fate.
; t- ^7 h; x  b* [$ ?5 |2 E; i
1 W  H- M+ Z5 a  Q2 aJennifer pulled her pants down around her ankles and stepped; ~5 E2 N* U# V: ?* W  u& d
out of them. Her white panties barely hid her secrets. As she
2 g4 X' m( d6 O5 d0 jstraightened up, Her lips were trembling and she couldn't$ C3 L6 b8 t  L4 R1 t
meet anyone's gaze.
5 o  w# }; Q" rThough she had worn less at the beach she still felt naked as6 d' _1 ~' J. D0 }" ^
Judge Robinson let out his breath in appreciation. 2 F$ F6 D& L7 s- e! Y
! ]7 \4 v  u% a9 z( G' }
The chief nodded. "Good, Very good. Now remove your bra and) D: B7 E# W" i* ^* o) y8 `) b* `
lets get a look at those tits," He ordered, his voice+ k0 U: A0 g% l( d; |/ C% O8 Y' ^
1 J& v1 a, f6 d+ v. i
1 T1 u* s  f* t8 v" N* O% LJennifer was openly sobbing. Her shoulders shook as she5 k. M% E/ `3 j" i3 n: F4 [
reached back and unhooked her bra. She placed her hands over
) y, U8 D  X4 `the cups then realizing that covering up would earn her& x! J, ^# \8 j2 g; n  b
further punishment let the garment fall to the floor and
0 V# T. L1 a& f2 z4 R+ y+ E' y/ k( Jforced her hands to her sides.
- X3 P5 ?$ _# c* R, u9 E9 P" \' J( G; s6 {
Harley Summers whistled as everybody got their first look at
: W- u! W- @2 e. {4 B! z8 xher small, upthrust, pink nippled breasts. Chief crane stood8 O5 v7 i" ~( B+ G
up and approached the pretty blonde girl. "Get your hands! r) ^/ `& p2 w" [& [  t9 m( d
above your head," He ordered. "You should be familiar with
/ H% _% l8 l  I2 P; K) Cthat position."
4 D. P: {- r0 f% L4 j( B: t4 o7 d& W* _( M
The trembling girl, tears pouring from her eyes obeyed and* k/ e5 A4 o' p# Y
the chief cupped her breasts in his rough hands. He circled
& o) T4 d! ?* g8 K- q* B0 i, sher nipples with his thumbs as she reddened in shame. He
4 _$ W% y1 g- P/ w( \bounced the small boobs in his hands as the boys watched with0 K& }; d7 `, T7 H
their cocks standing straight out. Jerry whispered, "Wow what, f! p1 U# c5 ~0 C
a pair," To Josh who could only nod speechless. ' j, m9 `4 g4 C) ^% A, Z; b0 l3 J
3 D3 Q% ?2 ?3 A7 J9 [3 D% q8 n
Deputy Tancredi,  feeling Kevin was about to cum dropped the
9 [% X  D' K4 d  ?& C8 R' C* w% Jboy's cock and moved forward to get a better look. Kevin,
5 n3 |7 n2 o. |; rwith his eyes popping out finished himself off. Nobody
" U' N, H' j% W) k/ S3 B% jnoticed as he came on the floor.& ~6 |. R" L9 p3 ~6 t* ?% u6 y
& O; s7 f* _' o  B* W& @% |7 Q
"I'm going to finish undressing this one," The Chief  said.  C  A+ A6 E2 A& ~+ V
"She's moving too slow."
, L! O3 \& y9 B4 n+ F
2 g* F; ]' v' ~' `. z2 uThe Governor nodded, "Go ahead we have four more to strip."1 u( B. s$ A" ^! P+ a  z0 V$ v
( ~- J& J9 e7 G5 C; I
The old cop grasped the waistband of the white panties and as5 E, J2 P* z$ Z2 H
Jennifer shut her eyes, yanked them down to her knees
& Q. ]2 z9 O. t5 _/ b( [revealing the sparse golden blonde hair that barely covered
! V: L3 q8 |9 z. l7 ~2 S* @her pussy.
" W. i7 x) M5 Z' a7 [3 f* w# b! e: L$ ?' F
And what a pussy it was. Her pink puffy lips clearly showed
) v! Y$ E3 O7 P6 j' M( lthrough the wispy hair. Chief Crane knelt in front of the8 N, i" l% B: B9 U2 ]; v4 D
girl and lifted first one of her bare feet, then the other as
6 `/ f. X- n9 N. Hhe removed her panties. His eyes were barely inches away from
$ g; v+ _( K& J4 z& rher slit. He reached out and as she trembled in front of him,. B0 M6 q* A7 d
parted her lips and poked his forefinger into her. & W# g7 l7 X3 l  C( W
. W4 a- J! T1 a3 f% U. d) R
She gasped as he pushed into her dry channel. Then he removed
+ k6 a; W! }4 D" phis finger and stood. "There's plenty of time to poke around
2 Y2 x: L2 f1 h/ O) rin there. Turn around and let everyone see that gorgeous ass
0 e* {( I( Y" p' B' }of yours." He ordered the red-faced teenager., L; H) B$ z3 y& q/ D. s! S( j

# o" h5 r  B- L9 ~Slowly Jennifer turned, revealing her perfectly shaped ass as+ V0 ~9 E+ p, Q9 {6 O# {$ a
everybody strained forward to take in her perfection.0 w; b( @2 N0 ]& R* ~+ u

" K5 w; v3 _8 v0 a. c5 Z5 g"My goodness she is beautiful," the governor said. "Bring her
! s5 m7 S$ |1 ~, o3 [# {over to me."  : Z$ d" }# S. m! D0 h; x
9 Z% h9 y0 j- y6 u" V. a8 T
The chief pushed the nude girl forward. Governor Grant looked
' \, I& q' _- D& u- c7 qher up and down then surprised everybody by pushing her
* J$ P# i. q  q  T8 d' M8 V* Wfinger into the trembling girl's tight vagina. Jennifer, d" F3 u' l3 G8 c! S' d  J, t; [
gasped as the old lady's finger explored her. The governor
7 a3 H& B5 n% _( ~8 Oexpertly stroked the pink cunt, probing her insides. Jennifer
) f) l. G, J7 f$ I3 Ftrembled as the finger found and massaged her clit. Satisfied
, l% g8 T1 _1 \% u1 Qfor the time being the Governor released her.
) ~) D3 h+ i4 z+ p. P6 a9 N
, p( p7 g6 _9 W4 F/ K& CMiss Thomas led Michael over to the old lady tugging him by( t" T) T6 f" E$ |
his large hard cock. "She hates this one. I think we should
% c; \. Y5 }+ [& m* ~, R( S. Vmake her suck his dick while the others take their clothing
5 w# }$ P) d& eoff. 4 [* }! \" Q# O; n* N" }

$ K; k; m( ]! L7 q/ z6 E' oThe Governor nodded. "Have her kneel over there on the side., a( a5 P  O# D( S2 d
She can suck him dry. We can watch for awhile then have the
7 Y2 t" V% Z. D: snext girl undress."
4 ?7 }7 i- z0 V8 |4 K2 W1 {8 {& o% ^/ q
Michael could only stand in front of the governor dumfounded.
+ U2 y. D, r8 a% X+ DHe couldn't believe his eyes. Jennifer Connolly. The bitch8 A1 l3 V$ p7 J0 \
who tortured him was now standing stark naked alongside him.  H+ {$ j1 u  M( K8 h2 L
Even better she was about to suck his cock. He almost came
! d1 D" K+ z# G5 q4 E+ qright there.
- R. f" b0 X2 \2 F; H) r- L& {9 j# P# [% O' y% m, c
Miss Thomas tugged his cock and pulled him over to the side.
. G& Y6 O. W3 }" N"Hands on your head," She ordered, cupping his balls. Harley: F6 g" G1 _! \# V) R" n9 ?
and Captain Williams escorted the sobbing, naked Jennifer' {9 O% ]& \* [; n
over to his side. Each man was holding one of her bare tits.
) L: C! p# _" u& w
" H# h& M  G! ]9 rCaptain Williams pressed down on her shoulder forcing her to; F" n; e# D8 K+ f, i0 W
kneel. Then he smiled at Michael. "You want to feel her tits,
* p8 L, X+ y& L- E$ \1 ykid?" / G) ?+ q* ]8 `1 S2 m8 C1 s, C

) y0 |8 J! M6 J8 d9 s( VMichael nodded, His mouth dry with excitement. 2 H4 e+ V5 d) W4 q, R
+ ?/ i+ c* v. P6 U* f- ?; @" M' i
The Captain smiled again. "Stand in front of her and place, n7 X6 F* N4 i. O& m/ Z2 J
your cock against her mouth. You can play with her tits while1 f: a) [# T$ f8 P- L% E, r
she blows you." His tone changed. "Take his cock in your hand
! P, T: n  n7 d  R' e  Cand stick it in your mouth Blondie or I'll let him fuck your& d+ r, C* g3 d. k4 B6 J
asshole right now instead of later."# _4 d( j4 b& p; g8 V; l1 ~$ H
* A4 a% t* F! {, J, p
The trembling teenager looked up at Michael's big penis. "How
1 e" D5 g6 y% n3 g4 fdid those boy's ever get it in their mouths? It was so big."$ `9 E, I+ A8 f1 g! v
She thought. She looked at the stern face of the black' Z. Y, M$ x1 ?; d8 X
policeman then opened her mouth, leaned forward and took, B% n8 q* q) j
Michael's hard cock between her lips.
3 }* L) l! X. N/ y( O( r0 M
3 b# `6 t! R/ E+ B7 ~: \  W( FHer teeth grazed his sensitive cock head. Michael looked down- `* f- O7 I# W: S
at her small head bobbing up and down as she tried to open  [% p0 ^( o$ v4 s
her mouth wide enough to take his cock all the way in. He/ W1 n- W" C' [) W( f6 o3 V2 b
reached down with both hands and cupped her beautiful firm# V% T* s0 {- S
breasts. His ass moved in and out pushing his cock deeper5 ?( v+ [& |2 p$ ]& F( W  K* d
into her virgin mouth. As his cock hit the back of her mouth9 N' |; E( j/ k+ s. s* Z
Jennifer coughed.
0 e4 N$ C, E/ C! `& ], d0 C/ s5 ?& |' H7 N, U
The Governor watched for several moments then turned to the
2 |+ S. v" b9 h% W  a/ P9 ochief. "Get the next one up in front of me. I want to see all
" C- O5 N  y0 @5 v5 Etheir blonde cunts.") o1 d" R" {3 F* {. j
; E' P! M3 c  f
Chief Crane strode over to the trembling Connolly family.
% R% ?4 h' {$ T' [/ Y& rChristie and Kelly were holding on to their mother tightly as  n7 D4 g0 |. D" ?. i
they stared horrified at their older sister sucking Michael.7 J, {4 C* k0 b& O6 d' D
The Chief pointed to the soon to be eleven year old Christie.
  U* e9 J+ s: C2 @& j"You're next kid. Let go of your Mommy's leg and stand in
5 ?) J' Q, x: d" C# L. }# Ifront of the governor."7 \9 ^# M4 S; C, \: p
$ B+ d- w( b7 ^, l2 R' n* w& ?1 H
The little girl shook her head. "I can't. Please chief don't
$ |) x; K6 B5 T: h$ n/ {make me do it." She sobbed.3 Y  i) Q) l6 w4 x$ P) V/ Q
3 T9 m' E7 e6 k# A1 ?' B8 {2 Q, S0 K
"This is getting ridiculous," The governor snapped. "All
! x. X4 f3 r2 c& c, P& Nthese little brats do is whine. They're very good at2 E2 K# a0 x. W1 ?
punishing others but can't take it when they're on the
* L" Z/ e4 i1 B3 O  h! Areceiving end. I wanted to keep their asses looking good for5 z8 F: L, J# z! |- a- ?* A
the pictures we're going to take after they're all naked but
2 g& F$ E( D4 q. ~I think I need to set an example.& X' J# O, J3 l8 L5 u6 U
% z& T7 q/ w6 K5 X6 S
She looked at Miss Walton and Miss Fanelli. "You two are just
, h% I& n: e, X9 p, P7 q6 N, B9 }sitting there enjoying the show. Its time to contribute. The
# b0 m% G  O. Schief tells me you're good spankers." She pointed to Mrs.5 g/ s6 X; z& p
Connolly, "Take her pants down and give her a bare ass across* \% J/ A+ F0 C, G' v6 B( U
the knee whipping and make it good."7 @2 Y1 W  O4 Q. S9 x) B* K$ n) x  j
- q% m( G: j$ q2 M- S4 H# ~
Miss Walton nodded. The two teachers got up and flanked their
* w% i# a: j* Usobbing former boss. Miss Fanelli took off her belt and sat
2 @, q; O* y# P4 U; F5 ]+ Tdown in a chair. Miss Walton had Mrs. Connolly by the arm.
4 K" F+ f, u& s8 R"Pull down your pants," she ordered."/ ~$ ]7 S- R/ J. b; L+ M7 E) T
' n4 L' R8 b2 t* [3 b
"Please Stephanie, you don't know what you're doing," Mrs.
) A2 n! E( E2 CConnolly pleaded as her  daughters looked on in horror." h  F& f9 F4 U
% {9 c- ~" z9 @
Miss Walton made a fist and without warning punched the  m* J3 M, e7 x+ h4 `- f" ~5 q% N
hapless blonde woman in the stomach. Kelly screamed as Mrs.
5 b" |5 X0 v8 |8 sConnolly doubled over.  "I told you to drop those pants, You1 f% n: y% p% _3 D2 n
bitch," Miss Walton hissed.  * l. D6 Y3 e# [9 y3 E3 F" n1 o( Z" S

6 [: p- g# P. V0 P1 FJennifer was almost forgotten as a new drama unfolded.0 t+ ~' i; z2 ~  e
Michael was pushing in and out of her mouth faster and
4 J! C$ E- w. ]+ X3 t/ T" D% zfaster. Then his body shuddered and he arched his back. His
; @2 ?, K  x, d3 b+ khands dug into her breasts as he let out a moan and shot a% K) w& k8 [7 J5 G
huge wad of cum down her virgin mouth. Captain Williams was( P+ v5 T5 p2 `$ Z. |; e) }3 M" O
watching. "Don't you dare spill a drop," He warned. "Swallow
0 l  g. m; V6 T1 s- |2 X+ eevery bit of it."9 f$ _) O& P3 t
0 H- U/ p/ }4 o" a. U) r- U
Her throat worked overtime as she gagged. She somehow managed8 B! i. ^/ j2 p. `
to swallow every little bit of the milky fluid. "Lick his
4 g, [  ~; E% A8 [. I9 Bcock clean," The tall guard instructed. "Peel back his
$ [: }7 R: P. Pforeskin and lick around the rim."
. x  [8 M: c, L, }. s( B! X9 V" f% k& H$ B% X: E
The kneeling girl flicked her tongue out and licked Michael's( Q) O' I3 E2 N) g( r0 O, ~0 h' n
rapidly shrinking cock. Her cock-sucking duties were far from
) Z  O7 K3 P# D- dover. As she licked Michael's cock clean Deputy Tancredi led( M6 y3 h' ~3 l, F7 L' j4 S
Josh over by his dick. "He's next," She said giggling. "There
" g% h. L: Q2 }5 |; d: G) Hare five others waiting. You and your sisters are gonna be
0 ?3 E7 ]$ F5 |7 |( kbusy all evening.") k9 E, k0 i  D! a/ p
  j. {- }! @' T# |- Z
Josh replaced Michael and Jennifer soon had another pair of( P" M4 {5 ?6 q
hands fondling her pink nipples, and another cock assaulting
% d+ ~( S, L' o) H: q$ V$ @her pretty mouth.& p9 e" V8 u! a- `5 v- F+ I

+ |# w; B- ^* X; LMrs. Connolly was sobbing hysterically as she loosened her* O! Y" o: W* ]+ J# i8 d" ?, {
belt and let her pants drop. Like her daughter she was4 e% D3 c  S! p+ _/ c- G, F
wearing white panties. She didn't have time to step out of- T$ r+ w: ~; G' J/ |! g
her pants. Stephanie Walton pushed her over Elizabeth* B7 o* a" ~0 m3 X
Fanelli's lap. She was in this humiliating position for less
, S4 p" Q! H% \% jthan a second when she felt her panties being pulled down; G- w2 V, v: v5 u# C( ^0 _
around her knees. For a woman of thirty five who had given' W* H( W4 W# m+ N$ R7 f+ b- p9 K
birth to four children, Jean Connolly didn't have a bad5 Y5 e  ]7 Z5 T" }( u, ]
looking ass The Chief decided. It wasn't firm like Jennifer's
) i+ G! l0 a  d3 q* J! hbeautiful one but it was round and plump with several
9 q* z% w  W" w+ k- bdimples. "I'm gonna enjoy shoving my fingers up there," He) }3 ]2 j7 R5 F; S# b1 x$ S' w0 a; G
thought grinning to himself as he stood watching.5 b6 v7 h: I. o
* ^/ D" v  l6 V% U% R0 I5 x
The governor was standing to get a better look along with the0 W+ B; [: D5 w: i  M* q/ U
judge, the Doctor and Nurse. They got their money's worth.. S: f7 H& @& i9 ?' k# S, U; Q9 n
The belt descended  leaving a red welt on Jean's white jiggly
" z* h/ j& H9 ~6 M8 A5 v( Ebuttock. She cried out  as it bit into her flesh. The boys/ R- e1 e8 T2 w" ^
also were watching. No doubt with great satisfaction as the
: o, t* k. o. c2 abelt rapidly  turned their main enemy's white flesh into
- c8 ^" D- E: rfiery red flesh.
3 j2 m% s5 B' g: f9 K1 O+ @" g- m
* F9 g1 f( o! N1 I- o: LJean was howling like a banshee as Elizabeth Fanelli's
' u& I9 L$ d% ]: Q* Cmuscular arms raised and lowered the thick leather belt. Her
5 I4 I! j& P- w" r% gentire ass was now glowing crimson. Her feet encumbered by
& P  ~: G; u, Oher pants were kicking rapidly as the belt tattooed her
* z) a5 M3 y8 l& B+ [# Otender flesh. The punishment went on and on. Forty times the: Q3 i2 T! J9 i2 w
belt whistled as it descended and bit into her bare ass. Her' ]; [; K, H9 K
three horrified younger daughters got a preview of what1 ?9 t1 x: Q7 K# U6 ?/ n
awaited them.
6 h0 o; D  K7 Z! W! I* L0 W8 k" h
Miss Fanelli released her after forty spanks and  with her$ z0 x* b  H0 V/ ^
pants still down around her ankles she stood up rubbing her6 L3 O5 }& h! s* I" X
ass and bawling. Her blonde pussy was on full display for all
1 `- [5 D. h( Y; j+ m" vto see and admire. So caught up in rubbing her tortured
* L- h& e( Z1 N& V: ybuttocks, Jean was totally oblivious to her partial nudity. 6 e$ l) j/ E: c0 e& w& A* E! o3 e

& T$ ^1 K) y4 b% tShe continued to rub her tortured ass for several minutes as: R  T7 q) u& g) z4 ~; l
the boys stared at her exposed cunt and ass. It finally8 |! {; L2 A, K/ `
dawned on her that she was almost naked and blushing* [2 ?9 V: a# l, F1 U' K7 B
profusely, she pulled her pants painfully   up to hide her2 P  n* T7 ?. a, b" O: A3 [
nudity for a short time until it was her turn to strip.7 z$ w) J" I/ _$ P

3 q% Q2 |) k: f4 K9 eThe governor sat down and looked evilly at the terrified0 W4 W/ k$ R1 D
Christie. "Would you like some of the same treatment?"
2 _9 b; z, D/ |( t. ?
0 I8 d& x2 y: D4 X2 tChristie was bawling like a baby. She couldn't speak. She/ Q. w4 ?' j3 ^. |2 c
shook her head no.0 }. r! C% Z+ T; `, Z
" {" ^- f8 _1 `- Z/ Z3 d: n1 j
"Then get yourself out of those clothes and show us your' o5 C4 L- |7 D1 I7 b7 z. r- C  o
little cunt," the Governor ordered.
9 Y- _8 K/ i6 Z- K
* d% V2 M) u8 H& u) x+ j: J1 vChristie has already discarded her sneakers. She bent down$ @1 K- u; m) N/ u
and pulled her white socks off. Like all the Connolly girls
1 d2 Z! Q. D1 ~' Rshe had slim well shaped ankles and pretty feet. Unlike( B* m" ~% G) m# V7 Z
Jennifer her toenails were bare. . e& L: Y; w) ~5 P# K: n1 W( \
0 Q% z" p9 X5 k- J4 P2 j7 Q7 y
She straightened up and sobbing, opened her belt and unzipped
7 B3 K2 B8 F" n5 R' d% m9 [her jeans. She glanced at Kevin who was standing to the side5 Z  J4 P1 |! [# S% {+ b- r
with the other boys watching engrossed. He grinned at her.
1 z: H4 I1 J* h# i, R# {and she blushed crimson.
* g; O5 d: E0 I! |  T! z7 V' @- F+ e) v# v7 W& O2 J
She let her pants drop and stepped out of them. Realization
: j' x9 d$ K& Z* F7 [$ |! Edawned on the pretty blonde child. This was the last time
# |0 [( _- f: n# p! k5 Xshe'd be wearing anything at all for the foreseeable future.* `  Y, A8 W+ s7 J* a7 u  F' N) t
9 o. e& p( m7 r! H$ f- _9 M
She stood in her white cotton panties and the blue uniform" C$ |3 U+ K1 k$ F2 F
shirt. Then she slowly unbuttoned the shirt and shrugged it
. ]! Y( S5 I+ z; ]) ~1 G, w. {off her shoulders. Jennifer had worn a bra under her shirt.
: K2 c; x" U, a; }$ S1 TChristie was four and a half years younger and as the shirt; |7 ?: s1 j+ f
fell her naked chest was revealed. She had a way to go until
5 o3 V: D5 b# T3 k! Lpuberty. That was plain to see. Her pink nipples rested on a
" y4 E) W0 e. X( n7 s. rtiny swell of breast. She blushed as everybody looked at her, t2 K9 N6 c! f, n( G' J7 F& l* ^
near nudity. Though slightly shorter than average, Christie; d; H/ M2 z7 \  F) P+ c9 @
had nicely shaped legs. Her thighs were well muscled as were
/ x6 [. R* m) u+ C: jJennifer's. They tapered down to nicely formed  knees and
6 o9 c( t: w3 z! Z( N2 {. Dcalves.   
/ X  W! b* o5 R/ V& F; A- k# o9 W) f; a+ [( R
Miss Thomas pulled Kevin forward by his cock. "You pulled his
% q6 E# V2 Y/ h$ a* U1 N1 t- G- aunderwear off when he was admitted to the school," She
* }3 H" `' T/ Z% p& L' B5 H! ]grinned evilly. "I'm gonna let him return the favor. Put your
! K, Y- N  _* Z8 f; L' K+ J8 H* o" P' Uhands on your head and face the Governor and the judge."# d0 V  K# P1 ?- j% t
  |6 n8 Q. ?5 v+ Q0 P
Too frightened to resist, Christie obeyed. Kevin smiled at
: c8 A* Z/ Z. Y/ \- S/ Dher. There was no warmth in his smile. "You tortured me all
, }$ Z. o4 `- b7 H8 i& l, O; T9 uthese weeks. We were friends and you betrayed me," He( M( P6 U, U# K
whispered to her as he grabbed the elastic of her panties.
( o  |% q  K/ s8 O# ?% `9 k"Now I'm gonna enjoy shoving my cock into your asshole and# d4 m9 Y% U) Q/ Y3 \: `
cunt and mouth,"
" y4 @  [& x  E3 x9 \2 C3 E) E& T, {2 b) t
Kevin knelt in front of Christie. He wanted to be the first
% W. x  {8 X- a# U# ^* Lperson to see her bare pussy. His eyes were inches away from
5 u5 f* g0 q) T! Wher crotch as he tugged her panties down. There it was . It
0 S: X( U1 P, @8 p! a9 R9 _$ o1 ^was a pretty cunt as he knew it would be. Her slit was
5 e. s- _7 I- ]( w5 ^5 T, ~& jslightly pronounced and there was a hint of pink pussy lips.
* U3 P! c5 H5 q# P) v4 LAs she approached puberty they would thicken and become more
% A4 h/ H% A, s. Lvisible. Her cunt was perfectly hairless. Kevin knew once her
' k1 D- I& ^+ Q6 m  @$ Z9 k" `1 _legs were open he'd see a whole new world.  0 B1 @  `" R% G! \  a  F
9 Y+ H0 J1 W" x0 k' ~2 |
Kevin was kneeling slightly off to the side and the Governor2 ]6 U, R6 s3 [+ T6 ^
could see her nudity from where she sat. "Spread your legs
9 n: Z% Y' A, y8 p5 Aapart Sweetie and let the little boy see into your cunt a- w5 s9 R* {' q1 h" `8 M5 S
bit," She ordered.
8 D3 U# V6 {* d/ p  x& d: `! B( d: ^7 C, c: g; q& d
Christie turned beet red. Too frightened of the consequences7 G0 b, r4 Q7 h6 O$ Y
she obeyed opening  her legs slightly. Now Kevin and the  z6 A2 o1 t( t
seated people could see her small pink cuntal lips. "Pop your
9 ?$ @, h, s4 q5 J( N& Yfinger inside boy," The governor ordered. Kevin eagerly' ?7 k$ k. H% o* G9 I# ?6 N9 j4 I
obeyed, plunging his middle finger into her exposed slit. His+ N! u$ Z+ x5 i9 R5 Q
cock was throbbing as his finger explored the little blondes
$ r0 p& I$ _+ x: j; u  S- iimmature vagina.
5 M0 j, O. X+ s) [0 S- h, b0 C' Q  j+ Z
"Stand up son, so we can get a better look at her cunt,"
! s' Q% k1 w7 I5 ]! ECaptain Williams said from the side. Kevin stood, his cock at
: B& p7 U- f4 jfull mast and his finger still inside his ex-friends cunt.
# v# K5 M5 ~8 B* X- A, y% m5 a
2 d1 N& Y7 ?2 W( B( m0 j4 SThe governor crooked her finger. "Both of you come here," She
5 B( `0 S8 @$ C! vordered.
/ K8 J! L- v' f1 w: Z  e0 W, F6 F+ L5 O
The two naked children stood in front of the old woman. The+ ~) f6 a: b/ v+ g8 v- F. p
Governor took Kevin's cock in her left hand while fingering
' Q- Q6 Z# S# IChristie's cunt with her right. Her probing finger quickly. D2 [8 }3 \4 U. F; O% n$ G
found the little girl's clitoris and she plunged her second
+ ?$ F* p+ T# u4 z* U  G7 p0 Zfinger in and took hold of the little nub massaging it.
5 X8 f* ~( Q: W: n* `! jChristie moistened slightly as the Governor masturbated her.
* x& U' j" O1 m9 g5 x3 t" I"Very nice little pussy," The older woman complimented8 g1 P1 h  k. [: q
removing her two fingers. "Now turn around and let me see
' ^1 T; k( U- ?7 J9 ?; J' T' ~4 e) ?your ass, She ordered.
9 S; F; `3 v  V6 c
  N; d$ c9 [# E  z. ]& S3 {Christie turned slowly giving the seated people a close up
  g, g& P$ o* {2 Aview of her perfectly formed buttocks. They were milky white
3 x4 g7 n5 [# T4 x- Fwhere her bathing suit had covered them when she swam.
* [7 J3 b4 k: [$ ^  lThough she hadn't yet reached puberty her hips had already
/ h' ]: H6 w1 b( Lwidened slightly and combined with her smooth skin her ass
) y' _) ?, E8 d. Wwas perfectly formed for her body. Her crack was very
+ m5 u" `. b' T9 e) pinviting and the governor reached out and opened her up
  l+ A5 r4 v. mslightly, looking at her pink pretty asshole.  Satisfied she5 e; d5 x1 |; z1 `
turned Christie back around "Lie down on the floor and open
9 `* f# o5 l' B! lyour legs wide so I can see inside you," She ordered the9 V* g. U0 \* }
embarrassed girl. Kevin still stood as the Governor continued
6 x! L; \& g& D* X, k/ Xstroking his cock. # ?9 X" J2 V' `3 g, _6 k
5 R+ O: D: E) X/ P5 q
Christie lay on the cold floor with her cunt facing the chair
/ P5 L/ J5 w9 Z9 f% dwhere the old woman still sat. Her legs were bent and wide3 x" q% `* k" W: h
apart. The governor still held Kevin's cock, weighing it in
2 p& @" @/ d& jher hand as she looked into the little girls cunt. "Later
  i1 l7 Z' [* F5 `% }5 x1 u& vwhen we pair them up I want to watch this one stick his cock& ?7 h+ ?% F' k
in there," She told Miss Thomas who was standing behind her.
9 v  G3 Z9 w! v5 z3 B
- ?! b) c) a# H/ Y( X4 z3 ]& D"You can get up now and join your sister," She said to the
8 c  Y& w" T" f7 m" n- O2 d2 \& \sobbing eleven year old.
0 Y$ U! |# `* V% M2 d2 S! B1 m5 ], E1 q, e  I$ v/ Z! p' e* r
Christie stood up and was led by Miss Paulson over to kneel1 N5 w$ ?+ Z/ m: B2 l* t  C, {3 X
alongside Jennifer. The older girl was still sucking Josh's
6 S9 b1 p  ?3 P/ Z5 R- Z  k+ m- @% X8 [cock and as her little sister knelt alongside Josh stiffened1 A, x3 x+ u  u9 O0 W4 \/ `2 g
and shot a load down Jennifer's throat. She swallowed loudly
' A; C2 L* U5 S  vas he slumped exhausted holding on to her head.
' P6 O* f1 X4 d8 J8 |# c! n! x
: }, S1 n$ Y! z) J/ Z" p2 f9 CMiss Paulson crooked her finger and Kevin took his place in3 k% L' F4 X4 _, X1 m
front of Christie as everybody looked on. Jennifer licked the
! a( M9 P0 a- F% Mlong slender cock she had just finished sucking and Josh was+ ~5 ]- [1 C: X7 R% t4 g- Y
allowed to join the other boys. Jerry now was standing in6 [) W  O+ T' o, _+ |# v% K1 e
front of the pretty fifteen year old ready to have his long, V0 h2 j! q, r4 Z  i( @# w
hard on attended to. Jennifer looked up at the Captain.2 n; [2 _; H* P( N" f: \4 \" G
"Please Sir, " she begged. "No more. I need to rest."
9 |+ C4 S6 P. A+ l1 \
6 N7 W- q# s- `"You're just getting started," He laughed. Now place those& Q% D0 i; R' M9 ?) Z
cocks in your mouths and start sucking or I'll take off my0 P3 p- h- ?7 Q9 F
belt and spank your sorry asses right now."
2 j9 Z) U# f7 g5 T' U, Q0 x" A8 O. P
Christie opened her mouth and shut her eyes as Kevin pushed
5 k6 R5 z$ |$ R# zhis large cock against her lips. Surprisingly it went in. She
& W0 |, ?/ B7 ~* v0 r. g. ^) agagged as it went a little too far then adjusted her' v7 R9 I  i% B, d
breathing doing most of it through her nose. Kevin held the
. H7 y' P  b; a% K: ?" K( Vback of her head as he pushed in and out. Jerry was doing the
3 I' `* q& [# X  c  J. Nsame thing to Jennifer. His hands exploring her tits as he5 N# U4 {5 z' P& p0 [
fucked her face. . n6 _2 ~* m* [+ F9 J

, C- \5 L" v. M, z; `) [3 AThe governor watched for a moment then nodded to Miss Thomas+ S1 D" b' H5 m
who pulled the crying Kelly away from her mother.
% M, O0 _* U$ K7 C" _2 E8 u
, @1 `5 [" N2 u& L9 PAs Kelly stood in front of the adults she could see her two
) V' r2 S+ g3 H3 Qsisters giving the boys head to her left. She knew she'd be6 [& z- B$ ~" a7 O) f
joining them soon. It had only taken Christie a minute to get3 F6 q  [& S' m, n7 q
completely naked. Now it was her turn.   v% L9 C* Q6 K3 `5 z* F* H

, A; X' e7 F4 K, v5 b% F; l) ~The Governor sat back in her chair. "You may begin," She told
3 `% u( i0 P5 r7 [' g1 M1 G. |the terrified youngster.
. b% Z! E) w1 r
4 {% e! S+ t# |, s6 Z* ]Kelly felt her heart  pounding in her chest. Tears poured- u0 F: b/ e7 w1 v4 n' P/ O4 C5 L
from her eyes. She bent over and removed her left sock then2 Y5 F' H# _8 P
removed her right one. Straightening she stood rubbing one8 `, S- D7 j, |! ~! s- N2 J0 D$ m
bare foot against the other gazing at the sea of adult faces
/ W5 {5 i4 I  k, [2 T0 R( K8 Y* D5 U8 V6 Vwatching her. The boys were also watching. Michael's cock was
/ U, S$ Z, L( }once again pointing straight out. Josh was stiffening as well9 q& `7 ]. _2 V& l7 y
as he watched the littlest Connolly preparing to remove all/ E! |6 x! k8 C% x! R' m+ q  \
her clothing and stand naked in front of all of them.   / I  l  E& |1 b. d- R! R+ M
. \2 e- e  W$ \! _, n0 ~/ \% A
Miss Thomas shook her head as she looked at the five naked
3 c: Q: D$ R6 Z5 kboys. "How many times could they cum and get hard again in
. h; J! q/ _) A. S5 I1 V3 Eone night?" She thought. "Well they'd sure find out."& ]2 Q+ H  ?9 Z  [

2 j6 f: I. ~# P/ b8 OOff to the side of the large dorm room, Christie's blonde
2 H3 r5 ]" Y" _2 t3 K7 y7 a) ]head was moving in and out as she sucked Kevin's thick cock.
7 [! S1 @; [6 n6 g$ R, mShe was Cupping  his balls in her hands as he moved his ass: T9 P$ \* e$ t, H5 I
keeping a perfect rhythm with her bobbing head. She could2 `; \0 f6 q, z
smell the soap on his body. Next to him, Jerry was moaning as
" }  ~+ Y; y) z" y" Z) G3 dJennifer stroked his balls while she sucked his uncut cock.7 J- Y3 Y$ d: b0 H; U" D) t
He was running his fingers over her sensitive nipples.
4 f: s' G( v5 K8 r4 |Jennifer's  cunt was becoming moist from all the sexual" h$ |' ?8 w* W& {7 s0 f4 g) V
activity. She hoped no one would notice. She'd make an excuse% Z' S8 [1 X$ m- c' W
to go to the bathroom and wash herself before they made her6 D( \- R+ n- D
open herself up to let them examine her pussy, further
7 S  p) |+ P! s$ qhumiliating her and her sisters.
, A9 `4 Q8 S& T1 `' G2 N' S: y9 ?. n. c  }2 q- i# g1 _$ `. D
Kelly unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it from her body. Her2 U" ?1 v3 l3 D; U
breasts were non existent. She was only nine. And would often
  L' m, A; y3 c' v- S) k" o5 b! I% Rswim topless in the family pool so there was no tan line. Her2 `1 I3 I. h$ F0 a
hands started trembling when she realized that her pants were# [/ K9 O3 Q- w( \  u
next. She glanced over to her Mom and Caitlin. The two of
/ C" r- b  a+ L6 N; a- Q- @- }them were holding on to each other and sobbing. Mrs. Connolly
  X8 c7 W2 B( z/ a! C/ W9 Rwas rubbing her ass. She tried to smile at Kelly but that
  E9 P8 N; t, [7 E& @3 A/ tonly started the little girls tears flowing again.$ L+ L" z: A: p
. H# o4 I: s/ W  K$ C$ E+ ]5 y
Kelly unbuckled her belt and shut her eyes as she pushed her) z( `/ _! |$ C7 L0 n
pants down. She stepped out of them and stood shaking in her
# p# w# ^% P4 Z# a4 J9 R- Uwhite cotton panties. Like Christie and Jennifer, Kelly had
/ x, `3 I; G5 Y3 \long shapely legs tapering down to slim ankles and pretty! \- J& @; F1 T0 q" V: s! _
little feet. Her hips were boyish and from the back you , R2 a, R/ B  R) @0 O3 T
could mistake her for a boy with her shaggy blonde hair and5 R4 `, Z. L5 i
small bubble butt. The adults were about to see that cute1 v. @0 {4 ?. }' d7 q9 n% o
little butt. 5 ?  e( Q/ a1 |1 w9 V) c& X

" F" I3 `8 W; D) |"Why don't you do the honors?" the Governor said to the5 T1 @* H' c! A
Chief,  looking at the bulge in his pants. "You're going to
: v$ p# Z! k! N& X3 f  p% _9 Q+ hbe in charge of them so they might as well get used to you
8 f. s; |$ i- j* h. l1 |- A9 B) v+ }handling them."" @* X& k% n2 ^" [4 e8 y& m3 J, f" \) P

4 @! L: X) y9 u6 j1 O( y* ~Chief Crane nodded. He stood up and approached the frightened0 T. m- M9 _1 y* O
little girl. "I've  arrested many juvenile  offenders in the
5 E( Q, D4 ]8 k! Hlast several years and wished I could punish them like this,"
' w3 n( R+ _8 M" a% J* mHe told the governor. This is a dream come true."  He turned; {" ?/ n2 ?- Y' L* Q. P# C
to  the little blonde child, "Put your hands behind your" \4 k% X* ^7 {! l* O! r
head," He ordered sharply. Kelly shut her eyes and shaking in
4 Q0 d! V% s8 i! t8 d& Bfear, placed her hands on her head.% G9 j- h5 o  F' p! D0 V. E
; O! u+ `7 A9 d" b( t# \
Chief Crane looked down at the little girl then knelt and8 _& O5 H! G4 \( R! x
pulled her panties around her feet. He lifted one foot then: ~# N2 o5 ~2 k8 ]$ a  `' I+ a
the other and tossed the cotton undergarments across the
% A3 ?$ N; e. I6 ~/ ?  proom. Kelly shrieked as the cool air hit her naked cunt and
" h1 K( q( a3 F! }ass. Her little behind was as round and firm as Christie's.. K$ ^5 }7 y6 w6 p: m
Her hips hadn't started widening like her older sibling  but% K! E: F6 Q% r$ T. G" Z/ p
her ass was just as pretty. Her cunt was a typical little- l& W: P0 V& e
girls pussy. Merely a slit with most of its secret charms0 a7 X" j3 k8 H& h. n4 }
hidden inside. Chief Crane forced her legs slightly apart and
6 z+ E0 h3 \+ t; l- b8 |; Upushed his large forefinger inside it, causing her to cry out5 ^) u( U) t& q1 u
in pain.
! f/ m4 D+ @4 h) Y" }5 P
6 S5 l  G2 ?8 O* P1 THe stroked the tender lining of her vagina and found her
( @' f5 [/ c3 rclitoris. She gasped as his finger pushed against the little: z  f/ z% m& O* ?' b" K3 Y9 u* P
nub. Then removing his finger he bent over and lifted the: v0 K& E+ q. G8 g
little girl up and carried her over to the Governor. As the- D! S4 F, z5 P" B  o: _  o+ e
old lady sat and watched he pulled Kelly's legs apart and" ]0 G" g6 I* J1 n. E
displayed her little twat to the Governor and the Judge.' G5 ?9 m4 l( @0 [7 o

+ Q/ F8 {: X: l% D! VThe Governor pushed her finger inside the crying child and
/ n5 Y# h6 ]6 [- U) T. astroked her small juvenile pussy lips then shook her head and  S2 m0 H; @8 t1 n- q( U$ i
removed her finger. "There will be plenty of time for this5 G# c- B/ D& L+ V$ f. z+ h0 ]
later. I intend to give each of these girls and their mother  K) h* e4 _/ [% l/ J* Q+ m7 Z
a thorough rectal and vaginal exploration. Put her to work$ X! V3 s& D5 r) Q2 X
sucking the little boy's cocks while her older sister removes, j( {+ M# ?: b3 h4 P  d6 {/ y
her clothing and shows us her cunt."
4 `$ R8 e: X' ?
; W- i' W) U: D* G2 o  }/ pLori Paulson led the naked little girl over to her two
( c4 q6 ~5 n0 @2 \" e& Ksisters. Kevin was pushing deeper and deeper into Christie's
/ ~: E/ D7 h- g( cmouth, his balls banging against her chin. He was breathing
" P4 Y/ Z) S) Eheavily as he neared his climax. Jerry beat him to it. He
% U; ^$ |0 E/ E" dheld on to Jennifer's sore boobs, his hands rubbing all over# d3 t% q1 j) x. f' S" H
them as he fucked her face frantically. Then he rose up on7 N* F3 F2 ?* A& _9 K1 b
his tiptoes and gasped as he released a load of cum into
9 b' b" N; P# J6 k0 D1 c9 N* U" ~. `Jennifer's bruised mouth. For the third time in less than an
+ v: I7 t& M; g( J7 P3 E' Ohour the pretty blonde was forced to swallow cum.; a! G4 F3 ~+ b7 n; D9 k0 q1 K
- B7 K: [3 Y- C
Christie was about to get her first taste of the milky fluid.0 {4 n$ e* W0 e$ a5 `
Kevin was gasping and wheezing as he reached his climax. His1 @6 ?5 c' I, A
eyes were screwed shut  as he pumped a load into the little: B+ N2 O: N3 t( u' n6 ~: d
girls mouth. He arched his back and moaned, then finishing,
8 n& n8 t) F2 c; b& O5 U; q6 Jhe pulled out and whispered, "Wow that was some blow job."  
' N& {+ q/ U% S, M( ]6 ^, w  }
* `$ Y! w5 {: D5 Y& mChristie was crying as she slumped over totally humiliated.  L1 {- b) w( {0 m& T' [6 t: w
Her night was just beginning. The two spent boys were allowed
  y$ f+ ?8 e8 e, H. N. jto join their friends for Caitlin's show as Naomi Tancredi3 r6 j5 O" T+ n$ L
ushered Andy, Ricky and Christopher over.
. L/ B! {6 g- f& X% M( W! O
0 l3 z* ^' G- J6 n. J# ZNow it was Kelly's turn. Christopher stood in front of her.
: F: Y7 h. H/ _1 L; R3 d" S9 NShe averted her eyes. "What's the matter, you little brat? Up
) P2 P# W' w/ z% R& juntil an hour ago that was your favorite toy," Lori teased
4 }+ X9 O8 D- ]# Hnastily. "Take it in your hand and kiss the tip before I take
$ ?# w% ~& j& d6 _9 g' u- j/ _my belt off and redden your little ass."- ^/ L0 `3 ]) p8 f
+ d: U! w6 v9 x; n2 c
Kelly was bawling but did as she was told, kissing the tip of
. P% M3 p+ O# B. `$ M7 @the little boy's erect cock. "Now put your lips around it and
* T7 b. C: i4 {' P2 vtake it into your mouth," The blonde guard ordered.
3 L9 e3 R1 J6 c/ v! q6 Y2 v0 H
. e' L- O6 w9 aKelly held the little cock and placed her lips around the
! r, H( _9 y6 D( Vtip. It smelled of soap and she pulled it deeper into her; W7 X7 i+ y$ e3 D4 o9 u
mouth as Christopher held on to the back of her head.
# W% {  j! _0 A1 H; S
) c1 U: q3 E+ c, b. b$ mRicky found himself standing in front of Christie. Lori
4 S7 a+ c% W& f' j( h2 bnudged the eleven year old little girl with her foot. "Go! n+ G6 N0 z; l$ R# T4 h/ ~$ n
ahead take his cock and lick the tip," She ordered. "You're, z5 s& b; ^4 |- Z1 j; C6 f
all gonna become expert cock-suckers in a few days." Christie+ c6 C7 ]6 V) x4 W6 g7 ?% R0 r
obeyed taking Ricky's stiff little dick into her mouth. Her2 J8 E' }" ?! Z8 h
teeth grazed his cock head causing him to cry out She opened
: I: m$ ]4 m$ s3 ]2 kher mouth wider and soon had half his dick inside her. The! Y: T/ ^$ K& O4 [; F6 p* f! b5 g
little blonde boy moved his ass in and out forcing his little
2 p" a+ {6 w. s6 C. b1 Apenis further into her mouth.
/ \8 X+ E) [# o$ o6 E$ k4 G9 z9 e! `) o& x3 _: ]
Jennifer took Andy's small cock in her mouth without being
" V# v% v3 }3 i% _told. "At least he doesn't cum yet," She thought as she0 j- ?* X& r  g, V7 [& `
licked the length of it causing the little boy to gasp in; `4 ^/ T% l7 ^! j6 b6 u  C
delight. He was still afraid of her and didn't touch her tits; M& I) u) A6 Q6 y5 u
even though the other boys had. Jennifer easily swallowed his0 \, A8 [. D; V/ G; @" t) A/ z. ^
entire cock.
7 X! K1 r  {2 G2 b* O
" l% F+ Q  m( n9 n% {; l: Q: J0 s4 ZCaitlin was now standing in front of the Governor and her6 p; d, y6 K( W/ e
party.  "Go ahead dear, I want to see your little cunt.8 C5 p; i* r1 d  q
Afterwards you and your little slut sisters can all watch as0 {& k0 B( ^2 T/ v3 G1 `& B
your mother gets naked for me," The governor said sharply
3 n  M; V9 T" l6 o6 N( N( Clooking over at the sobbing Jean Connolly.
# f( U# J: g) m; T2 [+ T3 `+ ~* k1 s6 @& \8 m5 @1 v: N) s4 f
Caitlin was beaten. She just wanted to get it over with. That
% T: t7 K: P, ]. s! vlittle fuck Michael was grinning at her, His cock standing up
* X- [: v, D  [straight. "Ugh I hope she doesn't make me suck him, " She
, }/ n, d6 L; A6 kthought. "I'd rather suck any one else."/ F/ M; R7 x! \6 ]: k, F: e
/ h: }4 O+ N5 P- o
She bent over and removed her socks revealing her pretty
: m, T% p, b- w4 J3 X% alittle feet with pink polished toenails.2 n6 ~1 Z9 ~; n& s9 |9 B) \
- @4 V/ i: K4 u# G
Chief crane looked on in disapproval. "These little bitches
7 O, ~' p: _3 S. o6 r0 u0 Mwill have to be taught a lesson. I'm gonna make them take off
( t% [1 A$ P  _. w% l# Sthat polish and then I'm gonna have the two older ones suck- ^& k7 x' J0 S( f: `
each other's toes.   
3 K2 @" B" t9 a# w& @) {, `
3 V. s$ q  x, DCaitlin stood with her head down unable to look at anyone as
0 w& M1 D0 F. D9 r0 wshe undid her belt and opened her zipper. She methodically
! }- E8 f7 y# R. o% M! G/ d" xpulled the pants off and threw them into the corner.
2 b" M  a' X6 S: O0 J# O
7 o& ?% F$ e' e" p; TAlmost as tall as Jennifer, Caitlin had terrific legs. Like- B# d8 K! S7 Q. n  N' o$ A
all the Connollys she was sturdily built with very little# b% }4 }; C6 L$ D, C
body fat. She stood in her pink panties not sure of what to2 R+ |: U$ {7 p2 k5 o2 X9 U
do next. Every fiber of her being cried out for her to run.+ ]7 }( K5 y9 a! d# D0 o+ L" y
She knew she couldn't.
& F$ Y$ `) k" ]5 i6 M  R! L
. P) t" @2 D- D3 c2 o, @0 fHarley Summers admired her small tight ass and shapely calves1 ~" D+ L. ~, s) k" ~5 Z4 R
and ankles from the side. "I'm gonna get me some of that
3 c- Q/ _8 V9 G4 W9 I: n3 U  E) q3 ebefore the night is over," He thought as he took in her firm
0 E2 {6 U" A, Ebody.
( R8 e/ p7 J* b' T* g; \0 Q9 n6 a
5 ?4 [3 o6 ^4 O3 H8 n# e1 ^Caitlin unbuttoned her shirt and blushing prettily, removed+ M0 n( l  [4 c4 P. o
it. She had a matching pink bra covering her small breasts.
: S) r4 d' t, f2 v  {/ kThough two years younger than Jennifer her breasts had grown# W, L9 F5 Z+ M. F5 G) Z5 }8 P
until they were almost as big as her sisters. That didn't3 [, n, C' z; ~( ^
make them big but they filled out her A cup bra.
3 n% s' c4 |7 O1 p/ Z8 v( d% T( |( p3 r  g/ j
As the thirteen year old stood in just her panties and bra,+ V9 I9 T7 `8 b' ^
head down and sobbing, the Governor looked her over and
3 B5 O! U6 N( i& s1 j6 A1 `$ fthought about what she would force the family to do next. She# L" u) m2 g2 D) ]
glanced over to the three already nude girls who were busily* ?5 I' K8 N# [+ V  v+ G% B8 s9 j
sucking the boys. "I'll let this one suck off the Spanish kid  H3 `: }- L" h7 r/ V* z1 x, O
then make all four of them watch as I take Jean down a few
  ]. p2 W3 G% n7 C$ l* z) V8 dpegs." She thought.9 r4 l" |( \& V; I" q7 [0 p) \

- o* A& g8 o/ p7 |4 u2 G1 OCaitlin reached behind herself and with trembling fingers& W4 q. g+ r! X6 J
unhooked her bra. The adults craned forward to get a better0 f0 ]2 b4 S' m, P: _  b
look. So did the four naked boys. Kevin and Jerry's cocks had
! ]# P* j* T" `1 A' |  K8 Brecovered nicely and were already standing out from their
! `. K9 e) d% Q* H) I  hbodies as they watched Caitlin remove her clothing.
4 s& b; @( s; D' ~& Y+ j$ b
. L2 f) L6 C2 u. ^- O" A7 UThe pretty teen let the bra drop around her feet and covered
2 A: C- z9 T# k  m' Dher breasts with her hands.: q% D8 U* U6 U

8 q, a. H' L" y, d* f/ S"That just earned you ten spanks on your bare ass later,") H, |5 t- T; }' X
Miss Thomas announced. "Get those hands behind your head and6 [( [7 s' Y+ a/ V$ E$ B, ^
show us them Itty Bitty Tittys."- b( I; ~0 D6 L& g6 a$ \

  e1 k+ u4 I2 C3 qCaitlin had a look of horror on her face as her hands flew& K: W5 q# y3 J8 D
behind her head. Her pretty tits were on display for all to
; e; W; `( I* N2 H( ?$ }9 ~# [9 O7 Usee. Like Jennifer's they were firm and round, and topped by; z( p$ S0 h5 x& X: m
pale pink little nipples. Though younger than Jennifer her
( n) @/ x% X  O. P& B9 x8 ismall boobs were almost as large as her older sibling's.
/ J# @: g- B8 {$ v  T: _Chief Crane shook his head. The Connolly girls were not that
4 K" y' j" F7 Z; Y; T5 jwell endowed on the upper half of their bodies. He looked at
5 l1 i: C4 ^: b7 NMrs. Connolly who was watching her daughter's humiliation
+ z2 W8 I6 v, ~. `+ A- O- lwith tears flowing from both eyes. "Her boobs weren't that! b- G+ ]& z# i+ K
big either and she'd given birth to four kids. Oh well in a1 b1 o# {% B8 w- w- @
few Moments he'd be able to inspect the Mother's tits as
2 R6 k0 o9 p+ l* [2 l9 rwell."
; M1 I& R( l4 ~# `8 }  l
; k% G/ V) k# S' iIt didn't matter," He thought. "Let's  move on to your sweet
# \0 ^" s! a3 Klittle pussy." Like the others he wanted to get all five
# _) V, h8 k* k; M" {members of the family with their legs spread wide open
- `) S9 N% E# Z; Dshowing their cunts to all of the watching people.9 ~4 g5 s1 v1 |4 h* S

- I& ]2 |+ D# z! Y+ P" P# F"Get those panties off," He croaked as the youngster7 j/ o& l" m% M( A; M: _+ Z
hesitated, sobbing.( G, D) i" O+ s# Y+ Z* y0 A

) z1 ~# p* v: W3 L0 TCaitlin shook her head. "I can't," She sobbed. "I just
0 v9 g) I! ^2 \- l1 Acan't."" \" a6 b5 }$ S. e, a
  P/ x- J6 j+ j1 A6 K4 d3 M# ~
"This sucks," Miss Walton said. "Let me spank her ass a& p8 ^: @8 N5 A( |- z
little. That'll get her moving."/ q- `* J2 M+ ~7 E. B- P2 a

/ m0 g! F" Y. `6 x+ Q& j  V: ^The Governor shook her head. "Later on you can spank her  \# e7 X' z: x' k
until her ass turns crimson. I want to be able to inspect her' B/ Q2 Z* i# o/ U* B, n
unblemished body first. You may help her remove her panties' y1 A) z, r1 S7 ~
if you like, then bring her closer to me so I can look at her
2 S7 y( n4 _$ ]pussy."  J! q0 W8 I. b/ o% t2 F1 f
& ^# I* }* g9 Q, N
Miss Walton and Miss Fanelli, both moved in on Caitlin. The
1 `, @3 U8 e6 y1 _5 cyoungster cowered as they took up position on either side of4 q8 k( z6 v8 a3 x2 t$ q
  W1 }  F3 ]* |9 s# R. k7 G) w! Z
Miss Walton hooked her finger in the waistband of the pink- L. c, A% E. F
panties and pulled them down revealing the pretty blonde8 U( W: r+ t9 K/ ?
pussy to the Governor, Chief and Judge. Caitlin was sobbing; a; y. k7 s* B, _# `$ w, P
as Miss Fanelli pulled the panties over her feet. Miss Walton; o8 v: E) G4 H2 ~5 F6 W5 l! S2 _
reached up and stroked the pink pussy lips, parting the# @8 p- ~; O( c# D
sparse blonde hair that barely covered her cunt." K/ }. M1 t0 V! d/ U! G
/ x$ l0 f6 v, e/ v0 k. j
The two muscular women hoisted the girl up, joining their
. C. o% s0 I& I4 Ghands under her ass and lifting so Caitlin was now sitting on2 F. A) s0 e; X$ I; x
their arms with her feet off the ground. They carried her
9 Z3 d2 y9 g0 [0 Dover to the older woman and watched as the Governor spread
, I: Z, o) p6 k6 A$ k' }1 K: q9 MCaitlin's legs apart to get a better look at her nudity." ?. K, ~0 d5 g/ H- y3 g& S) ]

" x5 H. U: f& F* D"Please don't," Caitlin pleaded as the Governor shoved a
8 c. B- Z& O6 T2 ]meaty finger into her cunt. "You're hurting me," She cried as8 D; Q3 q7 k' z
the finger pushed around  inside her, then moved in and out
3 O* L1 p+ \6 D' o6 B/ d$ Nof her dry pussy.
$ m5 ~1 `0 L: f4 O1 V1 F3 u; a. z/ D2 }; X: u
The Judge and chief Crane looked over the governor's5 s- d1 V, |7 @$ b
shoulders. Both men, Harley and Captain Williams all had+ `7 a1 \) @' A0 P/ j2 g# f. V
pronounced hard-ons. So did the four naked boys watching from
: |0 ]; p/ B  s" e2 F; kthe side. 5 w" N7 R- [! r- r/ M5 O" b% }) V$ v
; w' z4 ]! @! t% _2 X5 ^. W1 @
The governor laughed at the girl's discomfort. "What you and% e1 I+ j! |6 j8 L7 q
your sisters have gone through up until now is a picnic/ l/ }( d7 }9 V( R' \
compared to what you're about to experience, little girl."
8 K/ U+ @0 s: I4 L+ ^2 |She tweaked Caitlin's clitoris. "I'm finished for now. After
- k% K( Q$ Y' Z: o1 e% q+ JI deal with your mother You and your sisters are going to) y) G% a; Z  G" j
spread yourselves wide open and let everyone explore those6 w6 T3 l$ G9 L
pretty blonde twats. Now get over with your sisters and suck
  b. D7 b3 Y# l+ Q6 W% o/ psome of those hot little boy cocks.
9 e" z. w1 |7 N# c3 ^5 f
$ k3 J1 v9 s0 u1 mDeputy Tancredi led the naked girl over to join her sisters.
) @2 k) S$ e) M' K+ [* p( C( fChristopher had already cum. Kelly was catching her breath. "
* i6 p0 i2 [2 {. NSo that's what a cock taste like," She thought. It wasn't so
6 A$ A- i4 D; C+ g" m! obad. At least he doesn't have any cum." 6 u2 p, i( {9 g  Y4 F$ R

! I" h* [' P7 s3 H7 |Deputy Tancredi pushed down on Caitlin's shoulders forcing
7 R7 E4 `) F& O4 _3 w* @the young girl to kneel alongside Kelly. "You're gonna get to
' C; e# q3 V+ O+ csuck Michael off. Your sister Jennifer did and you want to be
3 R2 T3 C9 ^, ]1 G, q3 \like her don't you?" She laughed at the horrified expression
4 S9 M. u8 \5 L- ^# `on Caitlin's face.( R& [7 g) j, i  U
" U; ]) K9 ?9 b; M. u; T. c' F3 B/ F
Naomi looked at Christopher's shrunken cock. "Go over and' l! n! s$ ]6 [9 K( h; G8 }' `4 [* z
stand with the other boys and watch," She ordered the little' }* W, z) v4 S$ k" f9 F" Y
brown haired boy.9 b! A% ?$ G: z8 S

; v6 L0 M9 G4 C: F& A3 o! ]# wAs Christopher left, Harley led Josh and Michael over for
# H+ n0 ^& c: Rsome seconds. Kelly's eyes flew open. "Oh my God it's so
. N9 S; M; L1 Nlong. How am I gonna get that into my mouth.?"  She squealed.
: u' ^% R. o/ v. sPanic set in and she tried to stand. Lori smacked her on her, S) I. c' z: x; {
round little ass. "You girls had better do as you're told.
1 k7 a/ R3 d. Z* |You've already earned more spankings than you can possibly8 G# V/ J2 `& T1 e! l" I, ^
take. Now get down and put his cock in your mouth."- S1 M! e. Q/ W; ?, y8 p$ I3 _6 r

9 C: j' G5 Z7 |0 p. X4 YKelly had no choice and she knew it. Caitlin pitied the
# g* J4 O) Z! G- W9 Wlittle girl but was about to be introduced to the fine art of
8 r+ b' r" n# T" N$ D1 I4 X, @* ycock sucking herself. She watched as Kelly made a face then
. g5 I4 b$ \+ i* V3 D! Htook the tip of Josh's cock in her little mouth. All the: {" A: I% f5 e# A: y0 E
girls were sobbing. Now it was her turn. Michael's large cock8 u/ b5 b, Z+ u2 d
with its head peeking out from his foreskin was in her face./ h) B( @9 n) J2 e1 g+ U; D! n4 G
She'd examined and fondled that cock a hundred times. Now she& x, E! F. a/ {+ [7 _
held it and as Miss Paulson prodded her with a sneaker clad  N' z- I0 A1 b/ |$ C8 U; Q7 M
foot she awkwardly placed her lips around it and drew the tip; G6 H+ B$ S. F0 @0 @2 n
into her mouth. % g, f8 p' W; v
9 X* p5 @4 r, y2 G8 |% X5 n
The two deputies and Lori stood watching as the four naked
2 x( ?+ n- j  V; Ygirls  slurped and sucked on the boys.
+ Q( W9 b0 @7 G2 H9 L
  e- b5 f& ?2 ^% e( p" A0 V; ]Andy was exhausted. He didn't want this to ever end. This was
% @+ ^" L" N, @7 R" e  x* \so much better than a boy blow job. He watched as Jennifer's
  S8 R* U/ e+ s! W; k9 x! tblonde head moved in and out caressing and licking every inch
2 M* c- F( L. K# c- x1 tof his pecker. He felt the stirrings and a pang of
/ S% i$ x& ?- }9 z" X- hdisappointment as he approached his climax. He could hear
6 z( G/ O) i8 dhimself breathing heavily, then his balls contracted and he
; _' m: y+ M" L* q- g: N1 m  ulet out a moan as he dry came in Jennifer's soft mouth.
& x9 O; l. O0 e+ B
4 i- `; l7 _. U$ d! `8 B: yAs he stood head bowed and sides heaving, Lori examined his
) @! C, U8 u) Cshrinking cock. Satisfied that he had gotten his rocks off
4 S7 D; Q: y4 Z5 m/ O1 Pshe led him back to the other boys. Jennifer was allowed to
+ m. ^, |3 ~' \stand and the four naked boys drank in the beauty of her nude* d+ W4 }3 }7 B3 x0 u
5 N* f* x% R8 C, o/ M' Y  m9 X3 X$ W: G! ^
Kevin and Jerry were hard again but Miss Thomas said "That's
; A8 |' c- C) @: L$ Z& s" Aenough. I want her and her sisters to watch their mother show# T* ^7 y+ k3 `0 H/ e+ A- g6 b
all of us her pussy. Besides those boy's cock will get a lot
3 x1 ^0 s! u2 emore action before this night is over. Might as well let them# ?4 i; ^9 c4 l7 S& i- I
) H! g# @1 P, p
! v. k0 i3 y: T. |Ricky was just about finished. His ass moved in and out and0 v$ s0 o3 B" K& S
his cock assaulted Christie's tender mouth. He pushed Deeper( k% Z' V" t# x6 k0 x, r
and deeper into the little girls mouth until he could feel' {5 V5 W# h5 }( z( G5 w
the back of her throat with his cock head. Each thrust' O" N$ n* h( Z
brought him closer to climax.
' |% a& M4 k, w: n  d7 _  z+ d: s! _, s
Michael was just getting started. Caitlin had to open her6 \7 D9 K  T5 q1 k0 r- Y1 T  l0 b
mouth as wide as she could to take the thick penis in. It( o# x, j: k4 m+ Z( S9 _9 p: E
pushed against the back of her mouth causing her to gag.0 y: w9 j4 [$ @- r. n8 S
Michael yelled out as her teeth grazed his tender prick when, {% N! k# i% T
she gagged. She forced herself to relax her throat and he  B; |% K  _( e% T
pushed in deeper and deeper. His hands felt for her round4 |5 t( d( g  W9 Q& F( r( j
little tits and he played with her nipples as she sucked his
( m/ n: d: F: V6 S) btool.
3 D( |1 {: ]- j% i2 }1 r6 ?: u
5 i- l- f3 J+ C  c' m: J) j, zJosh was enjoying his second time around even if the little
' R, ?* N* B5 N7 Z& xnine year old was not used to sucking a cock. He held her
9 z! W9 i* d9 [" Z; |# ihead steady and pushed in and out doing most of the work.% k  u) A, K% D0 F; X0 }2 k
Kelly had her eyes closed and her fist clenched as her lips
) z' b- ^* k3 J" c% [) I* g3 [8 d; y7 yand tongue worked on his slender long penis.
5 Z0 y, j) l" q$ F/ B- Z+ x/ G/ L7 Q1 P" Y, |
Now it was Ricky's turn to cum and he was being noisy about! q: M5 s3 G8 U; R4 {) c
it. He gasped and let out a howl as he stiffened and stood on
# g  U0 }1 c. D. t: ~( qhis tiptoes. Then finished  he slumped over trying to catch
/ a, @8 R4 q- p8 }- Y  Ehis breath. Naomi Tancredi took his slowly shrinking cock in
9 p8 T  A' w, |* @% oher hand and led him over to the other boys. "You're  to$ f; I/ [/ u9 k0 o) O% Z7 K
stand here and watch and keep your mouths shut," She
% v) R! E5 q6 ^& Pcautioned. "Mrs. Connolly is going to be next."
3 g, f9 @) {) z) u/ U% Y8 O
+ {6 X/ m% E+ F$ v1 EThe Governor watched as Caitlin and Kelly sucked the
3 [; O/ ^4 h* Wremaining two boys. Jerry and Kevin were now hard and ready: u; C$ c, t2 N
to go again. She agreed with Miss Thomas. These boys could go) ?' Y2 N2 f  N" j. I
all night and she wanted to move on. Impatient to get to the
$ b4 W2 q3 }* q5 o5 f& m; l9 Nmother she turned away from watching and beckoned Mrs.
& G2 u9 g! ^5 Q+ R, O& S$ hConnolly. "Stand here in front of me," She directed. "Remove
! `4 O, u! l+ lall your clothing." 9 n* P  y0 K9 k& J  |' S' I, h3 p

1 Z1 A2 b: d6 o. d$ [Jean Connolly knew she was in for it. She'd already had her
4 B6 D  Z2 O4 opants down, her bare ass and pussy on display. The governor
# f: W1 w+ Z& e. ~. qhad allowed her to get dressed so she could watch her
9 c3 I/ k& I" U% X0 I  s7 Adaughters being stripped and humiliated. That she was last
( K, c; P/ W" {7 Z$ f  b8 qwas a sign that her humiliation would be worse than theirs.) R* v& T6 I# p- _

4 G4 B  s" N% X) ?' n$ v/ M% h% UShe stood facing the governor who sat a mere six feet away.
2 K! |2 ?, ?3 o  Z$ {, y+ IOn one side of the older woman the Chief of Police sat.3 F0 M3 E$ k9 a: P0 f0 z
Alongside him were Doctor Brenner and Randi. On the other
0 |' e* c( p3 o; v$ Aside of the Governor Judge Robinson sat with  the two
1 M; K7 m) f% v3 G8 L$ h9 kteachers on his right. Miss Thomas stood behind the# A. d; h4 G& P! R
governor's chair. Lori Paulson and the two deputies were on5 Y6 H- |) {6 V
the side with the four girls, supervising as Kelly and
, z6 h, `7 f  T0 }3 HCaitlin finished off Josh and Michael. All were awaiting her  |* g. O2 {9 q) e2 m
humiliation.1 N- ~& q  q. `! o7 o. |
# C0 }/ S$ R6 ~$ z, Y4 w" L- K) k
Jean was crying as she bent over and pulled off her socks./ O3 |  J7 }1 t4 Q
Like her two older daughter her toenails were polished light
) d% H' i$ ?. T. B# U. rpink. Her feet, unlike their small pretty ones were fairly  V6 s3 ^, b8 [# W2 O
large but well formed with long graceful toes.5 h* K- S7 a5 y& E9 r& D, X+ X. o1 c
3 j3 h9 }% a! R6 R) k
She had been naked from the waist down a short time ago when
8 G% Q" C- e& A( @  p. W+ }/ |( gshe was spanked by the teachers. She unbuckled her belt and; G  L, y( S: [* {7 H9 D0 T
painfully pulled her pants over her buttocks and down. She! W/ o+ X, E/ W! r' C
stepped out of them and stood in her panties and shirt. Her
1 }6 _& V; `* c9 Ilegs were sturdy and long like her daughters but the years4 S, v" z$ z0 d7 e9 h
had taken a small toll. Jean was taller than Jennifer. Her
. R: U  k- w* X2 V) B0 \& Kthighs while not fat were not as shapely as her children's.
! L/ \5 [2 K6 C8 Y" Q- q& cShe had a little cellulite but her legs were still5 y5 V- m2 }9 v
attractive. Her calves were muscular and tapered down to
0 G9 s. N6 A  unicely shaped ankles.% E- ]( A% {  x6 x& ?- P$ j' U
1 s0 ]# n% f5 H
She slowly unbuttoned her shirt and peeled it off. Her small1 H  O* e- l, V4 f* w! d
firm breasts were barely covered by a black bra.  
6 F  U9 `3 Z0 f5 Y, m% H& ?, v% t0 g, p
The chief's eyes bulged as he took in her breasts. His
& z* [3 i% v$ h+ X' y# Dbreathing quickened. "I'm gonna fuck that woman tonight," He
2 ^, P: G( O/ b' Pvowed.
1 h- g1 ^( o( m5 K: X
; o% r6 G( k3 yMiss Thomas growled, "Stop stalling and get that bra and
9 [( }( A# }8 K% G! _underpants off."  As Jean hesitated looking over at the# j3 N6 O' U$ }+ w5 \4 a7 u
5 d1 s. o( {: G8 f3 }$ [; U7 H3 h( e4 L% c
  x9 P& z6 h( K- J! z# a) FMichael's hips were moving rapidly as her neared climax. His2 n3 X4 Z6 ?) i( t& E& Z
cock was all the way into Caitlin's mouth. His balls were
, q+ U/ j5 \9 q8 Z( h8 f  Rhitting her chin. Then he roared," Yessss," as he spurted cum% Z9 G- Y% X! r7 g
down Caitlin's throat. He kept his cock in her mouth as she' \( O: Y6 q( }3 i0 E
swallowed his load, Then Naomi ordered her to make sure his( T1 N# j& V& F2 x
cock was nice and clean. Caitlin licked the remaining cum+ n" E, E( X$ F, D7 E7 F
from his cock head ,peeling back the rim and tonguing the
- ~( M: m* |6 Uinside.
  Q8 M0 A4 e: Z0 j3 `" \- h! u: R' T2 S3 z' g0 _% g' }
Michael stood panting as the Deputy Sheriff peeled back his
% a" o. ]' E) ?& @; Aforeskin to check the thoroughness of Caitlin's job then
2 z2 x1 a; s9 _9 m5 D" I/ }; e9 ywalked over to the other boys to watch Mrs. Connolly's
- F4 `' I& ]2 y# uhumiliation at the governor's hands.
4 l& I; `- ?4 Y# K5 G% ~0 N7 U% a4 E
+ y; K# w: T8 Z$ CCaitlin was allowed to stand with her sisters. The three& W( L  r; i( N/ x0 u
naked girls stood trembling and sobbing as they watched their+ q) N3 m# \; Q
mother being forced to Strip. 1 T3 [5 m3 ^' B% f4 J
: P# ]* P- P4 e0 M# G% p
Kelly was still sucking Josh as Mrs. Connolly reached back& ]8 V$ d8 B8 Q& X
and unhooked her bra straps. Freed of their restraints her
& s! H2 n. g* W8 l& Bsmall  breasts sagged slightly as she dropped the bra to the. X* e; B, g4 J: P* E  f
floor. "Hands on your head Bitch," The governor Hissed.( Z& R5 e+ y: Y- s4 W& }, r
"Don't you dare try to cover yourself."( i9 `. f3 f- `& x) x3 V1 j. m

7 v$ ~9 Q8 r: ^. ^/ {Mrs. Connolly stood with her hands behind her head, blushing8 ]+ \" Z& n% W, T) j3 T) S
as the Governor and the rest looked at her tits. The fact
" E  @. a7 l$ D1 G- Hthat she had given birth to four daughters definitely was* E/ i( [. S* N0 l! ]- t5 ]. {
evident. Though they drooped a bit it was due more to the# {% l9 C+ [; A
size of them. She had worn a 34A bra from the time she was2 J- O# l2 S7 }) R# V! ], U
sixteen and had only gone over to a B cup  after giving birth' g: W7 Q+ t8 `5 a" k: d( i0 P* P
to Kelly. Still her late husband had loved her breasts. They" m8 k. C, w. F1 I
had pink  small nipples that still stood up perkily. Her skin
( I+ y+ ?! w7 A* k1 Kwas light and a trace of blue veins showed .The Chief
. }7 [: l% l3 L1 c3 jwhistled in admiration as he looked at  them.  Though they
6 D  ?8 f3 c1 dwere not large they were bigger than they appeared in$ X& o6 r! z8 ~7 D8 Z; n( V, k) s
clothing. The governor wasn't that easily impressed. "Take
8 o8 \9 T* e! D' g3 B( Othose panties off and let's get a better look at that blonde
4 G6 |% N7 a+ y# Mtwat of yours she ordered."  
0 z$ t3 C: c/ E4 D+ H0 I- ]9 v% l) r# p
Josh was pounding into Kelly's mouth. "Just a little more,"$ l- a/ D& ~! Z& i9 R9 }
He gasped. Then with a moan he emptied his  sperm down the
0 ^# |- _3 v% u- j' K1 A% Inine year old's throat. Lori Paulson eager to watch the final
5 `- t- R1 g' |piece of clothing come off Mrs. Connolly told him to "Get0 J2 u) P% R( U, }5 K
over with the others," Without checking his cock. Kelly stood; n$ x- A3 Y3 _0 M8 h7 v
and hugged Jennifer as the terrified girls watched the scene3 S+ M  w& ]0 ~
in front of them unfold.
, ^4 t2 u) \- w2 X8 u" K5 {
3 Y1 F: o$ a, uMrs. Connolly removed her panties in front of everybody in
& |/ _% D! \" l( W  Q% {the room. As she tugged them over her wide hips her red  [# q+ z! c5 r* [4 I
streaked ass was also revealed. Nobody paid it any attention.
! B. o" t. j% L: p: g2 HLike her two older daughters she was a natural blonde. The" D2 ~, S, b. |! R) M; G% Q
similarity ended there. While Jennifer and Caitlin had sparse
) D* ]; y. {, Q6 Q. k- E& p" Qpatches of golden blonde hair on their pussies, Jean Connolly' R6 i; Q4 H( Q) W& M2 Y) y. y
had a thick Thatch of strawberry blonde hair completely" s: n$ l3 `+ Q
hiding her cunt.
% V) |# g) P  z. l" @. d% r, A6 j
7 U" e( \: e' r- W  L1 kThe Governor stood up and approached Mrs. Connolly. She stood. B; \) H# M# Y0 P/ j, I4 n. y
toe to toe with the former head mistress of the school. Both
  \& j" q, ?1 ^8 U5 \* t2 }1 Z" _women were the same height. "Look me in the eyes," the" S1 u" C% H0 ?- }3 c/ u7 j8 o+ U
Governor said, her face inches away from Jean's. " I want to* @; ]5 n4 g7 J/ x! j- J
make several things perfectly clear." She reached down and1 e2 Q# O1 k. d7 z8 c, f' W
shoved her middle finger inside Mrs. Connolly's pussy. The2 t  r) h1 I8 J2 Q: s4 ?
Younger woman grunted. ! G. C- ]4 z% u$ z! \9 j& [

( s, \3 s3 E, L/ }"Why are you doing this? I was your friend." Jean cried as
' d( @5 Z+ n& bthe Governor roughly fingered her.
' ~: y! u' t' T4 c1 Z. L4 e9 @  C0 s  y1 a0 [
"All my adult life I wanted only one thing and that was to be) |! j/ z  }* i. f! `# Z. d, P2 S
Governor. I lived politics and breathed it. I fucked and
3 n; c% @: k1 {/ t; Usucked my way through the party until I was on top." The
, g6 l5 }2 Y, G2 [7 L+ ~Governor shoved another finger into the trembling Woman's
9 s9 n( F+ A4 E! }' g% {cunt. "Now I have to defend myself against my enemies. Do you0 V8 I. W- z9 x
know what Senator Gilhooley called me?" Her voice rose. "He
) v' E) G" D: O$ X% Scalled me Governor Molester. I'm going to make you sorry you
3 c7 e1 T0 t4 u% I$ _ever knew me," She screamed, shoving a third finger painfully
2 W; p9 f+ F% e4 Lup Jean's snatch.
( b* B# G* N! v( a3 |1 B! ~( @/ k) i1 j6 A
"I want everyone to get a chance to finger and explore these
2 X) s' L+ @6 W' T7 Ufive cunts," the Governor said turning to Miss Thomas. "Then
+ _5 p6 X# E. \8 D6 e0 B& {I want to watch as each girl gets ass fucked." .
" N1 U3 V( Z. e) L/ U! e" @' m
"Let's take them to the lunchroom," the Head guard suggested.# I9 b- M0 A4 a% k; C3 W9 T
We can lay them out on the tables and the light is better' t3 Z" U, X! c5 n2 y
there too."
5 K$ `9 h. @7 d- a3 q, U3 m
6 \& K' y3 _1 r) I2 _# l" k" XThe Governor agreed and the four sobbing girls and their1 b1 U- u& C4 x& f% x" o9 }3 s6 k
mother led the way, bare naked to the lunchroom. The boys0 ~. V+ W* z, K, u. ^
followed behind, admiring the red ass on their former
  n, k( i9 D& Q! m) s5 _; zPrincipal and the four perfect butts on the girls. The
2 L% p0 I% {$ a2 }' iGovernor and her party brought up the rear watching as five
# W  T0 E9 d2 Wnaked females and seven naked boys walked in front of them.
6 n7 @. e8 f' ^9 r
$ Z' O' W8 c# xArriving at the lunchroom the Chief wasted little time. The. k& P4 R+ v; D; E& J3 O( y! H
boys were put to work pushing five tables together. He0 K1 r, K; q& X/ ~
whispered in the Governor's ear and she nodded. Jean Connolly* S7 y! q, A9 Y% q  E
knew the horror awaiting her and her daughters. What she
/ [8 J+ O0 i4 t( J: I. rcouldn't figure out was why five tables were needed. She soon: z/ S; J9 b7 f# |( a$ B
found out.
* ?* t) X& m; a3 v6 l0 N( M! Y6 N) M! b& X+ g4 d& X% l  b
"Jean you know what comes next?" Paula Thomas said. I want6 G7 L; X" V4 s7 W" {2 A$ k
all five of you up on the first three tables. We're gonna
& `- {4 p, d9 |6 P9 z4 t3 ~1 Astrip search you starting with your assholes."6 Q5 U2 ]9 t4 q. o
# J. g- X! L8 [3 o
The girls knew it was going to happen but that didn't cushion! A% v: y) Q/ J/ e% Z
the blow when it fell. All four burst out into tears as they- p* O! ~3 R0 \3 d. o! U
were forced to climb up on the tables on their hands and
. {  T+ n( r- t& |/ r) e" V) Eknees. Mrs. Connolly was last up. The boys stared at the five, a$ w3 |5 Z: p" j/ N
asses. Their cocks were once again at full mast. Lori Paulson. X7 C# c' R$ L- D; f' W9 A/ P
positioned them. "Heads down and asses up."  The crying girls
% T  B- p2 o1 fcomplied laying their heads on the tables. "Spread them wide/ d$ s4 |& q- l9 n7 X, M/ |. X
ladies," Miss Walton cackled as she walked behind each girl4 ?. U2 K' l' _" W
and pulled their legs apart.  "Get those hands on your cheeks" [" i: T1 D4 ?3 I& Y( R
and open yourselves up," Miss Fanelli said. She nodded in9 Q9 @: [7 E2 {( R- G/ i/ Y5 d5 o. \
satisfaction as the girls pulled themselves  wide open- I! R/ @( y9 e# Q" ~7 {' Y3 z
revealing their pretty assholes to the seven boys and twelve
3 R& u/ |  W0 G' P8 g( Eadults watching.
, Y5 s5 A7 B% P) W1 }1 h5 e- J6 p- D. ^; ?
"Everybody gets a turn," Miss Thomas said handing out rubber, X+ ?$ _1 w  F+ J
gloves to the adults. "The boys can go in barehanded when2 y- }" d; C8 `- o* Q' i! `& j
we're finished.": a! j1 `+ W( E4 J: m" \6 J
" {' o% `5 ?9 P  v0 I
Kevin couldn't believe what he was seeing. There was Christie* K4 ~/ @9 U) n3 H( O: D
and her entire family up on those tables. Not only were their
$ M3 ]0 p0 z. M" D7 Yassholes open for all to see but their pretty pink cunts as
( u3 F* _" R. m6 P) T) L# Z; pwell. Standing next to him Michael was breathing heavily as
4 e( H' h' j  uhe stroked his own cock absentmindedly while committing the
& u8 S" d& E+ M& O& q8 ?scene to memory.' A( Z2 y- N* p. B7 }
1 k) j- |( m, O& T
The other boys were staring bug-eyed. Andy noticed Jennifer's: I# C0 m- z0 q0 S
clitoris peeking out from her wide open cunt.  
1 D8 v5 r/ h4 l4 r' A. G: f- W& ?% @4 E7 h* P
The Governor  snapped the gloves on her large hands and  }4 b! F6 f" b8 U( s- v- h
strode over to the table. She looked into each asshole6 D: g! ~% k5 r4 r1 F9 O6 R
thoughtfully then settled on Mrs. Connolly. "I'm really
) c5 r1 {9 t  B9 c9 M- Yenjoying myself Jean," She cackled as she   shoved her middle5 G; |# X  A" w8 f
finger roughly into the younger woman's puckered asshole. The
5 [2 x, j7 }* r/ B8 i' L; D7 z/ [muscle held for a moment and the Governor had to apply more: k1 I8 r4 l# m3 M
pressure. Jean was dry and she grunted in pain as the finger
# j! }* S* }; g. Wslipped in. The other members of the pussy posse wasted no
) J. v2 K6 u9 j6 Ktime. ) s& }. }6 h4 j+ ?" L+ W

  Q, q7 W$ f* N4 N, ^4 r4 b: {" CCaptain Williams had the largest hands anyone had ever seen
7 |3 u1 f0 h9 |/ j& Jon a man and It was Jennifer's bad luck to be selected as his
- N' p' U7 t; |9 vfirst victim. "My what a pretty opening."  He said peering/ Y5 N# @! Q2 E# a
into her exposed pink asshole and pussy. 5 d/ \, H4 o  V/ ^, R0 X% j; \0 ]' Q
" L3 W8 j! M1 O( e7 @8 A
As the pretty blonde screamed in agony he pushed his index
$ I& Y$ d: l; a9 sfinger against her sphincter muscle and up into her rectum.
1 O: ^, W) a3 R- o# v7 P, v: L) iAt the same time his other hand was busy stroking her exposed
- f) v. ^# }4 C) m: n% hpink clitoris.   G: R2 h9 _! h' a; a

, r$ z& A  x: C' I6 G- y, F/ xKelly wasn't getting off with her little asshole unexplored." g" T6 P- r  b+ S; [6 ]
Miss Walton and Miss Fanelli parked themselves behind the* h/ V$ g* p8 c5 L; [
nine year old and looked inside her ass. As one fingered her# b3 i9 ]8 m0 o; B9 a# X
asshole pushing up into her rectum, the other was busy1 c3 F6 j/ w" K- C
exploring her immature vagina. "I can't wait until she turns
, K; B# f" L& C, v" C; n! v) u6 hover and opens her pussy up," Miss Walton giggled fingering
. k$ N4 A# j2 y4 o% E3 {6 nthe small twat.
2 @1 F, P6 P1 ~1 ~* r3 s! W' u1 Q2 O/ @/ A5 ~* l
The Governor pushed a third finger inside Jean Connolly's
1 j. q/ @$ r* m; \" s- T2 i, w. V7 xpink asshole causing her to howl in agony. She rotated her+ \- N5 \/ V; d% h
hand around forcing the asshole even wider. Miss Thomas0 P' S- L0 |* R6 t3 D0 \; ~& p
looked over her shoulder. "I'm gonna shove butt plugs up
$ O# N! Y2 @8 Vthere before bedtime," She said. "That'll open them up."
/ ]" f+ Z, E- M  j0 p; l
* k0 y* |( j& E3 ~# J" K4 @"Good idea," the Governor said. "In the meantime a good fat% D7 ]% c$ D+ B) z, a
cock will lubricate the way in for the plugs."3 N7 C8 D6 Y+ Z0 o
9 Y4 M. ]( S2 z/ s
Christie was Harley's first target. He pushed a thick long2 d4 d# j" m- @7 Q) w; m: N
finger against her pink pucker. She yelped as it slid up into
; D% l, H  f+ h7 C2 o# [5 ~( Mher. He rotated it around for several moments, then kneeling! G% h5 K. ^: h, \* T4 ], r" }
on his haunches looked up her pussy while he reamed her ass.
% o; `2 Q# v; P6 m! hNaomi waited patiently for her turn. & D  V1 B0 B7 ?( l

3 L# Y! y- n: M! a0 NJudge Robinson was pushing his meaty fingers in and out of
  i. d9 ~( U' UCaitlin's virgin asshole while spreading her pussy wider with5 ?4 O3 I# G, N4 j: _* H6 c) }
his other hand as Lori Paulson looked on.
, u+ R* u2 v0 N7 U, N1 G7 ^
( }8 s: m3 ?0 u- E& NThe Governor relinquished Her position behind Jean Connolly
: \; M& S# [1 _, `and moved over to Christie. She waited as Harley finished and
* ~* E# v+ l6 e7 G1 ONaomi pushed her fingers into the little girl then took her
$ c. ^! S' m0 \4 |- iposition behind Christie and called the Doctor and Randi4 [* S9 b! ~2 r
over. "Why aren't you joining in ?" She asked.
( c- H6 t- z% F& o( ]2 X3 d; v8 C
( S5 @- Z/ }. u9 Z% C( n"I've seen this before." Dr. Brenner said. "I'm a doctor and/ [% z  }) y) K
I give physicals to people every day." She looked at
+ L  k! z! H- G  u& y* h0 u0 ?Christie's asshole. "Its quite lovely and I'll look more
; d1 @7 N5 a" [2 o$ ?; Gclosely at it when I give her a physical before inserting the8 a  V- f' y0 ^5 k1 }- _  N
microchip tomorrow." She frowned. "I'm not certain where to& P" V! l+ j0 M
put it though. We were supposed to discuss it today weren't
6 ~+ B/ U$ }$ Q7 B2 Awe?" + ]( K8 T5 P0 t% m( F7 }( ]
' l  R6 i5 _: f# @
Governor Grant shoved her finger up inside the little girl.. C* C7 a9 i% T. ^
It went in past her sphincter muscle easily. Harley's finger
! _' Q# |" K9 e4 @had loosened her up quite a bit. "We can use this one to& J: X. v+ x5 W
determine where the best spot is implanting for the chip.* y) y7 s/ R1 [# n5 a
We'll inspect her cunt a little later."2 A; x' H- ^" t2 h- G  ~# T
: V2 b; r' c, z6 ~
Captain Williams was inspecting Mrs. Connolly's asshole. She
8 A8 |( w8 v% i( ^gritted her teeth as the big finger pushed up inside her. "It* n/ H- Y" X. v( ]1 R
hurts. Please take it out," She begged as he rotated inside8 o6 C4 n9 {4 h/ |8 `
of her.
0 ^1 f' A; v4 a1 V+ J& v/ R6 s) }( U/ _
"My cock is much bigger than my finger and the Governor) `) G9 b8 {- s  j, n) |- e! o- m8 e
promised I could do you later," He told her as he pushed a
3 u' z% F! r/ n0 e3 C( o, hsecond finger up her stretched anal muscle. Mrs. Connolly: Q# X4 k9 K: [2 B2 k& z5 |+ t
wailed in agony.
# e6 f8 J$ ]+ R& K+ c1 U% i: _: P( [6 h$ h2 `
Caitlin's ass was undergoing an inspection by Harley and/ |( [6 i7 c# y9 t4 A5 y
Naomi. Harley was fingering her twat while Naomi moved her
- Y- B/ s8 q) b% T1 ~$ Bfinger in and out of the youngster's pink ass hole.; T* w  R( \+ z
+ k3 W4 g4 q( g) t" a/ R8 p+ X
Lori Paulson had moved over and was busy exploring Kelly.1 L; ~% ?! Y* u# c4 P
They had done this to the boys all the time. Now Kelly was
4 i, [0 @' y" e2 J: M7 ]getting as good as she gave. She cried as Lori doubled up her
, P2 Y- }: I8 F. h" \3 rfingers reaming the tortured asshole.0 N- e* f. }6 g+ f
( }; ~8 W% w* [* X
Judge Robinson had moved on to Mrs. Connolly and was
' F* V" U* p( d4 ~, E) ^# vfingering her cunt as he looked up her asshole. "I like naked  z6 g( f! J- t: @+ F
assholes but if I  had my way I much rather have a pussy to$ I% [3 M8 o" O0 L, K3 g
shove my cock up," He chortled.
0 @1 Y0 k/ y# ~. y$ u; i/ o1 |3 m( ~3 l3 O9 A
The inspection of the five Connolly's went on for another% H# m7 A: M; j: s% H" U; y9 }
five minutes with each adult getting at least one chance to
1 i6 q  x" D6 m: u+ l$ m) R/ F# mstick their fingers up the pretty assholes of the four girls
  `( b* W, d" i) dand their mother. Satisfied that everyone had seen what they" K8 F( }$ m) g# F/ |
wanted to see and determined to continue the humiliation, the
1 |( k. {/ m, R1 u4 z  S! m, f5 aGovernor nodded to Miss Thomas. "Let the boys check them
, K5 O0 g5 V: H7 C8 \# f+ Mout."
7 J- A/ n/ q; G: Y: @* M$ ~( k0 q5 D! \8 g# c
As the girls were still in position heads down and asses up6 y7 T- f6 m& b6 _" H6 H5 B
their cheeks apart Miss Thomas informed them," You had a good
1 ?0 E% ], Q# [/ \time sticking your fingers up the boy's assholes for all  J1 s) R0 N' t9 Y
these weeks. Well ladies, its payback time. Keep those- U" @. K/ B+ w  @1 b+ r9 P
assholes open."
5 ~/ ^9 H( I$ I' K
4 w( x: T" _1 {: v: E# x0 PThe boys approached cautiously. These girls had tormented
' l2 h0 T1 ]  ?7 y" Xthem for such a long time. Now they were equals. Michael led
+ U$ x% b, E) Y1 Vthe way. He stood behind Mrs. Connolly's red ass looking into
0 e7 m# P8 L& N: `! Uher asshole. Josh stood with him. "Go ahead Nerd," Michael* L- |( R2 X  T1 G9 r
teased. It won't bite you."
; ?5 j4 q6 ^- D( d0 y* n) T3 G- k. k! ]
Josh stuck a tentative finger into Mrs. Connolly's ass slit
" o0 Z5 F1 v! ^8 n& `and pushed against her asshole. To his surprise it went in. e7 ]2 a% H& Y& S! l0 X' U3 M
easily. He looked at Michael and smiled. Michael was busy
3 C6 \7 d! e$ c. r$ q2 Clooking at the blonde furry vagina spread out so temptingly
1 R6 [- q: _# r1 k) _, ~underneath the kneeling, bent over woman. He stuck his finger* F1 u/ N; Y' W2 @, M  W
into her twat liking the wetness of her lips. Josh watched as4 M* _' M" g! h
Michael masturbated her. Mrs. Connolly was moaning as the3 I& G% p; R) T9 h5 A' ~" ]$ \& ?( K
boy's fingers found her sensitive spots. * |3 H% N3 @; X- N9 m; D% V' G
( d! n' o: a" b- n% L- U( S- J
The twin assaults on her asshole and cunt were too much. Mrs.. j# {* t( K, p0 a* i- b* u8 J
Connolly moaned and then let out a shriek drawing attention
# {! b2 F0 J6 z5 i( u6 m$ {to herself as she came. Her pussy dripped on to the hard
- e8 N" e- P, i6 a' Esurface of the table. The governor smiled. "That must have
/ v6 [$ R3 ]2 |been humiliating. To cum in front of the boys like that."
/ }" [) c5 q! P: ^3 E" K2 m4 UMiss Thomas nodded in agreement.
- b; M' `& L1 S) d' w) b4 l& M% C: r9 C
Kevin made a beeline to Christie. He laughed as he assaulted3 l8 O: Y) V4 E; L* {) s
her cunt and asshole simultaneously.  "I've dreamt of this- H6 [5 N6 I0 j. w
day since the first time you stripped me," He told the
) t. e7 m2 y( I' Jsobbing little girl. "How does this feel Christie?" he said
, y7 g0 \' B( E% Tshoving a second finger into her asshole.8 G5 ^  s1 I$ d- g6 P

( T; w9 X0 c: b- |/ P+ M1 ?"Stop it Kevin you're hurting me," Christie wiggled on the/ u1 Y/ w( F5 \% v( r
end of his finger. That only made it worse for the little
3 K1 [3 K( o5 iblonde girl. Kevin was out for payback. He pushed his thumb
# R! j1 s% P1 i; ^into her snatch holding her like a bowling ball..
4 U- z7 B: U2 F
/ d0 y$ t" z7 V$ C, {' B6 CAndy was fascinated by the small beauty mark on Caitlin's5 l8 F. \4 M+ F' {9 n3 D- o
left buttock. He pushed into her anus while Jerry diddled her
1 k6 ~( l( \0 Otwat. The boys took turns poking and prodding each asshole9 `# h+ V1 O! U$ c
and pussy. Christopher started by fingering Kelly then moved
0 y% ^5 `2 M2 y! X9 C' z3 _+ edown to Christie taking over from Kevin. The adults watched" i6 }; s. k/ M! g
as the boys paid back the hapless girls. "The boys are gonna
3 |) T- N* \: w: Vhave to be spanked tonight," Miss Thomas said to the Chief as- g4 R1 w7 W$ F- i% j
the two of them watched Jerry and Josh savage Jennifer's6 ]1 ^9 T- g0 z# Z
anus. "They're starting to think they're free."
" [) T3 V) T# H$ M* T! m- Q" ~+ k5 z# p: @+ S
Each boy took a turn with Mrs. Connolly's twat and behind.
/ M5 v" ^# \6 Z" h. U8 B: ?Ricky was awestruck. He stood still behind Mrs. Connolly,% t- d" w3 m, X/ s
Staring at his former chief tormentor's naked wide open hole
* b8 u/ `  e8 d6 [and dripping twat. She had been like a god to the boys,4 b% f4 z; x, h* }/ B. |
dealing out punishment and rewards.
! B6 K1 h# ^+ [; z, c+ ?2 T8 y1 d7 {; U/ j" n' w
The boys were allowed five more minutes. Each boy had been- M, p! t$ q0 x5 w4 A: M1 t8 F$ H
allowed to thoroughly explore the five assholes displayed on.- r% x: ]  Y% y/ {) W* L
the tables. " C; U, ]: Y5 c3 x
* o6 _1 r5 Q' Y: N6 Z* g
The girls were allowed to turn over and stretch . Then it was
+ {% ~  t  Q$ [8 H5 Cback to work. Miss Thomas and Miss Fanelli got them into
  H! W# Q+ F* B" |. f1 I4 S# u9 _position two. Each girl was now on a solitary table. They* Q4 ]9 k6 f. M
were made to lie flat on their backs and place their bare
* G7 w$ H: o4 ~# dfeet on the far corners, Spreading their cunts as wide as; c( _; S" m# A3 }+ J; B, q
they could go. Then Miss Thomas told them. "Lift your hips up
8 c, A/ c# |9 F# n( m* |6 N/ ?off the table and present your cunts to us". The embarrassed# Y: ]+ [7 N1 k$ u2 x3 z
girls raised their cunts up and were able to keep that3 P% Y5 p( H, ~3 K, L2 D
painful position by placing their hands under their thighs7 L( `; Y8 I" F
and steadying themselves with their elbows. Five pink pussies
0 `9 O. V: f) p* S9 }- ewere now stretched wide for inspection.
9 q' \+ v# P8 A$ f3 ?% u4 u7 b! Q" |; u
The boys were pop eyed in disbelief. It had all happened so
7 E/ E5 q0 A& d7 ufast. The girls were checking their assholes not three hours
- x( h0 |8 [, Xago, now they had just finished checking the girls naked: C4 C: G1 l( o2 Y5 {) {  l' [
assholes as they lay exposed on the table. This was even4 m, l0 l1 x) i) P) |
better. The girls cunts lay all pink and open for anyone to8 J: g# _& P4 ^2 D) A
2 u8 ]0 f0 j' J# v" G: \6 C% y; L& L: {/ c6 j8 G5 G3 s  A$ O( x* e$ n
The adults wasted no time. Jennifer's clitoris was popping
+ B2 ~' W5 @/ ]: Bout of her cunt, Mrs. Thomas reached over and took it between4 b& q( X1 \, P$ R5 _
her thumb and forefinger and jerked it like a miniature4 t6 |, d% ?8 U! n% ~8 b. S
penis. ! W- \% Z. g$ f1 Q/ J6 U

) |8 \; S) U9 x8 {, B- V. qGovernor Grant stood looking down at the pink wet gash  of7 s! Q) U% f3 R! r1 F- g6 `
Mrs. Connolly. The former headmistress was sobbing
& R: L" L" q8 P6 ]: e! Fhysterically as her and her daughters faced the ultimate
( p; K+ u2 u' c$ shumiliation. It got worse. The Governor aimed two of her
0 {. i$ E' j2 }fingers and pushed them into Jean's sopping pussy. She: ?- V" y/ Z7 l- `2 V! }( N
twisted them around causing Mrs. Connolly to raise up even& E% w& j  s7 L
higher. Her hips started moving as the older woman touched
: H' }6 S, q# O% w; Wher hot spots. "Please stop," she moaned. "I can't take it."
) k2 n& c5 f7 a# }4 C9 F( Z8 a7 V- U: m3 f5 Q
"You'll take it and more," The governor spat, As she pushed9 h7 S' @, S7 E! K% h) H
another finger inside.1 M" T0 E( Q$ D0 A% y/ _
% f) K+ C3 M& G4 d
Naomi Tacredi was gazing into Caitlin's cunt. "How'd you like6 {2 t! U: f. z/ n: B8 q4 ~
a little of that?" She asked Harley. He smiled. "I think I'd
7 g0 U( V" c9 D5 e' w( x+ Flike that a lot." Caitlin moaned and wiggled as Harley pushed% z$ d. a+ r/ Y2 U8 W+ H
his fingers in and out of her  blonde pussy
- O1 C$ H3 L) b* o( z0 a# v9 U. _- D* k/ R+ r
Miss Thomas continued pulling and poking at Jennifer's
0 g% h6 s* K; P: [: c9 Fclitoris. The naked teen was bouncing up and down , Her head
2 X8 @: n: ]7 M$ z  s* \; {" y0 E! Qthrown back as she was expertly masturbated to a climax.0 a2 }% b/ y0 e& J& A- m* y7 K! p0 a

- \9 p- s9 r, h; T" mGovernor Grant was relieved by Captain Williams. His enormous; L, Z& O- _% @3 I! q
finger poked into Jean Connolly's bruised pussy. She exhaled5 x6 R2 D# _1 w) M4 D+ a
sharply as her cunt was forced open even wider. "I'm gonna
7 W( ^. M9 e/ \# Qget me some of your sweet blonde snatch later," The big guard
, C" D4 R6 q4 b/ Cthreatened as he roughly poked her battered vagina. "You
9 i, F: A# I4 ^5 Ebetter practice opening that cunt wide."
& F+ y3 U2 |8 _
; o, m6 b. B4 x. Y/ H+ W9 n. CDoctor Brenner was examining Christie's little pink cunt when- ~0 S# _8 H9 r, O
the Governor joined her and the nurse. The three women bent
7 |+ }7 \2 a- Y! e% Yover the little cunt as the doctor decided how to implant the
4 `6 X* u6 E! @microchip tomorrow. The doctor's experienced hands pushed- S& K$ w( e6 D% G, P1 x# Y
back the pink labia. "Here, if we implant right here it
$ `; I% G0 v; _$ s" x, [- z/ mshould control them perfectly." She pointed to a spot on the$ j. j7 h- j) M4 {; p  E
little pussy lips. "It's far enough from the inner vagina so
& l. u# c) C1 J3 V0 y0 ithat they could have vaginal intercourse almost immediately."  U4 G6 I- K! l" z3 h2 B" F2 Y
: [9 E9 \3 R* x( d7 q4 _* y+ f
"Excellent," The Governor nodded. "I want to watch them get
! z, t) {! x1 m: ofucked in their pussies tomorrow before I leave." She pushed
( [5 B5 ?# t8 k2 T' u# [6 L. @a finger into Christie's cunt. "Tonight their assholes get$ ~5 f2 U, K& g& o1 F$ A, J
it. I expect you to have them on birth control pills tomorrow
& l- g( ?4 n2 U+ U0 [after you give them a complete exam."  0 w7 ], C& k5 @  C6 R
1 Z4 w. O2 P2 i
Christie was howling as she heard the Governor pronounce
- h& t+ L7 m8 ^0 ~; ?. W; Psentence. She wiggled on the table as the Doctor and Nurse
$ p4 m" h1 N; Lwatched the Governor's fingers diddling her twat. ( q/ X( j5 B- A; K7 M
2 U6 C6 S/ W) k9 ]1 v$ g
Kelly was spread wide on the fifth table. Chief Crane was
5 u0 Z8 |- Y3 ^5 y/ ftickling her little cunt. "You have a cute little snatch," he
0 G& N, J  m9 V: p& f/ M0 Stold the sobbing little girl. I'm gonna fuck your mother's
: a4 K9 }1 p) z2 u/ A3 U  O, t& Jasshole tonight but first I'm going to watch one of those& f7 v' E( O) a
little boy cocks get shoved up your little assholes."
* u4 [9 \7 M2 e0 N* V* ^5 x( e" r, {
Miss Fanelli and Miss Walton were leaning over Mrs. Connolly
$ [' I' h- q' B: Hlooking into her wet juicy snatch. She had cum twice and the
) X$ [: S  z; T9 E, F% E: k: Gtable under her ass was wet with pussy juice. "Jean you
' J( c" H: d3 fshould be ashamed of yourself," Miss Walton admonished. "Look1 J* a2 i0 X3 m  J
at the mess you've made. Your cunt is all wet."
/ j, h* d  J2 m5 e. r4 W% p- P1 W0 }; ?5 I
Jennifer's sparsely haired pussy was all wet too. Miss Thomas& h( A! R$ J+ n% D
had done a good job on the sobbing teen. She lay on her back,
4 z% n& @! J' }her snatch up in the air as Miss Thomas poked and prodded
0 w  A3 F- L( T) y6 Zher. Lori Paulson had been examining Christie along with the; d2 z6 l! ^% d6 Z
Governor and the two medics. Now she wandered over and was+ Z% n- B. d- _& J% X6 r6 Y
watching Miss Thomas. She took over when Miss Thomas went to; n* U. P) v3 |) v8 }
check out Kelly. The Chief joined her and the two of them
1 J1 R6 v2 O# P  c! ]5 \took turns making the pretty teen moan and wiggle as they
% `/ E1 _1 R7 h" fexplored her dripping slit.3 Y& \& m2 ]* V2 T& z- K

& [; _" ^+ b4 \8 @/ WGradually each of the eleven people finished checking out. |. _( B) G+ Y  Y: I
their five helpless victims and it was decided to give the
, }; ]& V) }9 b; pgirls over to the boys for five minutes. Miss Thomas warned
7 D0 M4 V, T* sthe Connolly's to keep their position so the boys could get a
3 d, p- A0 l5 e* y# v" @good look up their wide open pussy's. Lori led the awestruck
! X) P' }, ^6 a' yboys over to look at what they had only dreamed about until7 j; N' o; L  B8 ~  W
now.) G* L6 t6 ]6 Z; z4 p$ t

8 A* k1 u! j! RThe adults watched as the seven naked boys looked in
* E4 q/ G6 H5 n7 Z, f* {amazement at the five pussies displayed in front of them.% J  b, W7 J* c7 Z6 r
Andy stood in front of Kelly looking into her small hairless
: u- J" c# `# p1 o8 z, @0 _- I# Xcunt. He pushed an exploring finger into it. It was moist
% F8 e6 _0 f' |/ A  `+ |: hwith her juices and he liked the feeling. Kelly moaned,
( s9 Z6 H: f) v  A"Please no more I can't take any more. Let me go." She was$ f5 ~% j2 t: m9 J
sobbing. Andy remembered how she had pulled on his cock and# {+ {) f' E* G; \3 o, [$ W6 r
balls and the way she had shown his little sister how to
* @5 K' [5 {1 G/ N* ~( Phumiliate him.  How she had reamed his asshole and squeezed
. Z# a; P4 }4 c! M5 X, ]0 Xhis nuts as he stood naked and helpless in front of her, and
; K8 H2 J# b3 b- T9 x- vhe showed her no mercy.0 p: R/ S( S- i0 u7 S4 ^- P& R
4 V  A! y8 ~; L7 V# `* L! g
Christopher joined his brother and the two of them played
# B$ H6 R4 D9 I) d) [+ Cwith her widespread snatch. Chris had found her clitoris and) N) Z( H' r, w! h. g
was giggling as he held it between his thumb and forefinger) p2 q# B- K! m! |
yanking and pulling the little nub. Kelly was wiggling on the$ E& e& z4 ^, _! h7 v; A
table as the two boys masturbated her.1 c# M, a5 S- Q  j% F

; f' ^* c* i  D5 U, h9 OMrs. Connolly wasn't enjoying the company of Michael and; W6 K. C; u; X3 @
Jerry any more than she had enjoyed the Chief's visit or the
3 M+ O, ^9 {7 A% {governor's. The two boys were laughing and taunting her as: Q8 M- u/ \0 y
they shoved their fingers in her gaping hole. For the fourth9 H! L8 e9 p' F2 k1 h( C  n. k
time that night She felt herself coming. Her moaning got  u9 R4 y- H/ ]5 H' K2 |) q
louder and her ass was wiggling all over the table as Jerry
' ?7 J8 i6 X8 K! F/ aand Michael attacked her cunt with two fingers each.0 R" K3 o8 z( ?
2 Z, f0 R# ]- r- ^. H" H  z
Kevin naturally was staring at Christie's cunt. He remembered
: G5 U+ p( o3 c3 ]1 b' Z2 ahow she had singled him out, making his existence at the
3 Y  s+ ?! r3 j; \  }Grandview School a living hell. He felt all his rage coming1 Q8 c" \# ~6 E4 K4 ?
back as he looked at his former friend's hairless pink4 {9 t0 r  H; ^! t; H- G
snatch. "This is for the 4H club," He said shoving his two
6 n* I& B! C8 omiddle fingers into her small cunt. Christie moaned as Kevin
8 b/ W' U! z, c5 j5 d8 tpoked her insides, his finger pushing against her swollen: S" U/ y9 G& @# B+ H3 z  a
" ~0 U# K  D) a/ s3 v" G2 P' l: s# D, ?  V( _0 z
Ricky had Caitlin all to himself and had one finger in her
5 T/ A$ v- G5 xcunt and one in her ass. He pushed them in and out, Doing his( I+ b# R1 j& l) }0 L: b. l
best to make her cum. She responded by moaning and gasping as: H  L  |2 n7 A; P% K. B) O. n
his fingers touched first one erogenous area, then another., e  ?, s0 R" a! d# S
Her ass was bouncing on the table as the little blonde boy* P. ^: X8 K: j$ A5 @
pushed another finger into her dripping snatch.7 b1 d' |4 G; R2 w* z/ |6 a$ V0 d' L! c

3 k. _4 C  v- xJennifer was the object of Josh's attention. His earlier fear! z( g) x$ F! p2 B& `
of reprisal was now in the back of his mind. All he could7 h6 o5 [1 l+ B/ ^$ }3 J% U& n7 X4 a
think of was that glorious blonde cunt spread open in front
. l& @: U! v9 Aof him. His cock was hurting it was so hard. He poked and" q" G" C; w& M2 q
prodded the wiggling blonde with both hands. "Oooh it feels% S: o) H2 ~; J4 n
so good," she moaned while tears poured down her face.( ?* H2 E; m1 P; k2 o- `9 K
Jennifer was hot as a stovetop even though she was red with
* q; d. c2 A# d4 T" Q* lshame and humiliation .% ?7 D( J& t4 K( A( z( R. R
* N7 U! D: [% f# \4 k" h
The boy's switched places. Jerry was fingering Jennifer and( M; B# W5 F7 j  S) T( I" G
Kevin was doing Caitlin. Andy was pushing his small fingers
. ~$ Y9 i% @$ t8 d( x( Hinto Mrs. Connolly and Christopher joined Ricky at Christie's! T' @# r3 v$ u
snatch. Michael and Josh were giving it back to Kelly in
) a0 a0 Z( Q1 i$ z% X5 yspades. The Governor seeing how hard their cocks were,
9 l9 G* {% n) N& `decided to move on to Phase three of the torture.
: r: R* c" l, p( Y6 k7 k! w  x- g& t
The boys were lined up by Miss Thomas as the girls were! u2 |2 s0 l) S7 U5 x
helped off the tables by the Chief, Harley and Captain' |, S* Y: t6 I# X- R& {" t9 l
Williams. Mrs. Connolly was made to kneel and as her
* I& C4 e1 l+ m- ]+ g; f3 ?daughters watched she was forced to lick each  boy's stiff
, b. v8 g: r, ucock. "Lick their balls also," The Governor said supervising
6 k6 h$ u. j% L! f' r1 O; @7 }the blow jobs. The boys only got a taste of Mrs. Connolly's0 w9 Z4 l- ^8 w
mouth. As soon as their cocks were wet and hard as they could$ G' Z1 g$ X& w- R6 z, g& T
possibly be, each boy was led to a table. Michael was first., J3 b. ~5 Y- h) X# |8 F3 G
Mrs. Connolly barely had time to lick the pre-cum off his/ q  v1 N. S$ f7 Y2 Y
throbbing cock when he was led away and told by Miss Walton
7 m1 b9 \1 L( x% x- b- G4 Z* Mto Climb up and lie on his back.
5 g' C- T3 j  l! j
* G  J! H# y+ `0 O4 q4 ~# f7 p. P+ _Mrs. Connolly licked the underside of Josh's balls under the
+ v) z% H8 r4 S- d! a0 tdirection of Lori Paulson. "Clean those cocks real good,"; V. ?5 T& C4 d; m3 N2 N
Miss Thomas warned her. "They're going to be put in your8 s% }" r! z7 G" w* A" r' a; ~' b
daughter's assholes."
# Y- i0 F  D; ~
/ @9 R4 h+ g( T8 H) p" @7 G$ vKevin was next. Miss Thomas knelt and watched as Mrs.8 k( h! Y: @1 \* A5 ^
Connolly licked the length of his shaft and slurped the pre-! W& B4 R. U. u2 Q' Z/ w% Y# l3 w# l
cum from his cock head." k/ ?4 w" E7 X* v( @

5 ]+ j/ F% H1 N- q+ p. e/ i' Y: eJerry was the fourth boy and The governor nodded her approval, Y5 ]4 D3 A6 ]. D& [& |
as she watched Mrs. Connolly prepare his large dick. Jean
( C( f% X+ z/ h. v" Uskinned his foreskin back and licked around the rim, then he1 X7 z' N. T; Q9 f
too was placed cock up on a table. * `( G' b* D! n/ M( ?! J" n/ m

* J* ~: k" }! [4 D" k! x( dThe next three boys, Andy Ricky and Christopher had their
+ }. I$ F8 ~8 Gpricks cleaned but only Ricky was placed on the fifth and
! d- q9 D+ y6 }# Clast table. Miss Fanelli held Andy and Christopher back.) m5 }% X% i1 g
"Five women, Five cocks. Sorry boys. It looks like you two
: q& L- k- {2 ]+ b0 C8 Zget sloppy seconds." She grinned. "You can stay here and
0 i* K' d7 v* h9 G" uwatch or would you like to fuck each other?" $ g( q4 N; m  C

7 `" l+ u* ~7 _* n  TAndy and Chris both shook their heads  "No ma'am," Andy said.
( v* U0 ~: M, a. h, V! F"We'll watch."
0 O$ @3 U6 m' B; Y  y2 T9 q
3 y% D( V3 P2 rThe four girl knew what was next. They'd forced the boys to; G5 R( `) o, u+ D
dick each other in the ass enough times to know they were in
5 j  h" f7 b3 }1 V' }1 l! lfor a painful experience. Jennifer was sobbing as Judge: X4 K  g% l' U5 G7 J9 e" y7 x( l$ ^
Robinson and Captain Williams helped her up on the table0 {+ U5 L9 T/ A# O
where Josh lay on his back, his long stiff cock standing3 r1 ~8 J" A: `' ?& h5 a3 K
straight up.
+ `$ [: p+ D3 p* H( \; `* m4 }' K0 Q. i9 ?6 q8 Q8 f
As the other girls stood by waiting their turn, Jennifer was
' y3 Y, S/ C5 d4 Y8 K* D* k, vmade to straddle Josh facing his head. Miss Fanelli held her
  o; S6 ~6 x1 u+ s* farm in a tight grip and Miss Walton held Josh's cock. Miss
' Q8 Q# q- `9 n( T8 w/ {5 gFanelli pulled on Jennifer's arm forcing the crying teenager- q8 K2 z# x8 i& J. c
to lower herself. As she did Miss Walton lubricated
/ `# @3 B2 h( D' d2 V; |Jennifer's pink asshole with her own pussy juice. Then as
! L5 i! ?9 l7 S0 e! J. |' n3 f/ {everybody watched, Miss Walton guided the slim prick into
7 `  a5 q5 m% [- QJennifer's asshole. it went in up to her puckered muscle,
8 |( J) K9 \" e' f; b0 W2 K8 VSlowly as she gasped in pain it pushed into her rectum.
/ v/ o0 Z5 T- R. ?  j  Y  G/ g0 C5 p2 ]; \5 g7 l; H( _
On the first table Michael lay with his cock throbbing. Mrs.6 G, [  p  l2 T8 p: U
Thomas stroked it. "You're gonna get the big prize today boy.5 X+ d  Z* S4 d( u) ]- K
Fuck her asshole good and don't you dare cum too soon. I want9 _: N7 f0 L& Q
you to give her a long hard ride." Chief Crane and Harley
3 i* F6 v5 ]' Y- n% p! r% u0 Nhelped Mrs. Connolly to her feet and up on the table. Michael. M" [$ T* a8 S- `! K
broke out in a big grin as the hapless woman was made to+ _; d; y8 W& a7 U+ Z
squat over his cock. Miss Thomas pushed a finger into Mrs.  O( I, p' u: }) K. h
Connolly's cunt then shoved the wet finger up her ass
5 P+ \2 G0 ?) v# h. f% ulubricating it. "Please don't,"  Mrs. Connolly pleaded to no
7 {) T: P+ Y. \; F: m( |$ xavail. Miss Thomas held  Michael's cock and guided it in to: ^8 r3 R% f' g0 E2 U4 l
Jean's ass as the Chief forced her down. She yelped as her
8 k3 f, Z) r* _: s8 Bown weight forced the thick cock to push into her rectum.5 J- @2 ]1 X# m% I! d$ ^
, f0 y1 m8 w8 q9 }9 |
That wasn't the only pain Jean Connolly was facing. Her heart5 F1 V- Z( b# K/ D0 w
broke as she saw Kelly. Her youngest daughter was screaming1 C9 @, G8 h) I# _7 Y# ]
as Captain Williams lifted her bodily and put her on the  H5 T! N2 x, }
table, legs straddling Ricky. Miss Thomas  turned from Mrs.
, N: W5 {4 _/ I+ ^3 \: b; X0 UConnolly and quickly positioned The little blonde boy's cock.* ^' a! O, i: ], j+ W* M2 D
Captain Williams wet his finger in Kelly's pussy juice and
, l7 \1 e, \- D6 Q. [) N; splunged it into her asshole. then the big state trooper! k6 `1 ?4 p/ |2 T, {6 z
forced the little girl to squat on Ricky's hard little dick
! @5 t$ z3 a8 k( l1 @2 L* X( e8 C0 las Miss Thomas guided it into her.; D) J+ F! {; c! D* K

  u3 \* D; N4 sMichael held Mrs. Connolly's tits as he thrust his body up+ ?: a2 C# A* f' r& E
into her asshole. she moaned as she felt the cock part her
( l7 X  W$ c4 ztight pucker with each thrust.% }: `- l( [1 I- I2 g
. S) F! U5 d' i
Caitlin was now straddling Jerry's cock. Naomi Tancredi9 R/ a" B  k3 T$ \4 j3 k  P
lubricated the thirteen year old's asshole and The Governor
& e1 i4 ?% ~; l9 ]( Oherself guided the uncut pecker into her,  
3 x; A0 v6 N+ T
& d" X$ S: c9 l* @% FKevin waited. In a moment he'd push his throbbing cock into
" ^8 s0 ^8 Y0 f+ p/ z5 `+ Lhis former friend's ass. "She brought this on herself," He- |3 M0 C8 R6 {4 a' m
thought as the kicking and screaming little girl was lifted
6 P( m. t4 `9 Y  D) Bon to the table by Judge Robinson and Harley Summers. The0 c! r% T, u  Z! |+ r
judge noted the pre-cum on the tip of Kevin's cock and took
8 F& C! H, Z1 I, n: }some on his finger. He shoved the lubrication into Christie's
) `" Z1 m  y& M+ ~- G5 M8 qasshole and the two men lowered her, still screaming onto2 c1 X6 [) U( e1 p' Y8 F
Kevin's stiff prick. The Judge held the boy's cock and guided# t. X  Q9 l6 C: [) G6 X' [
it in, a look of satisfaction on his face.
* r$ y3 I4 H7 h& B1 v. \* l' U  L
$ E9 [* o& _; ?/ Z# z) E1 O. J" I've got to get something tonight or my balls will erupt,"
4 l% b/ F$ o( A9 k! _Captain Williams said to The chief as they watched the boys( ?, g+ k2 b+ B, K/ \
thrusting their stiff cocks into the girls assholes. + w, P. N( W% w5 `& z3 y9 u
2 b$ Q' d/ e) D
The chief nodded. "They're certainly going to be ready to
# Z5 r/ y) u3 k3 d$ `# sfuck. The judge said she didn't want them vaginal fucked
! Y* P: }: l7 t8 ?, ?1 Suntil the Doctor has examined them. Shit she was looking up
: _0 G) U& [) B9 xtheir cunts just like we were. What more examining does she
3 q  [3 V# n+ e: P7 Fhave to do?"6 i* ^9 n: y& @' L! J
2 W2 X3 s- |9 b9 o' k$ Y+ J
"I think the Governor wants to make sure they're on birth
; v- w. s( O+ ^control pills." Harley said joining the others. "We can fuck
1 O/ X% L: i: w) @8 o- |8 W8 oMrs. Connolly both ways but the girls only get it in the ass+ H$ ^6 D$ a7 i* _
tonight."( u- k! z: N1 R5 }

8 ?- T- p  c* I! ^  O+ wThe men watched as Josh thrust upwards, pushing his cock up! v+ Z: O! _0 C; Z
Jennifer's sore ass. His balls were pushing against her ass- D7 h$ U) U2 v! ]8 P! @! j
crack. Jennifer was bouncing on his cock even as she cried.
3 Q, p% t+ g  L2 n"I'll settle for that, " The Captain grinned.
( [' t; ^$ h% A# d& u8 b* G4 O) [
* C8 Q8 z" ?8 A( l$ a, I7 Z) `On the next table Kelly was moaning as Ricky pushed his  Z$ L1 y3 Z$ W7 s6 n
little cock into her ass. His bare feet were flat on the9 a1 u) t  w% L! Y' {" k7 \3 _
table and he was using his legs to get leverage as he thrust
8 r1 e- p3 W+ f+ Eupwards./ S; K& T, }% X4 M8 T: @. k
# r! j+ i# F+ y$ f; _2 O* [
Michael was spearing into Mrs. Connolly's big asshole. she8 E. t# G+ |! ?% x$ N5 o
was bouncing on his big prick as he played with her nipples.- ^8 m$ u( _& c5 |4 }4 L
The Governor and miss Thomas were standing at the side of the
2 m( ^5 O! \5 {- R% jtable. They could hear the boy's heavy breathing. Mrs.
! J5 M# _; m  r* y5 y& U2 n, DConnolly was gasping and grunting as Michael pushed deeper
$ m% m! g. y- [7 W3 band deeper into her asshole.
' I0 d. B/ p/ x5 b# ?; L+ a
$ T5 W/ p; }# C# E4 |7 Q$ a+ R* mJonathan could barely breath. His cock was all the way up6 M% X- [6 y( {( E+ }/ C6 V& q. ~
into Christie's little asshole. She sat on his stomach
' p8 z' {; b: `leaning forward slightly. Miss Walton  watched fascinated as
1 b# b# [8 S( ohis balls slapped against her cheeks. He was gasping and
3 }1 A" [2 t7 l3 othrusting and Christie was riding his cock as her asshole3 ^9 N$ z6 q1 U# T4 `2 c
loosened up.
/ Y4 T4 w) l9 Y& H1 ^0 A8 q/ t9 }2 r  u8 [
Caitlin was sweating. Jerry's cock was hurting her. She was/ \* v- @- N* H7 m4 e
bawling as he pushed ever deeper. For his part the tight: ?7 A% s  Z# o( N
little asshole was rubbing his cock, exciting him even more.
2 q, s+ V  ~4 p  E' YHe pushed his hips off the table spearing further into her.  
4 @. ^6 O# r8 D" u! U& R, a7 P1 o
! k  B: ^1 c4 S  X" }, A9 uThe girls were all crying as the boys moved faster and. k, y; H5 R4 k/ Z+ L6 O
faster. All five of the Connolly women were sweating from& `+ j/ B5 R$ B$ h1 O
fear and exertion. They were a mess. Every orifice in their/ E7 [8 t" \# X  ?8 p" }6 H
body had been penetrated either by fingers or cocks.
$ a. j$ N1 w4 v* P& m" b, B  r9 F+ z4 ?
Mrs. Connolly's hair was wet from sweat. She was moaning and
; y: b% Z  G% wtrembling as she reached her own climax. Michael pushed up
  P, T2 v6 l; Y; p+ X( Owith his hips and gasped," I'm cumming," as he pumped a load0 A  w' O0 ^( I7 ?
into her rectum. Grateful to be finished she collapsed onto
/ Z4 K9 I8 ]3 Q! C* `him as the cum dripped from her asshole.  
' o1 E( l9 ]: K% N& y2 L3 n9 {6 S- S
One by one the boys came. Josh was next. Jennifer's asshole8 o; {3 u$ o0 G
was smaller and the cum stayed inside her until his cock: p9 S$ h- C% b) V$ L) R1 A; ~
shrank and popped out of her. then it oozed out on to the
  ^' m5 p2 `) V: G0 l( Ztable.
7 C+ I9 R# {5 z* R; \& y% \$ a" o: D  [' @8 X: d/ I+ i$ [
Christie was still crying and shaking as Kevin pushed into/ N2 c5 u- P, q6 T5 ^1 g
her over and over. Then he arched up and gasped as his load9 @8 ~; ]1 _: ~3 D) \# D' G5 Z# `7 ~" D
squirted hotly into her rectum.
: l/ r- C* D3 C: B
% ~. N  T$ K6 i# I7 f; \$ L& uAndy and Christopher watched with envy as their friends
3 Q: T( D! j6 V1 O4 afucked the hell out of the girl's assholes. Both boys were# f' Y/ K/ h, @
hard with excitement.
# e& ^" y7 \7 H6 c6 u1 }! W- C
4 F9 i! w$ ?7 q4 I5 X9 J7 vRicky's little cock and balls were still too immature but he
% x4 G/ \, y$ lgave a good account of himself and with his hips off the
+ O- b6 z/ w; etable he gave a final thrust into Kelly's ass and collapsed. 3 _1 S( Y9 M' _, \3 j
& g" ]  X; I- l- j
Jerry and Caitlin kept at it. She was moaning more from pain( j7 U$ @$ J7 M6 T* h
than passion as his large cock rubbed her tight ass ring.
/ U$ b! V1 n. M4 e2 jThen it was over. Jerry shot up into the tender asshole and
( L4 v, A) A* qhe too collapsed, sweating from exertion.
' |8 y" }  d! X8 i4 {* z1 G3 q' a$ M) }. K, N! [: w2 [
All five boys had acquitted themselves well. The girls were
" e! J( m/ f) x8 S* }! Pallowed to get off the table and were lined up. Four had cum
0 B6 M* J- d& L' j6 _; I: p: wdripping from their asses. All were in pain. It was the first
: L. u, V  O0 Z. {& S- Wtime. It wouldn't be the last. The five boy's with their
* f8 U) S5 v8 i0 @* a1 N* pcocks coated with a mixture of cum and shit stood in front of
' U2 y2 @$ p: m9 V9 p+ ^* X" Vthe assembled adults. 0 f& K* j. T& F- m8 }! I
/ r; |8 B) O% V# R& ?3 @% G+ t
"Your cocks could use some cleaning up," Miss Thomas said- C& T  j2 ~8 B3 O" F6 l
looking at the naked boys. "Get down on your knees and suck
7 C: j$ w* i$ X" k% ~% F- hthose filthy dicks clean," She ordered the horror stricken
7 _. V& T1 U4 C5 XConnolly family.
  m5 |! |4 t0 N" i" s( R5 W' C" j1 j3 p+ i- o" P# J& n# ~3 v# N
"You can't mean that," Mrs. Connolly protested. "Please Paula
2 j' N9 m: |* Q: Zdon't make us suck those filthy cocks."
5 i4 u( y) n" M' b* h1 O. u3 Q& Q3 Q' H; e5 p& x5 K& |2 o. {% V/ a
That earned her a slap in the face. "It's exactly what you2 G8 t9 c' ?$ V4 D$ F
would do," Miss Thomas said hauling back to give her a second
8 t) L9 g4 ~; j8 H4 {5 mslap. "You were a good teacher."+ Y# ^& s3 m# Z( H( E8 N( B

  R/ D- Z' \+ t, nMrs. Connolly sobbed as she rubbed her cheek. The five
, c; N  N: @, n! ?9 i+ afemales reluctantly knelt in front of the boys.  Caitlin
2 v( o! M" {7 q1 nlooked sick. Each boy stood in front of the girl he had just
. i) S$ G8 Y# e! p$ Z# f. Zreamed.
6 c- |4 V: L/ Q9 V. h
. R* F9 v  F* d% L"Well what are you waiting for?" The Governor said sharply.
+ U5 {: t7 D& M. m, ^& U"The night's just beginning for you five. Start licking."
8 ~+ _- G% T  V" @; {- I
2 p& Y, @- S% _* g9 O/ A% k6 YMrs. Connolly took Michael's cock in her hand and bent her
# \$ O9 x& {9 xhead. Her tongue flicked out as she skinned his foreskin2 ]/ W8 P- ?- C; }, T7 k3 Y
back. Gagging as she tasted her own ass, She licked the filth7 g$ h$ _. ?# \9 N
from his cock head. Jennifer followed her Mother's lead. She
  o4 E& e0 m) g  s; aknew that to refuse would earn her a painful spanking. Lord
9 ?) {6 b0 P  [knows she and her sisters had given plenty of those.; S5 }4 B4 a& K% T

! u! X& d5 s' z& }With Jennifer licking Josh's cock the others followed suit.! P  k& e' y8 m) X5 e% p( F/ f
Christie was sobbing as she licked the contents of her own# B7 N8 i/ ^1 M; a) b, i- j
ass from Kevin's cock. Kelly had her head tilted and was2 {, }9 z8 @; T
licking Ricky's small ball sack.( W9 |& G7 |* g- H# s" y- ~# Z

$ J4 t6 b8 H2 w Caitlin gagged as she tasted the filth on the tip of Jerry's
$ b, b$ D$ c, V6 [# y% Vcock. She had to skin his uncut foreskin back and lick the
3 g  h7 U7 W! n- i7 l9 u- D2 Drim to get him clean. ! _; y4 s/ Z3 i3 R" u7 L& c' Y

; @  W3 L  Z6 v: u9 N  @The adults watched in satisfaction as the boy's cocks were
9 ?8 y0 a! \0 B4 Q+ \& E- _( qlicked by the newest students at the school. Finally the boys9 B" s- {8 y+ O" i
were cleaned to the Governor's satisfaction. She went down
/ `# P! B) \# H% G7 c" qthe line skinning back each cock looking for dirt. "Looks; l' [- f2 }3 Y! E" F5 I, A
pretty good," She said fondling Kevin's balls.
) _- W$ B  Q/ T! \9 `6 O& z% p$ M7 {
' \$ i: T  m) @1 E! SShe turned to Mrs. Connolly and her four daughters. "You look
( y! w; ^' |  V3 A' v1 {disgusting. Cum dripping from your sorry asses. I bet you're
5 P3 c+ g, y9 Oall glad its over for tonight, Huh?" She didn't wait for an7 O, S- k2 b* ]0 O) s, K$ {2 O
answer She walked around the five forlorn prisoners taking in: Z  b$ m, E$ C+ L
their bodies. "Well its not quite over yet. There are still
4 A: x9 q  L" _5 b: ltwo boys with hard cocks." 2 j- Z& ]1 w0 o: A  J
( c1 I; Q4 X( A4 |# q
Miss Thomas was instructing Lori, Naomi and the two teachers.' E4 Z! w5 |/ ~1 c
"Take these five boys and go into the girls and Ms.
8 `; g- v% [9 s6 m4 t8 yConnolly's rooms, "You're to remove every article of clothing
" o( R$ Z, E# C$ \$ Xand shoes they own. Then move their beds into one room. I'll
. r1 X0 R4 x9 G- h9 l% E) ]be taking Mrs. Connolly's room. She can sleep on the floor."
* J& @" R: g, s* Q+ h
: q1 r* X% U1 N8 Q. h9 PLori nodded and led the five naked boys down the hall in
" \0 ?$ j; i4 g6 k, v; \2 Y% etheir flip- flops. The teachers and Naomi Tancredi walked
5 i9 p& {# \/ b7 n3 Q2 z$ \behind. 9 o% T+ L. U+ j2 [! ]; ~
1 O  y5 s3 \2 C9 l: D
Miss Thomas turned to Andy and Chris. "Climb on those two. o, p. f3 j8 \% x5 R1 \
tables. It's your turn to entertain us. She said to the) l! U8 q/ T2 T8 Y$ I
Governor. "The youngest two of the girls can take another* D, F9 h& X  l( e( K3 |
reaming. The other three can watch."
* U; j9 a6 y  b- q! p6 J/ R
; n4 j5 m$ A( _" A9 E( p"I have better plans for those three," The Governor said' G8 w5 X( ]' w, ^0 o3 e7 s* Z
looking at the bulges in the four men's pants. "You can use9 l* q* k* t* x4 k* S
the Boy's dorm," She said grinning at The Chief., o& f* ^7 ^8 ?4 z) q
$ g, w1 C( ~9 s& s3 y0 f5 [* B
Mrs. Connolly was horror stricken as the realization that the
3 m# o+ x; u0 I! z3 mmen were about to have their chance hit her. "You can't mean2 V+ `& V4 w  V- v7 N7 k4 L
that," She cried. "Don't let them hurt  Caitlin and
2 E' {/ r6 ]. W, x6 GJennifer."
) ~) [5 E8 `" {) l% j! w% k: G1 I. m9 l2 x* P1 ]! ]! r. u
Shut up you Bitch, "Miss Thomas yelled. They're not gonna5 f2 M7 l* R( L( G1 W3 I
vaginal fuck your precious babies. You're the only one who's" L2 q7 y6 p% O0 o! y* K6 j2 v
gonna be fucked in your pussy tonight. The girls need to be
2 ^9 m/ x. c! z- Lexamined tomorrow by the Doctor and given birth control pills( s* e2 W$ I- B$ }) Y0 K( }6 m0 f
before I turn these cocks loose on their twatties.": Z% J/ {2 ~* w" r; y" S) i" e

. d3 _/ p: }5 t6 C: p+ \The Chief held on to Mrs. Connolly's tit and pulled her down
1 q6 x: j3 L% Z, t3 Lthe hall to the boy's dorm. Harley and Captain Williams
: B5 [! J% h, j- f% `! o7 x0 Qherded her two oldest daughter's behind her. They followed2 ]1 O, |3 h$ t
their mother, their heads down, sobbing as the two officers) I3 G# V1 x; r( e
and the Judge walked behind them, Admiring their round little
, p0 ~: D; v* M, \5 {asses.- p0 p5 ~, f3 g& c% P

  A- A6 ~; G' W* v) n7 c6 OThe Governor watched as they left then turned to look as# K2 h1 |7 b* J1 n, r; |
Christie and Kelly climbed on to the tables. Kelly squatted5 A' ]7 z% L! e
over Christopher facing him. Nurse Randi held  his little/ _$ ^9 U& I7 V3 h7 l0 _
cock and guided it into her asshole as she lowered herself# ~. Q- j- y4 S2 u
sobbing.' \# t. i# q  r3 L( i
9 H0 l" U4 O* }# T  p" u
The Doctor held Andy's cock and Christie gingerly lowered her# I+ q+ M+ n" [! B2 i
cum- stained asshole over it. It went in easily. Kevin's cock
# ?0 b  @, L7 Hhad done a good job opening her up earlier. 9 Y9 m  Q$ j3 U* r5 G9 [

  T$ q; n: e  A3 e, x: {' bThe boys were eager to get their rocks off. No sooner had
  h3 O1 G) {, F3 o4 V1 F. L$ e: Dtheir cocks entered the two little blonde girls when they$ ^- ?7 s! M! c
arched their backs pushing their tiny pricks as far as they* h! d* l. q  p9 K1 \% ]8 C
could. Christie bounced up and down on Andy's cock. She felt
9 K6 P" f3 }4 a& C$ b7 yit rubbing her asshole roughly as he thrust in up to his8 d8 T! g5 ~8 n. m/ G' F
- O8 r) z. ]/ T, e# T8 l: p
6 s  T/ c8 j( o& j8 @& HKelly was relieved. She could barely feel Christopher's small
! Q; @; n' V! U9 k+ ocock plunging inside her. He dug his heels into the bed$ _9 S& e3 }" c3 S
pushing his entire body upward in an effort to penetrate; S( F8 S! p9 t& D
deeper.4 ~, T: w" f7 i" P* s9 ?
$ t7 x, K5 V5 y! n5 u& R
Miss Thomas watched the crying girls being ass fucked under7 L1 y9 o1 [3 B6 v8 w+ o& X
her supervision and thought about what was in store for the
( X# _" d: V0 w3 Rother three Connolly women. "Damn I'm horny too. Maybe I can
: K3 ?( s3 H, v2 e4 ~; Aget Capt. Williams to do me." I'll suggest they all sleep* h( }8 c& Q/ V. `/ s5 _8 H
over so they can watch what we do to the girls tomorrow." She
( d5 c6 |' O- t# Gthought.# o6 y" E! y. V! U# I% f
7 b+ j* G; \% O
Chief Crane unlocked the door to the dorm and Harley roughly; U% o+ e5 C- t5 X, g- b: J
shoved Jean and her two daughters inside. This was the site
  o6 ?  x" W8 t; h( Kof many a humiliating night for the boys. Now The Connolly" H$ j6 S8 C/ l/ T$ U, W
women were about to be have  further embarrassment and, R/ H, g  I( Q) u! ^1 s% d7 S
humiliation thrust upon them.
3 w8 X& t5 G% V0 Q3 E0 H0 ^, y$ {1 P8 F' _# o
"Get on those three beds," Captain Williams instructed the 0 x( h$ v6 s4 t7 d: S; Y" ^9 _8 n
three hapless prisoners. "On your hands and knees, heads down
8 q& p6 V2 a1 f% Mand ass up." Sobbing the women obeyed.
! F+ ^  R; |3 S( b4 p' d
0 @" N0 R8 c' ?0 Y% ]% f"On the edge so we can get behind you," Judge Robinson; h# v) [+ ?/ }/ P0 Q
instructed. "Pull your ass cheeks wide apart."6 z% \# h+ o: J/ U% `0 }& Q
/ |+ @; Y! D5 j6 e0 B: c
Sobbing and trembling Jennifer and Caitlin reached back and7 G  \5 c) P& l6 }% X5 h
exposed their cum-stained assholes. Mrs. Connolly followed4 t% }5 P+ V0 E  ?9 m9 k; {
$ N6 d, E* ~/ i2 {2 }0 c: \) o' H, K) w
"Don't turn around," Judge Robinson ordered. The four men
' y# `. B* }( m# W7 \( n* Mdropped their trousers and then their underpants. Harley: F3 h8 G) r6 f8 f1 v
looked at Capt. Williams standing with his hard-on in his3 g7 D6 Y% K* y
hands. "I'm no slouch in the cock department," He said in1 _4 P/ i2 Y( K1 s5 X! Z& `( Q1 h
awe. "But that's the biggest cock I've ever seen."
, Z, b) w, |' N% p* F: N$ k- q# E+ p8 y0 J- Y: U. J1 l
It was true. From the base to the tip of his uncircumcised
: W& N& a7 G! s4 ]; ycock head Captain Williams measured eleven inches. Harley was8 d7 m, e. m& m) K6 \- h1 }2 c
only an inch smaller. His cock also jutted out proudly at: A) X" d) h$ b6 r( R
full mast. His massive balls dangled like two pendulums under
# c& l( W2 F$ x% [it. Judge Robinson's cock was smaller at six inches but just: k8 J, Q* L! K, [3 U& I: w
as thick.
! w+ x9 i7 P2 p, j/ `8 D9 K% r1 \" r  d: n, l
The chief was a good seven inches long as well, with a set of . O6 k4 R7 H; M
large balls hanging beneath it.  The men wasted little time
1 {9 f$ f, O8 M% s- kin talking. Their cocks were throbbing and there were three# f0 J* y7 m- Y/ k
gaping assholes waiting for them.
# w! Q, |5 r( V$ ]. q. L% w1 \/ a( U: ^0 ]: M2 @3 B7 m3 o$ D8 ?
"You'll split her in two, Captain," The Chief said. "Why not& r2 D$ @) ^. ^* _
do her in the pussy?"
" D" `  T' U+ Z
7 w( ]! ^) u; D" Z8 R"Good idea I can stick it in from the rear doggy style," The2 c+ y' h. V* |' ^: t
trooper grinned. There's only three of them and four of us.0 L% ~" M5 M. B+ `
Who gets sloppy seconds?"! a$ K+ P( p9 P1 G' X2 O3 l( O7 ~
* r$ I- ]2 g* n8 Y3 W
It was decided that The judge and the Chief would ass fuck
1 T  A: O  V& Z) u* [Jennifer and Caitlin. Their cocks would fit tightly but
9 D4 S8 o0 ]" m9 e6 Tthey'd go in with a little lubrication.. Harley would fuck
4 t% k0 l8 C" S1 bMrs. Connolly's larger asshole and the Captain would get her
1 G8 r* ^& K3 S* I/ i& |# h' Vcunt afterwards while the girls were forced to watch.
" u) K  h( k  _5 D3 Q. q4 o
; }) L: Y' N6 Z# G- U+ JThen the three females would have to suck all four cocks
3 v5 R$ N4 \0 w' t/ wclean. The girls were bawling hysterically as they listened5 x3 q* {  F4 B# U; \# k
to the men's  plans. They were still in position with their
: ]2 {6 u: l# r9 H* rheads down on the mattresses and their asses up in the air.
1 Z3 B. j1 P: c, o2 w  x: V% ?Their assholes were still wide open. They were too frightened
" H! L% ]8 I4 ~0 B9 Y  z* Vto release their cheeks.) X6 \5 |! f- f" E

7 M" L* s" @0 y) r" _: a6 zWith the three on the beds their asses were perfectly9 V/ J! C( S( `5 E6 i
positioned. Judge Robinson moved in behind Caitlin. Her ass
1 h1 g' P/ S5 Bwas still lubricated from her previous butt reaming by Jerry.1 k; }- q& d+ B5 y( ~
The tip of the judges cock was glistening from pre-cum and he. T0 q- L# R5 |: W4 s' O. L
rubbed his cock head against her pucker before plunging in.9 q6 b9 t" \; k, F5 X! \* z
& U& T2 A2 B* E% U' b4 h' _
Jennifer was still wet from Josh's cum But  Chief Crane wiped
0 O1 O$ z8 w0 F' ehis pre-cum with his finger and pushed the slippery liquid
/ C$ j( |  [. q- q  Sinto her asshole with it as she lay in position, shaking in/ \3 @9 b4 g- n
fear. The Chief was ready. His cock throbbed as he pushed it" ~! P: ]2 i- S
against the teen's tight asshole. Judge Robinson entered
5 e7 }8 n/ L2 L) R) UCaitlin first. She screamed as his wide cock pushed against
2 o+ b7 |, Z; W! w0 ?: j$ Yher little pink asshole before it broke through and thrust+ z2 W8 ]6 `5 g7 f( R  E4 ~5 F5 H
inside her.
0 F5 V) C2 k3 `
8 v; M$ `) ~2 u! a  sJennifer soon joined her in screaming as the Chief's thick
1 e- N( S" W5 g) _1 `+ mcock plunged past her puckered asshole that had only known* j* z$ e& [" c! K+ H
Josh's slim cock. She felt like her asshole was being split
0 B; H' u: _% R2 |2 fapart and notified the whole world as the older man brutally
3 S. _! k$ W+ \pushed deep inside her rectum.
' b3 L* o7 H$ i+ U+ V# s
' D8 Z; k& N6 ~# q  [0 {0 H# kMrs. Connolly was having her own troubles. Even though she
+ N' p9 G1 ^/ ?9 r  R; vwas larger than either of her two girls, No ass was large
7 b1 `7 n6 {, I0 E- t, benough to take Harley's ten incher. He reached underneath her0 e, M; a# f( p( n" I/ N
and dipped his finger into her moist cunt. He used her pussy
" x& J0 k* [& ~+ d! yjuice to lubricate her asshole, shoving two wet fingers
1 t8 g9 O4 h1 m1 ginside her before plunging his cock in. Even greased up her
$ O% P: }1 U! l8 G9 Z+ Zass couldn't open wide enough to accommodate him. She howled# u- |  V/ }! U1 W) y5 e5 N2 e$ G
in agony as he pushed deep inside her bowels.
" B: K  }6 V% \9 X5 m/ ?7 L1 n: o9 z+ ], ?
The three women were crying and grunting  as the men worked
/ T3 {  _1 Z  z3 L0 Etheir cocks inside them. Their assholes gradually opened as
6 T% e8 X5 z; u: O2 vthe thick cocks plunged in and out. Deeper and deeper the men% q" c4 f1 l6 _; Z0 h
/ j' n6 ]8 c2 L4 d3 \! @$ d9 L- J" @$ ^  N0 d$ Q+ e
Judge Robinson was out of shape and he was gasping as he
8 c8 M, e. u9 x9 i/ U+ i& m' z7 Freamed Caitlin's pretty asshole. He was holding on to her
3 @  H3 E4 @/ i) w1 {8 K7 x- Ohips pulling her closer in an attempt to push even further) p' l4 b% r# y) C  G4 F* ]5 G
inside her.
) V  X2 H( H; C% {2 `$ b
2 I# K- g2 i: Y, |  `) b' ?Jennifer kept grunting as the Chief bent over her, pushing a( }2 @3 P; m. x8 e
finger up inside her pussy while his cock tortured her5 Q/ Z& [# j' W% Y( L: Y
asshole. He played with her clitoris in an attempt to get her: d6 W* X# O( D0 L4 _
to move with him. She was in too much pain to respond.
# n7 Z' F  F. y  c$ a* U* K9 U% I, @: |' z9 i& }4 |; D; r5 L( x7 y
"You're splitting me in two," Mrs. Connolly cried as Harley
, E2 D9 c3 f, G7 pplunged his cock seven inches deep into her tortured back% s2 e) ^2 b/ _+ j) R/ v, X: q# t
door. He held on to her tits and pushed it in even further in* W- l' U4 H( Q( L# g
response. "Just move your ass, Bitch," He gasped between
7 `6 n# O2 M& R) }& Estrokes as he plunged it in to the hilt. 5 s+ I- A# g2 n

" g6 i5 E1 c. FCaptain Williams watched in envy. Soon it would be his turn.5 l' W* D  L0 ?; ^
He couldn't wait until that Blonde Bitch turned around and
8 P- F# v/ G) D7 ]- C$ l, f4 psaw his cock. he hoped she had a strong heart. It didn't- m/ l9 w. n- a
matter. He'd fuck her or one of the girls. "God I'm horny," # w" w. L2 Z: _$ V. G7 [
He thought.
7 w5 j6 u4 Y$ d
7 Y9 I, I' m: U% s' x: p2 I8 iBack inside the lunchroom Miss Thomas watched as Andy and; I$ A# T8 _6 P5 ?/ o0 L
Christopher did their best to hold out . Kelly and Christie
1 v* T3 I6 b, ?' c  g& @( nwere crying as they rode the brother's two little penises.
9 j$ H4 o5 U: c' a$ R: |4 V! o; LTheir faces were red with shame. The Governor watched
  q  a: Z# ]# V# c4 u3 N& x& g0 ]intently. Tomorrow she'd watch as their pussy's were
: z9 s; }: l1 ]1 y. \inaugurated . The Doctor and Nurse were also watching. They'd
4 \  n& R. f: m1 g, p- P% @( S- eseen the girls naked before, Having given them physicals for, |( N2 y# V- J! ~1 E7 u, d
school. This was totally different. Their nudity was much; y% Z5 u- P. \# ?
more obscene with cocks plunging into them./ d; i! `% w1 }+ v7 b! Y" Q
+ D0 B" P% c+ ]
The two little girls could hear their mother and sisters
: M/ f; W) o6 C& G# m( s% I" bscreaming in the boy's dorm as their asses were being reamed: p' L2 n, N% ?4 W- m
by much bigger pricks. This only made them cry more.
2 I( N+ v3 e2 w3 c" ?
9 e2 `* X$ o& t8 F1 l6 KMiss Thomas smiled in satisfaction as she watched the little
9 u4 u0 n7 ^4 J! D$ E9 Xones and listened to the screams of the older girls. It was
/ L* g2 ~+ S1 O6 _( @going to be easy to control these five Connolly cunts.
- h4 l- \* F5 F! I4 w
; ^8 l0 Y6 b! _9 h1 B0 a0 ?Christopher was having trouble breathing. Kelly was pushing
, q$ M. `5 i- g' k3 [down on his stomach as she bounced on his cock. His little9 D  H( \5 B) U
pecker drove into her open asshole and he felt himself
- Z& r" ?9 l0 ~. r  i$ b: Ogetting closer to his climax. On the next bed Andy was
# Z, K* r* J7 K. I" Hthrusting upward faster and faster into Christie, Suddenly
, c3 z( d/ U* {  owithout warning he cried out and stiffened. He had come# `) b* \9 }3 {+ w
again. Christie heaved a sigh of relief  as his little cock
/ ]. Z2 [' t" Q( G+ Bshrunk inside her asshole. "Thank God it's over," She! z) M( s! g2 H# S7 V
thought." I just want to hide from everyone."
# i5 x: o) [7 R4 @& [0 I/ w/ _* c! [% ?
Christopher followed his older brother's lead and arched
8 T4 ^7 `/ f+ ^0 i0 ~; ^upward cumming as he did so. Both boys were dry cummers but
( V; I! ~5 [+ c8 w. ztheir cocks were still covered with a mixture of the other
1 |- U' _2 {$ l' q2 bboy's cum and sweat and all in all the four kids were total0 |! q& s7 B" c6 }
messes.1 H) j* [$ @& d% W
2 ^. L: z- I  x6 R
As the four children lay panting on the table The governor
4 M- B5 M3 F0 P( dlooked at them frowning. "Ugh you four kids are really% S# Y; _  o7 p" Q+ W
filthy. You two lie on your backs again," She ordered the  o4 v, `3 B4 @0 y/ Q
boys. "The girls can suck your little cocks clean and I think
% W$ \. k* f0 Tits time you boys tasted pussy." She nodded to the girls.
/ `  w2 @4 c& [% u7 f; c"Squat on their faces and let them lick your twats for9 V2 A! S2 r: r6 [* T$ d
awhile.". L# Q; G/ M& v5 @4 U- t8 Q
. w$ F5 [! O& C9 Z& ^+ w% @$ N3 J
Randi and Miss Thomas got the girls into position. Christie
4 M4 B4 y9 W0 }0 c, ylay on Andy with her mouth on his cock. Her twat was in his- t/ D# \0 S- a* a) u  }: X& Q
face in classic sixty nine position.  He flicked his tongue, z) ?9 N, ~( ^* p% \7 m
out and tasted her moist pussy then got bolder and pulled her; ~+ g# |6 A& x' |" `
cunt apart sticking his tongue between her wet cuntal lips.
/ e  B& E' L# y4 YHis tongue found her little clit and he sucked on it while8 L) A1 W' q% U) t3 b* |3 N! \
she swallowed his little boy cock and played with his balls.7 B/ G' k, C4 }+ [" B: W
Both of their asses were moving as they sucked and explored
/ {) ]3 q5 A: W% l' s6 @, F4 J0 {each other's genitals. Andy found out he liked the taste of
( v0 F' R! y4 [; W( G1 y/ a6 jpussy. Christie's cunt was wet from excitement despite the
: ~* Q9 g1 v; q4 C/ N# k4 d, b( qtotal humiliation she had been subjected too. The smell of( k* `7 |% ^+ q1 u  P
her twat was making Andy hard all over again as her lips
6 R8 A- D" y2 E" D/ @) C: @serviced his cock.4 G3 g8 V0 n! t$ P. `

3 y, R- `& H" DKelly was sucking on Chris's soft cock even before he spread
9 V3 m9 G1 ~: O) ther little slit apart. He could look up her sore little
+ t. c" W# N" w; D/ d! qasshole. "What a mess," he thought. Sweat and shit stained
3 `: ^4 Q2 U* K6 M2 q: ~8 X1 Tthe little girl's ass and she needed a bath. Still the/ U0 h$ v% Q9 v' u. S
closeness of her cunt excited the little boy. Her lips; W9 j: W. ?0 U
surrounded his little cock and he could feel it growing. His5 ?% D- T; ?3 B+ x! j  Z1 J6 {
tongue flicked in between her hairless cuntal lips. She& n2 ]: d. c$ M+ x- C4 Q
gasped as he sucked those tiny lips into his mouth.
4 |1 M* |/ _. j& j& C
$ V( }/ I5 @3 ^8 FKelly gasped again as  Christopher's probing tongue found her
# a" G  r5 f+ q/ E% T6 p/ W. L& F/ R* k; flittle clit. The four children were all moaning as they0 o; e) R  u  D* [9 ~' \4 x3 m0 d
serviced each other while the Governor looked on
+ z  S8 p6 A! C; z  d9 s9 Lapprovingly. Miss Thomas was smiling as she heard the screams
, a) N4 d# ^+ P8 U# M& Wfrom the boy's dorm. "I wish I could be a fly on that wall,"
1 T" m- g7 l5 g" lShe giggled to the Doctor as Mrs. Connolly shrieked out her; K3 q3 d. P. \1 n9 l
agony.8 M+ l0 d# O9 Q+ F& O; l

' v2 W& S8 C' ~% [# s% w! hHarley now had all of his cock in Jean Connolly's tortured
. r5 m8 y; z* s, G, d/ g; M5 v# _0 }asshole He forced it in, nearly ripping her apart. Somehow,
8 _! O; j$ ~+ A$ X. pSlowly, her asshole expanded taking the thick cock in without
4 H$ d# h/ o* P+ Q% H9 ?& gtearing. The Judge and Chief were having it a little easier
  Q3 r6 ~4 z% N4 l( d% Tbut still all three of the Connolly women were bawling as2 \3 ^2 v! S! ^$ ^6 @
they were painfully ass fucked.$ C* P/ M* k# X9 Q

& J5 x$ K7 v8 D, K( FChief Crane Held Jennifer's breasts in his callused large) @' Q8 a) K# W8 g5 J( M
hands as he drove in and out of her stretched rectum. She was
5 J: j7 {$ \9 ]7 V" Hcrying in pain, Her hands gripping the mattress tightly. The: {4 ^- \5 x8 m. K5 G4 g& j; g
Chief's breath was coming in short gasps as he neared climax.  h% q/ Z! V3 X! _* B0 Z
He pulled Jennifer backwards shoving his cock into her up to0 ^+ R! c5 k& ?0 R$ @6 b
his balls. "Ahhh," he cried out and shot a hot stream of his
, [4 J; F9 ?7 a4 W6 D; ucum inside the teenagers bowels.& z, F% E, ]; g3 N3 d

/ w4 p* C, o, ZThe judge's cock filled Caitlin's smaller asshole creating a
, d# `/ c" b! m" k5 Opowerful suction as he pushed in and out. The Little teen
3 c* F' `$ C8 F) qfelt as if her ass was being pulled inside out. She cried out
, \+ \( M/ i- i! b7 R. hin pain with each painful thrust. The judge was oblivious as% a! u5 a) I5 s" t: M
he pushed in up to his balls. Then he stiffened and gasped as* o, y9 m# u- F: ?2 f% }) j! k
he too came, spewing a large amount of cum inside her. He- R. N1 l, ^( O" Y: }
collapsed on top of her forcing her face down into the) ~- o5 Q1 s% U/ g. N
mattress as his cock slowly shrank.! @+ m' p; T+ K/ G8 e

5 v9 v1 D- D* w6 Y: @Harley was having too good a time. He was building up to a
; T% ^7 G, h: _" ~4 n5 T5 Q% Phuge cum and felt a twinge of disappointment as his climax, |, f& F- y7 D7 t% D$ R' a
neared. It was so much better forcing someone to bend over+ D, G! C- A4 ?( z4 J0 n4 ^3 ?
and take his cock in their ass. He pushed in further and" R4 y0 i5 p' N7 P0 m: z$ |
further as Captain Williams looked on in anticipation, His5 Y. a. ~& n$ o7 k) m! x/ D
huge cock in his hands. Mrs. Connolly was yelping with each
% I' \6 ^3 _" N; B1 Ethrust her fingers dug at the sheets on the bed. Harley: @# |2 j0 O$ [6 _+ w( ~
stiffened his balls erupted and Jean felt the pressure in her
6 g( }6 T# _) H/ wasshole as a load of hot cum raced its way into her bowels.2 j: s6 g* W* N
The big deputy yelled out "Oh God," As he climaxed and: r4 V4 H8 r4 X; i  Y6 I
collapsed on top of her.
$ {5 k' c6 s( T$ {% o
9 @$ U0 W7 A/ E2 eThe three men now stood up and the girls could catch their
9 O- W' [' ]; N/ E+ f5 v4 h" G7 dbreaths. All three lay in the same position. Their asses were
' R/ N+ v" i/ H! ]: ~2 T: d" Xstill up in the air. They were sobbing piteously. Harley- Y( h  Z5 z( Y/ j$ X( K
slapped Mrs. Connolly's large ass. "Turn over," He/ N  N- r% @9 ]4 V% t
commanded.. "You're not finished."! P5 n4 T1 h8 ]* C

. k5 e( t; H+ }4 A7 h$ k- [' hJean rolled over and saw Harley's massive cock for the first
* f/ P! U5 i2 vtime. "My Lord. You almost killed me with that," She cried.  ( |8 x4 V+ s- @$ C, z% I+ k
) s# ^  n: h- j- D. u& r8 J, v
"Stand up," The Captain ordered. "It's my turn." She turned
) X% G7 H- P7 u1 G3 s2 J7 Lher head and saw the tall guard for the first time . His cock
" R  w- R) ^  L0 q8 Tjutted out in front of him. Her daughters were now on their0 n) O! C# L, R" S2 p
feet, Cum dripping from their assholes and down their legs.
! n  D! O: v: d+ u. S* R
+ ^, P* Z8 a. N( J  oAll three looked fearfully at the Captain's dick. The Judge8 w! p+ ]/ W0 q
wasted no time. Caitlin was made to kneel  in front of him.
& _9 A9 q" G' b, Q, ]"Take my cock and lick it clean," He ordered. / q4 Z8 n0 W. K( x' ?# j

. L/ k& x7 l9 x! y" o* K$ c3 OChief Crane followed suit forcing Jennifer to her knees. He
0 h; V- E, J9 x; S! t8 d- \3 Gplaced  his filthy cock in her hands." Your asshole was* x! w. Y" E+ u4 Y8 _
exceptional," He said. "Now lets see if your mouth is as) F% [8 \1 S; U8 F$ [, F
well. I want you to lick all the shit and cum off my cock,"
- a' F. d' k/ T( i% l; iHe ordered the crying teenager.
/ c8 I' f( x- m( s& p* L  n' M! B! A* ?/ a' V& I5 }! A3 e* f1 u" B
Captain Williams lay down on the bed his cock jutting
4 c; A8 ?$ r3 O( ?) X7 fupwards like a big black flagpole. Jean Connolly realized+ T( N# |, ?0 u! u
what was next. As her daughters knelt and sucked their* n' a2 L  g; |  X
tormentors Harley helped her on to the bed.
1 E" Y7 x5 g- o$ l5 P+ G! R; w, O. G% I! Y& e7 V
"Squat over his cock and lower your cunt onto it," He
, E& ?* e: `" v/ qcommanded. Jean shook her head in terror. "I can't. I've
$ C9 \- h. C: j- J/ l$ Mnever had a cock that huge in me. Please let us go," she
* I/ K! f7 a) l% O& w6 E* Q! L2 gpleaded.8 m! }. _' y7 [
# L% [: u- T, S5 w( R8 Z
"Fat chance Bitch. I waited a long time while Harley fucked
9 T8 b) V* w4 Z4 gyour ass. Junior here has got to have some sweet pussy. It's
$ w) a9 E9 M' V0 C3 qeither your cunt or your asshole.  I don't think you'd want
) V1 G7 b" g4 t, Y& Uyour butt hole stretched any further." Captain Williams
" h4 y' x5 \3 J0 S: ^snarled as Harley made her face his feet and lower herself.; Z8 R( l" p& p1 c9 u% o1 y
& s, p; ^% D2 Z9 ?/ F
Her ass dripping cum the sobbing woman lowered herself. y, A" e! ~* z7 _; }2 ^
gingerly on to the massive cock. Harley climbed up on the bed" Q" _8 ~% M; |7 f0 ?- Q& f9 }
and straddled the captains feet, His stained dick dangled in
3 s) M$ B5 e3 v' L& u. hJean's face." While you're riding his pole you can lick all
* J( K) i0 h+ i2 y- `8 i3 K+ @: Cthe crap off my cock," He commanded the miserable blonde.
+ h" r6 ?( S) S, I7 @9 V6 l
2 P' i: @$ x; w4 x2 T5 KThe captains dick slowly entered Jean's wet pussy as she; ^, q: a* A; w0 P0 v. V/ \, b! s
lowered herself. She moaned as it stretched her vagina wider9 z5 N* Y4 w$ P+ G$ e: h
and wider. "You had four kids come out of that twat," Harley
! ?1 G; E) d4 D& e$ W! ]0 E+ k( Bsaid, "It's been stretched wider than this, So don't be
/ L1 z4 q8 A; L/ d' p4 jcomplaining about the size of that cock." he held her head
$ i1 d8 z7 |9 M9 P+ z! @/ N! Eand guided his cock into her mouth.' C* i; @6 q3 S
: r3 M, }5 R, p& g1 @. S; q
Captain Williams thrust upwards impaling the tight pussy and
1 a0 o- e* Z! w, \5 `% M+ k; g) ocausing Jean to scream around Harley's cock  as it went in up5 t5 B0 t, {5 w# x# ]( \( q. M
to his balls. "Doing good Bitch," He gasped. "Not many women" X! l' l" X" H  t+ T' q  x
can take Junior on the first thrust." Jean was sobbing as the
2 ]% q) Z& m- Cmassive penis slid in and out of her tortured pussy. Slowly: {* s, {+ A9 g5 v+ J; D& V
her channel opened around the huge dick and as she sucked one
' j! Y5 ^" Y5 D0 w! j+ T1 B1 J+ s9 {8 x% Amassive cock her cunt accepted another. 6 V' s; |# x; o" Q" r2 x& L
7 i; V: R- x: L" D4 h! }6 E( V
Caitlin had her own troubles, As she watched her mother ride" W8 f/ x3 N* B
the Captain's pecker and suck Harley's filthy cock, The
0 ]$ U  h/ k7 r! K5 [# p1 sJudge's thick cock filled her mouth causing her to choke. To
7 e6 Y9 ?. X  {: \# N  tmake matters worse it was hardening again. Her asshole was% Q0 g" _7 T4 y) ]% g
still dripping cum. "I hope he doesn't have any sperm left,"
) Y  ?0 V# L) E1 W; O5 u! vshe thought. "I'll  puke if he cums in my mouth."
# G0 I8 y# d$ v4 s" u' ?9 w0 W" o; C' f; G$ f4 H' U) L4 t: U2 y
Jennifer was facing her mother and could see the senior9 U( R' f7 q7 I$ K# V
Connolly as she painfully rode up and down on the enormous0 w1 }  \' ^( z
cock of the State Trooper. As Jen sucked on the Chief's large
3 M1 S" D2 s7 @1 y& x& Itool. he had her playing with his massive balls and his cock: I  E+ o) M$ j3 M, \4 h
was thickening in her mouth. His coarse pubic hair was
+ d9 n) h7 q- b- U! U  p! grubbing against her delicate face and she felt dirty all
/ v$ z4 L6 j: r- J/ f2 G- t9 G8 xover. Both girls were bawling as they were forced to witness! }; g1 E* X/ k$ d* |
their Mother's humiliation along with their own.& m" R$ ^1 ^* b9 H% H
  c: B, u) d7 e' A6 v* w
To the girl's surprise their mother's cries of pain were now
$ [/ M# c8 V$ @1 mturning to moans as despite herself she reacted to the huge
; l. |: U/ D! L6 Q4 B0 e/ ]dick pistoning in and out of her Blonde pussy. Harley Summers6 ~+ h. s$ d  J2 p
was getting hard all over again as she licked and sucked him
* N( b# E( L- i3 M7 ?while riding up and down.
# a6 ~% Q4 N+ r8 U& q3 j0 H  X
$ \% q8 e$ b/ D% L8 h% ?  j0 Q( JThe five boys had finished throwing all the girls clothes
0 J0 j* T+ O9 O1 Tinto garbage bags and pushed Kelly and Christie's beds into. @* m% B* ?- _& z' o
Jennifer and Caitlin's room creating a girls dorm of sorts." J: m, w  L5 `
They removed every pair of shoes and socks and all the6 G/ D( |' o" x1 i! R
underwear they could find. Mrs. Connolly's clothing joined; L; M: `2 p' w4 J) p
her daughter's stuff in the garbage bags. The boys hauled- q5 a% V  J3 m( S8 O5 B
everything to a large closet and Miss Paulson locked the bags
& b! z) _" u& }9 T# U8 X6 b' ]3 A! }away.0 }; w1 [* W" X$ R3 u+ O

+ _1 ^; i+ ~0 @/ S# V' d/ L# w' BMiss Fanelli and Miss Walton led them back to the lunchroom! _8 q4 s- ^) r6 f, }
where they were greeted by the sight of Kelly and Christie, x: H% Q% ^" n/ N( |/ }
going sixty nine with the two young Micelli brothers. The2 a- G$ \" F) g% P
five boys were in awe as they watched Andy and Chris licking3 ]% X6 J. f- E7 S/ M3 H8 K7 g
away at the two little girl's cunts. Both girls to their
3 h7 G# A, z8 ?" F! I2 q: K8 P/ d! y# K0 Eembarrassment had cum but the Governor kept them at it,
3 Q& T; `% G6 a9 |. j% wwaiting for the other three members of the family to rejoin
" }2 Z5 j* z, [# E/ ?& \them.
" C7 v1 P1 D% q* e. }8 U7 R
# y. W  C6 h5 t# ?% u: f  JThey wouldn't have long to wait. The huge cock filling Mrs.( i- p& Y' Y0 ^2 }5 ~
Connolly's pussy was more than she could take. She came with: x4 y9 W5 Q& ?: {  t+ I, f- d. R
a loud moan as the Captain kept pushing up into her stretched4 P$ e5 C# d, u
twat.  His cock was swelling as he prepared to empty his
7 Z  P/ l5 J, h# x5 Gballs. Harley was getting ready to pump a load down her8 }3 z4 F. M" u: M* w0 y
throat as well.
# Y5 U" e* ~) ^  O+ W# m( q& e% V8 Y: o0 k
Judge Robinson gasped as Caitlin's teeth brushed against his: a1 t4 u0 G5 ~- ~7 m, [! q0 x* t* A
cock head as she tried to get his thick pole completely: L! z* X  i+ F& [+ M* _6 e- T: v6 Q
inside her small mouth. He trembled with the effort to hold: G" K4 z  R0 R* ~
back his cum, wanting to prolong the blow job as long as he
3 H, W& X2 F: [) s/ b% i) ccould.
0 z! m1 M2 X5 d) u) q0 N9 ?
. c# b3 {7 J$ O6 _  u8 CThe same thing was happening to the Chief. He had watched. p( ]& _. Z: p5 g4 J
Jennifer in town and here at the school for a long time. Now
# _* p2 k7 l5 N0 I8 g; Q' a; q2 Ashe was right here sucking away at his cock. He was breathing
  o1 D# J. m$ Y6 C3 L  b1 j/ ~heavily as he pushed his cock in and out of her red lips.
# m8 i3 h4 t3 a4 d4 d( sJennifer tried to take his pecker in. It was so much larger9 h9 C' f; y, E8 @, J8 Z" s
then Josh's. She gagged as it brushed the back of her throat.
1 I8 K0 r) O7 M! N6 q+ D5 ?1 i$ c  f5 o- R+ X. z" G8 `! a6 D, c2 }" |
Harley was still pumping away at Mrs. Connolly's mouth. She/ u" l1 R9 ]' v5 Z
was moaning as she had a second  orgasm. This time she was
5 b* \6 L  Z3 r. m! N, Gjoined by The Captain. He had his hands around her hips. Now! y, p: s) I/ w1 W, E
he thrust upwards pulling her down on his thick pole as he
; v  U  S+ J3 s) A) O6 X9 jcried out and pumped a quart of milky cum into her tortured
6 S# \% o6 T0 Y; P- @; b  E9 Ytwat. Harley came a second later. His cum ran down her4 K# u. A& p. p
throat, trickling out of the corner of her mouth.
: S3 Q$ ^- L# ^* D6 @( b+ n- t9 m1 }4 K7 a- i' @4 ?9 }
Cum was pouring out of every orifice in Mrs. Connolly's body
+ \! D. `4 F  b8 |/ ?0 n" c9 X) fas she stood head down gasping for air and crying. Harley and. j& d' A! P. n5 P
the Captain pulled their pants up. The two lawmen had
2 V) K% z, @. E! b+ wsatisfied smirks on their faces. They watched as Jennifer. \+ r. g3 V) \- c
finished off the Chief. The older man had his hands on the
& l+ g) u2 ]( u5 _9 c1 Qback of the pretty teenager's head holding it steady as he
) u+ E0 f+ V9 E" d* vpumped his cum down her throat. She tried to swallow all of- C. M3 d# x' h' ?" L5 Y
it but some trickled down her chin as the chief pulled his( s& i7 A4 M3 G& P0 H: p
cock out.
) ~! W& R$ b4 q0 ]: T# U' ~9 r: t6 M( A7 c
Caitlin gagged as Judge Robinson sent a load down her throat.* h% f4 p8 M" x1 X
He pulled his cock out and wiped it on her chin further% F5 B; k7 P: G" H* K; E
humiliating her.
6 d8 n" I4 m2 F$ M) x% T, O) ]! j' {8 k* o
The four men led the bedraggled naked Girls and their mother+ Q; H% l' j1 @
back down the hall to the lunchroom. The Governor looked up( d2 h( l* g9 I# P( J( U9 \$ `/ o
from watching the four kids on the tables and nodded. ""Glad
8 I/ Q8 r' @2 S& h5 v4 }4 \4 Tto see you're all smiling," She said to the four men. She$ `( Y5 D* H0 u
looked at Mrs. Connolly and her daughters. "Jean you're all
9 L4 {. m: p# M# Nfilthy messes. Shame on you. For being so dirty I think! V- a! t5 i9 v
you've earned some more punishment. I want all of you to go% Y0 g+ [4 w$ g& [8 {) w
take showers. While you three are washing all the filth from! o: y  K+ A1 X( R3 _
your bodies, I want you to shave each other's cunts. I want# a; f. u* e, |4 y- A9 I
them as bald as your two youngest daughters. Do it well.
. @6 N: I' m2 S( \: }We're gonna inspect you after the shower. Make sure your
3 F) J4 Y7 e, S$ o8 Ycunts and assholes are spotless.2 H) b- i4 v, k. K. L
! A4 T9 S# Q! c8 g" P" ?: F
She turned to the two youngest girls on the table. "That's
$ `( S- |, V! V! s: e: {4 [/ @& ]enough cock-sucking. Take those dicks out of your mouths and; w4 G! n2 H) J0 K' k
go with your sisters and mother to clean up."
) S1 d% t1 s+ h' [- j3 y5 y  i( X0 b$ x' R5 v6 b5 z
The chief interrupted. He looked at Mrs. Connolly and1 D4 w6 D+ p8 k$ E
Jennifer and Caitlin's bare feet. "Get that toenail polish
: Q. U% G4 m- c+ x/ woff. If I ever see polish on your nails again, you'll suck it
+ P9 z* x/ `9 a. {& voff each other's feet in front of all of us."
3 w+ K* u) F! _6 C" I- b7 H. S' n' _6 o4 K( @! U! \
Lori and Elizabeth Fanelli led the exhausted women off to the
) Z2 C1 T, D; A" G/ p0 [shower in The girls room.  Mrs. Connolly and the girls1 t( o# }% o1 W7 \  @* s
followed gratefully. Governor Grant  turned to the boys. "You, W" a5 j4 }* r7 I" O
think you've had a holiday?" Get your filthy asses into the; N" J# ^  E3 s. }( `7 D
showers in your dorm. I want you seven sparkling also . I'm
8 C- X' w; x6 k: W, M4 h5 y+ tgoing to inspect each little cock and asshole later. I'll
  C( d/ t, h& b  m& v  ?0 A: B1 |redden the ass of any boy who's not up to the standards of
: h- m0 A3 r* Y' l0 G+ \this school."4 h; Z8 W4 G- A, M4 r
- M2 ]4 T% r2 {, c( T  _9 T+ {9 Y
The boys followed Miss Walton and Deputy Tancredi to their; j4 |' x' _/ b/ P  s" Q5 I" X- A
dorm to get cleaned up. Nurse Randi busied herself making7 Y7 x$ g6 _1 o8 D0 ^: W+ v4 \
coffee for the four men, Miss Thomas and the Governor and) e+ }4 K! K! M( h+ x
Doctor. They settled down to wait and to discuss humiliating
4 S! V! c* [7 w  @% Ithe five Connolly women further.
3 I, f7 D, Z% g% `" E4 T* N$ J( `8 `
The governor looked at her watch. "It's still early enough to
9 k" w! B6 w' Bbook them tonight." We can fingerprint and photograph them
: w( F, [5 a  E$ w% d  Iwhen they get back from cleaning up. I want pictures of all
. x' M2 `! M" t% R1 q1 }of them with their cunts and assholes wide open. I'll teach' u1 ~& A) _' p& R$ T
that bitch to ruin my re-election chances."
! ?. t3 u* B- q, w$ J7 _
# v7 y7 z* f% g$ J. BThe Chief nodded agreement, "First lets inspect them. They'd
7 x, N& {5 i. x' C: ]& {5 obetter be ready. I don't want to see anything on their4 `4 `8 u8 d- I* Z1 E0 Z( \6 q" y! q
bodies. No jewelry, no toenail polish. Nothing."5 j, H  [2 |; H5 m; {

  v) E1 }9 h7 \7 B$ zIn the new girls dorm Lori Paulson watched as the three older0 l& Z- o  ~; Q. R6 h+ }
Connolly females dabbed polish remover on their toes. She3 m& E9 G; ^4 @0 g
nodded in approval as the polish came off. "That's good, now
1 l# G- l  T) Z  _$ i) u, u% VI suggest you trim your pubes with this scissors while I
$ ?7 }, X% I4 ewatch. You can shave off what the scissors can't get."( \9 M+ L; Q: y* M0 C' h1 _
+ h) c8 Q$ S) y5 P$ d8 P
Mrs. Connolly took the scissors in her hand and thought about
* n5 V4 L! }9 _/ D0 estabbing Lori with them and trying to make a break. She shook* b, R& Q! q4 H- w) E
her head in defeat. "How far would five nude females get.?"
5 f, r, O0 p$ G6 n8 Z& cBesides they were bone tired. And even Jennifer wouldn't be a- Y0 S0 j/ I! S% [) [- Q: r& R
match for Miss Fanelli and Lori.
. K1 c6 r* i4 U! T/ t, X8 @# _/ B4 ]+ s2 v% V
She looked at her former employees. "Lori, Help us," She
, }2 n% h: t2 f" s/ xpleaded. I've always been good to you."+ G' r. |% i9 }1 ?# N0 E

( t0 [- w8 L. I, N' k/ [& LLori shook her head. "I'm not going to risk my ass to help
: K; h6 k0 C) l- v8 G6 nyou. I don't want to wind up nude in front of the Chief and
1 F1 c) N) p2 U1 Z# Cthe Captain."
7 |' r. O- G% a- R6 T
3 U8 i- z( x' p7 {* w6 x  FJean knelt in front of her eldest daughter and started! H- m+ ?1 m' o9 ^6 M* v
clipping her cunt hair. Caitlin waited her turn. Kelly and: I! ?( \/ a+ M2 U$ l; ?
Christie were sobbing as they watched their mother remove; b4 }9 E  d3 s  b( [* p2 h+ x
Jennifer's blonde pussy hair. She then turned  to Caitlin and
: e& w4 R; j8 C+ T( A( a2 z* ^* Q: htrimmed hers as well. 5 u/ q/ |5 R0 N; B) a9 k; Z
  N+ |* I1 p0 ]% q& n
The girls both had to cut  Mrs. Connolly's cunt hair.  Her' L7 h8 v0 F- _3 x( h
thick bush took a little longer. Caitlin held her mother's
) G. p- t1 J" klips apart, blushing as Jennifer trimmed around them. Lori; |9 [0 t5 x0 G. X# f& x3 t9 Q
nodded her approval. She took the scissors and gave the three
" \$ c# T! u7 iwomen a disposable razor. "You have to share it. The Chief
# L" C( S1 z8 n$ o9 }wants your cunts to look like Kelly's when you're finished.
( ^5 m6 W( w3 B5 ~7 \1 v9 BDo it in the shower. And make sure you scrub those bodies" R4 \* ?* F( f4 N+ A* t# \
good. You're really filthy." She told them as they walked
+ G/ W, @5 c* o% Ointo the shower room.
. ^9 Q, Y) y2 `" }# ^
  x: K6 H# F- PThe shower was between Kelly and Christie's and Jennifer and
$ v2 y2 i7 Q) Q0 Q6 [- X. CCaitlin's rooms. The girls shared the same bathroom. There: o" o+ Z' s/ L7 M
were four nozzles in the oversize shower area. The house had
; C, o2 o$ u4 v, E3 M* C/ sbeen converted with the intention of turning these rooms into
8 |" j: r) l# \8 }4 a9 [7 ua dorm eventually. It had just happened sooner than they had
1 g: y" A; S# @4 l8 H& @3 ?9 ganticipated.
% l# a8 z" y; I& u+ {
& V' j% k7 B9 G- |. z* JMiss Fanelli and Miss Paulson stood outside and waited as the
3 R. B  _7 Z* o! `' \- [7 V" |Women showered and used the bathroom.
* z7 n( k$ I. x. Q  n4 ~: S; _" O' ?$ {& j9 W# t2 @" U6 ?
"Mom what are we gonna do?" Caitlin asked as she scrubbed her' L; i* B) v. Q4 D4 V$ J
body. & q+ {# @" V7 P
( v, k" n+ H) p
Mrs. Connolly was under the cascading water shaving her cunt.
* p( y: @/ r! C, uShe didn't look up. "I don't know," She said sadly. "We have1 o/ d& |) b% C, H1 G
to do as they say. We haven't any choice." She handed the4 M% L6 d( R) x
razor to Jennifer. "How does my pussy look?" & U0 s4 Q6 P& I' c( w& _. J
" z0 ]4 _, u& M$ g8 `$ f+ L+ g
Caitlin knelt down in front of her mother. Despite all the: h% Z. b9 T, _2 Z% }+ g2 q
shame and humiliation of the last three hours she stilled3 [3 @  M# N3 X4 w( {4 Y
blushed as she looked at the hairless naked pussy of her; ^0 O$ @% y* m% Z- r3 }
mother. "You look different," She said. Not like Kelly. Her
- _3 _% n  _1 ypussy lips are much smaller than yours. It just looks strange8 `* O0 k+ a9 i4 s. y  ~, T- R
to see your vagina totally bald." 1 k% J1 u: [( b5 f

0 u  D  K' z9 M  }Mrs. Connolly's cunt lips were puffy and red. Now that she
, `. v# f9 \; ?1 ?, Kwas shaven they looked much larger. Her labia were well
, W# `' N9 i9 j$ V. C9 v6 |/ r( k3 Ddeveloped and each fold was well defined against her white' d# G( k# B" W- Q8 O
$ q: @4 V5 H% m, z) v" e5 c! k1 H
) S; F5 z1 n/ v: nJennifer finished shaving herself and Mrs. Connolly and
2 N+ C2 s4 N4 s# lChristie knelt to make sure she got every hair. Mrs. Connolly( Q1 g+ t0 Q- l* c' _' C- h* L  }% {
opened her eldest daughter's cunt and examined it carefully.
( L$ q" s3 R- ~+ ?, O% M: \Jennifer had done a good job. "Strange how she still looks
8 G" f8 l( M' ^1 Wlike a little girl with her shaven pussy," Jean thought. "Her
/ s7 e4 w) j; Y) s1 I3 C" ^  Z. fcunt still has a bit of developing to do."
2 M" H, n5 x  Z" H. Y$ }0 `( q, U& z- F8 O$ U5 c0 K5 I' Z, w
Caitlin was last. Jennifer helped her get every spot with the
# O8 B: s9 G) s# Prazor and then stood up. "You're fine," She said. "Your twat
) X5 t; O$ ]3 b; p* T; D8 nlooks like Christies's."
" F. i) u' J" ^7 e, p1 S# o. H0 p8 n9 `; W
It was true Caitlin's pussy now looked like her younger( z+ {7 \9 D% A
sisters. She was crying as she lamented the loss of her pubic
5 N+ I& h/ V5 W% e  k8 thair. The five Connolly women stayed in the shower scrubbing
$ c6 o/ B; Q# @* n( Wtheir bodies as if the soap could wash away their shame and5 Q; r& i% y, `% R* ?; h; b
humiliation. Mrs. Connolly washed Kelly's ass. "My poor
3 E( _( [( |( D9 K4 e* ?; g- u" b& Hbabies. What they did to your little assholes," She cried.3 \7 `5 y+ B# q' r% ?

. d2 Q: {4 N+ m% t6 w% P" yMiss Fanelli stuck her head into the steamy shower room.
0 }2 [. E. x" l9 e0 C"Times up ladies. Dry off and get your cunts out here. You2 Y; a" y2 c# X# ?2 q
have ten minutes to dry your hair and be back in the
* H8 H, ~5 z! F9 [+ xlunchroom. .
5 A6 |3 h; K0 l1 I- }8 l' J: G3 F. |/ W
The forlorn girls dried each other. They all had short blonde/ J$ D2 {8 r4 i! s/ i2 a
hair and were finished with the blow dryer and standing in0 B$ R4 r- p1 y' i
front of  Miss Paulson and Miss Fanelli in eight minutes.- a1 L0 z' L# Q, F. ~/ M" M
& s! P7 v* j5 A" `1 c" X6 s
The young guard looked at her five charges critically. "I
9 ~( x* `! F! o$ X5 D7 I- V% Vguess you'll do. Better give me your jewelry," she said
* ?. S- w# I9 ~& nnoticing Mrs. Connolly's rings, Caitlin's heart necklace and
$ \8 W3 N- r6 |, j9 HJennifer's ankle bracelet. "The Chief wants you totally nude.
+ w! H. w" b$ [+ k5 i. N8 WNot even jewelry." The women reluctantly parted with their
+ e4 I5 Q2 N, z, h: W+ hlast precious possessions.
4 H: S: {' K$ ^
4 ]3 Q+ K4 ?- g& S; mNow totally naked they were marched back to the lunchroom.
6 S: G8 v+ e0 h3 \' ]The seven naked boys, their bodies gleaming, were already6 N6 f' c9 e7 `  K( S
there They stood with heir hands on their heads being
2 Y% }4 J2 _: W% ?1 h1 t- `+ [inspected by the Governor.  . K0 g9 _1 t' u+ i" G
The Governor was kneeling in front of Kevin examining his
5 ?: o4 _! G; w1 `balls and cock. She had finished five of the boys already.5 g+ }  y" _. d' R8 [1 v& T
Only Josh stood uninspected. The rest of the Adults were
% }) g; h) q: F# Zwatching as Governor Grant fondled each set of genitals,
1 \1 o. P$ B/ I7 q, A( kpoking and prodding.  The boys all had hard-ons.
8 i, I# {; B4 ~; n' M' w8 C; C. K- @0 M) B( Y
"Holy shit don't those horny little bastards ever have
7 [2 ]; K. m' O2 jenough?" Mrs. Connolly thought with dismay. She remembered
4 a: t; a4 B0 e! q( c. T( g! Bhow she and the girls had inspected each hard cock and how( G; T% J: D5 P& k' G
many times the boys could cum. No doubt her and the girls7 |4 D4 d! {8 a
were in for more than just fingering in the front and rear1 }9 T8 j' j. @: ?# j
for the rest of the evening.1 y; l, N, N! T/ {
  O2 e2 v( ?/ E- e5 Y6 J; m% d
Captain William's eyes popped out as he saw the three shaven
6 c5 Q% b9 b* e$ pcunts. He nudged the Chief. The older man whistled in
1 n" E, y4 f: Z- W8 a7 x( `  Tappreciation as he took in the five Connolly girls. "That's; w0 ~: C! h* N+ ~$ C; I. c
much better," He said looking them up and down. He glanced at
5 q2 m4 X8 m) otheir feet and noticed the polish was gone. " Stand next to
2 C+ X% F1 s0 i$ ethe boys with your hands behind your heads," He ordered.
, q' E# Q2 S0 F/ u. \/ \+ v0 p"We'll inspect you next."4 }- \' I. q+ `2 k" Y! P: o

& i9 M( @* y2 s) WThe boys were all looking at the bare cunts of Jennifer,# [8 K2 J' [3 B1 {! d7 y
Caitlin and Mrs. Connolly. Deputy Tancredi noticed the smirk: t$ O* m" j. B4 Z) ?4 F
on Michael's face. She grabbed his dangling balls. "What are
( x  M9 T# Y1 i3 Xyou looking at Michael?" You'll get a chance to see them up2 |$ U. `% I; ?
close later. Keep your eyes forward."
5 j7 V) {2 `: X0 ~" s, F+ W' E
  ?6 Y2 d; S  b8 s' W  [( ]/ t( jMichael winced as the Deputy squeezed his nuts. "Yes ma'am,": b4 p- o. M: b2 U( ?- ~
He croaked.
3 f+ J- {5 @$ E+ O( t6 }2 ?& U" S, R  R4 V! ]% r) t
The Governor released Kevin's cock after satisfying herself) y( g- z( P8 H
he was clean and hard and moved on to Josh. She took his slim; q, J* r% t' p1 |
cock in her hands and stroked the shaft. Then cupped his# h* A& d. }4 S0 X& ^
large balls and pushed back his foreskin. "Nice, very nice,"
8 e3 F+ q9 w, z$ _. |She complimented him. . v% t* Q1 \5 P' i$ }2 i! M+ o. M0 @
3 F2 x, \' h" K' L
She moved over and stood in front of The blushing former head
+ E; @( v. s+ y9 A9 Umistress. "Your cunt looks so much lovelier shaven," She said
: B) T/ z% }5 T7 g+ Ysarcastically as she fondled Jean's pink tipped breasts. "I
, ^6 Z6 h( P' y* w* }think the Chief should have the honors, Don't you?" She
. I. m, p3 J! T8 C2 T! b% Gdidn't wait for an answer. As the Governor examined Mrs.
3 |- D% s4 I4 Z( Z' Y* Y% J* YConnolly's breasts, kneading the nipples with her thumbs, the
# u- F' _+ b* J7 }3 _3 f5 ^4 ]Chief knelt and pried open her cunt.
, r9 D1 K! a  `& X4 Z9 n& t3 N$ J' V0 L+ u6 p) h; J+ I- v
"It looks nice and clean," He chuckled. "Her lips look a mite
0 v3 u, P/ t9 P0 l3 G) k7 n& `- A9 V, tbruised from Capt. William's cock but not bad all in all." He$ @; {2 T& ~+ x2 p# E1 r: A& _+ m
thrust a finger up into her vagina and wiggled it around as. s9 K- p$ U" C9 d8 H; C
she stood at attention, tears running down her cheeks.
5 Z2 ~- N( f/ c% M/ ?. B; A2 Q! e7 R0 w& I1 T2 U! s5 C& p1 Y1 Q
"Don't get her too juicy," The Governor cautioned. "I want
  M6 L0 M3 o* T4 |) {/ nthem looking pretty for the pictures.", Y; }" O/ I' m6 V

4 [5 i, ]- V% o5 t/ |# @/ iShe moved over to Christie standing next to her mother and
) O' v+ ?, J9 jknelt. "Let's see how well you've cleaned your cute little
5 n" T1 Q/ h' q, h1 _% K3 M# l2 X  Mpussy," She said prying open the little hairless cunt. "Very/ l, M! X1 d! d9 w
nice dear. Your twat will photograph well."3 D3 ]. n6 j* ~3 K1 V
2 J5 t: Z3 q: F3 D% q$ U) B. b
Miss Thomas watched for a few moments, Then beckoned Lori' a& F* p0 ^# w
over. "Go to the reception room and get Mrs. Maikowski's: x% Z1 z9 l1 Y5 Y
camera. There should be six or seven rolls of fresh film0 v& ^& a7 V  c, s* k9 C
there also."
3 H- {% N; X# d, q! R1 _) k" y) ~$ ^3 \
As Lori walked out Miss Walton stopped her and whispered in- C: I$ ^% s  s! o9 Y2 n
her ear. The young blonde guard nodded and smiled then went
; U+ g2 n. i, M$ S/ o1 j. ~9 goff to do her errand.( e+ k- E$ a6 u& h/ W0 o

+ y0 S5 z' l7 ?" r6 M: Q4 u4 O: A" ]1 lHarley, The judge and Captain Williams watched enviously as1 D: E: j, f, Q& Q
the Chief and Governor moved on to Jennifer
4 }% X9 i3 \6 j. 9 t/ ^  h" t7 ^6 P! D
The teenager's cunt looked almost like Christie's now that it
6 A' ~4 f% N! A( u! F: j% Ywas shorn of its protective covering of blonde hair. The( u- [7 C6 a4 {# z" C9 ~( d. F) @
Governor looked closely at Jennifer's small perky tits,
8 r- G  G8 @# o5 U/ O# C4 vfondling each one. The old woman then knelt and as the Chief, Q4 v$ B/ {- E- T$ P' G; P
squatted beside her, She pried open the pink pussy lips and
' R" v+ u" R: H& n. speered at the exposed clitoris. "This should make a lovely
- A' \" I1 q; k5 H( A( f" Q. Tpicture," The Governor said tweaking the little nub with her( X5 @* }2 _7 Q* F
finger as Jennifer moaned.
% c4 J1 w* \( W6 [0 r) {7 V9 A7 o5 G6 M: ?
The Chief nodded and as the governor removed her finger and' A+ ~( ~! O! \/ o
turned to Caitlin, He pushed his finger into Jennifer's twat! u3 N1 u* I6 v' i# s) A
and wiggled it around.
) i) N- A) i9 a: e, ?  M: E: ^
7 R' z" o# {! F& @% F9 Q8 QGovernor grant inspected Caitlin's boobs, Then she pushed her2 X+ @; n; Y+ |/ z7 Y% V0 h& A
finger into the girl's twat and  stroked the sides of it; _; |+ i" S/ W- {9 l/ `
causing Caitlin to gasp. She pushed in and out and watched as9 F+ e* l$ K3 f+ u( p# t6 B* \. [$ G
Caitlin squirmed then moved on to little Kelly. / A; w8 z1 {/ @- o  \8 {, Q

/ r9 O9 {5 e& B$ ~Chief Crane knelt and looked at Caitlin's shorn pussy. "I'm
, t! a7 z" k7 [3 s( qglad you did a good job. I'd have hated to have Mrs. Mandel. T; V% z# u+ x: ^5 f
do it all over again tomorrow. That would have been your0 L( |2 p2 M5 b' g
punishment if you'd have disobeyed."  He glanced at her bare: @7 h# ]* a; l. l9 w5 P
feet. "Good job on your toenails too."
4 S9 h5 L- L0 D% v
9 v/ a, ~( I3 L! i6 vKelly's little cunt got the same exam. First the Governor
  `' E$ J: h: A' M4 m3 F7 Bfingered her tiny cunt as she stood crying then and then the
7 S1 f+ x( p: |3 y& l3 DChief took over. The other men watched. Their turn would come
: N8 C2 P) S# E6 m1 J  Y3 o! Ilater.
  _/ W2 p0 K0 u/ p+ `% u+ p; x4 j$ z2 {" J
The governor finished up and nodded to Miss Thomas.
6 Y# x6 Q- v. J" ~
5 x/ N1 R6 n, ~  A% e$ |. n1 A' v7 U"All right boys and girls you know the drill. Turn around and
+ U2 [3 v. u! espread those cheeks." The new headmistress ordered. "I want" \9 ?: B) g8 _" Y* W
to see twelve little assholes clean as a whistle."- `# S; n' G$ g% ?* a. [! Q; U1 ]

$ c& Z2 ]2 H, z0 K. ]/ j! }The boys were used to people looking inside their assholes
/ }* K0 F2 [; b/ d4 sand fingering them. The girls were not. Even though they had+ r( W6 W5 V7 ]3 D  M" e
been ass fucked and fingered just a little while ago, They
4 f$ V* c+ b0 ]/ J+ C3 F* vstill blushed as they turned around, opened their legs, bent- y( |3 _* N  s5 X+ b% S7 l
over and pulled their cheeks apart.# C* R5 r2 v6 ~

5 h4 Y8 Z3 \6 o! k# w0 \7 |2 e+ {Miss Paulson returned with the camera and a bag containing
  c2 M  g& G( w: x7 }twelve wooden paddles. She was greeted by the sight of twelve
# Z% i' z# }- R: P( I- m8 V2 @puckered assholes in various shades of pink and tan staring8 J0 k7 U; ]# X1 ~  u% n" d4 H! z
at her. She dropped the bag of paddles and began snapping! }1 E' i; G$ u9 N& J* e  [8 q
away./ j. v! G/ R/ |2 s

$ ?6 T- y2 m/ f1 W6 LMiss Thomas laughed. "Hold off on the picture taking for a
- v' n8 a5 H, ^) o( E2 S. y/ Slittle bit. The Governor wants to examine their rectums
* ]. u4 d# m/ r1 |; Ofirst."8 |8 |( N/ t4 K# d1 j) p
  |$ v1 t/ \3 t6 p; j; s
"In the interest of time, I think it would be good if each6 W6 _, c5 Q" W4 ~) q- b' c
adult would take one child. Women get the boys, men take the% S0 o) T  W( |  ?% Z1 |" `
girls." The Governor said. "I'm rather anxious to get the4 I) ?( {* L6 e' l! x8 T( E/ j$ J
film taking in this evening so the Chief can get them
3 e3 |. o& l' Fdeveloped for me before I go back to the state capitol."
; w  \  s3 \' M# G4 I. J1 x0 O0 X& i  ]1 e9 P
Miss Thomas nodded. "Good idea ma'am. I want to get the
& j. U( ]3 }; l: _+ |4 U5 Zfilming over with too. I have something good up my sleeve for
/ {. P: O' ]7 r- K) ~0 v2 z" c; i1 Mour newest guests before we go to bed."/ O* z( }; Q  P# I
- u: y1 Y2 G- ]- s6 t" M6 j4 V
Mrs. Connolly heard that and her heart lurched. She knew how
/ s( S! X! j: ], e# L; Q, f% Ecruel Helen Thomas could be. Hell, she'd trained the bitch.* |- m. h# |" n" A6 m. w

; {. p0 N  l- f+ RMiss Fanelli knelt behind Ricky and Miss Walton took Josh.7 [3 X; i" F9 a8 D% `- F* S5 z
Deputy Tancredi took Andy's round ass while Nurse Randi knelt3 J  F0 t0 G' f
behind Jerry. Miss Thomas as usual selected Michael  and$ s$ d" E- a" K5 K+ O4 j
Doctor Brenner chose Kevin. "That leaves your tender little
  {' o5 G* d% O; Masshole in my hands Christopher, " Miss Paulson said kneeling
. H1 k: J# a4 B# h" Nbehind the youngest boy.$ Q. x, v( W) H9 \, l0 l, G- F
3 A) R0 ?6 a- f8 a8 F- |+ y; p
The women pushed their fingers inside the boys, cupping their& }+ F2 p" Q. c( m9 c
dangling balls from the rear as they examined each puckered
2 r) X8 m8 p  u$ c7 Q$ \& passhole.
* r" A' m! t" z9 ]/ W: ^. T& s, B' M! p7 J  G) t
Governor Grant knelt behind Mrs. Connolly. "this is gonna& F# N; B: ]# H, A+ p
hurt you more than me, Jean," She cackled shoving two fingers# G; w; `3 G& V( J1 t! W
into the already sore asshole. Chief Crane was looking inside
: q1 D+ X7 C7 bthe widespread asshole of Jennifer while at his side Caitlin
4 w  W; Y4 b8 {+ q9 Jwas being prodded by the Judge. Harley was disappointed. He
; {3 p' _2 }8 p& H, w: j- F  whad his index finger inside Kelly's tiny asshole while
2 K/ l! `0 H" Z: P1 v$ m$ ~Christie cried out in pain as captain William's huge finger
) K+ l1 ]& E# lpushed past her puckered sphincter and up into her aching" q; A- T7 w* p0 F; W
6 y+ t0 q) L4 E3 q& t' `- _  p( h( ~' m; [1 L
The Governor took her time pushing and poking inside Mrs./ T, m- w6 Z1 a, j' U: U0 m
Connolly. Finally she withdrew and stood up. "Let's get those
6 |* Z4 F1 t7 [1 zpictures taken," She said. "Pose em one at a time."
2 v  c6 m3 W2 L( }8 o& d+ W3 ?2 H! }" _9 k% ^
The twelve naked prisoners were allowed to straighten up and7 ]: Q- ?) X9 d1 V+ q* \* F9 j+ F% r
face the Governor and her entourage.6 g# s" I4 d) i' \* d8 z
She sat down to watch accompanied by The four men. Miss6 v) W! d8 R* U0 s) ^+ a4 b
Thomas and Lori Paulson remained standing while all the other
0 L: O: Z& N* j, j( [7 ^/ Mwomen took seats for the show.  
4 R: o0 T& a* ], p' j" y2 ~
9 [. d6 Q5 q+ t% k9 ~/ z  v* pLori was to be the photographer. "Let's start with the little
; q; ?$ |6 }8 y! l* h  Eones," Miss Thomas suggested. "Take Kelly first."+ q  s- M& c0 w; q
& K+ u7 N/ v( x- t: {7 R
The frightened little girl held on to Mrs. Connolly's leg.
5 r: N8 P! N+ H9 Y$ i"Please Mommy don't let them photograph me," she pleaded.3 R& p: t$ R/ V
Mrs. Connolly looked on helplessly as Miss Thomas pulled
  F0 ^5 [6 p8 G" w1 BKelly away and stood her against the white wall. The boys
/ v9 {- B7 Y. X, j. Ywatched as the littler girl stood alone . If there was any2 u5 f1 b% g7 G* C8 J
sympathy amongst them it didn't show on their faces. This2 Y/ Y- [7 k/ T* J+ Z8 @
little girl and her three sisters had tortured and humiliated
5 }( `8 p) d% F1 Nthem since day one. Now it was their turn to watch as the  R0 n$ A$ [, I" o6 h
girls got the same treatment.
9 N$ b8 Z' z5 y3 Q
4 f; Q1 G4 d3 c( R6 Z- a1 f"Hands on your head and face the camera," Miss Thomas ordered. n4 U" E5 h1 x1 I' z: U# h
the frightened child. Lori snapped away. "Turn around and$ M% F. R, h; K
face the wall," Miss Thomas said and Lori took two more
' i$ V% W  a* l2 [$ Pshots. 6 b8 q2 L* V* X* |! s; g$ p

. v& k5 N% h4 U' z* @"All right, bend over and touch your toes," Was the next
0 L7 N4 u2 D/ [command. "Reach back and show the camera your asshole." Kelly% c( O' ~2 C; ~% g* }. O) R
was now sobbing but did as she was told, pulling her cheeks
& F7 a+ A# ~% G- fopen once more as Lori took shot after shot.
; m0 u9 s& d5 Z6 l
& q& y' c9 M$ i2 f$ A8 a% }Kelly had looked on in glee as the boys were made to pose. ]- B$ c- {7 h1 r( P
when they were first admitted to the school. She knew what  ]( r# T! L2 a! h
was next. "Up on the table and on your back," Miss Thomas
! Q6 m' [) Y) g" X. c: gordered the frightened child. "Now bend your knees and open
$ N, E! l% R$ d) }$ X& Xwide. Show the camera your little cunt." % ~- m$ }2 m; T3 w

& V/ ?6 C  i1 bKelly was now made to lift her body off the table and hold
! ?/ O" k" V5 V) t3 dher ass up with her hands, opening her snatch even wider as. e8 N8 Z; u3 a+ t& {+ C! ^  r
the guard snapped away. " p' c1 y) l: n" e( @/ g
' B: I0 f5 a* B, L
Miss Thomas beckoned to Christopher. "stand by her side and
7 h) K- {8 G& \" Tshove your finger into her cunt," She instructed. Christopher9 k0 n- _" f. P
pushed his finger partially inside the crying little girl and/ H" t: p7 ]9 w% ]7 q# i
wiggled it as Miss Paulson snapped away.
/ _6 C% {; T- h1 Y' r' Q3 l7 p& b( C3 \) F: {
Miss Thomas pushed Andy over. "Stand on the other side and
1 i# |9 N+ \8 Z/ J3 ]( k4 Bput your finger in also." The two brothers fingered Kelly for
, V% B* ?; l7 t0 e$ t% wthe photographer as Miss Thomas called out instructions. "Now; \- r4 K/ g8 t4 t  [
Turn over and let's get a picture of the boys examining your
0 ?  O/ v* t. Abutt hole." She instructed.
4 r+ e9 z0 ^5 q: G/ C
6 y5 H* T( @% K0 G8 |0 g- sKelly winced as Christopher and Andy pulled her cheeks apart* a, z, V8 S& s+ X
and looked up her ass while Lori took the photos.
/ V+ a5 b& |7 i$ D& R8 ~( q
3 F6 F) T8 a! e( F
/ W, c4 }1 z4 @. o2 U5 hFinally she was allowed to rejoin her sisters as Miss Thomas: }  F4 N9 l* _& S7 d
crooked her fingers in Christie's direction.
- U' ~' n* |  A4 D( Y3 V% O. I1 q7 m, t3 k
Kevin watched in anticipation as his former friend was placed
  U) [" {/ b: x' ~  c( ]against the wall. She was ordered to stand with her hands
/ r& A* d8 S$ l; ]above her head just like Kelly had been. Miss Paulson snapped
1 D) E) c4 o: K& h; Ta few frontal shots then the slender little blonde was turned, ~, }8 H, B% `' o
around and Miss Paulson took several more shots of her round* x: ?/ G, ?6 `
little ass.
. w+ x2 Q& @* m+ |5 w  Z: x2 b- N# _% \8 e2 y$ m4 l* M! a
"Open wide Christie," Miss Thomas ordered and blushing a6 @0 K( ^( F% ]. N& S2 k
bright red, Christie bent over, reached back and exposed her
; G3 A6 Y1 T2 g, ?asshole to the watching people and the camera.
$ X/ q* y" b7 y* q
- O. c  g* e8 H, E6 EKevin and jerry were made to join her and as Lori snapped
& U! G$ K0 X8 }away the two boys eagerly fingered her butt hole. "How about: L9 `  A( O# B
all three of you bend over and open wide," Lori suggested.
, O3 M9 i" Z/ d# q/ WReluctantly the boys joined Christie as Lori snapped away.. P0 h. J; l0 y' r, T! z. w. j
- ~4 _9 j9 G3 y' \" |
Christie was placed on the table on her back and made to. C) D2 b& j0 o6 ~/ w/ q
spread her legs wide to expose her pink vagina to the camera.
8 K. G- ^1 S% M; q! `0 TAfter Lori took several shots including a few close ups, The$ ~9 [  k& }' p& g+ b+ o- T
boys were permitted to finger her little cunt. Miss Thomas3 ?( O6 x' f$ t* J
ordered Kevin to lick her twat as Lori put another roll in
( O3 ]7 L0 Q- c4 Q) k1 rthe camera and started shooting again. Kevin licked her cunt, R- g& A: x$ g2 m
and found he liked the taste of pussy. He reluctantly 1 C' u1 y( t: Z8 \8 J+ ]$ Y: _- Z
Relinquished his position to Jerry and more pictures were; Y/ F2 B: D0 ]' `) d
6 c9 }, d+ ~( z* a' C" H7 |* M5 |6 H
Both boys had raging hard-ons and Christie was photographed,
* M( E2 y0 J! J6 S: c$ |: o0 eKneeling and exploring their cocks and balls. Then Lori took1 x0 z( x7 H7 ^( `' P
several shots of the little blonde girl licking each dick.& X! ]3 p; X2 ?/ r
The boys were disappointed when they were sent to stand with# _5 W9 b/ L1 B
the others without being allowed to cum. Christie looked$ @; e" g, ^% {! _. E
relieved.2 s( `- A5 l% D6 j9 w5 a3 X

7 S! t8 N/ c  s$ ?. \' @Miss Thomas leaned over the Governor. "Get the little one to
3 A2 K* D  r  Dlick her sister," The old lady suggested. Miss Thomas nodded.
9 \, o; s1 M! [% g& AChristie had to climb back on the table and open her cunt) N+ \6 D) g6 D; b& o) j
again. This time Kelly had to lick her sisters twat as Lori. G. p$ P' h0 j6 b/ w# D
took the pictures. The little girl's tongue slipped between
. C4 E( D$ E$ s9 k$ Q! t; Oher older sister's cunt lips and explored her pink opening.
% I6 \9 g5 c! Q+ E$ q: F( kThe audience watched and it was obvious this wasn't the first
$ ^6 s4 V" J# S- b1 s# p1 `' n( xtime Kelly's mouth had been inside Christie's  pussy.
4 q) b% o: k# N2 @& r" G( SChristie arched her back and moaned as Kelly's probing tongue
( r: Q7 J1 ^" S* N% o' t+ n+ \found her little clitoris
! g. N4 i5 r  y7 z9 Y
) S0 `# h) x' z& r8 s+ R2 RMiss Thomas helped Kelly climb up on the table and Lori was  Y% M7 |1 n6 \3 r  O5 ^
able to capture the two sisters as Kelly was forced to lower; \' v0 C$ f; `
herself onto Christie's mouth.8 ]/ f6 i: a- i, j7 Q; c2 q7 N8 |
& H+ Q8 `  _- U- Q
Lori finished up the shoot with several close ups of the4 Q, b( Q1 d2 A. g- g2 E$ ~  t
girls licking and fingering each other's twats.
; t0 s" e* \( o& S/ |3 t  w3 s+ O9 c
Now it was Caitlin's turn. The two sobbing little girls were
  k+ B' y3 y2 d8 ?/ c, _7 ypermitted to join their mother while Lori posed the pretty) `/ p$ E: j$ p0 d. O) q- C
thirteen year old in front of her camera.* y6 M9 ?5 x& M- V8 ?

$ F. _5 I2 U# r9 kCaitlin nervously stood on one foot rubbing the other behind
8 h  s0 i4 o/ F4 t1 oher leg as Lori aimed the camera and took the first frontal
- f. C6 A8 t" _* f7 L! @shot. "Hands above your head," Miss Thomas warned.  - y1 a3 R5 M; x9 `6 j
( m0 t2 {# q, F8 M
Lori took two more shots then Caitlin was turned to face the
  w7 J- h5 x3 v& l' m" X( Cwall, Her hands still above her head and Lori took several9 {+ O, V2 N+ l
shots of her ass, Zooming in for the final shot. ; ]; B9 u! n3 A# W
5 e) k* z! `0 ?( v6 u! `5 l
"Now lets see you bend over and show us your asshole," The$ J) u( y- q$ {+ Q
governor prompted from her chair.
' t2 }" T+ t4 c( Y6 S* f
8 Y) }* L* x2 ?2 L- Q$ rHer ass had just been on display ten minutes ago but The
6 @- V9 s2 _' C2 A: Y: c: b  {( fblonde teenager still blushed as she stood facing the wall,
* F+ `, G$ K3 e% M( D4 M1 w& FHer legs apart. She bent over and pulled her cheeks wide
1 O( l. ]9 J+ S0 {open. Lori knelt and aimed the camera up Caitlin's behind,
7 p1 |& p( ~0 Y0 Czooming in closer and closer with each shot.- }8 \$ ^0 \! J8 p, X+ n
9 O$ M) R* m; z- r2 o4 {
Miss Thomas pulled Josh and Ricky over by their cocks. Both
4 t0 Y5 Y' I, w! {. \2 c  v8 b# iboys' peckers were at full mast. Lori made sure to get their0 m6 O/ e( N$ A6 q
dicks into the viewfinder as she snapped pictures of them+ ?& l7 M1 Q6 p" G1 E' O
poking and prodding Caitlin's sore asshole with their
) r, b; j+ N8 W! x% p' \1 gfingers. Caitlin's shorn cunt was also open and in full view' A5 D' ]+ V+ o% S0 q# c- V2 m
and Lori aimed the camera up her twat and snapped away.
" b  L. d( Q/ Z# \3 u( e2 @/ A( F# S. N2 X( ]# c$ Y, G) N
Caitlin was allowed to stand up and Miss Paulson took several/ O% m$ W: Q) v4 c# [, o, w: X
photos of the teenager holding the two boy's penises while
$ r0 t8 k* n9 q* `they played with her tits. Then up on the table she went.
2 S) A9 l: P/ y7 _7 W" u" `% S# b! v"Get on your back and open wide for the camera," Miss Thomas# q/ w+ W. \( ~% Z6 d. ~
ordered. With her feet on the table edge she placed her hands: `8 Q# c! J! c& ?4 g# u
) K% ]; U( g% P2 @- X; Sher ass and lifted her body exposing her hairless twat to the; S1 m% P4 ~& U
probing eye of the camera.. ]) o9 G3 h; M2 N# r. R3 W
) k3 @# B0 B0 b1 h
"That's perfect," Lori said as she took several shots of the
8 d7 x$ t2 u6 g  Ksobbing blonde's pussy. The last few were  close-ups.
. E( E; c* u( |+ P) q# a0 i9 V: n; L4 ^. \
The boy's were breathing heavily as Miss Thomas allowed them6 J' }3 L1 q- H0 _7 [6 H& E
to finger the captive's cunt. Josh had pre-cum on the tip of: m: g( P! k6 I& o& ~0 r: t
his cock. "Climb up on the table and squat on her face," Miss
/ b1 O$ V! Z0 S7 mThomas instructed him. As he faced Caitlin's mouth, Lori took
# B( _; B; g6 y2 m! {2 \: v5 A. }a picture of her sucking the head of his cock with her legs' M1 v4 \" E2 y/ y( o. p7 L0 L6 Q% ^
still wide open and Ricky fingering her.6 T% _9 l& i3 K/ u
* |5 ~- U4 t- z' O9 q& G' g, j2 U
Josh and Ricky were allowed to continue their assault. "Ricky
. m/ t  f( [4 m% u% Z5 U/ eput your mouth over her cunt and lick it a bit," Lori* `, y# p9 q! {) b# H5 [
ordered. As the little blonde boy bent over Caitlin's cunt
& x% s# d3 x; M  [  d3 ]: {and tongued it Lori took several more shots from different
+ `% o$ Q& ^' ~: cangles.
0 V' e7 q1 k/ Y% N/ z
- \% F  h1 D. nThe Chief of police was ecstatic. Not only would he have( n% c3 B( y/ k8 f2 g
complete control over five beautiful blondes. He'd have the6 O+ P, N4 }. l$ K- C+ G0 |
pictures to show all over town. $ j" D+ `1 `/ B; ]' j$ v
0 e& S: R$ H7 l% C- S# z
Josh was fucking Caitlin's bruised mouth and moving closer to
# z4 P/ ?$ l) @$ d$ X8 Zyet another climax when he was brought back to reality. "Get0 A; H! y5 ^% m) C, X
him off her. I want her in the pictures with Jennifer next,"5 b$ @( I* z3 _* |- x/ Z
The Chief ordered. "I have something in mind."
& N9 m1 C) C% }! v5 k% N# M) q
' {: N, A$ Z3 t& `8 O+ r$ q9 W$ n* F0 _Miss  Thomas and Miss Walton forcefully removed Josh before
7 U% a- u9 j" G3 c! @* X% Dhe had a chance to cum. He stood trembling, His cock was
$ o/ J$ C1 H3 @throbbing. "Finish him off," Miss Walton instructed Ricky. & J# Q3 d) G+ N! y; l2 q  v

# Y* n& R! n  q; B  j8 q, d# qRicky knelt and promptly started crying as he placed his lips6 g& h6 g2 H3 ^3 D' o
around Josh's dick and sucked him to a climax. It didn't take
/ ^! V) C6 Q! T& b5 i+ e# n$ T! Plong and Miss Paulson took a few shots of the now common5 V4 q$ K# L/ x) q3 l5 x, B! g
occurrence. Caitlin was allowed to rejoin her Mother and her) U& t, C$ j7 R. Q
sisters. All five were sobbing and sniffling. 9 @, _" N1 U" F: ~. t

+ u8 f2 r+ G! }0 r& f; bJosh held Ricky's head as he stiffened and came in the little
* m3 b. J% ~# E/ r4 r( X% sboy's mouth. "He gives a good blow job," The Governor noted& s0 s+ c' j7 P2 ^  p3 ~+ U7 [
approvingly. "You did a good job training them ,"She said to+ H8 K- o2 A4 d* g1 o0 G5 s
Mrs. Connolly. "Let's hope for the sake of your asses that0 \( z8 \/ P6 B% f
your training goes as well." 9 F  C' z0 ~- P7 u, K. i' J
' e6 a: \  h  [# h- H6 x# q; s* a
Now all eyes were on Jennifer. The chief personally led her
2 e! E7 L8 E* t1 Cto the wall. He fondled her tits and moved off. Lori took the
1 x: s7 D5 H" R& P. A" g# G3 Kobligatory frontal shots then zoomed in on her shaved pussy. ' m( O3 U% e, ~1 C
' s4 T( w6 P: F% O
"Turn around and face the wall," The Chief ordered. "I want
8 j& ?. ~/ C* K5 yto see the asshole I just fucked." Jennifer turned and Lori0 X: e# H" X: Y4 \- u! `
took several more shots of the pretty behind. "Now you can0 w3 r+ ~- O+ d- `8 s) t2 y, }
bend over and open yourself up," She said.! h0 j# F- g8 p" u0 W- f% {
0 k( {3 I/ }9 L  j9 E
Jennifer stood legs apart and bent at the waist. Tears ran
' g9 d- E% r. U+ r, o* gdown and splashed on the floor as she reached back and opened
: I" `+ L; S- s1 R9 n8 C% v2 oherself up. Her asshole was slightly red from the reaming she' `+ y+ o* Z6 {, P' B
had gotten a short time ago. Lori moved in and took several3 x8 ^! e+ y* ]/ U) f
close-ups. While Jennifer was bent over, Miss Thomas led Andy/ H6 X; O& [  s/ w6 `" r
and Michael over. They were positioned on either side of her.% [* V/ S$ ~+ \$ }! u5 h
"You know you want to shove your fingers in," Miss Thomas
& L2 U% N0 G! B- j1 Htold the two boys. "She wouldn't think twice about making you: o, @& t; }9 V& F) @
9 U; Z  b) `! Z. x5 R: E9 h) i5 j- E. x5 h# m; y' g& d
That was all Michael needed. As Lori took more pictures,
4 N! u) W. c; L+ k4 tMichael shoved his finger up Jennifer's pussy from the rear
3 l# u4 C! o! V' @- H2 @* Z! owhile Andy poked his into her ass.
) p% @& I9 @. \* T
5 H' N: P8 |% ?: D0 t3 d" b* |9 CShe gasped as Michael found and played with her clit. She' Z  ~9 E; _0 n; E# i+ ]
could barely keep her body still as both boys fingered her
, h7 g  H  ^% t0 J4 N" `6 tsimultaneously. ) @/ m4 `5 N" W$ I

4 Q: A% ]/ z/ ~# k9 J9 n"That's enough Jennifer. I want you on the table on your
' i2 h' y* v$ {3 Yback," Miss Thomas ordered. Jennifer climbed up and copied4 i5 g' p5 ]9 j5 e1 A" K
Caitlin's pose. She placed her feet on the edge and arched
6 V- a% e  m  J3 w- aher body upwards exposing her glorious snatch to everyone.! x- q6 w6 Q: \8 {/ a
Michael drew in a breath as he took in her beauty. "Tomorrow
" K- G7 [: v5 r" X' nyou Bitch," he thought.  "I'm gonna get me some of that7 t) E# B1 g$ c  ]* T& z7 Q
tomorrow."8 _" [: Y7 D: D5 ]  h5 k

6 t3 O: N) e  |/ d' r- m) CLori snapped several pictures of Jennifer's widespread snatch
% E  z$ x8 _' R9 Dmoving in closer with each shot. Then Miss Thomas nodded and& W0 A3 r& }; g$ U5 L
the two boys got into the pictures, first examining her cunt5 L0 y, u; r4 `; \) ]
and finally fingering it.
( s* Y1 Y/ n" V9 s1 h1 i) P
/ i  }  m. }$ l/ O, T"Go ahead and lick it Michael," Miss Thomas prompted. Michael8 I* D' q7 `6 O& ~% W4 F& X
didn't have to be told twice. Jennifer's pussy smelled from
/ Y% y! _8 i. s; j2 v  ^0 |3 k% [; q! Rsoap and tasted better than any snatch he had ever licked. He- |/ s, h, \' ?* I4 p: y1 h( X
expertly ran his tongue in and out of her open lips. The
5 r; }7 Z, k1 m, ?$ t3 x( {3 osobbing teen couldn't help herself. She gasped and arched
0 T0 V' I4 \* t9 g; l1 Iherself higher. Her cunt was getting juicy as the Mexican boy
' O! L. `% u. H+ x+ H7 ^7 u" Npoked his tongue at her stiff little clit. # g7 x4 c% T: k7 g; Q

, u: e% M$ ]/ s- E5 _6 b% I. MAndy watched Michael as he pulled at her cunt with his mouth.
9 L. y: a- i1 O: b9 S/ t  nHe nibbled her outer lips causing her to gasp again. "Man
% N* Q" A- A# Z# v, zthis guy is good," He thought. "I'm gonna try that the next
  V# L& j6 e3 k9 L8 y1 vtime I get to eat one of them."! Z  K% T' o, R5 a9 r+ x

  m2 I% B6 v7 t"Michael climb up on the table and let her suck your cock,"
0 ~$ R3 a' v' u4 m" MLori ordered. "You can go sixty nine."
7 H; b7 @" i/ ~3 O/ S; d- u
' W& Z* {' r- ?: R4 ?7 o6 OMichael soon was squatting over Jennifer's face, his balls
/ y% a6 B5 Y0 M; j; y' W: \3 _" \brushing her chin as he lowered himself onto her. Jennifer
) b: O2 ?6 d; N- v" R, ttook the boy's massive balls in her hands kneading them as/ E4 I, s9 [- a+ h" U
she licked the tip of his large cock. % C/ v0 o( H& E+ ~( R( f' L

1 r9 ^, r- G* ]/ oMichael held her ass and slurped and nibbled her open cunt as
# F1 ^. Y) j% |' [2 n9 lshe did him. Lori snapped away. Jennifer gave a little cry as+ T5 V; t$ `9 Q* ^! H$ F( \
she came. Michael continued licking her, lapping up her pussy
4 _7 }9 N: h! ]7 @3 Fjuice. 1 ^) G9 M2 b% b* D$ ~6 Q8 ?  L' W

; m. q7 E$ W: z9 A3 c  X% X! o) rNow it was his turn. She had his cock halfway in her mouth: Q& u! N& g5 h+ X
and  ran her tongue over his cock head. He grabbed her ass, i! w( M6 L; c8 j; {! }9 h8 V. s
tighter as he stiffened and let out a yell, then shot a load/ k3 H2 x  |% n" v# p
of cum down her throat.5 W3 c7 U9 R) _

: j! C& a& x, U, w6 H6 s1 R! MThey stayed in that same position for several moments then
5 C' x3 H! v2 a6 T& n+ q! OMichael slowly got up. Jennifer was still on her back with6 k% G' K- f- g  G# b
her legs spread. Lori had taken photographs of the entire% h7 k& L/ x7 A1 w8 {
sequence and took a few more of the exhausted girl's wet- W2 R' N3 T- f+ w
snatch. The entire room was silent. The had just witnessed# g4 [2 k7 w4 X' s7 S
the best spectacle of all and even better, It was captured on
8 [3 h- I  P( O' R" Sfilm.
* H3 n2 i  w, |2 ], z* U2 K# C* M# a9 d) ?/ Z6 t8 r
Andy had watched the whole thing standing at the edge of the' O/ W7 s8 x6 i7 W9 Z, F
table and had pulled his own cock. he also had come and the' u0 X8 R0 F8 R6 O/ ^4 j) X
two boy's, Their cocks shrinking were allowed to rejoin the% A4 m8 g/ x! U! L# Y6 [4 p  O
' h+ @2 q4 W/ h" c& \% Z- `7 Z* h$ k
The Chief was standing. He led Caitlin over to her sister.% l$ W7 D) P1 p2 Y' }* z& V
"Climb up on the table and lay down with your heads at each
: a" {3 x+ @6 c" ~other's feet," he ordered. Caitlin climbed up and he got them& x( h% H/ C- X0 n1 e- N
in position facing each other's bare feet. 1 G+ S5 d, J' o- @* k: C' E2 _# N

; X- J% G: h+ t7 ~) u7 C. F- ~' h"As punishment for wearing toenail polish before, I want you6 \1 ]3 y2 s- y
to suck each other's feet,"  He ordered. "Lick between each
. ^& K! w; r* h$ l, P# n6 Btoe and don't stop until I think you've had enough.": b! g9 V: I- B2 G% b

- ~% m# L, c8 k9 K6 [, p+ n/ U) KLori took several shots of each girl as they licked and
! d" \& i0 ?5 f$ ~, X0 Cnibbled each other's toes. Caitlin was licking between; t! r' X: m" ^, c' _5 E3 {
Jennifer's toes. She was thanking her lucky stars the Chief3 N9 d; V2 W5 D/ v$ ~( [
didn't make her lick her sister's cunt. She didn't think she3 |+ d5 U3 K$ J- c4 ~
could take the embarrassment of doing that in front of the3 g6 e: `& _- U$ }
boys.  Both girls were crying. Jennifer had Caitlin's big toe: `  e) z/ ~- Y' _7 @- @' }
in her mouth. She was sucking on it like it was  a cock.
8 n! N1 g; t, O, v"Thank God Katy washed her feet," She thought. They could get5 Y3 g2 N* V4 f( s
ripe in those Keds she's always wearing." : u7 ]4 }1 s& d4 B8 V% a, p
5 X9 v( M3 i  I& `
The Chief left them and turned to Mrs. Connolly "You're the  I6 |0 Q$ i1 Z; f" C, R
grand finale." He told the crying woman. "I'm gonna let the
9 U& O+ e  T: s. b$ _governor decide what little tasks you should do for us."% L3 x. |! s$ P* N: V

$ Q3 [* S  ~& L"The Governor looked at the forlorn naked woman standing in) P5 d" i7 H3 P4 v) k
front of her head down. "Take the usual shots," She told
. Z& M! s8 Q, j: p* `% `0 m9 DLori. "Crotch, asshole, the works. When you're done shooting
* G/ V4 H! e1 O+ B& }: E! mthat, We'll let all the boys  explore her. I think she should
6 A5 j+ \, C1 M, x/ W$ ~; c5 ?6 Dsuck a few cocks and then eat her own daughters out."' P$ v0 |3 V4 K) l) M& Y5 E
% g+ ]( Z9 r# V% J3 P- V: o& {
"Please Governor Grant," Mrs. Connolly pleaded. "Haven't we0 w3 j# ^: m9 K" c7 j
been punished enough?" She looked over at Caitlin and
! W. x7 F" D; s* p, }& ]Jennifer sucking each other's feet. "This is inhumane."
' u7 M/ y7 ]$ Q1 O) I/ C) m* v; G% `0 D# ^& E0 S9 Q
"If I recall correctly, didn't your little brats make the& \  Y% I9 Z! d# ?. h  J2 C
boys suck on their feet a while back?" Miss Thomas asked.& G" i4 Q% D4 j% U3 V
"Now get those hands behind your head and let Lori do her# ]5 g9 b3 ~2 F6 s7 e, \1 Q: j
job."; z2 d5 M7 t8 C: X) m* D) h/ H

, y# F( w$ A+ v$ H: FMrs. Connolly just started crying. She stood head bowed and8 S" A' u3 z& @1 u
placed her hands behind her as Lori started shooting the next
0 \4 \% o0 V7 H0 Croll of film.
# r2 ~4 u; Y9 O# k
" I6 y; G  O& e6 }6 B9 B0 VThe guard took several shots of Mrs. Connolly's cunt. She
5 M. O" t4 s1 s" g# Dgradually moved in closer to capture Jean's prominent cunt
! ?- a* t, _  _: i2 ?; ]lips.
3 l2 _2 x4 l! P* p2 K
3 p2 Z: A( z$ \5 P" O+ C"Turn around" , I need to photograph your ass," Lori1 ?8 p  v8 a9 q8 z5 ^
instructed. Jean stood facing the wall, hands still behind7 y/ J' D& N1 t- {* G4 `
her head as Lori shot several pictures of her bare ass.+ A2 _, M# {, _+ v: w

% L! t6 X8 P& s% K5 v) b& n"You know what's next," Miss Thomas said. "Bend over and
7 e3 o& X8 a: `% A+ Espread those cheeks."
) j1 v2 m5 _5 |" o0 _( f! K! X+ N5 ~4 T8 {
Jean was crying as she opened herself to the camera. Her
  P% W1 |8 @% M, kasshole was red from the punishment Harley's massive cock had
. w, J3 m5 z9 winflicted. Her ass cheeks still glowed from her spanking.3 e" J% U4 \2 t$ e0 z
Lori took several close-ups then the boys were grouped around3 s2 X  z6 ~0 m( g: S
her. Lori shot several pictures of the boy's shoving their3 {0 S1 m: R: h( j
fingers inside their former tormentor's large butt hole. Jean& M/ C3 P1 v2 G6 t
stood with her legs apart still holding her cheeks open as' D' \) I9 u; p% ?8 M* B
one by one the boys stepped up and rammed their fingers up
. c: U6 x$ Y2 b% n. Linside her. " s1 H, K$ k; V6 o' R
9 ?' r5 `9 o8 g5 Q
The governor grinned at Doctor Brenner. "Something tells me
2 j/ F, k/ b* `5 \you're gonna be treating some very inflamed behinds tomorrow( l/ U/ `, s2 Q" n7 m1 {  a$ h2 _& Z
in addition to inserting the chips into their pussies."
7 F! y% N8 y, R0 g1 z( P, W( ?2 E7 K  L/ }6 r
The Doctor nodded. "It won't be the first time. The boys have
9 Y. O) k9 z. g! B5 O7 M1 a4 b+ B1 dbeen ass fucking each other for weeks."
" x- O9 ~0 N, f0 {1 d6 z+ d6 u  ?6 b
4 U& R( \* w; ^"Maybe if I have time tomorrow we'll let the boys demonstrate' `3 H0 i- @" M( n3 f' a# m6 r
on each other for me," The Governor said as she watched the+ k4 B3 n9 n, t$ A: J! X
seven naked boys torturing Mrs. Connolly's rectum..
; q3 I. p' m) P+ p, M/ ]! h$ H7 K
8 g6 a% V& h, W2 L# m% b; g- lMrs. Connolly arched her back and moaned as Michael's fingers+ K! @- P) F' F. l# {$ X) J" D
left her asshole and pushed into her hairless pussy. Michael+ R: J# g7 a" g# e! y: v
grinned as he saw her reaction and  shoved another finger
/ t' x# _9 `0 d) ginto the moist vagina.
. k* o$ b' a" m& H0 C2 O: D& q, @8 c5 H/ P
Lori finished a roll of film. While she reloaded Miss Thomas0 O! }, F6 m: m5 x' P- v
ordered the boys to escort Mrs. Connolly to the table./ D. W( N1 P, T7 S5 @& J
! b, s& x' j: c9 t- {5 P' L
The boys helped her to climb up on the hard surface. As she$ _, ]. r) v+ v5 s
lay down on her back she turned her head and watched sadly as9 P3 c' `0 Z1 q
Jennifer licked the bottom of Caitlin's left foot on the5 K8 F  C# O( ?
adjacent table.+ [/ m( D& S8 ]7 F
3 w. n/ e. ~4 H6 R3 f! D) w3 m
The boys positioned her feet on the edge of the table with) J! Q* ~0 U1 w( ?3 X5 v
her legs wide apart. Lori finished loading the camera and
2 S9 q5 ^2 D* M9 Z$ ^' jtook a shot of Jean's wide open hairless twat. "Arch up like
% d% |$ ~; ^( \2 S, [your daughters did so I can see your cunt better, " Lori
2 A  q. _& E7 {4 P* Y6 y$ Ginstructed snapping away.
: X& h5 E0 a. I1 W' y( h0 y! W; f* o$ O& v1 Q, E, Z: G
Now it was the boy's turn. "Make her squirm," Miss Thomas/ w* z( s* |% V
told them. "Shove your fingers deep inside her cunt." The
. |" }; Y) `% e$ a0 D8 N1 b/ F* @boys didn't have to be told twice. Mrs. Connolly had a large/ a2 \- W( n* @
fully lipped twat and she was wide open. One by one the boys. K+ O) a" l8 U& x* y+ A6 R- x
poked and prodded inside her vagina. The governor watched as+ V7 c- `3 Y, ~' d& u0 R- b
Jean moaned and squirmed on the table.8 }4 d) \; f# L% `7 s
7 A3 P9 H* s: R% y
Lori snapped picture after picture  as the boys posed/ d2 M1 `% d+ q  ^
alongside the blonde captive. It didn't seem to bother them
$ B3 M- ~# l( Y. e; m3 Pthat they too were naked and being captured on film as well.1 G9 O% B2 ^/ [7 c$ D3 K
The seven boys were sporting huge boners as they took turns
. o2 ~8 e# _$ k3 D  w: p" bfingering Mrs. Connolly's sopping pussy. She was crying and
" V* @, Q, v( ?6 R# |' a, c$ c' Tmoaning as she had orgasm after orgasm on the table.
! ]6 V0 @5 B( n3 |( ^
$ t0 @" z6 P! v8 U* v& E# g( PSatisfied that Jean's cunt had been photographed from every# e5 G5 X$ R1 b) g
conceivable angle the Governor called the boys off. "That's
0 v: I* B- h6 \1 s) T' Z, _! tenough," She told Miss Thomas. "Lets have one of the foot+ ], W7 q' A  S, O! R; k( |: J3 S% c
lickers climb up and go down on her."' X9 k# {9 B5 g# u3 R
/ L  R) H- I# h+ C9 k
"I think we should make both of them do it," Miss Thomas said
/ K4 t4 W$ H, W/ r& e; Y' Ugrinning evilly. "One can squat on her face and the other can
" j. r3 J/ U. a2 p: f7 Gstand by her cunt and lick it."/ L0 H  ^' ?! P" U& o
$ C: G" Z8 ?& H3 O+ G5 w
Caitlin and Jennifer were bawling loudly. "Please don't make
  |: X7 m$ e2 H7 \5 |+ Y' l# h' zus do this." Caitlin begged. "She's our Mother."
( d' c& I; L0 o9 c
9 D3 c, J5 ]! F8 j( I5 m"I'm losing patience with you two," Miss Thomas yelled. "Get
! ?& A3 v- R) ~' \. Yon top of her and let her lick your cunt or you'll be rubbing6 U3 r: i6 @( p9 @
a very red ass in a few minutes."   e$ l8 D! y& ~8 u' E

7 y' p/ e% S! }Caitlin climbed on the table and squatted over her Mother's
: b( t  B9 N( _+ oface. Jennifer stood between her wide-spread legs and lowered3 c& E6 N% G( u- G' X$ V
her mouth onto Jean's wet shaven pussy. Lori took picture
2 ?4 ^  P, n3 a. Vafter picture as Jean's tongue flicked out and licked her
) l- _/ v0 t: q3 ?7 p9 Bthirteen year old daughter's pretty pink twat.
1 X$ F" _2 U- \, M& k' p% D' y5 Q! Z. i. H
The camera captured Jennifer as her tongue parted Mrs.0 z0 E1 H$ K; O* S) k
Connolly's cunt lips and entered her vagina.  K  W" J; @9 p8 K$ S2 q

9 f7 ~: u( b3 _# n7 e9 }' {# H6 YCaitlin was squirming and bouncing on Jean's face. Once,
6 F$ }, i" u4 t" I# T5 ~twice, three times the probing tongue found her clit. Jeans5 Z4 |+ i5 _6 t$ b! C0 ~
lips pulled at Caitlin's cunt  and she nibbled her daughter's
% I- [% ]. j5 S4 L: clabia.6 M2 F( O! d2 ]1 l
: q7 A8 ~. o; N+ k/ L+ N; ^% {
Jennifer buried her face in her mother's steaming cunt. Her
* Y+ n% L* g1 o0 w1 r" ^tongue was flicking in and out as Jean's legs tightened, O6 Q, W9 Z% }1 N+ b9 [
holding her daughter's head captive. Caitlin had an orgasm4 e$ w  _  p6 L2 O. @( q' c
and screamed "Oh my God," as she bucked up and down. Lori
" G* Z1 ^7 J- [: r- p: rstood two feet away and photographed it all.& |$ `* m) e% ]( Z) X& n

$ S( ]6 {2 w" Y9 Z" F5 eThrough it all two very hysterical little girls watched,
  R7 @5 R+ x" {! w$ ycrying their eyes out. Kelly held on to Christie and was& W5 W. Y+ d- \, l* p& T- ]
quaking with sobs as she watched her Mother and sisters being
: S/ Z, Y6 d8 R6 mforced to do those terrible things to each other.
4 n2 e8 S- g$ v/ c# Y) p$ u
7 h: j+ V1 w; h7 w- n! |Finally Doctor Brenner leaned over and said to the governor.
4 h/ X/ A+ A" _3 s"I think they've had enough for awhile. They're totally( J) L2 K# H& V& E6 ?& t+ A" O: X
exhausted."9 y, P1 o( E/ M0 K/ t/ F
- }% ^* s$ K0 t$ X! [& q: S) e/ M! s
The governor nodded. "I'd like to see more but you're
: ]' S+ M! Q, ?1 C& l) w. xprobably right. She nodded to the Chief. "Tell them they can9 I1 Z/ r' P) q: H
stop."  3 ?1 \3 H& F7 l9 q
% B- d* o! z, S
The Chief went over to the three miserable captives. "Get& N7 o8 K" A. t  @) B
down and stand next to your other daughters, Jean." He7 m+ S5 ?# l) U# o: `
ordered.  "We have enough pictures for now."  
: Y. T, G( u- {$ _, v; ^, p
9 v. d& `" o5 n' A- w, D  K# u; IMiss Thomas looked at the naked girls and their mother
( @% ~& c! v; I; e, O4 T, Qstanding heads bowed before the Governor. She shook her head.
# A' f% H& v" s' h$ B% Z( Y( F"How the mighty have fallen. What would you like me to do
+ y3 D, F, p& l! f& twith them, Governor?" 8 T  ]/ A2 T2 Y$ |) K* ?  |2 Q
2 s, o3 b5 @7 H7 f8 F
"The boy's all have hard-ons," The governor answered. "We
+ ~+ u+ s$ j# E! O( N; Hcan't let those go to waste. Jean was always fascinated by8 h9 Y7 A9 u4 n6 P
their cocks. Now her and her brats can suck them dry."
% Y3 }0 ?) o& k: ]1 y. x
# q9 _5 I3 z2 _& U"If you'll permit me to make a suggestion, " Deputy Tancredi
9 m: r/ n+ S5 A4 d, C) o( isaid. "I have just the ticket."
2 Y& j# `  x$ R3 q9 y( C( Z2 u, B; x. z/ M- k( G8 ]! z5 r, _
The governor nodded. "Go ahead."
6 X0 t0 n+ a7 g
/ a' i0 M7 U- f( W6 R5 O& cNaomi stood up. "You four," she said pointing to Mrs.' x2 \' h4 }' W3 n  y
Connolly, Jennifer Caitlin and Christie, "Get on your knees."# w# L7 K5 i& L+ _- G9 n: u3 [

7 N6 d. s7 x# \; O& yThe sobbing women obeyed. The deputy took Kelly's hand and
) u8 z8 R9 Q: d2 ^/ y! ~5 Estood her in front of Caitlin Then turning she led Michael
" A1 F( r& j% ^: I; ^and Josh over by their cocks and positioned Michael in front# _3 }# V2 _* {: R
of Jennifer and Josh in front of Mrs. Connolly. She beckoned
3 l8 f1 D% G9 B; t3 @9 Nto Christopher and positioned him in front of Christie. "You4 ~/ a) b, K7 k% {. O/ r+ z
three are going to suck these boy's cocks," She ordered.
' ~8 v' Z; d6 |& H"Caitlin will eat out Kelly's little pussy. The other four
& B3 r0 y; W1 i' @boys are going to be the top piece of bread in the sandwich.": V4 s5 z- e/ C0 `& O4 @
Harley led the last four boys over. Kevin was made to stand
7 u  J( [- B5 t6 j8 z/ Q7 ^8 Zbehind Michael, Jerry behind Josh. Andy was positioned behind
# V6 J  V# S9 l9 c7 HKelly and Ricky behind Christopher. # c  O# v7 M7 [1 W3 A0 ^! Z

7 b! ~7 q2 ]( A& a% ~) ]"You three boys and Kelly, bend over and spread your cheeks,"4 w* y- E; _# S2 A
Naomi ordered. "Mrs. Connolly you and your daughters start5 N! `3 N- B2 c
sucking on their cocks." Caitlin get that tongue working."
2 m; I/ K# q* q# p& a: y6 ~
; ~- T. j% `1 u' {6 MThe four women had no choice. Mrs. Connolly held Josh's balls
! H0 h* x6 O4 Din her hand and placed her lips around his slim hard cock.
! e/ y: s; s5 n. jJennifer took Michael into her mouth. She could only get the
+ B  t( t. @4 H; f, |3 a) X$ |first half of his thick pecker in. He  smiled  and pushed his
8 A8 ?) K% x2 \! Ahips forward. Caitlin spread Kelly's little pussy apart with% c* S4 d- `. w# [# A
two fingers and tongued the inside of it. Christie easily) M$ l3 S7 {5 a) X+ Z$ I
swallowed Christopher's little penis. She played with his
% Y! j3 [! c- I# C& i+ q/ hballs as she had so many times before. The difference was she$ B8 E: p1 ]. B5 c" l
had never thought his cock would end up in her mouth.
9 N/ ~/ x5 r6 Q
$ _/ u: C; }; D. eAs the sucking began Naomi was joined by Miss Walton and Miss
- }- y3 ?& g6 d1 Z' T8 C5 G1 uFanelli. The three women guided the other boy's cocks into+ u% l8 S+ [0 P5 f% w( s. V& ~2 ?; Y
the assholes of the four bent over children. Kevin easily
) b$ X4 _$ L2 v* ?# A" T/ ]# Ipushed into Michael's big brown asshole. The pre-cum on his9 s) r9 Q9 X- C5 u2 b( K, I! ?
dick lubricated Michael's ass channel as he pushed into his. }$ o/ N" d' }1 R
rectum.; B. f3 h+ w  ~" f, l
# }7 c) A4 c8 P2 U/ H+ {9 ]
Andy was having the most trouble. Even as her sister ate her. V4 |" v" o/ N- R) G
out, Kelly was crying as Miss Walton guided Andy's dry cock; `; E. e3 Q% Y, j
into her little pink asshole. Finally it went in and Andy0 ^5 Q8 `2 j6 y2 y5 v4 H
painfully pushed back and forth trying to stretch the little) G$ `* g8 Z! i3 E' m+ \/ U
. M" R/ K! r7 L) U5 B
  F2 w  D  S8 u1 ]$ p' k; J- y0 n; fJerry's large uncut cock was fairly oozing pre-cum and he had
8 u' c7 ^4 r% j6 X+ v4 F5 zno trouble pushing past Josh's puckered sphincter and up4 A- R7 V1 e% t8 v5 a9 a3 ]0 I' i
inside him. He held on to Josh's hips and pushed in and out
  F' F9 V8 e$ V: V7 \even as Josh face fucked Mrs. Connolly.
9 h5 L7 M" c2 I+ T' v/ T
5 x* e+ Q' W* _2 K0 ^, wRicky didn't have the luxury of Pre-cum but weeks and weeks7 J; P# o: N9 _# C
of ass fucking had stretched Christopher's ass and Ricky's( r' \& G0 G3 x; F1 I& k
small cock penetrated easily into him.
3 A$ Z3 R# P- ~/ i0 w5 D/ k; N* q6 t
The adults had risen out of their seats. The Governor got to2 f1 P" _3 X3 S
see the results of Mrs. Connolly's training program firsthand
1 }5 x. w6 v% u8 @as the boys ass fucked their fellow students. Kelly was  T; ]9 O. [* J  p' w6 ^
bawling her eyes out in pain and humiliation but her ass had
+ m) W2 R$ O6 p0 n) a" O# eopened slightly and Andy was pumping away. 2 {9 Y  ^& ~( B4 `

5 b# u$ c  l" l  T" Q4 |+ h# kThe Governor knelt by Jean Connolly's side and watched as she" c1 m2 [$ ]9 t& l8 k) T
sucked Josh's slender cock. "You were born to be a cock6 F* O+ l4 S& V% s
sucker," She chuckled. "So were your brats." She said as she
- l. j& i* ?1 I' d' |: ^0 j7 d. v3 tturned to watch Christie     lick  and suck Christopher's
6 |% s0 L7 i9 T8 Tlittle penis. . @! [. X& J& h& H5 o2 _1 U: e
; ]( {- O6 h. I: u4 N7 V2 M
Doctor Brenner and Randi stood on the sidelines and watched.
+ O. X# h$ J( E3 L" ~"Those Butt plugs really worked on the boys, " The doctor+ i0 z6 y* T$ p" ?' M. J
commented. Look how easily their assholes take those cocks."& b' M% Q( B. [- |
Randi nodded. "We should insert them into the Jean and the
+ W( @; W2 f$ z1 i# zgirl's assholes tonight.": U. K. O5 ^: v9 ?: H

, a3 y9 D' d1 P2 ^* w* b9 B"Good idea," The Doctor said. "I'll suggest it to the
: x& x# s6 T' f) t; Vgovernor."
% B; B$ D- F2 C! C/ S% o9 G1 F( q
+ z, U5 y" `  B( M3 \$ F- OThe Governor was standing next to Jerry as he pushed in and! F) r) _- _3 C% K3 T6 q4 ]( ?. w
out of Josh's stretched asshole. He was panting as he worked$ q: P1 K6 u/ T5 {, \
up to a climax. "After you cum I want Mrs. Connolly to lick
3 P4 l, t+ E& y7 W! r- X: Wthe shit and cum from your cock," She told the sweating boy.
5 `$ @2 T1 u" V: D: h( W; H! |Jerry could only nod. 7 }; T1 b9 |- t- ]
" _3 x4 Q# I5 l7 G- H
Miss Thomas took a cue from the Governor. She had been
3 ^/ g. Q3 x7 ]3 o$ Z4 {; Gwatching Jennifer crying and struggling with Michael's large* l$ k1 q- l) J5 m
cock. He was the middle part of the sandwich and the assault
1 r" n! ?3 ]+ A9 P& A1 non his ass and his cock were working magic on him. His eyes) w7 @, l  [& |/ h1 _, q- l/ U0 D
were closed and he was panting and gasping as Kevin's cock0 g% N+ A1 m; s' }9 T4 F/ d
went all the way inside his large asshole and Jennifer's lips
( ?7 x" s* h! |7 J4 M) m; Pworked on his sensitive cock head. "After you cum, stick your$ D3 T  e/ o% p4 l
cock inside her mouth and let her clean your pecker off, "
  @- K% w5 a/ ?; {She instructed Kevin. He was sweating with exertion but2 a$ S! N$ M! J0 E* Z6 T, J* X( I  Q
managed to smile and nod..# c$ N1 ^- k5 B1 V* \

8 I" n5 U8 T2 T( U! r" H9 e/ gChristopher was the first to cum. He arched his back forcing
) d* C$ [( T8 n* `. Z9 ORicky's cock deeper into his little asshole. he gasped as he" S- S% t+ h, Y& _1 P8 @& J
felt himself reach a climax. Christie continued sucking on
( A% S8 [+ E- g0 pthe shrinking cock while Ricky worked on Chris's asshole. 4 A) \) n, m) p. Q7 a- B

: ^/ Y4 V; Y! O, i8 AMichael was pumping into Jennifer's pretty mouth faster and
8 i, n: T5 C, R+ i5 b( c6 I' \+ hfaster. Kevin kept up. He held onto Michael's hips and drove
# C+ P' h' v8 [0 m0 d  Ohis cock in and out keeping the rhythm going.  Jennifer was7 [/ R$ @( r. @, X3 X
breathing through her nose as the massive prick completely; x1 @9 G  v0 d2 r9 Y1 z6 |
filled her mouth. She tried to push it out with her tongue
* h/ i# W5 ^* L- Ibut that just exited the young Chicano more. Then Michael
3 ?; N" N1 ~4 istiffened . A huge wad of cum shot out of his cock and down  l5 l; Y/ O% \9 b2 L
the blonde teenagers throat , Jennifer gulped it down as fast5 u7 p1 P4 p% m& m" H0 h
as she could but a trickle dripped from the corner of her8 V, E% D: V; \9 }* c$ R
mouth. Kevin Pushed further into Michael's ass then rose up6 i# m4 g# r( R  z
on his toes and with a gasp he shot a load of his cum into
% M9 z' Z) |; R+ E- }. wMichael's bowels The cum dripped from Michael's asshole as5 r9 |4 }1 A/ r6 X+ s7 t$ o
the three stood motionless catching their breath.
( i5 Z' C0 B: H3 R% T6 ?& v( y# }' a3 G+ |
Ricky came also. He moaned as he did, then pulled out of
; Y" o- O" R/ \: U* j  g3 K! BChris's little asshole. Miss Walton was watching and as Ricky' J; q/ i, }& M  `& M
stood catching his breath she pushed him over to the kneeling
7 Z+ H7 a& x: |Christie. "He needs a good cock cleaning," she told the
: J2 B4 x6 r  z+ \) `/ f6 `; Z8 Ysobbing little blonde girl. Christie took Ricky's flaccid$ M: Z& I) U  G  r7 J
prick and as the teacher smiled and watched she licked the& g7 E( e) a. O+ _
shit off of it.1 [2 v! f- m1 b* m9 P2 N- d
6 N; ~% J* K: `6 \. D! }1 n
Jennifer was being forced to do the same thing to Kevin. The: h. ]$ y/ F5 D' y1 `5 s5 m* q. T8 m
shit and cum encrusted cock  was hard to take but under the* b4 T/ ^  N* f# f2 n+ R. W
watchful eye of Harley and Naomi, the kneeling girl licked
3 d- W4 Y0 F# `% v! tand tongued his cock clean.
( O1 u0 C' Z, y( M; U) j: Y& J3 i3 j7 M% Q' x, _; t
As the governor watched, Jerry roared his triumph as he Shot$ o7 S( f. _9 r$ v
his wad into Josh's asshole. Josh came at the same time. He
3 ~+ W6 p5 c: a% U$ h) Hpumped his cum into Mrs. Connolly's mouth as the Governor
) A3 V0 k2 u4 T$ S8 e* @' d1 k7 Cnodded her approval. The two boys had barely caught their
7 w; {/ Q4 b% h4 H# Wbreaths when Captain Williams made them switch places and: `5 T# V5 `0 d% c3 A# s  F# K
Mrs. Connolly was forced to lick Jerry's filthy cock clean.
8 W: B2 f' \# }/ G7 D) O# E: D
5 O; n% _2 N2 LKelly was having the most trouble. Her asshole was simply too9 k+ a! e. i9 T3 O
small. The friction from Andy's cock caused her too much pain
- {; r/ G* |. j1 r1 Dand she never came. Not so with Andy. The tightness of
+ X6 m* X% @* @5 t6 e& P: Y7 sKelly's little asshole felt good on his little prick and he/ q& r$ M& Z, K* q* ~
held her hips tightly as he pumped in and out. Caitlin was, ?* y' y7 Z. @1 o6 a. _4 c
still slurping her youngest sister's pussy as Andy reared
; P8 ?+ w7 B  T1 [- p. Q0 L# h4 uback and announced "I'm Cummmmming," loudly.7 @% r3 c: G& I0 J: y& ~4 h2 Z: Y- w6 G
+ @2 {/ ]* b; j& [% ~, y! x- B/ [1 m
Then he too was made to switch places. As Kelly stood head
6 g) {! G$ E: ]' K2 Rbowed crying in pain, Her older sister sucked Andy's small
& [- s) P4 P/ S2 G* V0 c, x. Ycock clean.
; Q+ q  X3 B2 c" |$ b0 g9 t4 w
, P" f5 ~4 D( e) {( BThe watching adults took their chairs. Mrs. Connolly and her4 h2 l8 n3 L* g9 o3 D5 p5 v
four daughters and the seven boys had done themselves proud.
0 x6 t2 a$ N! D# kIt was time for their reward. The twelve naked people stood  u8 t, p. H4 X* J( \" D- k
with their heads bowed in front of their seated captors.
& k: b% J* H& o8 E0 i4 }- f; m. E" v- G0 k
"The Governor addressed them. "I can see you're exhausted.
9 x: a* g  x  d% ^7 c& e' FWe'll let you get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day. You( t" Y+ g, F: r9 r
five," She pointed to the Connolly family. "You're to get7 H5 A- m9 G' u0 S
completed physicals in the morning. You'll be fitted with a
9 A! l% w4 g! d; u( F9 B9 Q2 `$ |- ?) jmicro-chip like the boys have. The doctor will prescribe
5 B. \4 X9 R+ v# kbirth control pills. Before I leave for the state capitol
9 W" p% w. k7 S% {. Q2 Z  S( {where I'm going to try to pick up the shattered remains of my
6 @7 B" ?7 c$ u3 R5 B( Kpolitical career I'm going to watch you all get laid
  H7 q# \. I. D* `  i4 Rvaginally." . \' z% }6 z! \) n  \( L

6 ~% X6 ~  i% w, a! U% T1 g. h* n"But now before bed time I'm sure you know what comes next, "
, b& _" B( E- M  Q' z8 xMiss Thomas said as Lori Paulson handed out the wooden/ d+ U' Q6 Z. q+ Q
paddles to the seated adults.
" Y; y: \1 c/ ~( e) P3 p/ S& e- ~! t4 S+ W; Z# z+ d
Harley herded the twelve naked prisoners over to the smiling,* ?3 R. a* b* }7 g+ \' X# b. Q
seated  adults. Mrs. Connolly was sobbing as she was forced( q6 U" k5 `4 r' h9 A# Q; Q
to lie face down and ass up on the Governor's lap.
, V1 K8 Z" m3 u
) X, E, n+ `; n: ^% |$ b: q4 zThe chief of police was fondling Jennifer's glorious ass as
+ }# ~% F& l9 d! ?  ]8 phe positioned her for a spanking on his lap. Judge Robinson
' e6 h. ~$ ^# ]1 V! T# vhad Andy face down on his lap. "I thought we were pardoned,"& s; j0 x+ b+ W" _5 N! U0 w
Andy protested as the Judge fondled his little boy butt. "You6 I1 `8 c$ c, q
will be in a few days, but for now you still need to be, }7 n& K6 S8 C! ?% D8 G4 S- }9 q
spanked," The jurist answered, prying open Andy's cheeks and
+ {' y9 R* _$ D/ S3 Llooking at the boy's pink rectum. Next to him Christopher was
. @/ c2 D5 T5 v8 z/ F/ w9 ~in position on Doctor Brenner's lap.
; H, x/ u- K6 V2 L: u, `$ G$ {. B6 `
Randi was stroking Jerry's fine tush and Miss Fanelli and% \" Y) Z# E5 I' B4 L
Miss Walton had Ricky and Josh face down on their laps
- {. N9 b! X* J$ }5 d# @respectively.) X( R. J6 Q0 U: m9 H/ \7 b4 p7 B

( v5 m! d4 \! U0 xKelly was on Lori Paulson's lap and Caitlin was sobbing as
0 I; ~9 r1 n9 V! E$ `) ~2 DHarley sat down, pulling her over his.% X$ x+ y. r. R+ h+ F9 g0 Q

- Z- f/ B8 w4 h. PMiss Thomas had her hand on Michael's ass holding him down as$ K' |% l0 S! q
she raised her paddle.
" a4 |* e& q2 i, ~) c! V( b
- w6 B" i4 v3 oChristie had the bad luck to end up with Captain Williams. He  V& d. [( B, n: f, V. |2 @' d
put down his paddle. "Hell I can do more damage with these,"
5 b% ]7 z( N$ |! ]He laughed as he prepared to use his thick callused hands on9 U! k- G- q5 O3 Y+ L
her tender behind.8 R0 g4 `( K8 o3 ~9 v/ @
- e4 F! i9 j0 W/ c
Naomi Tancredi was exploring Kevin's little bubble butt as- W. U( S4 z2 R5 [1 k) H5 c
she got ready to paddle it.5 ]( Y: @; a. U

0 W+ \5 G0 K$ R- L  Y7 jThe Governor brought her paddle smashing down on Mrs.3 w+ Z* e) I, t2 M% ]% f$ Z" ^! }
Connolly's already sore ass. That was the signal and each of
; u+ Q/ I* N  D. z: K  v1 cthe others paddle quickly descended on helpless ass flesh.9 `6 T4 y% @; _% w
For a few brief seconds there was only the sound of bare, e: ^( g: o2 `
flesh being whacked, Then Kelly let out a shriek of pain. The; ~! e- Y7 @; v' B  T
other children started howling soon after. It took five; i/ ]3 N( T$ A- E+ V
whacks of the thick wooden paddle before Mrs. Connolly joined9 ^( U# P; e1 F- ^8 d( @* x+ \' w9 c3 k
her daughters in screaming. Her soprano voice soon was heard5 `6 q/ C6 r  }/ N& W' A3 C& q
over the others as the Governor put everything she had into# y( y7 g- B* M6 P  D
each blow.3 i9 [1 y+ u2 c
0 C2 n, V  z1 ~& m! ~
Michael was the last hold-out but soon Miss Thomas had him& P( x' v# L7 Y4 c) Z
wiggling and crying as she brought the paddle down with all% J# F; C- l* |- Y
her strength. Captain Williams hands descended on Christie's
4 g+ O1 U1 I+ K7 Y  B7 {+ Wbare ass turning her cheeks crimson. Her little feet were
# r: e9 m; V* B9 Q/ oflailing as she howled in pain. ! }) t4 U9 |2 l+ @# Z
+ r% F/ S2 c4 I6 P. J* M$ M
Judge Robinson took his time smacking first one cheek on: c" f9 B0 u/ U/ Y0 d
Andy's poor ass with great precision, Then the other. 4 ]2 ~" }" M% n

/ x6 ?; d% [3 k: g6 H"You play you pay," Miss Thomas laughed as Michael cried in
0 r, q2 A5 A- K0 ?, [; S- Wanguish. Doctor Brenner and Nurse Randi enjoyed themselves1 M+ f- Q4 Y# x  R
immensely as the spanked their former patients. Christopher's
7 Y$ Y7 V8 x. N( X& Lsmall butt was starting to glow a fiery red as the Doctor  X8 v8 y  w  n& Y
pounded it with her paddle. Jerry over on Randi's lap was" E) S1 Y$ L6 B
jumping each time the paddle landed.
2 M/ z' d- g4 b8 U% Z$ |- n2 L
2 P+ x! Z, ~. G0 {8 D* k/ [9 oThe chief was showing Jennifer no mercy. He was already
7 r3 z; r/ r% |4 Y6 `. L# f- dplanning her deflowering. "I can't wait to get her pussy," he
! z" {. Y  L/ ?thought. "It's gonna be even better than her asshole."4 x& B) U" z1 P  r/ ?6 a, B8 z
1 g8 }! }7 C$ g: J3 ?0 P$ N7 c( Y
He enjoyed watching her jump and kick as he swatted her again, f4 L/ f' E, b$ A! }8 g) U$ J
and again with the paddle.+ U* m1 x, v% j0 ^
/ P! O8 X, r. {# l
Over and over the paddles landed. Each blow increased the
3 {3 S  G$ j4 Tredness of the hapless children's asses   9 D0 i8 g' w. o( Y
. S; b( y# \) H# U& D. F
Naomi and Harley were seated side by side and grinning at3 R; F; _% W5 k$ V% Y
each other as they caused  Caitlin and Kevin to scream in
! r' x& y' v: i" \: x9 m6 ^pain.; g- c% c) M" c" H( G
; Z: |; P% R$ _# G3 @* h) E
Mrs. Connolly had enjoyed spanking the boys almost as much as
% v* x4 i! H- p  c7 wshe had enjoyed forcing them to screw and suck each other.' c% |- H" t& w& U! d
Now she was on the receiving end. Her howls of anguish were2 A& X' s. e' c& j/ O( q
music to the Governor's ears. The old lady was strong and the
; \% d# k4 \( a( k, Jthick wooden paddle was doing it's job well as it struck the
$ ]# D4 G; i6 l* |* A4 I0 xheadmistress's ample ass time and time again.5 r. {0 g9 @, [& ]( F4 S

6 J4 t9 X  \- R0 l' AForty times the wooden paddles punished their targets until8 b. |# N% v& y( ~6 x9 G
breathing heavily and unable to lift the paddle the governor* |7 J% a- v2 h6 ^% @
stopped. Mrs. Connolly's ass was glowing crimson. So were the3 U: W5 c. ?4 e# f0 Z8 k
others. As each was released they forgot their nudity and
* W1 d( D' B+ c# ]. ahopped around rubbing their throbbing asses. Even Mrs.4 X3 r& {; i4 n- r
Connolly was hopping around crying and rubbing her ass as the, A5 ]4 Y4 f' i  V: V3 m3 e
adults sat back, Satisfied with their handiwork, and watched
8 _0 \  {! G' K# a3 k* J( gthe dancing and bawling children. : v, v3 W6 D; g: C

" e9 l( {& R' t: ?& A, gEach ass was glowing and no amount of rubbing would stop the" ]) G+ h# C3 p, Q- m) O
stinging pain. Finally exhausted, One by one the children
. J+ F3 M* O. O, m5 F4 Zstopped dancing and hopping around and stood with their sides; p! y# }: H0 H1 A
heaving, crying in pain and humiliation.
" x. C0 ?# l$ H" @' V8 W1 W5 V" d; P0 j+ y( E4 D
Lori whispered to Miss Thomas who nodded and addressed the0 }! t- @/ s' }
five Connollys. "Tomorrow you will get up and shower and be) \( U, G9 b) {& L9 m0 {, [
ready for inspection at seven a.m. You may go to bed now. The% n6 E( ?/ k. \8 ~7 w
girls will all sleep in one room. The boys will go back to
+ \9 `. B9 ^. S: b* Rtheir dorm. Mrs. Connolly, You will  sleep in your room on. a" F  ^0 n3 K4 C- u
the floor at the foot of the bed. I will be sleeping in the& n2 e, w/ P3 |' P& V4 O& h  `7 ~
bed from now on."
( Q! {# I0 y7 g6 G, l7 _
' O+ M( ^1 A( E) f- A! LShe nodded to Lori who reached into the bag she was holding.
/ n! O# W% Q) y"I'm a little disappointed in the size of your assholes so; X7 O+ X' t' S3 c- b# w
I'm going to insist that you five wear these butt plugs to
3 _8 o' C+ C" n6 D  x/ Z  \bed. Bend over and pull your ass cheeks apart."
0 ^9 E( v8 I- Q1 r) Z/ ?5 J9 d( ~4 y0 G! ^1 C$ X
Mrs. Connolly turned pale. The girls started sobbing again.- ^( I1 o' f2 e- H
"Please not that," Jennifer begged The others joined her,5 z9 w! O0 ]8 v" T) _: G1 z8 i
pleading to no avail.
+ k4 w) F3 z4 M6 f+ r
5 ]6 N" S2 g* a0 ]8 @8 R"That's enough," Miss Thomas snapped. "If you continue to act2 Y  k! S/ U" m7 v) e
like babies I'll have you spanked some more  and then the
0 _' F, `: g  E- Z, Q/ ^Captain, The Chief, Harley and the Judge will pull your asses
3 l$ l3 l. w3 _; D( d8 ^+ T1 w# k0 d$ @9 \open and I'll insert them anyway. Now turn around and show me
/ L1 X" u- N. l/ {3 R( j4 pthose assholes."
3 l" A- }" ^$ o- W9 c7 `- i" v1 V( b& C2 f2 G+ j
Crying, The five slowly turned and pulled themselves open.& \( |- i+ ~  ~2 u8 h
Miss Thomas picked out the appropriate size plug and handed
8 l+ g. x' P; Q9 w+ U1 s9 wit to the Governor. The old lady knelt behind Jean's ass and
4 m% [/ J+ c. \1 i7 Wsmiled cruelly as she shoved the plug inside Mrs. Connolly's
" A0 ^# a: V8 G3 S" |sore, red asshole.
$ B1 o: ^7 b1 w  H2 z# {% O/ o" {% b! p
Jean screamed as the hard rubber invaded her rectum. Naomi
1 z; a6 H( B/ C0 m: x9 lTancredi secured the straps. Miss Thomas handed another plug
) `& A  m/ {9 p  [* f+ y" lto the chief who knelt behind Jennifer and inserted it into
9 u, Y, [9 l2 W2 j+ S! L, Vher asshole. Then it was Caitlin's turn and  the honor went# J( Q: g) [# g. c+ h' O
to Miss Walton. # Z( ~1 J  J2 W; l( L
! U) b% \; j" f( P
"What a pretty asshole," she remarked as she gazed into the
$ n( s5 y. N, {* [7 Rthirteen year old's puckered rectum. Then as the girl: H7 [6 ~& a( N6 Y
trembled in fear, she pushed the plug inside her. 4 x: s8 d4 T* h$ d( w( I- \

0 ^: s, O5 j, ?) B2 @! m. u3 TChristie was shaking like a leaf as Judge Robinson knelt" z$ C( @7 N2 s: k
behind her and fingered her asshole. He removed his finger" T, L$ }+ d# n' Y2 j2 Q8 f4 P
and pushed the plug in causing the little girl to howl in
: r9 z0 [$ x: \" R' T* t5 G9 Upain.
# @  W2 j/ l2 H& q7 g
$ ^  N: D& I+ W6 A2 aKelly was shrieking even before the plug was inserted. The
* `2 K% Q$ Q4 E7 n; uboys were all smiling as the little sadists got a taste of
# V1 e( d* q2 r* Z/ b! F, @. \their own medicine. Miss Paulson was kneeling behind her and. \1 e( M/ _' e* Q' R* n' {. }
gave her reason to shriek as she pushed the plug up inside0 U5 M9 e+ {# X" R; S: n% q! z
the tiny opening.
5 \: T( l4 M# s6 X3 O: N1 X$ ?/ J8 F& H; u5 C2 Q$ A7 ^
Now all five were plugged up. The straps were secured and the# C1 r. j0 ?0 y# ]4 m2 ?+ S
girls were reminded, "You're not to unplug yourselves until6 m) B% ]& e* u+ m
your showers tomorrow." Miss Thomas said. "Take them out
! |  `0 D! m! i) v% Csooner and you'll get another forty spanks and this time the
( M) g, Q8 P; d7 {' y, Hgloves will come off."$ _5 ?- O: D/ `  R7 H, w. d
" H! T3 t0 F* K9 b" f
Miss Paulson and Miss Walton led the four miserable girls
- q) ^# B3 ~# Daway. Miss Fanelli led the boys back to their dorm, leading
9 s9 I$ C" Z! TKevin by his cock.
. K# K' c" m& }' Z1 \1 f4 g" h  b' Y" N
"I'm going back to the hotel for the night with the Judge and
% a. O) A2 k8 \( r/ CThe Captain," The Governor said to Miss Thomas. "We'll be
8 a( X$ }* R5 K# u4 S8 G* a5 {back to watch the Doctor and Nurse do the girl's physicals
: W0 _3 H' I. M5 D# wand insert the devices around nine.", e( @( |  T, R. z5 I% c7 ~! ^

3 _3 A7 ^4 P2 M( m1 |( j7 c+ A"We'll be ready," Miss Thomas promised as she walked the
4 w8 s* X# k- U- p7 X7 @& x! NGovernor and her party to their cars. She led Jean Connolly! h' _8 c8 z1 K8 f. ?
along with them,  Pulling her by her left tit.
+ T* Y  A: B9 r# b( l8 A. O4 z6 C  b. e( [6 p7 a+ v4 x
The Governor walked to the car with the Captain, The Chief0 y! K/ H. o7 J
and the Judge. She squeezed Jean's tit once more as she took2 N$ B6 ?, @3 O4 A2 [- i. i
her leave.5 i+ ~. P  [  w& G$ g
5 ]9 ]# d# p: u, I  [8 y7 N' `' h
The Doctor and Nurse promised to be back at eight thirty to
, l- S+ F( ~9 n8 G2 Nset up.
9 |% @/ E* f3 K' o7 o8 y
2 i& k' e! o1 tAs They drove off Miss Thomas said to Harley and Naomi. "You/ \  m# l7 e* g2 v% N# v2 ?
two can take turns guarding the girls room. We'll install
. [/ y& F% W8 J/ Rstronger locks tomorrow. Not that we'll need them. Once the
* v& l3 n( _' {0 e2 Vmicrochips are in their cunts they won't be going anywhere."
5 J& S$ Z; G2 t4 `$ h  ^5 \3 f9 W& D
# x: h* S* V! _- LThe two deputies nodded and turned to go. "Tell Lori to get
+ S; G9 H- v- Q2 Q- `4 myou some coffee." Miss Thomas said. "I'll see you in the8 G) r; y  Y( p/ O
# O' w7 J. F$ c5 |! P: E
. K: f5 W  N7 o1 ~( ^; @) HThe girls were crying and fell into the beds, being careful; y- X% ?7 w! g# A7 C; ~( c% z" n3 v
to lay down and not drive the painful plugs in deeper./ v# g! n. r0 [( Z4 E& j# t
Satisfied that they were tucked in and weren't going anywhere
$ Y, f1 n) g+ F# g7 M) y- X+ QMiss Walton and Miss Paulson locked them in for the night. 5 I" [$ U  S* A: T

) z& s" Z: [" B8 OMiss Thomas opened the door to Mrs. Connolly's former: s' J: z8 g9 T
bedroom. She pushed the naked blonde into the room ahead of
7 U0 P; k+ Q4 ?5 v3 I9 L* \" h& Oher. "You better get some sleep," She said as she kicked off, P  ~* r9 C" q0 j2 ]/ z' M/ z8 ^, X
her shoes. Miss Connolly lay down on the floor crying. "How, n- Y2 \/ I' R* r& W
can you do this to me, Paula? We used to be friends."9 ~3 `8 `$ Q) Q0 h2 V4 Y

  y. s0 X# A' X: r& R" I7 HMiss Thomas threw a blanket down. "Get some sleep. Your ass
. x2 w/ I& y$ @and cunt are gonna get another workout tomorrow." 9 a* r7 T7 f+ K
$ o9 C9 Q: y, L: }
As Mrs. Connolly lay down on her side painfully Miss Thomas
; `: Z5 I5 M7 H! dstripped down to her underwear, Washed up and got into bed.
& \! G4 H) a% \9 Y0 m"God I'm horny. Watching everybody getting sucked and laid
1 U3 {3 Y% l+ h3 G8 U) K9 ]; rsure is hard when you're as horny as I am," She thought.5 y1 `0 E" A$ K# s1 ?7 ]7 ?

; s) e! n$ c* s5 u7 }" ~) k"Are you asleep?" She asked Mrs. Connolly.
1 w' D- ]$ ~3 u. [* o7 O9 Z- k( m2 w
"How can I sleep after what you put me and my daughters
/ n3 s, N* P, v, dthrough?" Mrs. Connolly cried.
' ~9 G+ ?7 \% m+ h: z
1 J% h  I$ d5 F% E. c"Good," Miss Thomas said smiling in the darkness. "Get up
! L8 R5 f2 @5 ~here. I need my pussy licked."3 A& L  _# I1 J& y, C1 o
+ m& q8 I% @5 w* Q  s* u- U
The Grandview School Chapter 14. Part 1
$ `+ z  y! p- R0 j5 q. uThe End.  z2 A& F9 c; T- c( e) `

8 K! x. @5 L9 w2 W5 i, ?3 V1 _8 |5 p/ R* L
     The  Grandview School for Boys  14 6 d( n! {6 ]+ b
     Part two of the Governor's visit- B/ C; _1 S! s  i! A" H
     9 w) _5 p1 w8 G/ c
     copyright 2000 By Mozzy 24
- U) K1 Y; A8 |4 Z, C# g3 ?7 c$ T     all rights reserved
8 ?8 \5 Y* w* f' }1 j. ?) e     
! }( X2 X7 _0 q$ h7 u' T$ R! N       r9 x' U  U& t: D2 M' F' a" u' L
- F  d) k0 \3 o, c. E, s* b

0 L7 |) V! o6 U     
! O; ~* K4 Y% D  b  ?9 p     Jean Connolly jolted awake with a pain in her ass and a foul
" J. ]: H  x% p4 b     taste in her mouth. "What a strange and horrible dream," She
6 p  |% }! l4 i4 D1 V/ s     thought. "The girls and I were tortured by Paula Thomas and
/ h3 M9 K! i. Z  W) e  B     The Governor." She reached down and felt her ass. "Wait a
3 o9 f: z) X' M2 S     minute, There's a butt plug in there," Then realization set& U: o) I/ l/ e% i# b
     in. It wasn't a dream. She was on the floor of her bedroom.4 F0 a. H# @* [* S- [) ]
     The pain in her ass was the result of the butt plug and the
# k9 S* y& y: o: E9 @5 N     big cocks that had reamed her last night. The bad taste was
) v9 x& @6 p( j. I, p# D     from eating Paula Thomas's twat.
7 w4 q& [7 C9 V! H# Q' [# j' p     % o, ~6 v$ t) f$ m* X; a$ X2 Z% p" M9 j( Q% n
     "Its about time you was awake Bitch," Miss Thomas said from
& O" ?% f% N9 G. a6 Q     the Chair she had been sitting in. "Its six a.m. and as the
2 h+ ]$ n2 q2 \. d$ s     assistant to the cook you're supposed to be up and preparing
  h9 J# H. H8 y; b4 w8 F     breakfast at seven." 6 Q8 _5 M  p/ J
     8 h0 }) a) R7 |6 a! m  ?: w) |: u
     Mrs. Connolly slowly stood up. Every bone in her body ached., l1 W, `. M- Y7 A3 _
     Her vagina felt raw. "No wonder," She thought  That captain
0 {8 P3 D1 \( M     had the biggest cock she had ever seen on a human. Her late: Q$ j% M6 K+ n5 `
     husband was no great shakes in the pecker department and
* w4 d- Q( X- r( d" C     she'd never had anything like that shoved inside her before.
0 ^3 u7 B  H5 |! G( J     She winced as she  felt the burning on her buttocks. "They: u7 l! _) ^$ N1 A
     really wailed on my ass last night."
4 ~: z( F4 f, }     Miss Thomas approached her. "I'm gonna take the butt plug8 l) x# o* M( B
     out now but don't you go getting too comfortable without it.
) B$ p5 u3 K% W# U% Y     If your ass ain't wide enough for some more ass fucking
/ y5 p2 b& D: C7 v# }2 ]     today the plug goes back in tonight."
9 R& f0 n1 I& \+ k  G     
: w, ]! T1 |, D     The new headmistress unstrapped the rubber device and pulled' I0 p" j# X' H+ L) b
     it out of her old bosses asshole. It made an audible pop as
! N! N- N5 ^; ^( A: M! e. e0 @% L     it came out./ d, s! V5 ?; T. |
     * t: [' r$ p7 _/ d9 b
     Mrs. Connolly sighed in relief. "God, That thing felt awful6 P& i# n  j( t8 L
     inside my asshole," She thought.$ W. s1 A& N* j. G7 ^$ c
  J: T% ?+ c# q. y* L     "Get your ass into the bathroom and scrub yourself. You have
! m  ]3 A: B6 d, P. R1 j0 {+ }, ?7 f     twenty minutes to shit, shower and make yourself pretty.
$ k; N) X) L; {1 w/ G) k; B- H$ t! B     I'll be outside. You better not miss any spots. You're gonna$ t: Y- c6 ~, T& T
     be inspected from head to toe by everybody today," Miss6 t! n, W2 F& s) d) C% w
     Thomas warned.& d9 c  Q1 k. v  m
     5 h. l0 [( S* z8 t7 i8 p
     Mrs. Connolly let the warm water drum against her sore body
+ Y$ Z3 B* h+ Z/ s) ^9 @) z6 p8 M3 _     as she stood under the shower soaping herself up. "God this
6 C& C7 l" _9 ?* f     feels good." The water rejuvenated her, washing some of the
2 |# L! }- N9 R, B; j- z2 h     ache from her.# J/ V" S& K9 s  M
     2 d. p; n3 H' S  L1 C$ b
     She scrubbed and rinsed every inch of her body then soaped
6 F: @% y1 v% w$ k     up again. Satisfied that she would pass inspection she, s- t& `; r; U( d2 w
     toweled off and dried her hair. The woman who looked back at! M4 l+ ^( n1 B
     her in the mirror was red-eyed from crying and looked tired.# q* [/ J7 c4 l; u% k  b
     She felt even more naked when she realized they had even
, L6 c# `! F0 w5 J     taken her make-up.
; e8 q6 {& N% g* c     
6 v  L  e! G' }9 R     Finishing up, she brushed her teeth and splashed cold water
; Y- k) ]0 p5 C+ P     on her face. With a feeling of impending doom, She walked
& q' R$ J' ^9 a9 e+ o+ _     out of the bathroom to be inspected by Miss Thomas.
8 @( r# O- l, @) o- g! A8 v, n7 w( {     
: I5 Y" U+ i7 C: Y' L     "About time,"  The tall guard said sarcastically. "Put you& I% ?  h: s& A4 S
     hands on your head and open your legs up."9 s. z' E* @) A' w& I& }9 ?  J
& Y+ [4 G5 E+ g, A* g     Mrs. Connolly stood with her legs akimbo as Miss Thomas
1 ~4 ~: K$ @! X     knelt in front of her. The guard pushed her finger into the
) c. A% A* ^& H     blonde woman's shaved vagina and wiggled it around. She9 A$ ^6 n; k8 ]/ i; r9 U
     pried Mrs. Connolly's pussy lips apart and looked up inside
; D( E+ s9 \8 n8 {, ]' W  _2 F     her. Satisfied she stood up.6 ?5 b4 G& P& ~/ ~8 s* T
- p  N( a8 D# E( \5 |# n     "You know what's next. Turn around and spread those cheeks,"
" p" \# u" i* L& n     Miss Thomas ordered. "Lets see whether that butt plug did
: {- ^$ s+ g; P     any good."
  N7 _8 L* j$ v7 Q' F! `3 Z+ X     
, @. H  H/ ^' u     Mrs. Connolly was ready to argue. "Who did this bitch think" e3 t, w3 m( d$ G9 P
     she was? I was her boss. I treated her nicely. Why is she
3 U  Y6 v7 T6 Z% i; U  G; M# M7 p7 [4 i     doing this to me?" She knew the answer. This was just the
  D9 g+ v. ]( c" L) s& a     start of what would be her second day in hell. She knew if
) e* _) P' A2 X( N& O     she fought back,  Her daughters would be the ultimate
1 o0 ~, y- w8 |- I4 k( [/ A) d     losers. Wearily she turned around and bent over. Reaching: J7 g( b# P6 j* n3 Z8 R2 |
     back she pulled her sore buttocks apart showing her red
5 L; Q" y) u. v% J% h     asshole to Miss Thomas.8 ]7 u& j2 z* J8 v6 P
     + C8 _8 L6 O: J+ H
     "My my, your poor little rectum sure got a workout  l) N( o/ p% A
     yesterday," the guard commented kneeling behind Jean and+ ~4 G1 `3 t# a& h3 d! V
     looking inside her. She shoved her index finger up into Mrs.
0 o- T; }' {4 w6 Z# _+ z     Connolly's anus and wiggled it around causing the former* n$ y* p+ A' B6 E- l5 ~3 F
     headmistress to gasp in pain.. ]& w! ^7 F( P7 A1 S$ S- s  o
     3 ~7 g4 g  H8 }2 l2 f+ m& Y5 h
     Nodding her approval she allowed Jean to straighten up and
6 o! W- @5 a* v3 K8 {6 s; h% ^" a, b     beckoning, Led the hapless blonde out the door. "Let's see
9 Q# u7 F9 k- o/ _/ u* _. ~( i     if your new boss is in yet," She smiled as they walked to
5 H3 v  s0 E$ `     the lunchroom.! L0 F  {! @9 v" c8 f
: d" A4 e1 O! n* D1 G4 K     Mrs. Mandel had just arrived. She pulled off her coat and$ ]! Z- l  }$ C- U* ]$ W3 }
     lit a cigarette as she prepared to make a pot of coffee.
$ c  P, L( \: h% N; e2 K2 r     "Mrs. Connolly sure likes her coffee strong," She thought,' d' b. o& I; i1 g- g6 d
     scooping in twenty spoonfuls into the percolator.
7 d: w7 `3 U' [     
# W0 g+ ?8 h* d     As Annie was preparing the coffee she glanced up and saw. P& t- I9 M2 z: n
     Miss Thomas with the nude Jean Connolly. Her eyes flew open
. L" w  O5 F8 a. w* Y8 Q( e  f     and the cigarette fell to the floor as she gaped at the8 s  d" u+ W7 |  R" R$ S1 t/ f
     naked captive.0 ]# ]) y: D5 R, |0 G
     % ~9 {, {5 X/ B
     "This is your new helper," Miss Thomas giggled as Annie( [. }7 v8 ], d3 {3 \. v
     continued staring. "You're in charge of her from now on./ |* l+ r& L+ [! o3 {
     She's been demoted by the Governor. I want you to make her0 |/ ~$ r% V9 M$ v, L& k5 l( z
     life miserable. Is that understood?"
, Z+ i8 V+ L! e+ J     
# p8 D8 F* O% \2 C$ K     Annie nodded, taking in the shaven cunt and bare boobs of3 E" Y) w1 o/ ?9 s" l# F
     the naked blonde standing in front of her, Shivering.
0 d1 u: d; r0 h     ' W0 K( V- L2 N5 V7 I8 V
     "Show your pussy to Annie," Miss Thomas said to the red
) {+ `. m6 n* }+ E. n: e4 e     faced Jean. "Get up on the counter and pull those cunt lips
, g, a6 |. }, i* D* A9 g$ P$ G     open."" B0 _. }: q. @7 U
     5 }, C! ^0 Y$ G3 ^( j/ F0 u
     Jean was too humiliated to even cry as she climbed up and
7 b4 \6 h! M/ G1 e: P; l3 N     spread her legs apart. She reached down and opened her cunt
. p/ i. d/ w) Y2 ?& R& x     to the astonished cook. For once Annie was too shocked to
$ I1 G3 R5 `! ~# d' t% Y     say much. "How, I mean Why?" she stuttered as she looked
3 e; `" M" |2 P/ R& ~( M! |, e2 y" \     inside the pink pussy lips, spread wide open in front of# j9 w5 ?1 X) b$ ]! M
     her..+ d' @2 L. v, m: T# {3 ?) {: ]
     " x5 X: t1 W- I& _+ m; Q
     "Mrs. Connolly has been demoted because she couldn't keep
8 \; @% `; ~% }* N) `     what goes on here, Behind closed doors," Miss Thomas/ E8 K, \- n: q' b
     explained. "Her little bitch daughters are now the first of+ b3 s: ~( o: Q0 K) C
     the many girl students here at the school. You'll get to see) c$ |" Q) O" i) F8 x9 u5 `! m  Q
     them in a little while but now I want you to take charge of8 a& E5 x5 {  {8 b
     this one while I go help the  new guards wake up the boys
7 ?$ T0 `, m: u8 Z8 i% @8 |     and girls and hold asshole and genital inspection."
" P6 k. m; S$ D6 W/ \& i2 h$ U     
1 U8 H' ~9 F9 |+ g$ a/ U7 h     Miss Thomas stalked out of the kitchen. "Remember you're in* J! o5 g7 ^0 [; x3 u
     charge of her now," She said as she closed the door behind7 m, Z! c& P; _# h- O6 y
& r( w) a7 y& a1 t     * Y0 V/ {1 U. c  V7 r
     Mrs. Mandel turned back to the embarrassed Jean Connolly who9 {3 z  k& G. U2 E( j
     was starting to climb down from the counter. "Whoa Missy.+ s( k8 K. v4 J
     We're not finished here. Get back on that counter and open" ~! D' D5 m2 U% r
     them fat little thighs. I need to get a better look at that
$ d3 |! H1 p; [. _5 O     cunt of yours."9 g/ C* h+ \4 g
     " Y3 D/ ]: ~+ t$ T* p; ]
     Mrs. Connolly started crying as she once again spread her* _& `5 g% E8 H- c
     legs apart. "Why are you doing this to me Annie?  I always
- D, K# L* V) R' m2 F     treated you good. I gave you this job."
  C$ a# @5 L9 ]$ O1 |/ j     
8 F7 {+ c6 q+ H! M     "Spread your cunt lips apart," Mrs. Mandel ordered, ignoring  F0 N3 T! Q9 s& w
     the sobbing woman's pleading. "I want to see up all the way
4 A- O, [- K9 C# }     up your pussy."/ l- N) ?& c3 W- q8 D3 q
2 O" E/ o- G5 |' J$ S# V     As Mrs. Connolly was spreading herself open with her hands,
6 Y! `7 A/ r4 n: v/ V% k! I! R     Mrs. Maikowski walked in to get an early cup of coffee.  
& t* ~/ J+ J; v9 Q     & z* K% L9 r6 T. U, X! }9 F. \
     "Holy shit," the older guard said as she got her first
4 R1 k6 t  m( n4 ]     glimpse at what was going on. "Mrs. Connolly what are you
6 t9 r, v  j! f" i, g/ n9 r     doing?" she cried out, puzzled at the sight of her former) J* I6 K% E3 n; M. E
     boss spreading herself wide open on the counter.     L- U" E* M  b$ W1 ~
     ! c* H& g0 Z2 }5 L6 f
     "Mrs. Connolly pissed off the Governor," Mrs. Mandel
6 T! Q/ _3 b, t3 y: ?     explained. "They made her my assistant and stripped her.
( l3 F! a/ j& [( y$ e9 w6 a     Looks like they made her shave her cunt as well," Mrs.9 g; \6 d" i6 J
     Mandel said pointing to the sobbing woman's hairless cunt.9 p# f* a# N6 A( {* h, E
     "I was just about to finger her a bit."
; v, X( `# x0 N/ M     . s  B3 [6 x  j  D8 ?4 s! Q
     The two older woman bent over their former boss and Mrs.
/ J# J5 Q. @- ]% D0 @     Mandel pushed her middle finger inside the crying woman.
) }/ g% X7 A# L8 k7 w8 `$ ?5 F     "Please don't do this," Mrs. Connolly begged to no avail as
/ i5 ?' J& Q$ {/ Q' `6 C. K     Annie fingered her sore pussy.  ?, M% h; Q) B. Z% k
' x( S* \+ w$ q9 S1 {  M     Mrs. Maikowski watched the fingering for a few moments. "Let
2 b9 R0 r: Y1 n* ^0 N     me have a turn too," She said.
1 a; H$ k6 F) J& ~1 B, F     
  D7 C- y% p4 A- ]: @7 Q  Q: S7 X     "Please leave me alone," Mrs. Connolly begged . It fell on
4 Y+ v% y' O; ]: S' H& S. K     deaf ears. Mrs. Maikowski laughed as she shoved her thick2 Y, i8 V: I* t: H
     finger into the wide open snatch.
. e, G  Q% L7 B       N! g! N* o; S- W% v; \
     The two women took turns pushing their fingers inside and7 e0 O* y. `+ `9 o* O
     exploring their hapless victim's sore snatch. Mrs. Connolly
7 H2 A  X/ p: t3 I1 B' ?7 j8 M     started to squirm as their probing fingers found and rubbed' |& E* H% n3 V, j* f
     her sensitive clit.7 ^9 x3 a/ M" h' d$ t  p
      6 N  ^! b8 E8 Z4 `- N
     "You know, she always was an asshole," Mrs. Maikowski said5 s  U7 g# h. X7 h2 r
     smiling. "Lets turn her over and look at her asshole for& L2 l+ P9 g9 B. J- E: y
     real."( Q* _( A/ X# U# K  M7 X' L& S
  @; o- N; B  K; B3 d     "Good idea," Mrs. Mandel agreed. "Turn over and pull your! R$ _7 z6 n+ G# \* z
     cheeks apart for us," She ordered. Crying and blushing Mrs.
" C6 a7 U/ X& _     Connolly turned over and as her two former employees watched# n* B5 G. L6 ]2 s6 G. Q# @& i
     snickering,  She assumed the "head down, ass up" position on
6 k8 r1 k$ o& G& _$ i+ ~6 c     the kitchen counter and pulled her cheeks apart revealing8 {% f& ^  T. K' i1 ~0 r
     her sore red asshole.
- j) c0 R1 M: s" J. ^     ; }" O0 K0 \' Y' \) ~
     "Now that's some asshole," Mrs. Maikowski giggled. "Look how
( `; ?4 h1 _& N     her pussy lips hang down underneath her too.": b% d7 I* M  C( ~
     ; N; {8 e. e9 |4 u7 }
     "Looks like she got spanked pretty good last night," Mrs.4 s; @) c, H/ u) C+ D
     Mandel observed, looking at her red cheeks and even redder( W% W' t/ Z' e
     asshole.8 ]# {" X1 O+ [5 l( U6 v
     / y4 s6 V& f1 l8 j0 N
     Mrs. Maikowski nodded and pushed her index finger against
; |/ o8 t  T' U/ F( T2 P) Q     Mrs. Connolly's red puckered asshole. The blonde victim$ {1 B( g6 J/ ]4 N$ h% P) i5 l
     grunted as the thick digit slid up inside her. It was soon  n( {" q) t5 E5 Q2 m- s
     joined by another finger as Mrs. Mandel assisted her friend.) q  T5 k1 b  ~+ P( ]5 w
     Mrs. Connolly sobbed in pain and humiliation as both women
5 u# B' B  d" a3 y     worked their fingers inside her inflamed asshole.* I) n! B6 T/ J  {
. R1 c2 _$ t% I5 b     While the two old women tortured their Mother, the girls had
/ y; Y' G( `- @7 q2 p     troubles of their own. Miss Thomas passed the girl's room on
, h1 U& x) ?  v8 M$ e  j" [     her way to wake up the boys. She was joined by Naomi 6 o7 `7 w7 h8 A' A9 ]! n
     Tancredi and Lori Paulson. ; G3 S) n' `1 q5 X& \8 r
      $ j$ s8 i  c6 J3 f8 Y
     Harley Summers was standing guard outside the girls room.
- G, [" w; ?  w1 Y! O' @- p9 {7 X     She nodded to him. "They've slept enough. The Chief and the
6 {" v2 T* T* X: ]     Governor will be here soon with the Judge and Captain
- q% X$ f4 {. _& a3 b6 R& z     Williams.  Get them up and showered. You can remove their5 Q5 Z' H3 r9 d: x2 N: A8 m6 D+ B- u
     butt plugs. Make sure they clean up really good. The Doctor" N7 i& n4 f( e: l5 w, y9 ~8 g
     likes clean assholes when she examines them."
/ v) ^- c+ j6 O4 E) B# S     6 K1 R! v( P4 P; _" i( u8 E
     Harley shook his head and grinned. "It'll be a pleasure. I7 P+ f4 J0 @- @. R! Q) B
     haven't seen their little pussies all night. I miss them."7 p& ]9 O/ H, ^: b+ P( [
     . V) l% k* N5 H) v4 h
     "We'll take the boys. They need to be checked out as well. O; m- D/ \3 c. H7 |" }+ _5 [
     and Naomi needs the practice," Miss Thomas grinned.
/ T3 w- _% T! H, n# |1 x     
$ ?9 n0 ^/ d$ `9 A: ~" H     The three women walked away leaving Harley to wake up the
  X% Q9 r  \8 W4 O" v6 D/ H: l     girls. He opened the door and looked at the four little, t4 C- d  V/ T# _
     angels sleeping on their sides. Though it was hot in the
8 P1 t7 \! F1 V+ a# H3 L; \     room the four girls had covered themselves as they fell
3 @6 Q% y9 O  U+ ~: o' n2 t     asleep. "I'll have to take those blankets away," Harley9 V: u4 f  `$ g
     thought. "The Chief wants them naked even when they sleep."
7 e* B# t$ ]$ q8 o3 P9 W     * y8 U0 s/ }8 ~( g' q% X% k. W7 N2 ~5 Z
     Harley flicked on the lights. "Up and at em', My pretty" M! m! @9 l0 C9 i
     little pussies," He shouted. "You have a half hour to clean8 v' l; K' H8 M4 z  f
     up and get ready for me to inspect you."
" F2 ?1 f! u& X4 A8 w     ( i4 u6 X* Y# A7 z3 o. x& \
     Jennifer peeled her eyes open and sat up. The blanket fell
2 N* T+ s7 l; C* N$ i# ]& u     away revealing her small perky tits. Caitlin sat up, then9 W  u. m; D! _7 y
     the two younger girls. Christie winced as she turned over, S0 U- ?6 w- R- M
     and forced the rubber butt plug further inside her little. w& W6 p" T/ I$ W6 p, P
, w2 A+ a5 Y( b     
" d; V8 @* X) o4 `4 K     The four girls climbed out of bed and stood there, naked
7 d' n- W3 e3 a6 w# n$ J     with their heads down as they listened to Harley's
6 B/ T) p7 o7 U* Q2 q( g' v     instructions.
/ N1 U" k( X' P- D  ~3 D! ^# c     , @# B6 n, ]/ L7 l+ F$ `& ~% a
     "You can remove the butt plugs," He informed them. "You
8 p1 j* l% t8 g4 S     can't wash your assholes with them inside. Wash yourselves
7 m- Q+ f0 p! a  [4 _     really well and dry off and be back here in thirty minutes."4 p# F6 J! X  o' B8 g0 [- V
     He watched as the four nude girls unstrapped and removed the: b' G. X$ \) J3 @3 ^, `- W% E
     rubber plugs from their asses. They winced as they wiggled
$ j  H: B1 ]! V; @4 J     the devices around to loosen the suction. The red marks on
( l/ w' p9 `( Z& A  {% i     their buttocks were starting to fade. Harley knew that would- X1 w/ ~5 T/ J1 P% g
     be temporary. They'd get spanked again today for one reason* w& T: A# o0 J. Q' T2 H  C  M( P) }
     or another. He didn't feel sorry for them. They'd been cruel
/ s. H3 l8 c1 i# R  J' C     to the boys and now they were being punished in turn.
, B& _( m% ~' ~5 h- W; _; }4 }     / d3 p' A6 E1 M' H) `
     The four little blondes marched into the bathroom. "I'd kick
  G# Z/ W# t" t8 b& E) A0 r     his ass if I could," Jennifer said to Caitlin. "But He's too1 r. _) Z- z7 R6 r
     big. I don't think I could take him."
) D$ i* _4 f' M# ?$ W     - S4 w* \8 c8 |/ l; o
     Caitlin nodded. "Where would we go? They'd capture us before/ w3 Q" P3 r3 {3 `  v" d; K; A
     we even got off the school grounds."$ W( D& @# n+ H6 c
     . Z- H8 j2 l+ h: ?: l- T& h
     "We have no clothes," Christie lamented. "We can't escape$ N! l6 B; C" J& L/ b4 E
! X8 o& f. V6 T8 V% i4 H     / O7 _/ G% @9 T# t
     The four girls took t their butt plugs into the shower with/ V7 m3 K1 B% w# A
     them. They washed the devices as they soaped their bodies.
2 C; s! m) z; p, E( `/ f     The water beating down on them felt good on their sore
' D% h% L5 R3 ]3 S     muscles and especially their red ass cheeks.
0 |" Z# {2 t# }% X+ s* e+ r8 u     ! ~& h0 X1 Z  [7 i! g  B/ Q
     Caitlin and Jennifer soaped and washed their younger: r( X9 a9 ^3 W. H/ {. p# s
     sister's pussies and assholes. The little ones then did the  l4 B4 Q) w7 u
     older girls. It wouldn't do to flunk inspection. They'd
/ y/ w3 q' u) P# Q     given enough of them to the boys and knew the consequences.
  o7 T: a' k$ x& K       ; L8 j. c/ m6 R; X
     In the boys dorm the seven naked males had finished0 s* U6 i. J; E. I  T6 u
     showering and were standing at attention as the three guards# i2 v& j7 g+ o. `
     knelt in front of them and examined their cocks. The boys
$ V& \; ^3 _( x2 v3 L4 C2 i. I0 W0 l     all were hard as Lori, Miss Thomas and Naomi fondled their
' [* F1 X6 R/ m0 \' o1 N     balls and cocks.5 N% g2 q7 _9 @- _
7 e8 w+ u* w. d' L, x6 U$ |     "Are they always this horny?" Naomi asked stroking Kevin's" {; @  j4 {) H; A# U+ ^2 \: Z
     cock and cupping his balls.
! y' W/ |+ _$ H. n* S+ d3 w% b2 r     / I0 Z" H( r7 B
     Miss Thomas looked up from examining Ricky's little hard-on.! Y! i- x9 w+ T) ^. y
     "I think they're thinking of the four little pussies in the
7 n( y  M. p2 }     girls room," She smiled.: y8 }, @. x& o
7 |9 q! z, ]. G2 ]8 n8 C     Lori was fondling Michael's large cock. The tip was already/ @+ f& u2 u+ s7 u
     glistening with pre-cum and she'd barely touched it. The
: `% t4 q1 `4 u% ^3 G# z     women moved on to the next group of boys. Naomi peeled back& Y- R4 r" x7 s- P3 ~2 I2 Y( P
     the foreskin on Jerry's long shlong and took his balls in2 g3 _/ p3 z1 G; D
     her left hand. She bent over to get a good look while Miss
  }2 S7 O( m% S  ]     Thomas kneeling  alongside her, examined Josh's slim member.% S0 Y! t* n$ i1 w2 \
     Lori finished up by stroking and caressing Andy and6 r! E( Y" P" K+ y8 W8 z  m4 n
     Christopher's peckers at the same time.
7 a2 `' r$ W* n     + T0 k- I+ ?1 E
     The boys knew what to do and without being told, They turned
7 j; P0 U0 @6 `. Y     around, Bent over and pulled their ass cheeks apart to
& b- f% r$ ^( H     reveal their assholes to the three women.
" o% H& b9 J/ E% O6 S     
8 m* l( @7 A$ L  F$ m     Naomi knelt behind Josh. Her finger slid easily into his ass
" T; _+ r* b. Q4 V" s     as he stood with his balls dangling beneath his bent over6 l( s) L' W3 Q+ A7 U4 u& _
     body. Miss Thomas liked exploring Michael. She reached
$ L0 L6 g0 A/ Z& [2 Y     beneath him with one hand ass she stuck two fingers of her7 V, N3 y3 D: B5 b6 j) T6 [, {- b$ y
     other hand into his gaping asshole. He barely grunted. She6 x. m" q9 s# r; t: `! Q
     bounced his balls as she slid her fingers in and out of his
7 z" o* X- K* U3 h, Z6 L, @0 i     rectum.
  p( e( g+ a' H- |     ( {" l: N% E4 J( |0 Y
     Andy was used to having fingers stuck up his ass and didn't* [( K$ Z+ C$ ~$ f
     mind now that he knew he'd be going home. Soon he and! ~" f( N& F# J8 S
     Christopher would be  allowed to wear clothing and wouldn't
* v/ V% N0 k  m' Q     be humiliated any more. He barely flinched as Lori's nails
% M/ p; W8 U  _     scraped the side of his sphincter muscle and pushed inside3 \! Y& h% b8 p9 q" O$ p' l2 t
# K$ [4 J, q/ B" S     
# F2 j& ]! O( ?3 d, z9 w  {     Miss  Thomas finished up with Michael and Inserted her meaty
$ Z6 P8 o6 W( l/ J     finger into Jerry's ass. Jerry still blushed during these
, a3 m9 I8 i, t5 H6 n7 h! u" O7 Q     inspections even though they were done at least twice or
& _/ h! A; h6 Q5 @     three times a day.   
* |- R/ ~& y) S, v: |. J     3 t5 ~* Y; J  X- d
     Naomi Tancredi worked on Ricky's asshole. "Things sure have
! @2 }; m5 J7 A( k3 c$ _5 s! X     changed since Me and Harley brought you up here kicking and
7 f8 w% r+ u# n- U! b4 C( n: a. g     fighting," She chuckled as she shoved her middle finger7 C' ?& G8 S" g( p
     inside the little blonde boy's pink asshole. Ricky just
3 L9 D8 Q( d+ W' e( y& q2 r* R     grunted then moaned as she slid another finger up into him.. K! u" @( r2 F- `
8 M" E1 ?/ N1 @4 Z8 Y     Naomi turned her attention to Christopher, Plunging her
  p, \' q. D& R0 Z     middle finger into him. Next to her  Kevin was undergoing
* K  H9 B9 d! y4 u8 e     his own rectal exam as Lori poked inside his asshole and
8 Z1 T+ v$ s" S     fondled his balls.
( \5 J3 z* b. l. C9 ]     
2 ]: W. E" H8 }     While the boy's were being examined, The girls were" [# k0 l6 F# X% U- s# q
     finishing up in their bathroom. Christie had just finished# D# j1 K+ T& O: I! M! Z; v$ }
     drying her hair and the other three, already done were6 g. I2 H! y" G2 P
     waiting for her. Their hearts were pounding as they walked
# K$ N6 F7 E: K$ n- H     out into the dorm where Harley was waiting. Today was their
" M8 G- Y$ T# H' A6 b: ^     first full day of captivity and they knew what awaited them.
) C$ `3 x6 e+ ?! |+ n) p     / p* ^$ X( d; o
     Harley had cleared the top of The girls dresser and had
) u; W7 h+ l3 h* X( n  F! B/ b     pulled up a chair. "Each of you will climb up on the dresser1 Z2 Q. i: K. @8 \1 M+ F4 Z
     and display your cunts to me one at a time,"  He ordered2 U7 d9 @" e; W# Y0 W4 y! V
     looking the four naked girls up and down.  He pointed to* s% L5 Z3 j5 R7 K0 W! g1 V
     Christie, "You go first." ! m8 {  }9 P2 V1 t0 ?+ k: @* W8 B% P
     / w) l8 K5 s- B* ^
     The other three girls huddled together as Christie climbed
7 `3 c8 x5 r: S0 S4 g& g. o! X7 \% b- E     up on the dresser. She was sobbing as she sat facing Harley1 g8 U0 @% C9 y- A
     with her legs apart and her feet on the edge of the dresser. & Y& k' n8 h# v8 }5 o/ ^
     6 I4 `; T6 L* p5 ?
     "Raise yourself up and open your cunt with your hands,"5 G3 h0 A) r# L7 U7 {
     Harley ordered.
$ Z4 P7 E1 I& e. u: J     
8 T7 n; q8 y! R1 b% _! T0 N7 T     Christie was red with shame as she pulled her cuntal lips
) W. z2 b. o6 g! k+ v     apart. The deputy's eyes were inches away from the little
+ D' ~# a* P- Q1 i     pink slit. He peered in, Then he pushed his finger inside,
# R4 t2 F. Y# s0 |     stroking the side of her cunt as he sought her little clit.8 T- X) r% q& d8 @; U
     "You're gonna be really prime in a few years," He pronounced
5 T  w7 Q- a  U3 x. Q     removing his thick finger.9 U; G. H: A( m9 C
     8 G" t# v6 |- {
     Christie was allowed to climb down and Harley lifted Kelly
( _0 R, ~! S2 W" T     into place. "I'm saving you two for last," He told the two$ P4 E0 u/ [: z" Y+ R
     older girls.
1 l9 |: |3 F" H' ]& D     
3 m( R# W9 D8 d7 z! u0 Z     "You know what to do," He told the crying nine year old.% i$ F8 F# S, Z* H3 g7 ^) B
     "Spread yourself open and show me that little twat." ) d2 O2 t/ Y  f
) S6 R4 f$ k/ E2 V     Kelly pulled her immature lips apart and Harley peered
$ D8 i( O: ?7 m: A$ A! n     inside. He pushed his index finger up inside the tight2 P# G9 U) m3 e& n
     little hole causing Kelly to cry out in pain. "You'll get
( z" F' c3 E3 X0 i' j9 Y. r     used to it before you leave this school," He laughed. "hell
2 p! U7 L: A4 ?! C. C     you'll probably grow to like it."
6 L! O0 T  |( @- @& G5 E     ) A2 D  p9 L7 w( O
     Harley poked and probed the little cunt for a few more
) ~. I* Z+ o% D/ ?     minutes then lifted the sobbing girl and kissed her pussy
) z" B$ D( v6 l& J, s     lips. "So sweet," He murmured putting her down. He beckoned  |7 W! j2 F! B# Y* C
     to Caitlin as Kelly ran to Christie.   The two younger girls
2 q& @0 y6 b8 m+ e2 t7 P     held each other, crying as Caitlin climbed up onto the5 b& _0 [3 h" B! K& o; n* ~) C9 O
     dresser.' T, k% Z- d, H9 v" L$ P& @  P( G
8 E4 O7 d3 E+ \     The naked thirteen year old got into position with her legs$ W2 u' k* l! k/ ]% ^% d) {
     wide apart. She reached down and pulled her pink pussy lips% k! b/ J8 U+ ~( a
     open for Harley to inspect. "Good girl," Harley grinned.: K% z) c. d+ t6 G" s3 x
     "You're learning the routine." He reached over and cupped
+ j, |8 v0 Z5 B& S! H     her perky little tit and rubbed her nipple. Than focused on1 J# Q2 P. T, r9 V  U4 N1 X
     the pretty pink twat  splayed open in front of him.# c7 b8 _6 c$ v& {) s
     Caitlin's delicate pink labia led into a still immature but8 `0 L: L* W! C( o
     well developed pussy with an average size clit. Harley knew: {4 E; E: M; ~! D
     it would grow even better when it matured, Just like
' p, g/ r' v) e     Jennifer's had.
+ s- [( N: D) Y- `2 A8 p* _. O     5 |5 s9 n3 n: @3 e( \! |5 ?
     He smiled at the thought as he poked his middle finger
. C) ^, ?5 }/ ~3 C& u     inside Caitlin's cunt and poked around. She pushed her ass/ w  \! e; W! H. p  z8 C0 Z7 o
     up off the table and moaned as he expertly twiddled her$ e  @" V# t& K) G- T( r
     pussy. Then he sighed and removed his finger. "I have to
1 K) t; |. f0 a9 J* @. u     hurry and get you guys to breakfast. Too bad. I'd like to
: i! T( j6 {" [' _. n     linger but there's one more cunt to go before I  check your
- x" g, v7 h% F/ q4 A. p, [' k     assholes and take you to the lunchroom."
# ~7 \8 \6 p/ U, m     
) d7 `+ ~& a: f$ Z     As Caitlin climbed down Harley goosed her round little4 N: _. H* s; Y5 n
     bottom then stood aside and let Jennifer climb up. "You'll. f: _( q4 ?2 z" N+ z5 B
     be doing this every morning before breakfast for either the0 I; L" C% g4 b
     Chief or me, So get used to it, " He told the unhappy eldest
, U1 H5 ^* z% r: v0 ]9 e     daughter." s9 X) D& F; |  h
     ' y) {6 G% |: g5 V* h
     Jennifer sat on the dresser and spread her legs as wide as
+ L7 ~3 m' p8 `1 h6 ?% G# j     she could. Her feet rested on the two sides of the counter.& U' I& @) m3 ]. X4 E' Y. k
     She reached down and parted her pussy lips revealing her
) i) e% V: B; O7 B( A& {     swollen clit. Harley licked his lips and pushed his finger
$ S5 Q' \0 D& l) d" t7 S+ `2 B2 e9 R" M     inside her as she gasped. He massaged her clit with his$ k; m" c) s# L% d" n
     other hand, taking the little nub between his thumb and
; `! K0 q, p; h0 U1 ^) d     forefinger. Jennifer had her eyes closed in shame. Tears ran7 \* Y; G  b5 H5 G, j: b0 A
     down her cheeks as the burly deputy poked and prodded inside# O; C3 w( [- h4 T! F# G
3 w) a8 h7 h* g     # C3 n+ s4 G# ~( N8 c# J! D7 I
     Then, reluctantly he pulled his finger out and stood up. The
' Y2 T' T: E5 `$ Z8 T; m' K  p: [     front of his pants was tented by his full blown hard-on.) c1 y% S3 O. X
     "This sucks. I'll have to wake you earlier from now on and
7 k0 J, j' ~# R4 m3 S" n     each day one of you will have to suck my cock before& g8 [) M( K) z1 j1 s3 e
     breakfast," He told the four forlorn girls. "I need to check( h, c0 F7 ]6 K9 S3 j* e
     your assholes next, ladies. Please turn around, Bend over
8 E; v0 v' D! P* \     and spread your cheeks for me."
& K$ S0 t# H3 ?% s* A2 h  f1 R* }     
1 H4 `- r. c+ T* h     Blushing with shame, The four sister slowly got into+ e8 @! k( Q2 U' T' [* E7 [
     position. They bent over facing the wall with their legs
3 c3 d5 U) p3 G+ Z/ p2 w7 z- s     apart. As Harley watched licking his lips, Each girl
+ X2 d3 B3 z; a2 |( k7 {& ~     reluctantly reached back and pulled her buttocks open.7 t; w" K5 _- _" j& m. P
     Harley knelt behind Jennifer and looked up inside her red& m5 \5 B7 j# c6 f& o5 A
     asshole. "You'll still need the butt plug," He pronounced.
* A6 ^1 `5 {5 D' t/ T$ i( ^4 i# L3 k     "It's just not wide enough to take a good sized cock." He9 f: f. V6 b" K# s; h+ D
     stuck his middle finger into her, noting her cry of pain.( j" {: q; X, v+ n; f, b# K
     "That's what I meant. If my finger hurts you, Imagine how) S+ h6 u7 r! v% ]1 y
     sore you'll be when I stick my cock in there."# c1 c  ?$ y0 S
2 L' k: i* _% u. O' G     As Jennifer stood holding her buttocks open Harley pushed
5 v( ]) F/ B5 }     his finger in and out of her asshole, poking and prodding.! ]# l/ |( B# n1 e3 P
     Then he pulled out and moved in behind Caitlin. The thirteen
: N: P! H4 V, ?7 f  {     year old blonde was trembling as he pried her ass cheeks, f" v" E# g% |8 M8 }, Z
     further apart with his thumb and forefinger. Her asshole was
% W0 W' A# E$ L$ [8 ]. I3 O     also red and sore. Harley shrugged and plunged his middle. |# r- X' _) f6 J1 w* a2 l9 i
     finger up inside her. Caitlin shrieked as it pushed into her- ]) l# {/ r' {
     sore rectum. The burley deputy poked and prodded for a few$ R, J: w/ B, I( S2 @, l: M
     moments then removed his finger and moved in behind
% b: u9 D( o& @5 D/ r& r% K9 B9 w     Christie. The younger girls were in better shape ass hole
8 u( H' m2 z" f5 ]# {/ Z# `4 Y9 K     wise. They had been penetrated but the boy's cocks weren't
6 s4 K4 Y! P4 J* n     anywhere as big as the men's were and their assholes had
0 x. s6 A) ?5 V     escaped major damage.3 U6 L2 M- I1 S% t, V) O
5 b5 V$ d0 J7 w% x2 ~     Christie was sobbing as she stood bent over, pulling her
$ R% ~$ V  T% f( u/ t3 g6 ~; W     little cheeks apart. Harley knelt and gazed inside her. He2 ~: C" B6 m. H; n% u3 C- j* s
     nodded, pleased at the sight and pushed into her. His thick6 c7 D/ v$ B5 y9 ~2 c- `9 U
     finger forced its way past her puckered sphincter and into
4 M2 Y. a2 _7 R9 P# [( {  U1 c     her rectum. She groaned in pain as he wiggled around inside" h. D0 x8 Q6 j. R$ u0 u5 D4 \$ U
     the tiny orifice.
: H7 G  d# ^' ^) k     
3 V+ s& c$ O* q6 @: j8 O     Kelly was watching as Harley reamed her sister's asshole.
' e* L6 g* S7 q+ l* ]4 I5 c     She trembled as Christie cried "Ow," and arched her back in) h3 s  b' e- ]# [# c& ^
     agony. Harley kept right on poking her tight little rectum.2 V$ t' d4 X4 [; q7 S
     Finally he was  satisfied. He removed his finger from the
  C7 n  p5 d, w7 U; I. n     crying girl and turned to the youngest sister.! D3 B4 Q" f$ i  d7 M
     $ L7 f, ^; ~. `% j9 y0 J$ z
     "You're next, little one," He smiled kneeling behind Kelly! q9 k4 `0 o! N  U
     and looking up into her open asshole.
" k& F4 n# m, f5 C0 `     
0 E' d+ f: E: w/ i0 d# j  N' _     "Please Harley," She begged, near hysterics. "Don't hurt me# Q* `3 @. L4 n. z% D4 I/ e6 K9 \2 t
     there." / i7 [0 V# c; p
     0 {3 p+ L& b. ~' t" K3 W5 Z
     Harley laughed. "My finger is gonna feel real good compared) L/ }) Y, K7 v  Q% B" |" C2 w
     to what you girls have in store today." He slapped the
. B1 n* c. B& _5 G. H# r. F. z     little girl on her red ass cheeks. "Shut up and open
( [) Q$ q9 A& A, z     yourself wider."   
5 ?& y* j; @; H  U+ @  l     
0 O! Z4 _/ c+ @     Kelly winced at the slap and pulled her cheeks even further1 l' S% S% o4 k# d6 n9 ?
     apart. Harley forced his finger past her pink pucker and up
6 u1 F, ?& I* U     into her rectum as she moaned in pain. He poked and prodded,
* K* A9 v7 \' h6 @; i5 X/ \# _     Wiggling his finger inside her as Kelly screamed in agony.0 C. f0 z6 d1 v7 ^
     Satisfied he pulled his finger out and had the girls
* M" b% d' y+ S7 [     straighten up and face him. "I'd like to continue with this9 {4 g6 J6 D( w/ E. R" _5 a
     but you four and your cunt Mother have an appointment with
5 J% `7 M( z6 @- w* F     the Doctor. Speaking of your Mother, Let's see what she has
, V. F* O6 T) o1 U     for breakfast. If I know Ann Mandel she's already had your
  {! j: h! H& F) z" P( ]$ y: M     Momma's pussy and asshole open wide on the table being
/ Y4 n4 U3 q) K* k6 a+ I     reamed."/ G9 f- Q1 f- ~+ y; e* i/ X
$ J' p" c4 \3 e5 Y" W# q3 U     Harley was pleased with the morning inspection. There would
9 }& O7 o+ K  v" E2 r! i* l$ j     be many more before these four were paroled out of here. He
( t7 q7 n: k' T. ~  u/ [3 a     meant to have each of them rectally and vaginally. "The
7 i1 N" c2 Q3 d* P8 |  W) X4 x     little ones will need a little stretching before I can fit& c8 E9 I: P5 ]7 V
     my cock inside them," He thought as he led the naked sobbing
+ A( X; ?5 j3 J, O, k9 L0 z2 }     Connolly sisters down the hall to the lunchroom.
; k+ E4 l/ ?% }8 U% `     " |: y! ?& V6 f4 p. [
     The boys already were seated. They were being served oatmeal
0 S, }4 E1 H+ D3 `; b' a     and orange juice by a red faced and very nude Mrs. Connolly.
* b+ y5 r1 J' Q1 D$ m     Annie and Miss Thomas stood by laughing as their former boss
% B* ^! H5 H" Z     doled out the mush while the boys stared at her large round+ y* {4 o2 J8 p7 v  m1 t7 m
     ass and shaven twat.' F6 y% G5 x* |. r; Q
     & X( m* h2 h1 U& I# P/ C
     Annie looked up as Harley led the girls into the lunchroom.5 \3 Y  |5 @$ J4 p% Q$ [" D
     "Lookee here," She snickered. "Four more little bare cunts' a! ~1 f2 n% S# h1 v' ]! x7 V
     for old Annie to play with."
: S; E, q; G" Z5 t" u5 s4 j     
7 L7 [( I+ W3 Y9 H) G* x3 Q     Mrs. Maikowski  was sitting at another table with  Naomi
6 V7 E4 Q! M" k- B# I# R$ |. _     Tancredi and Lori Paulson. She joined her cohort and the two4 Z4 T4 P' S# L
     older women confronted the four Connolly children.9 V4 d* ^3 m4 N, W
     ' T$ q# ?( y; w3 [7 t
     Annie looked over at Miss Thomas. "Go ahead and check them6 X; Z$ g! u; C/ q
     out," The new headmistress said. "It's for sure we won't get8 d- d! X% F! s0 k) t2 M
     anything to eat until you do." & |; T: o( M- P1 f
3 C: L* a6 \8 h. ~3 R" V     Annie looked at the four naked, cringing kids. She paid
5 X; w: C; M, A, B  x0 ^( ?     particular attention to their vaginas. The boys craned2 A9 f! I7 {/ o0 q- q' m
     forward to get a better look. They were glad to be getting a: {0 y/ s+ d5 ~
     reprieve from the probing fingers of Mrs. Maikowski and Mrs.6 \$ y: R' n, N. k7 k
     Mandel. ) G+ E! _3 R) s- p' c
     # z, y5 m* M/ f  X2 d
     Annie  pointed to Christie. "You, Miss Uppity. You were
, H$ D9 B' H2 d% _# @4 z$ }, l     complaining about my oatmeal last week. You said it tasted
( U3 j1 ?$ C; S/ F4 o. _     like shit. I bet you don't even know what shit tastes like."
1 f1 T7 H: B& t+ l/ z1 j     Christie started sobbing. "Get up on those tables," The old
" S8 T- x; m# @/ a3 s     cook ordered. "Lay down on your backs with your legs apart
3 V+ Q& ~- \  z  g" @( m     so I can look up your twats. I want to see if you girls! {4 D; R* l5 O
     inherited your mother's good looking cunt.", H0 e& G  ]+ a0 h, Y8 `( q7 W9 a
     & U$ i5 [# F( q
     Mrs. Maikowski helped the girls up on the same tables they
( r$ u# T% X* s- G3 a) @% K     had been on last evening. The four girls got into position
: k" z( X( M  u: }     as the boys looked on, Their cocks stiffened, Reflecting
  A) h' W& T- m     their lust.: y( e/ Q1 F9 ]( e/ V0 k) B# ~
     - U: H& W, e. I1 ?0 o  b: @
     The other guards looked on, With wide grins on their faces6 E' n, K7 i* x+ [) Z
     as Annie positioned herself in front of Christie. "Raise
' Q/ Q4 F' K/ w% C9 B! K     your ass up off the table so I can get a finger into it,"
4 m5 C+ n, Y3 [2 f8 D' y     The old woman commanded. Christie lifted her body off the
3 m" O0 d* b/ Q6 B* ^! j     table and Annie stuck a gnarled finger into the youngster's
( [1 Y4 F' _' l0 r( w/ c! B     asshole. She pulled it out and cackled, "I'll inspect all
& a4 r/ u1 w/ j% v( Y# y8 K, e     your assholes a little later on but first I want Miss Uppity! V$ N2 N* `3 V2 K7 l
     here to lick my finger and tell me if it really tastes like
9 @8 G7 ^# g/ b1 h9 Y: F7 U     my oatmeal."& a4 ^0 w1 a# g( e
     5 o7 d4 O* C! |: L9 D, {
     Christie was sobbing. She shook her head. "Please don't make6 [3 ^. D% u; x, ^
     me lick your finger. I'm sorry I said those things." She
% M& F  @6 q( w/ U" z  H" l! M     looked over at her mother. Mrs. Connolly had been standing2 T) t  A. M1 {0 t3 t
     by the table where Miss Thomas, Paula, Naomi and Harley were
4 ~5 @- Z: d7 {; d. Q  i  c& n     sitting drinking their coffee. Harley had his finger inside
- K/ \2 ^. S, \6 a4 }9 }     her cunt rubbing and poking her clit. Mrs. Connolly was2 v' _2 I$ j& _% @
     helpless. She shook her head in defeat.8 W8 U: _. B6 x
     8 M8 R/ Z4 W* v
     Mrs. Mandel pushed her finger inside the little blondes
/ {9 q/ d3 p+ A* b7 C" j( L     mouth. Christie was gagging as she was forced to taste her; K" E1 g7 I0 \2 Y# O) O! s
     own ass.
9 m+ y/ C8 l3 \4 i0 h' A3 R     8 u( P  u3 X; e& Y
     Mrs. Maikowski had her finger inside Caitlin's pussy.. ?3 T5 Q% f9 H9 y- `+ s
     "Shaved your cunts like your mother?" She observed. "Looks2 P) k* C' T- g
     really pretty without hair." Caitlin was squirming as the" B/ W( p& B$ y. H( w/ d1 q+ i  [
     older woman touched her sensitive areas. She gasped as the" Q; E& [4 A3 k  s# W
     probing finger stroked her cunt. Mrs. Mandrel was busy% J6 o6 {- w# [# ]5 I. I# R4 G
     examining Christie's immature vagina. She probed the crying1 c7 k# z1 ^1 Q
     child causing her to squeal as her fingers touched fist one
! ]! [% Y: P& @     tender spot then another.   # ?( }# K' K, u; e6 A# B% i  q! c
5 f: J( {( V8 ]% ?  ^9 U2 F- r4 k     Mrs. Maikowski turned to Kelly and poked her finger into the, A$ c; b5 {) t5 K3 ?
     youngest girl., causing her to jump as she touched the
2 B8 s1 x1 N( Z8 P* B; d* T! R     little blonde's clit.. Mrs. Mandel took Jennifer. The two
, s  Y0 X/ D6 G* y' X, `: c( D+ v     women diddled the crying girls as the boy's and other guards$ [' [* C3 \# T
     watched. Michel was pulling his own cock and breathing% j' B4 q3 E$ b  o5 Q& J
     heavily as he watched  Annie push two fingers into
- `0 _' M# P, S( n& g$ ~/ T     Jennifer's gaping pussy. Jennifer had her eyes shut and was
& {8 ~$ U# x3 V+ C) m. t, b     gasping as the old woman masturbated her expertly. The women
3 q' Z3 ^- F2 k- ~, z4 |     traded places and Mrs. Maikowski now had her fingers inside! R. j9 ]; z: `* Z8 f* b& W
     Christie as Mrs. Mandel  poked hers into Caitlin. The women/ r1 t7 H/ v. i) Y  C3 |6 j5 E/ T, k: R
     played with each girls sore vagina for several more moments
+ ?! U2 I1 a' n) X/ A     Then Mrs. Maikowski took over inside Jennifer, Noting that
' M9 r8 D0 p( a     her "pussy looked really pretty shaved hairless." Annie was7 x. A1 v; }5 p9 U( h! r( K' @
     poking around inside Kelly.6 T8 _! k- R% q/ }! f
     9 ^$ j- f: |+ s7 A1 Z% \
     "Hurry up and finish," Miss Thomas ordered. "I need to get' c# }+ h9 r2 ?+ \
     them fed and into the Doctor's office. You'll have plenty of' Z) L, b+ W. s
     time to explore these four later on. They're not going
& T( t  S( c  {; a     anywhere for a long time. The Governor and her party will be) d; F( w( f; e: F7 T5 A0 x
     here at nine to watch the doctor insert the micro-chip
: b' s' a& T- c     devices.
% T- l" o% E) U  O( D     ; o- O; Y  w; W- O; X
     "All right girls turn over and show us your assholes," Annie
4 s# D. t, C- k: }* r     ordered removing her finger from Kelly's cunt. # @6 s8 v7 f5 v& V& `, @7 x
     4 E! I+ N7 D. t  _; y) R; H- ]
     Jennifer blushed. She remembered how many times a day her
) \' E) T0 R9 t     and her sisters had forced the boys to show their assholes.
  W) a" G: f& A5 F  ]     It was the most humiliating thing one person could do to4 s8 L% ?. H/ I& l: m$ B
     another. Now they were on the receiving end. It was barely# z+ o! w% \; M7 L
     eight o'clock and already they had been forced to bend over; ~, p- h, F  d! A
     and open themselves up twice.
' J" [! ], R, f+ f2 B7 j* b6 J     * p% K* R: P: j+ J, d9 o. f
     Their humiliation continued. All four girls were now6 P5 z* K" C- A! u3 f# C- \
     kneeling on the tables with their heads down and asses up.9 i- b" Q- h. ~, {
     Their legs were apart and their hands held their cheeks3 v0 g6 u4 Z8 U. z1 Z
     open, They displayed their pretty bung holes to everyone
: R6 v2 O- {$ d     watching. 8 P8 A- m2 T( n% T6 v! j
     & j  `+ K6 a8 i
     Michael had cum in his hands and used his napkin to wipe the# }! n) F& |0 Y  A, z/ R. Q5 n
     sperm up. Jerry and Kevin were pulling their cocks as well.
/ b, \& c$ V  C; N     Their eyes were glazed over as they watched the girls being
/ E0 i( f9 H: v     humiliated by the two old ladies. Ricky and Christopher were
9 I& w4 g3 e1 w; ~& J: V     stroking each other. Josh and Andy were breathing heavily as  q( E2 F7 a9 a  Y2 [& k
     they watched  the old women take their places behind the; |* I; J+ P! B+ B8 C3 v
     girls. The boys were seated where they could see right up
* \' R; b) R! u0 Y     the pink rectums of the four blonde girls.* D/ p, I3 t/ }- Z6 ]2 M9 Q
( z- I' t5 M: b- L6 b' U$ I# E% p     Mrs. Maikowski stood behind Caitlin and looked inside her
3 X. H6 W/ ?2 w6 B     puckered anus. "Really cute. Looks like you got a good1 Q% R+ I+ f$ J/ F7 q
     fucking last night," She cackled as she poked her finger
/ Y7 x& g& @& p     inside. Caitlin squealed as The old lady's gnarled finger
. O# o7 m% X: C4 \, I/ |2 p     forced its way past her sore sphincter muscle and up inside
0 i1 z: `( i: [4 d' o  U+ _     her. Next to her Christie was sobbing as Annie finished the
" @( |8 k/ m" l- K4 u7 N4 D  j     ream job she had started several moments earlier.. Q, N) z4 k6 q( u5 j
# v, O. a  r, J; b6 h0 u     Mrs. Maikowski poked inside Caitlin for another minute or( n0 P1 f$ t7 }+ w: h; H! }; L
     so, she pushed her finger in and out causing the teenager to! }/ k% ?4 y: {9 ?! k! E
     grunt in pain with each stroke. Satisfied she moved on to5 P3 w( e/ d) a! q0 V# ]
     Kelly's smaller asshole as Mrs. Mandel pulled her finger5 k7 Q0 l) @2 T
     roughly out of Christie and stood behind Jennifer.
( u& S2 t2 D$ S) y) C& V+ w     
1 o9 k* @% ?3 `2 x8 h* i4 k     "This is prime asshole. Looks like someone poked it pretty
$ G7 l9 y; x) \, O/ h9 G     good last night," The old lady cackled as she looked at
! t5 i/ m+ s9 [: k2 Y     Jennifer's red rectum. Mrs. Maikowski looked over and
. w# m6 L' y+ s0 g: j     nodded. "It doesn't matter. They'll get used to it soon. The, p  M4 n3 R* X: Z# J
     boys did."/ G# n7 N" _- r+ C
     ) v, A9 f+ b7 H" e0 ~
     The two women pushed their fingers inside the  two assholes,- o7 R$ \3 h6 L$ i( M' |, o
     exploring the youngest and oldest Connolly sisters5 j* j; \) n5 l  t  k, O. Y0 q
     simultaneously. They released their victims as Miss Thomas
  ]/ Z. R6 ]: N1 ?! C2 d) T( ^; X     glared at them, Pointing to her watch.
+ K& v  R! `& z% y) I' T# v     
6 `5 [) r7 Z# ?3 y2 f! Z$ `     The four girls finally got to eat and were just finishing
# }) A3 Z- T: I     when the Governor arrived with Chief Crane, Judge Robinson
: \% T, _8 f& E. }* Z! t- z. }     and Captain Williams. * t( H0 @1 m$ f$ I
* A* X/ f. D# U8 S; j1 V5 d     "The doctor and Nurse came with us. They're setting up,"
& E- h* b4 e& n% o7 g7 w5 q     Chief crane informed Miss Thomas. "The two teachers will be
6 Q8 B1 q. k" D3 o( x     here tomorrow when classes start. I gave them today off." - b( j/ j" l) H0 M
     9 U% z% s% Y$ @0 ^2 ^
     Harley had Mrs. Connolly bent over spreading her buttocks
( N% X0 G5 }" C, [0 M     apart and was still exploring her ass. "Get the Governor and
; u- H& F& D2 I& D     Judge some coffee and get me and the Captain a cup as well,"
# ?# S* c' Q  l( D: E3 s2 m     The Chief ordered. Harley released Mrs. Connolly and she/ w8 [8 b' T3 [
     scampered to get the coffee. The chief looked at her naked
4 K2 ^4 z  Z8 Y, P( w     ass as she ran off crying. "Man, I dreamt of that cunt last
# O0 p4 E; d* f# Q3 c( v& O! v     night," He remarked to Harley. The two men laughed.
9 B9 T4 S$ }6 j     
- e6 w. u% D0 {; F! M; G     Harley motioned to the four girls sitting alone at the same8 n2 I3 ]& o& w! L7 p4 N3 l; b
     table they were lying on just a  few moments before. "I' f3 W2 i9 |: b; S- S9 T/ b
     inspected their assholes and cunts this morning. Then Annie
3 C8 e* a! i9 M0 c- ]8 F) M     put them through it again. Do you want to check them out
: M: L3 d6 a& x) j! j( y& r     yourself?"
* g# T% T% I& M     5 u/ [. ]. r* F
     The Chief looked over at the four naked youngsters. He shook
! |# y/ k& y1 U8 B% Z! B     his head. "The doctor and nurse will be ready for them* ~/ F# P7 P) t' b& p+ ?& [+ C
     shortly. I'll watch the examination. It should be
. L, O/ V, Z8 Y1 Q     interesting."  He opened his attach? case. "I've got the
8 X. P& w6 U( J4 q7 `& A     pictures back. I had Fred at the photo lab run them last: s. }5 a% v' p7 W
     night. Here's your copies. The Governor already has hers and
: j( ^0 @, ]- b8 G. W  E4 [     so does the Judge. If I know Fred there are several sets% ^4 H* h& r1 e
     circulating around town already "
  ~$ m# }. U5 m/ `     9 ?0 v" r- \0 d( y' j  r3 A
     The Governor was over by the boys.  She had them standing at$ Q9 U, Y6 ^  H  X
     attention with their hands behind their heads.  "Why are
7 O+ _$ ?2 s4 ?( T% V     their cocks so hard?" She asked Miss Thomas as she examined
' n; B# c- J8 q) s  ~" x     Kevin's balls.; a( g5 s( Q+ S5 s8 n
+ ~9 }, I$ f, ?6 P     Miss Thomas smiled. "They watched Annie and Mrs. Maikowski
; h6 A! L( J! z& u3 }- T& V7 U     inspect the girls this morning. It was quite a show."  P7 |5 ~% t. h# u3 c3 p, j
     : c0 c# M9 W+ i/ ~
     "Well I could use a show myself," the Governor smirked. "We
; N( n; d4 o+ p" ]$ k. |     can't let these boys walk around with stiff cocks all
0 X! V+ Q0 F' {3 b3 t& d: G     morning. I'm sending you four more girls tomorrow and you$ F, Z/ @# s, J0 I1 n
     need these boys to work to get another dorm room ready." She
/ D* i( `, l% R" n4 Q9 T/ _* K7 Q     moved to Josh's cock. It was so hard it pointed up at his  K+ o1 r6 S' s& @: F* Y' N9 e0 F! O
     stomach. She knelt in front of the slim boy and cupped his# F- |/ b% l7 q$ Z
     balls. "Let's have them up on the tables. Boys and girls.
8 L1 R! i  ^6 T     They can lick and suck each other.". j  b3 p+ _9 `
5 `& N+ L+ J( Z# j) t2 ]     "What about the Doctor?" Miss Thomas asked.
1 v1 w$ q! P  X1 e     8 {. J0 u, h' M; u( E0 ~' E: w) c* t
     The way these boys are, They'll come fast. The Doctor can( T5 H% ]! L* M8 I
     wait several minutes." The Governor smiled. "Besides I'm the$ H. G5 Z3 K! y3 p  V( J, G* i: W: k
     Governor. It's executive privilege.
2 q& \6 x6 S! u9 j  ]     : A% U+ ]5 h) n# a
     "You heard the Governor," Miss Thomas ordered. "Jerry, Andy,
" h: m' T% @2 B; v0 ]' P% y     Michael , Ricky, Kevin and  Christopher up on the tables and) I( }6 Z% Y0 S6 `- e
     on your backs with your legs apart."
: n6 u7 ]/ Q. P  m1 G4 N     3 P1 s- b0 v! z& w" s
     The six boys scampered to obey. Mrs. Maikowski gathered the
( E# T* Q. h2 C3 p+ B- J# j     four girls and Mrs. Connolly. "I missed the show last* J3 z; V# @. E- M6 {0 \; r
     night," she cackled goosing Jennifer as she led the family
8 J  _0 W- A% j$ J     over. "You better put on a good one for me and Annie now."
5 j% K, i- O- A* ^     
0 F4 k" w2 v1 {6 |     Harley and the Judge helped Mrs. Connolly climb up on the* f' j9 F& ~- {
     table and got her into position on top of Jerry. She was9 f" L6 d# ^8 C2 U: `  A& j5 f
     laying down straddling him, Her pussy was over his mouth and1 I# A4 V9 l% B* L* @, {
     her head lay on his groin. Caitlin was positioned the same1 v/ B5 D* ]- h
     way over Kevin. Jennifer found herself with Andy's small  b& Y4 J2 G9 I$ }( P( f
     cock in her face. Christie was next. Christopher's tongue
& }3 X5 m, ~& Y: {2 B     was already flicking in and out of her vagina.
4 v. W0 {- e7 u9 G     Captain Williams lifted Kelly in one massive arm and lowered6 F, n$ p" b) X% u% `8 [8 j. s" E
     her onto Ricky. # ]7 m$ [& V0 X& x2 v# v
2 w1 W9 f4 Z; m0 z& V/ v) I     That left only Josh and Michael. "Sorry kid you get to suck
0 d! q& T0 Z: O" f6 x     a dick this morning," Lori Paulson grinned pointing to
) @7 a! d: \, m3 z- m, n6 f' b3 {     Michael's thick hard-on.  Josh looked disappointed as he* n% m7 g2 G  Y
     climbed on to the table by himself and lowered his head over
5 ~4 g. _/ H3 Q. Z& g6 i) N7 i     Michael's cock. Michael was furious. He wanted to lick some. C" E( m( N1 T0 u5 n2 l" Z
     pussy. Instead he had Josh's slim, stiff cock poking him in. P7 b7 L  m: G- `4 v- ?1 }- }# N% U5 R
     the cheek. "Why is it always me and Josh. I have the biggest
; w1 O6 t( _7 l) J     cock I should be doing it with Jennifer. The sight of her
; x; P" u0 ^1 [. i& x: z     pussy makes my cock ache," He thought bitterly. He knew he'd+ L1 e3 J8 `* ]! W% D3 ^* W% w+ l
     be spanked if he said anything so into his mouth it went.  
0 }; w. m  n4 A7 n4 K/ L0 X     Josh cupped Michael's dangling balls and opened his lips
' m7 j4 e4 a7 T* L. \     around the bigger boy's thick  cock.
) K, A, I2 l2 [& `7 G& m     * Y* H  f8 k$ l3 p
     The Governor had a smirk on her face as she watched Mrs.
4 Y: I8 R4 ~' `1 A* T2 G     Connolly take Jerry's cock into her mouth. The head was
7 z* G- }9 F" Z# E. z# e     already glistening with pre cum as she wrapped her lips
; D$ l) ^! m( i6 P, }     around it and sucked it in. Jerry gasped and arched his body/ {2 w. C) y% w" N, m
     up. He grasped Mrs. Connolly's meaty buttocks and flicked
2 n  A3 K1 y2 W     his tongue into her pink vagina. She moaned as his tongue9 ?/ Q, l) }, S3 D" _! f
     explored her gash. 7 D7 ~: i+ a2 @* X9 c: p* L
     9 u4 ]4 I4 s/ d8 _4 \# j0 ?
     Next to her on the same table Caitlin had her lips around# |' o; ?, n& f: G) |; v. }- G
     Kevin's cock. His tongue lapped at the opening of her pussy.* S* ~3 I1 z, f
     His hands were holding on to her ass and pulling her cheeks
. O3 }9 u2 _. D- z+ u4 T     apart. His finger was pushing into her asshole even as he
4 N# l0 e3 M/ a! p  v     assaulted her cunt  with his mouth. She bucked and pulled6 C& q/ G1 V5 a: w! b; ^5 ~& J* Z9 e
     more of his cock into her mouth.
* Y& g% e" o( |! s2 }  |+ _1 g     + x  U, d2 l: q- F2 L% [' {* {+ L8 u
     Six couples were writhing on the tables as the adults looked  r2 M* j# i% _/ E4 S8 K' M2 J
     on. Jennifer, The object of Michael's fantasies was/ R5 ~& y7 d: w
     straddling Andy. Her legs were on both sides of his head." b% \" @1 P- D' ?; q
     Andy pulled on Jennifer's buttocks treating the onlookers to
6 T* M1 E$ [9 N/ L     the sight of her asshole. He lapped her pussy, liking the
. ]% O" d' G6 Z6 E% w     taste. It smelled clean and different than anything he'd
  n/ ?: [: Y0 t; T; y     ever smelled. He thrust his tongue deeper then licked at her
& P0 R; I1 f2 U: L     clit. Jennifer was gasping and wiggling her ass. Andy thrust- m) g3 w: T, T. S6 c
     upward driving his little hard cock deeper into her mouth.0 i6 e: d8 k& C) B5 \) Z6 i
; x( Q5 p* n) O, M1 v  I     Andy's brother was having a great time as well. Christie- T) A3 S6 J: {
     held his balls in her hands and played with them even as she. S. Y' V& P+ T0 F# O8 Y
     sucked his cock deep inside her mouth. He moaned and arched
: I! ]; o( e6 l     his back even as he licked the inside of her little cunt.& n' P6 ?  S7 n7 k0 t2 w( V& {. z
     Christie was moaning. Her cunt was moist and Christopher9 A; ^: R6 M4 y. W' e3 i4 H
     lapped her pussy juice. She was crying in embarrassment but
0 e6 C/ Q# F* ~- m1 n5 Y$ b; {     even in her sorrow she couldn't stop her cunt from enjoying
% Q9 P& c7 d& h2 G* w     the little boy's tongue as it explored her.
* V5 U) u  t9 {: G6 F6 Y6 E2 ?     # _* j; F- V& o* K5 y7 S4 p/ p1 X$ Y
     On the next table Ricky worked on Kelly's immature little$ h( k: b9 w; l7 e
     slit. He held her ass and probed her vagina exploring every7 ]1 @, b6 V: z
     inch with his tongue. Kelly returned the favor, Licking the
- Z* \9 \9 N8 Y7 X     head of his cock and playing with his small ball sack. They% b3 I( P0 w9 @1 P2 H4 ~1 \
     thrust and parried as each mouth pleasured the other's( v9 W. ]* X7 o- z  G4 E# x3 r4 c
     genitals. Miss Thomas watched. "I'm gonna miss these two
. c) T3 R4 T( u2 W  M1 i; a     Micelli brothers," She thought. "They're the first two we; N3 ?/ M( m- u
     tamed." Even as she watched Andy and Christopher in action
2 W: c' N) W  x3 \1 w     she couldn't help feeling excited. Tomorrow she'd send Naomi' a+ L! b) P4 J" k' P: @3 u
     and Harley to the Sheriff's office at the county seat to
  H7 ^* p: G4 G; u- `8 t' {" o/ w     pick up four more girls. The Governor had also told her* [: }3 I: ]3 U, X+ b1 ?# t
     she'd be getting several more boys by the following week.
, S; C4 l! s) n  a0 L6 z     2 [( S) d1 w' W. G+ F
     Judge Robinson stood behind Mrs. Connolly as she bounced and
  X1 f. j5 p) K) f     squealed while Jerry tongued her twat. Jerry had her cheeks
" V1 l$ p. f* H     in his hands holding them apart and the judge looked up her
* ~  ?* a1 f) t  a3 @3 G5 b, X     ass even as he watched her cunt lips mash the boys face. She
. [3 N3 ^3 N2 l  r# g* b* _     was giving as good as she got and Jerry was gasping as he
- v, v; \9 `. Q( O: D" Q9 |     arched his body upward. Suddenly he stiffened and Shouted,"
2 }' t0 @. B. C) h0 W- U     I'm cumming," As he pumped a load into Jean's mouth. She/ Q+ D! N# u+ N& M
     gulped the hot sticky liquid down and mashed her pussy on9 _* z4 z! w& F' g# T# b% o
     his face. Jerry kept licking. He took her clit between his
% h5 h6 {$ s5 K8 z5 r' a     lips and sucked on it, causing Mrs. Connolly to moan out% B( T9 r; Q, ?/ d) j
     loud. The Chief joined the Judge and the two men watched
) F8 {: T1 h) p" P3 R: ]$ q     smiling as Mrs. Connolly gasped and had her own orgasm.0 I& w/ f! p+ C
, n  ?7 \& w% X& f  K     
/ m8 P: z6 M" u* E      Annie and Mrs. Maikowski were enjoying the show
& e9 o8 Z6 M5 f; C$ e     tremendously. They moved from table to table watching as the! d" N( |( M6 G9 @6 ~' l5 D
     boys and girls sucked and licked each other to orgasm.
8 L9 w2 @2 O$ N+ b6 X     
! T! F/ S$ R9 ?* |" L     Michael tried to shut out the sounds of Jennifer moaning' t0 f2 t4 [7 Y+ f9 @
     while Andy finished her pussy off. "That should have been me
. @. N7 e1 m% {. l% p     over there," he thought sadly. "What does that pipsqeak know7 M$ n9 w. ?" _, q
     about licking pussy?"
, a* r3 E' G: |     He sucked on Josh's slim cock while the other boy swallowed
4 g$ p6 _; _3 ]3 A2 b+ {! W     a good portion of Michael's dick in his mouth and stroked
) D8 v# s! ?6 K2 l& F. {, ~8 R     his balls. Michael pushed a finger inside Josh's asshole and
% u, @8 g) G& }2 `- I4 C6 T# _7 z     diddled him while he licked his cock head. That got Josh
- r/ f) l0 E+ G" h+ t3 S     started and he moaned as he stiffened and shot a wad of cum
& I% N& v3 F$ V     inside Michael's mouth.3 h) Q* ~$ R+ y& A( H8 I3 S
     ; s+ m( m/ z( H
     Michael came soon afterwards, Shooting his cum down Josh's
/ Q7 u9 j& E- ^( Y% y5 U5 g4 H     throat. Josh knew how to swallow by now. He relaxed his
- H9 i2 B* g( |: G" H4 T$ U: `     throat and took it all down. The two boys lay exhausted
, D3 |4 d: a/ N  M" F     Their cocks still in each other's mouths were shrinking/ M1 W) U) ?, I% |! k8 l1 I
     rapidly. One by one the girls came. Jennifer was the first8 p, X+ [( F$ X8 v8 H4 v2 p6 G
     to do so and as she stiffened, she drew in a deep breath and
# T( M% C% `' h5 ^9 m% S* r" _     Andy's cock as well. He announced "I'm cumming," And
5 B* W/ B, |# x8 y1 U7 n1 N' `     promptly did so. Jennifer squeezed his head between her) l. {+ G9 S! l0 U- S3 V7 n1 x
     knees and said in a hoarse voice "Lick it some more. Lick my
! }% `' z, c2 z' p- C" j: j     pussy clean."
, ^4 G0 G$ X: K$ o0 j* s% [1 B     
, M! K! V  j$ m     As Andy licked the teenager's pretty pink pussy, Christopher5 d" C* W2 }) A8 V1 Q: Q$ e
     was just about to have his own orgasm. Christie had cum
% G( Q; M1 c+ V7 z5 ]% C     three times by now. Each time she did she let out a yelp.
5 v& ?+ O$ t9 G4 I, J: a) {     "Annie grinned. "That ones a screamer. I bet you I can- W+ |4 Y' L9 z$ p8 J
     finger her and make her scream louder than the boy." ) h6 f  c! Z( G! f6 h
     $ e9 O: `, o) ^7 f: Q
     The two older women laughed and moved over to watch as Ricky* t3 h8 O' B7 ~- F
     arched his back and gasped as he had his orgasm. Kelly was8 D& B$ }# ^, A+ d/ E& d) s
     still bucking on the table as Ricky's tongue flicked in and
7 @+ F6 M( p( C: |5 e( D3 o% ]     out of her tiny slit. Then she too stiffened and gasped.
( }* w5 s  n' A- L# ~! o     
7 f- T! f' y6 s8 |- Y     Kevin lunged upwards pushing his thick cock even deeper into
4 C# J; F4 X- j. @# V6 Z; ?     Caitlin's mouth. She was mashing her pussy onto his face and( i$ G" d  [5 C' `) u
     gasping. "Oh yes, Oh yes," As his tongue played with her
: K- s% w, a- Z) m8 _1 l     clit. Then Kevin shot his load. Caitlin tried to swallow but
: K/ q4 F, \' h9 J' F) g     some dribbled out of her mouth. She licked it off Kevin's0 p( u! n0 e& Y' n& i) S
     balls then Stiffened and cried out as she came.  
0 S; t$ S3 F0 Q; K/ G/ e     
0 Q- k0 u3 ]+ i: W0 Q) L6 E     Miss Thomas stood and watched as the seven boys and five# B, |- r2 P' |1 ]+ W4 ?! S8 O
     female Connolly's stood in front of her. The boys cocks were
1 M$ V2 }& @+ c8 H' g+ W     all licked clean and hung limply, Satisfied for the moment. 4 C+ e( K0 J: n9 u3 q# H
     5 u+ x& O9 B9 J' Z* N  e$ k
     The girls were a different  story. Their cunts were sopping: {3 d8 S9 C0 n8 x7 j+ f
     wet and they looked like hell. "Get them into the shower and+ Q5 L  l: {1 c) t& X5 z8 f9 _
     back here in ten minutes," she ordered Lori. "The doctor
0 n, H! a  f+ @4 a     doesn't want to examine sloppy pussies." ! v% ^1 o9 o: ?4 o, W
     * s9 d6 p: C$ N5 [- r' t! f
     As Lori led the five very unhappy prisoners to the showers., s% [  _. t1 m: Z
     Miss Thomas turned to Mrs. Maikowski and Naomi. "You're! m0 N# {: P" y2 @
     gonna have to guard the boys by yourselves for a little& t; m7 c0 e  W
     while. I'll send Lori to help you  as soon as she finishes
( j$ @, z8 P* b/ O, D0 B. H  ^     with the girls. Take the boys to the vacant girl's room.9 n* _8 |% |  d- W( u
     We're getting four new girls tomorrow. You can get beds and
" k6 Y4 E5 u' W7 y! w( X     mattresses from the storeroom. Set up a dorm with eight beds( t, d4 a' l9 t: Q; V) ?% x
     in it. We will be getting four more boys in a few days so' @/ C: t9 L7 X) n
     you'll need to get a few more beds in the boy's room also.3 ]* N5 O6 z- i6 v. l( a. [) c
     The Chief, the Judge and The Captain want to watch the) a. O3 X' f0 O. ?; H$ T2 l
     doctor in action so you two are on your own."  g) e% ]% u; ^8 g
     , X. y2 j; U& @" ~" u( g6 j
     The Governor was kneeling and examining Ricky's shrunken0 @8 e0 b( }$ F3 z* h
     cock. Slowly, It was starting to grow in her hands as she$ G  m3 Y% n* o$ M
     fondled his balls. "Remarkable," .She said to The Captain
. z+ {: u( U/ W: z4 @8 j0 P     who was watching. "I'm really looking forward to watching5 G0 [5 c/ E0 |8 L
     these boys in action once the girls are fixed."! w. c1 M0 Z! T1 {* ^/ i
     9 V( \/ i& f( _+ S2 T" x. L
     Lori stood outside the bathroom as the five very unhappy0 ]7 X4 i  f9 R" a' c: X
     Connolly's showered and got themselves ready. Christie and
2 }' M% }4 F" ^7 T: H6 H! N     Kelly were sobbing as their older sisters checked their
, X4 @( G3 j; b9 u" T- T' z     pussies. "Please Mom don't let them hurt us, " Kelly sobbed
5 V. v* E( \& b# c, \8 F1 M' R- b* S     while Caitlin inspected her.
& n, l1 N1 b& b0 |5 v7 v& l     
" ^- d9 t, f) }: S; k     Mrs. Connolly shook her head sadly. "I'm so sorry but/ f* D$ d/ n" }! Y
     there's nothing I can do. You must all be brave. We'll get
1 w* N8 M0 f# m2 y  l  F     through this." She opened her pussy for Jennifer to check.3 z: h# `% U1 L8 T4 z( [# d) U+ R/ n6 I
     2 [8 W0 d+ A! y3 n! }4 r% f
     Cleaned up and with their hair dried and combed the naked
2 `9 ]; ^5 O  B  q. [% m. O2 |; _     family was led back down the hall to the lunchroom. Lori was
/ |! ]; l& l. C6 }3 l& _) u$ a: I     sent to join Naomi and Mrs. Maikowski with the boys. The! _. V4 B9 v5 |+ `( G" C
     Captain looked the shivering females up and down quickly
" c  m% {2 F7 K* O     then they were led sobbing to the doctor's office.
, B7 Y& M, v2 E     
/ c  b2 O! Q+ x     Randi looked up as The Governor led them inside. "You're
. A2 j3 f2 R. V2 s( v* h     just in  time," She smiled. "Doctor Brenner is ready to go."
, P+ c# x9 D5 U. C* \     She looked at the naked downcast family. "I'll do the first# l% {) `" b+ Y8 Z; q
     part of the physical. Why don't you all be seated and( J# @8 \3 W% Z# ^
     watch," She told the four men and the governor.- @& l8 i" |  ~2 O, ?( ~, V
     # d% u0 B; H- l* e( C
     As the Governor and the men sat down, Randi handed the five
% E% V. U5 X4 E+ _# C$ y     naked women plastic bottles. "Please fill these up. You know
: |# [* Y& s0 G/ o     what to do. The five girls blushed as they took the bottles.. ^& u! g# m# x8 p& h( Z. }) t+ [
     They had to squat and pee in front of the grinning governor1 ?. V; V; q% o4 P* i
     and her party. They were now openly crying. This was even
* q1 b8 N0 K  p. |- `     more humiliating than getting their assholes checked.7 E0 V& E$ u' [; D3 j
     8 g0 V: [7 u% q) c+ r, P
     Kelly and Christie were given paper towels by the pretty
8 \( h! I+ I& K2 G     nurse and were put to work cleaning up the urine that had
4 c( y7 V* m: q/ e3 z     missed the bottles. She labeled each bottle then took out a
( M8 ?& n/ |( \6 t     stethoscope and  sphygmomanometer.
/ I7 f8 U: W7 H$ ]$ H( g# V     6 y' ]. ?0 E% m. c) y5 a% ?1 o
     Kelly was first. Randi took the little girl's blood pressure4 F5 r' |' y. Y- {6 A( L9 A
     then checked her pulse. She entered the information in a1 l; v( T$ S/ I# [, G
     chart and moved on to Christie. Finishing up with Mrs.
: L& n0 f  o% w, g% l     Connolly she winked at the Governor. "I can't understand why) u! W3 e& F3 C5 _5 p6 _) a
     their blood pressure is elevated." She then took each wrist$ x" `9 Z! s5 v% y
     and checked their pulses, entering this information in their
1 i# C0 x- Q' w7 j6 H" [     charts. Each girl was then made to stand on a scale and
+ D+ u7 k; D% _8 T3 q6 t     Randi recorded their weight in the charts as well. "I'd tell
, s$ Z1 `$ I9 a) G# k8 V     you to empty your pockets to get a true weight but I can see
3 z% u( K- u4 `9 j" Y     you don't have any," She joked looking at the totally naked
" ?3 d- F5 M" }- _4 G3 z     family.3 o: R- s& X0 ^3 ?+ S4 [/ `
6 M2 b% E' }* ~9 J+ w- W6 ?     She turned to the cabinet and took out five rectal
, X2 O" G5 z( t0 k8 M4 X     thermometers and a tube of KY jelly. "You know the( n2 e3 E3 P2 F2 I' m1 \' f
     procedure," She informed the hapless prisoners. "You've seen  C7 T* t# I+ E, w) O
     the boys get their physicals. I have to grease your rectums
. l7 r" O  l$ S     and take your temperature. Please turn around, place your5 f% L" g8 W& T4 M2 y  j$ G
     legs apart and open your buttocks for me." She pulled on a; @& c- y. l1 H. `+ {5 l, l
     pair of surgical gloves and greased up her index finger.
1 ]" _; S8 I5 D# b     
1 t* T2 u' E: P% q     For the third time since being awoken that morning, The
  j) `. v$ P) b$ M! G- D' l9 V     Connolly family was forced to show  their assholes. As they
0 {6 z: L. o+ |- L1 M  G# m, f3 b     obediently pulled their cheeks apart Randi knelt behind each
3 c2 B9 P+ S9 D5 T! K! f6 s" |     one and pushed her lubricated finger up inside them. As she
- s7 H- v; |9 K; `  F$ l9 H* R% W     removed her finger after wiggling it around each asshole,: ^/ U2 D, {1 V" ?+ U0 p" I
     She inserted a thermometer then moved on to the next one.2 _+ l5 \* A6 W- \# O4 J0 r- a
     She paused at Mrs. Connolly's wide open ass and knelt. Re-5 q% ], T+ j4 }( b
     greasing her finger she plunged it inside the large asshole* ]4 ]8 K; J" E) I  m% |5 w# K; F: G$ f
     and wiggled it around. Mrs. Connolly moaned as the finger
% ^/ b3 n9 [2 e$ W2 L( u     greased every inch of her. Randi pulled her finger out and
7 S9 C" T& N) R2 S     shoved the thermometer in. "I could fit twelve thermometers: j) f" j: h5 Z) o, K. n" n! _
     in there," She grinned as she moved on to Christie.
% t/ V  ^  Y$ E% ^5 E; k     
$ N, l. ]& m* y& p# [     The doctor entered from the examining room and nodded at the
! K% B% Z" M1 s; N# i4 X     seated adults watching the show. " I wanted to take their. i% i. k8 W9 M* f6 P; L
     blood and check their hearts before you greased them up,"
4 {* b0 m* Q3 |/ n4 l' a     She shrugged. "No big deal. I'll do the rectal exam first,
1 p: [$ }  b, Z! |     Since they're all ready." 9 I$ P+ l! t9 n# q: K4 @2 a
     1 c. Z& J- M. T6 t0 e7 {/ v, W
     Randi removed each thermometer and wiped them off. She wrote# V8 _& T, |6 L: N+ v: x, E
     in each of the charts. The doctor pulled on a pair of rubber- A+ B% E( T& H1 P! s
     gloves and greased up the fingertip. "I'll start with the7 i$ ^- c7 i" x: D! X
     little ones first," She said moving behind Kelly. The little& p0 N) P/ \& U: M
     girl was shaking. She had watched the sigmoidoscope being' s% l9 N% B5 p. n6 O9 I. ]4 Y( r
     shoved up the boy's assholes and knew how much it hurt."
2 {- q+ p, ~7 E6 q8 `# |     
; s3 y2 p+ X) O; e# e. y* x     Doctor Brenner inserted her finger inside Kelly's asshole./ k2 s$ m( Q9 I
     It went in easily. "I need the small scope for this one,"8 b& C" C; a, g: Y/ i9 W, u
     She said to Randi as she examined Kelly's ass. Randi nodded; D$ O/ M; K3 v0 Z
     and handed the instrument to the doctor.
/ Y% f' ]& m' K4 Z- Y/ \' A     - }& S0 a5 s1 ]  @8 ?: V) d
     Kelly was sobbing hysterically as the doctor removed her
; n' }6 |, t1 v+ C/ T3 b7 H     finger. "Please don't hurt me," She begged.
- @# u3 _2 H: p3 m# I& a) }$ Z     
& f7 p1 x, R$ |+ K+ t+ I     "Kelly, I gave you a physical last year and examined your  m' A/ `9 J5 q! ?  W1 h% u  F
     genitals," the doctor said as she greased the tip of the2 o7 p. h# c: T
     sigmoidoscope. "I didn't hurt you then, did I ?"
$ j! {7 k3 o; [: H; O$ H) a6 N     9 r' A; E4 |: M; x8 F+ r
     Kelly shook her head' "No but you didn't put Anything up my, n- X8 ]; \+ `  P: P
     tushie and you only looked at my vagina a little bit," She
+ f" i+ S2 I. j0 K     sobbed.
+ m5 Q; u: @, F" K1 E7 i8 k4 e: Q     % T  J4 \* i$ _* q" m9 O# b- j
     "Just hold still," The doctor warned as she inserted the tip  ]) N9 Q8 t, a
     into the little asshole. Kelly screamed as the instrument
8 h, }! N2 N% n5 \4 _+ Y, `     pushed into her, forcing her sphincter to open wider and
- [* j& I2 |/ s) n" [# J. J, `     wider.7 q& z8 D0 ]8 y  h, H& b
     9 y2 S" {( I6 w' K3 P
     The doctor looked into the little girls bowels, then7 D- {* n, ^2 e; Z' ]
     satisfied she removed the scope from the sobbing child and$ C5 i3 a5 {5 v4 g0 Z
     handed it to the nurse. "You can go stand on the side and* b+ ^. j$ n# ^7 A% v
     watch me examine your Sisters and Mother," She said, patting& I  D8 z' ~! ?# n/ N( Z
     Kelly's head. % u: P9 R* a+ h9 r+ G
     ( ?5 a% R; T1 H$ y+ O0 i6 h  v
     Kelly stood with her head down crying as the doctor moved
* ~# @# a' r5 g" S$ {* e     behind Christie. Kneeling down the doctor looked inside the
0 b  V; M: D% D     little blonde's asshole. "Give me another small one," She
, C5 z3 h3 N( \     said to the nurse. As Randi prepared the instrument the' H8 Z( q9 c3 `+ Q/ M4 p
     doctor shoved her finger up inside the little girl's pink* ?8 w1 j* X% N. l0 F- C
     asshole. "Ow that hurts," Christie cried. & a9 c8 H9 k5 v1 Q& Q
     - x% M7 E& V# s1 m+ h* ?
     "Oh stop complaining,  It's only my finger," The doctor9 ^) f# W, s' s( s3 {% A
     admonished as she moved her greased up index finger around/ k; x5 k% e; m7 y
     inside the little girl. She pulled her finger out and took  n" R( B1 ]- l9 V+ p
     the sigmoidoscope from the nurse. ) {" n* d5 v, p8 F1 L4 W8 t6 O; c
0 T' y7 g/ H# Y3 i* v: R+ M" d     "Pull yourself open wider, Christie," The doctor ordered as* {& `, X1 z5 W: i. R5 a5 |. `
     the watching adults craned their necks to get a better look." _. e3 W- L4 f0 w
     The doctor pushed the tip of the instrument inside and
8 _( H9 i3 ^  I/ O     maneuvered it past the pink puckered muscle into Christie's
5 s& C5 c/ [! b* q     bowels.
) O& }* ^- f- f9 {# q     1 I* H2 s$ v* r$ ~& ?, i
     Christie cried out and moved forward. "Hold still. It's
9 ~3 Z/ _. N4 ^8 m     almost over," the doctor said looking inside the little girl
# ~3 \% @. b" E. e2 H     through the instrument.
. o3 M4 c% ^; J8 w       J) G/ b, ]# F/ m
     Christie was sobbing and shaking as the doctor took her0 e% _6 e% t# h. P& [8 ~' h5 b8 m
     time. Finally she withdrew the instrument and the little$ h. Q9 n$ w3 W9 {/ s# ^
     girl was allowed to straighten  up and stand next to Kelly.6 B* p1 h7 N# i( h+ m! h, z' K
     Doctor Brenner moved in behind Caitlin.
- y0 M( B- ?4 L' N! g8 F3 g     
0 O% q: A  g9 q" E5 l     "Please Doctor Brenner, Can we straighten up?" Mrs. Connolly
) J& h3 _3 D0 O7 d     begged. "My back is killing me." She was still bent over) @- q3 F& b5 d
     holding her ass cheeks open.
" O0 S/ I. S3 B1 B: U     : m0 n1 P: G& J6 E7 [. Q* K
     "In a few minutes," The doctor answered. "I'm going to check
+ V/ i& M9 e: d8 X) \( q  c5 Z     Caitlin's rectum then Jennifer's. When I finish with them& v' i8 `  E( t* R) h
     I'll do your rectal and you can straighten up while I check
% M; q2 C% {- H' }& @1 P     your breasts."
  W" K( f5 {/ q; M     ' o. A# r5 [$ d+ ^) l. J
     "What's the matter Jean? Can't take your own medicine?" The# @% a7 }( }4 N. J& y* T/ U- R6 g
     Governor spat out. "If I hear one more complaint out of your
/ \% q* O/ b+ H     mouth, I'll march you into town and have you display your% d: Z  w+ j$ H% s
     asshole in the town square."
+ [6 z6 l' ~0 G+ F$ b, i# b0 w     
! l- a: L) @1 a/ A+ s6 d* S8 ?1 x; l     Doctor Brenner knelt behind Caitlin and looked at the' Z* @$ N6 u! K: O# v' m
     thirteen year old's pink asshole. "Give me another small( V5 R- Q8 v& X9 u2 n
     one," She told Randi. "Those butt plugs didn't stretch them
  X7 L0 h/ t( i9 Q     much."  As Randi greased up the tip of another Sigmoidoscope
1 E( P$ w- m% o6 ^$ Y2 s7 g) j, f% y     the doctor plunged her finger up into Caitlin's asshole. She% T" F" n- Y$ y$ ]. k$ L5 F0 ~' U
     wiggled it around as the youngster gritted her teeth and
  W. v1 [. v# L% A     sobbed. The Doctor withdrew her finger and took the
5 G) B/ @5 ]3 D, A$ w+ y; M* {     instrument. Caitlin's asshole was still open from the
- s/ |/ S0 n  H# s6 n- r     doctor's finger and the  metal tip slid up into her greased
- O2 g5 X! x- v" g3 X& _& H* M8 W" U0 K     rectum easily. She gasped as it stretched her open and her
0 Z1 r$ P3 m2 p% ~3 D     body shook with sobs. The doctor pushed it further up and
, x1 f2 v% G+ t# n( E- }  t8 g     looked into the eyepiece. "Everything seems normal," She( v; u* y9 @+ Z. C/ [
     said and slid the instrument out. 8 W9 {5 c4 Z& W$ m! U
     / m2 K, b- E7 \, c) \5 o7 S* k
     Caitlin exhaled a sigh of relief and was allowed to stand up+ e: M5 ~' m: y; V0 R7 Q' j% s  K
     and join her two sisters. The three naked girls watched
! t$ O8 \# ?3 y  F1 [     along with the adults as Doctor Brenner positioned herself
  _8 j7 t) w3 M2 M2 N$ r6 `# ]" s     behind Jennifer. "You have a lovely asshole," The Doctor. k' O0 Q; e* W1 v8 o' G. }7 Q3 G
     said as she peered into Jennifer's wide open behind. She. ~. ^( |. ~1 U* f* @% C) N
     lubricated her finger and pushed it into the teenager. "Very
0 \/ e0 U  A% K     nice," She commented as she poked around inside the- X  |( ?5 r/ i4 V  e- l
     trembling fifteen year old's rectum.% n* K: q3 I- S8 a
' I1 h# y+ F7 c& E/ V8 ~6 S     Randi had the forth scope all ready and handed it to the
+ s8 D/ b; m, g  N8 ^     doctor. The finger was removed and before Jennifer could
+ C; v' e7 y7 d) {     relax she felt the sigmoidoscope push its way past her open
( |! Y, w- _; M     sphincter up into her bowels. "Ahhhh That hurts," She cried  q- B8 O: Y9 J( D6 A4 E
     as the Doctor pushed it further up inside her. The Chief and
$ e6 y- Z; n4 {& c# s     Harley stood up and looked over the Doctor's shoulder as she
0 B: P2 b: H7 y+ E( s' X     maneuvered the scope into the teenager's pretty ass. "Very  p- G! l* F2 @0 w
     nice," the Chief said. Harley agreed.
& N8 k4 G3 Q. u+ N  d     5 R# u0 w- s  i
     Doctor Brenner stood aside, "You can take a look if you want
& \1 j) K0 a7 u+ L; D& K! j& ?     to," she grinned. * n* h% O0 e( s" q7 @
     # z1 ?/ [0 g  S9 `' O
     The chief took a turn then stepped back and allowed Harley
1 t1 u( a1 L$ b+ j; l- I$ V; X     to look. "I think I'd rather poke a finger inside her than
  V9 j- y: ?2 W, ?6 Y( @     look at that. It's much prettier from the outside," the/ s4 H  z+ k, F. w
     Chief said as he went back to his seat.
9 Q; k- J# e; i$ f$ b     7 F1 N& D" Y, |: V1 L4 T
     "Me too," Harley agreed making a face.$ R. e3 l7 v+ |+ t# b7 X: i9 R
     , T* a) M4 |( U' T% l
     Doctor Brenner removed the scope and let Jennifer join her
5 o( @; d" N6 J, F! B     sisters. Now it was Mrs. Connolly's turn to be humiliated in
: N" W5 \' W% ?7 Q     front of everyone. The Doctor stood behind her and then
, T/ Q" Q" k4 x* j/ {) m     knelt looking up into the straining woman's asshole. Mrs.: y9 _% Z. G  j1 W/ S$ _
     Connolly was shaking from having to stay bent over with her
8 K" H/ E2 O! W     hands holding her buttocks wide open.
- r" q: i6 ~' w: u: i* N     
( W$ z8 D$ B$ [9 x0 u  o) t4 F3 u+ C     The Governor rose from her chair and knelt beside the
: o2 E7 n  a* c6 y8 H5 O     doctor. "I want to watch you push that thing up inside her,"
' Q/ U* J( m5 z0 J+ e' ~     The older woman grinned.
6 L9 ?$ O5 a  E, R8 P; q     
: D5 t; g9 l, O: H$ _# I  f; |     Looks like you had hemorrhoids at one time," The Doctor
, w$ [- Z: l7 u3 J; k     commented looking at the healed scars on Mrs. Connolly's
5 Y& z2 m3 B/ J" j& o( q6 y     asshole. She explained to the Governor. "Women get them from7 f8 U9 @# d( y+ \
     straining during childbirth. See there's one," She pointed6 y$ h. i, X9 ?! q! `1 J
8 z3 ~% p* W0 P$ U( U     . s9 b$ u% u3 E$ y$ b  b
     Mrs. Connolly blushed a bright crimson as the Doctor
. A* ?; D! I" V5 d1 k: n3 ^6 _     continued her close examination. "All in all quite a nice
2 R8 S" E+ s+ G& o  _     asshole". The Doctor said. "It's a tad red from being poked
. P2 A( q; U1 ^     and from being taken rectally last night but it should do
/ c5 ^7 E1 W' i2 p  i3 R! ~     quite nicely as it gets used to being used." She pushed her
! s3 Q4 S# D% u- H3 U! ?     index finger inside quite easily and felt around. The
/ q. B. P9 @7 U$ N- P; d; o+ m     Governor looked on. Then she Pulled her finger out as Randi- ^7 P4 S. Y$ z2 L5 x
     handed her the fifth sigmoidoscope. The instrument pushed
5 k1 F; f& o/ E& r+ D) \+ e     into her greased up asshole and she drew in a deep breath as
, q; ?0 [. B; u0 C* r     it stretched her puckered muscle. 0 f! E6 m) c8 A+ r0 e1 @
     1 J) F' N$ G' b
     "You can look in here and see up inside her," The Doctor4 {! [/ ^! W+ n# Z, q' A
     explained as the Governor looked on smiling at Jean's3 {3 c# u1 {2 x/ x% `
- Y  h1 {) J9 f( q7 v; M* i     
1 O6 X) k" r- i3 }     The old woman shook her head. "No thanks I'll pass this
0 K9 g  ?! o! r% H  }' V     time," She smirked as she watched the crying woman being& m+ w* z, b7 B
; Z( ]. J- m6 Q0 B' u     
4 R. P' _) D7 {" r     The Doctor finished up and the five Connolly women were led6 N" u% ^9 i6 G, C! p4 ]( F4 N
     into the inner office where the examining table with its
+ Y0 B; H: ]/ H% M     stirrups awaited them. The adults crowded in  to watch the
! V; h. a# [' F+ b% t     Doctor do a pelvis exam on each of them before inserting the/ y$ j( i9 ?( j# H2 Y' X
2 h' F3 u5 f  n- |" f       d, Q4 T7 S+ _
     Randi went to each girl and tied a large rubber tube around- d# v6 F! D; h
     their arms. She swabbed their forearms and drew a vial of* P& ?6 ~: @0 q5 h( I2 t* w
     blood from each. As she put a Band-Aid on each of them the7 U, D0 p8 C7 o4 E
     Doctor removed her gloves and went to Kelly to check her
% j' N0 {8 A7 g, p6 V8 m3 g     lungs. "Stop sobbing and breath normally," She told the
: j) D4 j4 H% H+ Y: [     child as she placed the head of the stethoscope on her& A/ [) F8 k: r8 d4 ^* a
     chest.* W8 g0 i4 w8 H4 t2 M& i
     # x( [. \' j2 [& R/ E
     Kelly was too upset to stop crying and the Doctor gave up0 q7 a9 G% p1 C8 ]; a# R
     trying to calm her down. "Her  breathing and lung function& T* ^/ S( I( C0 f1 I, _5 |# i8 v$ S
     is normal," She told Randi who was diligently writing in the& ~$ H, u7 t% h4 ?' B! D9 a
     charts. The Doctor checked Christie next then moved on to
( r" t& R  j. v     Caitlin. She checked the teen's lungs. "I might as well
2 ?6 X0 r7 M1 o8 ]  T& S+ H     check your breasts while I'm here," She said as she cupped; U, N6 [" }+ Z3 N, d
     Caitlin's small pink tipped tits in her hands. She ran her$ K+ V5 |) {2 L9 z8 Z" r& o9 ~
     fingers over the nipples noting with satisfaction how they
" a$ d" a) y0 l( `7 h     stiffened. She carefully checked for lumps and rolled the  w# Q* g8 b* Q( E8 y
     nipple between her thumb and forefinger. "Her breasts are1 q$ F: O6 `1 a3 A& _" ^0 u
     quite normal," She reported to Randi then moved on to' T; u/ Z( j4 Q$ q" n
$ i. @, `  C% C& \" q$ N     6 @8 L6 G4 S; ]2 G
     Doctor Brenner listened to Jennifer's lungs and heart then
+ T' c' X# n0 {1 Y. P5 q3 G     took the Teenager's tits in both her hands. She fondled each/ z3 W' b7 I& J1 |6 e
     of Jennifer's tits, squeezing and kneading them, then took
5 C$ i6 W) M, C5 f) S" U$ v3 ~  m  D     her pink nipples between her fingers and examined them" P4 i& ^! v/ c( O* \/ H
     closely as Jennifer stood sobbing. "Very pretty," She said.
8 [: [, `% d0 C  j% k; n     "You've grown some since I last examined you."
, S* q1 ]- z. V% |* L) y/ e     
0 L! }6 X' P' Q' c     Leaving the teen blushing and sobbing she confronted Mrs.
; e) J" ?2 v: O$ N5 s     Connolly.  The doctor checked her lungs and heart placing+ E0 R7 P% q. c3 z- _; L4 A* I
     the stethescope on her chest. "Breathe normally," She. v& |: [7 `8 x/ p1 w
     instructed. The Doctor placed the stethoscope on Mrs.
$ d5 {" o. E/ E( ^: V     Connolly's back and listened, then removed it handing it to' t6 Z9 o5 h% T6 K4 O1 S; x7 }
     her nurse. "Your heart and lungs are good, Now lets check
& d: {. p" Q& [& m6 w/ P     those boobs."
  O% C% m5 H" b     2 v& w- b0 x( S0 F
     Mrs. Connolly blushed as the doctor took her tits in both
9 C0 h" Y: d, k% R     hands and ran her thumbs over the nipples. The doctor
' i* u2 g+ ?: n+ T' |     bounced them in her hands kneading and feeling each of them
& m: ?8 z/ D: p     She squeezed each nipple noticing they were hardening under
9 W2 F1 V' B7 j' [     her touch. "I can't be sure without a mammogram but they, V+ w7 b) x& Q7 Y* E5 U
     feel all right to me," she announced.
$ l7 z# l4 [3 q# u# m/ M     
" l& ^# Q* W7 T9 P6 e# p2 X; H     "When is she going to examine their cunts?" The Judge
: h3 ]+ k5 t- W4 D3 |4 @6 W     whispered to Governor Grant.
  D% c) V9 f9 I& o# V9 H1 d     8 S$ m9 X# g0 e: r
     The old lady laughed as she looked down and saw the tent in# S* Z* N  \2 [7 H! Z. c+ n
     his pants. All the men watching has seen every inch of the
" a3 \  `: ^8 v/ S8 L     Connolly women's bodies, none the less each had a hard-on0 i6 G6 x$ M; Z/ H, j" t4 P/ h
     from watching the Doctor examine them. "Soon, I'm sure," She
  C1 V/ `. R$ }) |# M     reassured him, V2 }/ n" `$ m+ o5 }6 i+ ]
7 ]- c8 _, T1 M/ {" n& e- J0 o- a3 O3 t5 A     Randi helped Kelly up on the examining table. "I'm going to
, N/ v$ P6 [) i* g& @     check your feet now," The doctor told her. She pulled up a% o& H+ U4 |& \) m9 x
     chair and took the little girl's feet in her hands one at a8 M  i9 @3 b2 N! T
     time, looking at the delicate little toes. She  pulled
3 ?" z& t! Q6 I. M, L& t     Kelly's toes apart looking between each one. Then she lifted$ B: s. E6 U& s9 D* J3 j
     each foot up and looked at the bottoms. "Good arches and
  A5 p6 s7 b, C% u2 i. \) T9 ~# W+ o     ankles. They look nice and healthy," She told Randi who/ ~$ M& a' N  |) a5 r3 a
     wrote in the chart.; Z* r% a) z5 s# ^
. `! _8 w) h* j9 G/ K1 a$ g     "You can get down now," She told the smallest Connolly.
% n5 }% t0 \. t% J4 r     "Christie climb up here and lets look at your feet."
2 Q' m! ^3 @9 O: I' E     
: s3 V6 a/ s% Y! N% U6 E0 `     Christie climbed up and sat on the edge of the table. The) e+ D9 c- J, V# {# }: v9 e
     doctor explained to the Governor and her party.  "These5 B" N8 g6 H6 _" G
     girls are walking around barefooted. The boys have been" n1 i3 O; h  }+ i) w6 k
     wearing only rubber flip flops. I'm concerned about athletes# M; K4 p7 u  ~' c
     foot and other things so I'm checking them out."% N: R  R$ n' p
     " q% W7 X- q1 q
     The governor nodded, "Go ahead but make it snappy.  I want1 l! I4 V3 Z/ l" j% R0 a* s7 H
     to watch you examine their cunts and place the microchips
6 Z& _4 L# L6 r* e& T& W; }: g, j     before lunch."
- J3 w4 j% G& g& ^- D     
# U/ r' s8 |$ g; v& r     The doctor took Christie's small feet in her hands. They8 N* s4 [' i5 B8 r  A) l6 e
     were almost a duplicate of Kelly's feet except for being a
! I' L/ s: l* H; I% k. f# I     little larger. Her toes were nicely shaped with well/ e3 X" \6 d/ A- P/ B+ `9 V
     manicured nails and she had delicate ankles.
$ d5 h/ U; e3 R- l9 ]' }     
, \! r7 D1 p4 u2 U7 o     The doctor spread open her toes, examining each one then
! P7 w. p1 H4 Z+ a) G     lifted the little girls legs and looked at the soles of her6 e* p/ {- R  z; o
     feet. "Very nice," She said approvingly. "You may get down
6 W# `+ H4 l" Y: A+ K     and we'll look at Caitlin's feet next."
  s" @8 N( E! a2 S9 T8 d1 [6 S: t     
+ S) Y" R4 W0 D: X     Caitlin had small delicate toes. The doctor nodded in
4 r# @. h8 v  U1 S' V; c     approval as she examined the teenagers foot. "You girls keep
& O0 v1 D9 X) `$ |     your feet well. Did you just have a pedicure?" 2 n* Z3 n6 q& z
     1 v" J! T8 z. _  M4 t
     Caitlin nodded, "We gave each other one last week," She
2 r' d8 ]% C0 Y8 f  |) M     said. "I did Jennifer and Christie and Jen did mine and
) P  U1 e0 b$ J; F2 r     Kelly's.". H% H" H' B) Y1 E' v
# u5 a( j2 T# ~) W     The Doctor lifted Caitlin's other foot and looked at her
: K, E( B. R8 }' l' d5 O4 d     soles. "I think they should be allowed to wear shoes," She5 F% Q+ Z8 p% L
     suggested to the Chief. "Look how dirty the bottoms of their/ i- h5 t- P% F- p
     feet are becoming. Maybe flip flops like the boys are9 t0 v$ Y: A5 O5 S5 _/ ^. C8 D
     wearing," She said.
8 t* j/ d. s4 {" h) z8 r- a5 \     
3 P! z, P8 y* m$ c     The Chief shook his head. "Total nudity means they wear
1 E( ~: N, R+ \+ m     nothing," He said adamantly. "They can always wash their3 y8 ?. w: e3 _4 f2 E6 I6 v
" [! k$ r' d) P# y6 c% z     
: u. x' j" P* y& `     Jennifer was next. Like the other three girls she had small
7 b- I1 \6 B# Q* \+ z     delicate feet with short, well formed toes. The doctor
8 d! q. \! U5 d/ W1 M     examined between her toes and checked her ankles and soles6 V2 C; @+ \' N: ]; }
     then let her hop down and stand with her sisters.
( p/ x+ N) r' y0 R& {     
9 x. w/ l& A1 v% u( {- b     Jean Connolly was next. Unlike her daughters her feet were' B$ z% R: a3 F. y9 K
     fairly large. She had long slender toes with a high arch and- k5 C7 R: G4 l0 w  q& D
     well formed ankles. The Doctor checked each foot carefully' E0 L+ e% M' k, x# [* r
     and pronounced them healthy. Jean  was about to hop off the$ |7 ~, [3 H7 e2 d
     table when the doctor put a hand on her shoulder. "Lean back4 I$ L7 R9 V: g( \" p
     and put your feet in the stirrups," She said to the naked* j, F1 O9 E" a: d% A1 ?& ^' j. y
     former headmistress. We'll start the vaginal exams with you. % v9 i9 ]" U( ?: z" ~7 q
$ ~- @0 B7 H9 g$ q% V/ _     Jean blushed as she lay back. She placed her feet in the
" s  Q/ `0 m3 c2 F     stirrups as the Governor and her party looked on. The Nurse
/ p; @" i4 D' v" E* r+ D     adjusted the stirrups outward opening Mrs. Connolly's cunt
# G9 o" c' K3 ^& d( I     to the watchers..
9 O  m- }* j3 H& {( z: o     
3 v3 F7 A* k; V' w+ n% n4 u4 Y     Doctor Brenner pulled on a pair of surgical gloves. "I've
. g, @2 _* w8 u8 e) L3 I1 o! s3 p     decided to examine them without the speculum," she+ G$ d  _" r" H. f
     announced. "Randi can hold her lips open while I finger her
% `+ _- h* X* M/ b' S; c     and look inside." We'll clamp her open when we place the
6 M0 m* T6 E- @! m# s/ W     microchip inside her labia.", F: E9 `. p' Q( e
     & ]  y. T3 P9 |9 N' L1 y1 s7 ]
     Mrs. Connolly was sobbing and that started her daughters: O( s+ p: {/ T9 }) a9 D8 h
     off. Christie and Kelly were wailing and Harley moved to
& u) E( l( R+ x  E! ?+ d1 A5 a     stand by them in case they tried to escape. Captain Williams
9 I4 U  s' P! \8 U* V6 S* Q- Z- e     held Jean's shoulders in an iron grip as the Doctor bent) g5 [6 X3 ^& g! U; L6 x( `7 [) s* D
     over her widespread gash and pushed her index finger up
9 ~( h- ?' r! H* t5 Z8 R5 w; u( o     inside her. The Doctor shone a light inside as Randi," m8 I; Y# G4 n* F6 L3 L! t
     standing next to her, pulled the cunt lips further apart.
, Z. ?, K% f0 t( o% r6 B+ n* x     2 i1 K) t/ ^, U. @* I
     Randi felt the warm glow inside her own pussy as she watched* t6 Q7 _5 e* `  V$ H" D2 \" ]& C
     the Doctor poke and probe inside Mrs. Connolly's gaping% r  v* N! L" b0 i" C; Z
     hole. She remembered her own physical three weeks ago. The  Q6 M& r. Y, S$ Z# T6 X
     Doctor had insisted on examining her after Randi had told- k8 R; M( B. q/ }7 u
     her she wasn't feeling well. Doctor Brenner had found all
# W1 q$ C: t& ^- S% e! S1 s; k     her erogenous zones. She could still feel that finger inside9 o. g* j% f8 A$ E/ X
     her cunt as she watched Mrs. Connolly's cunt being explored.: v6 c; T. b" z  |% r& _
     1 U6 Q/ z' }1 C; H+ B) \" J7 q1 H
     Mrs. Connolly gasped and arched upwards as the Doctor held7 N! Q' f  k( _" p* j$ x( h
     her large clit between thumb and forefinger and played with" T' m* \* z3 _9 V, p1 e! w2 s
     it. "She definitely isn't a virgin," the Doctor announced: z# q' `! f; r
     chuckling. "Randi, hand me the needle. Its time we inserted
) O) H% j7 P4 J5 Y# z     the microchip inside my friend here."4 k. |: b; w! s7 i+ L! R7 g2 s/ K
9 z+ }# G8 p5 H9 C. X  E     Mrs. Connolly screamed and tried to get off the table. "You
# [: X5 D$ ^! M; r6 `& R! ^! V     can't do this to me. Its inhuman." She pulled her legs out0 z9 @9 w5 |8 T4 g+ H# U
     of the stirrups and tried to sit up. Captain Williams5 G$ }. o, C' ^9 q) K
     tightened his grip forcing her back down. % c. d/ u$ O4 P  r4 m  o# S
     ' R$ r9 y6 \+ k7 A* S5 k
     "Hold her arms," the doctor ordered. The big state trooper1 i# k2 o5 k  u4 y
     took Mrs. Connolly's hands in his and held them over her
5 K5 M5 }1 i! m; q: c     head in an iron grip. Judge Robinson grabbed her feet and
5 Q% W" O6 c/ `) k4 b" `! T' x     forced them back in the stirrups. "Hold her ankles," The
! a. H9 g0 E+ r+ E     doctor said. Mrs. Connolly was screaming and Doctor Brenner% X5 P& [* ^& X
     went to the small refrigerator and took out a vial. "I'm
1 }3 r4 U  t7 ]  ~) @& s& m     going to have to knock her out," She told the Governor. % P; r3 \9 p& @( |
     ( u! B1 x& ~& ]( W9 V: p* A
     While everyone's attention was focused on Mrs. Connolly,4 \; C, N, A# H7 z
     Jennifer saw her chance She kicked out catching Harley in
1 W6 p5 ^. ^* j% m- b2 ?     the stomach. Even unprepared, he  was strong as an ox. He. Q4 Q& L5 t" t  H9 \8 B2 O
     grunted and shrugged off. The blow. Miss Thomas moved in and
3 o. q9 N% r0 F# s4 R' [$ W1 s     watched the other girls as Harley crouched. Jennifer aimed
% L; q% z2 q# W: p( O     her next kick at his face. Harley moved sideways and grabbed
% W  k6 w9 }4 z7 n2 b9 n4 g     her foot. He twisted and Jennifer went down. "God Damn you,"% Q7 I$ b1 t, ?8 D
     She screamed in rage as he grabbed her arm and hoisted her( S( y* G* c  [" z/ E  a
     to her feet.
1 K2 d4 F, e+ Q5 l' E  N( J     ; Y2 \8 W; L0 v2 i+ n
     The burly deputy laughed as he held the naked enraged teen
. e, x  ~+ ^3 D) T! R1 |     in a bear hug, fondling her tits. "You just earned a ; d/ h. S2 V% ^1 h; T5 d- m
     spanking Miss," He laughed. "I'm gonna use my bare hands on
6 @/ o! x; T" s$ X. T     your cute little ass then I'm gonna watch them plant the2 S- a& m9 k5 k2 o
     microchip inside that pretty pussy of yours." He easily, `. t+ T% ~/ o5 @. a: d
     turned her around and bent her over. Holding her with one; ]* c8 ^+ j$ [: W
     arm he hauled back and smacked her round buttocks. As
: j1 g9 b7 h9 h; F" @- s     Jennifer howled in anguish Harley rained slap after slap on3 ~! B6 B! [! f1 L/ s
     her unprotected ass. ' i9 n% w7 \( @7 _. ^; p1 M/ i+ @
     & q, u4 r: Q  k" [- N1 h
     Mrs. Connolly had her own problems. Doctor Brenner plunged
7 m. Y& B$ U4 x& R     the needle into her arm as Captain Williams held her. The
3 Q( N3 i1 k* g! \2 J     drug took effect almost immediately and she drifted off into
  p7 \2 ^8 [( Q1 q     sleep. Randi pulled the unconscious woman's pussy lips open+ R; K# G% }! M4 d. ]& E0 |
     and the Doctor picked up a scalpel. Accompanied by the sound0 x, T) Y3 m( o8 A9 p- D/ H
     of Jennifer howling as Harley turned her ass purple, The
' g- c; G, ]/ }& f9 E1 u# d     Doctor made a tiny slit in the labia and inserted the9 q7 ~8 S( h# F( i9 G, h
     Microchip. It took two stitches and she was done.% P3 e' _$ M1 x
     ; N; u6 h: M1 b( B* q, L
     "She'll sleep for around fifteen minutes," the Doctor said/ k  g: Y) m' k8 U& I, _/ x: k
     as Harley lifted the unconscious woman and lay her on the& v1 Q* J- c1 |2 |9 _
     floor out of the way. "She'll wake up with a headache but
0 g9 P4 Q  W! n5 N8 P; D0 q     will be able to do all you ask of her." The Doctor grinned.: @0 T$ s4 ]! t1 D+ b
     "Especially with the microchip inserted. That's gonna hurt9 j& U, _( i9 ]% c7 E' A. z' @& Q
     when you zap her. It's really in a sensitive area of her
" l! J5 s9 W& o% `; @     vagina."
- X. q' J0 |9 [: X/ b     
- D: d0 e/ s2 W! l2 y$ G) R9 i     Captain Williams finished spanking Jennifer. Her ass was
) R* c$ }( {; T# ^: b$ n     fairly glowing as she hopped around the room crying. "Take
! r% @' _9 N6 B6 ]- n     this one next," He suggested. "She won't give you any' I" m5 Y8 t/ ?  i: i
     trouble. Not if she knows what's good for her."8 P. Z1 W% H6 P6 U# _6 z
     / ~4 T0 A$ e& k, K- C
     All the fight had been knocked out of the pretty teenager.
) N/ a, o5 l1 Y4 a5 |! q" T' x6 \     She meekly climbed on the examining table wincing at the7 Z0 {) G  _$ T' a+ ~
     pain in her tortured red buttocks as she lay down. Everyone/ G' F6 d: T! Q8 t
     crowded around to watch as the  Doctor put on a new pair of
% ~) H0 ^% v1 z  F  u     surgical gloves and Randi prepared the instruments.
- r3 {: ?; d5 e& k+ r7 n       o2 O( Q  V9 l# V9 V
     Jennifer lay on her back with her feet in the stirrups,
8 c* N  U! T  R' U, a; W! P     crying softly. The Doctor bent over and looked at her shaven! A: d( I7 J: A) V. z& t
     vagina. "Pull yourself open so I can get a better look
; t; t( `; m- _- v# R( w- r9 z1 C2 I/ m     inside you," She ordered.
* H2 C; U2 B' c3 l+ t% ~     . w" z* Y$ m2 C5 V% P' X; Y/ t9 `
     For the third time in less than two hours Jennifer was9 v2 X* x; E' C; f0 @: I: s2 [
     spread open with people looking inside her twat. As her# U& R' j- v0 p' O8 |- }) i
     three younger sisters looked on trembling, She reached down* W$ x" S$ @! w  x
     and pulled her pussy open.% n% C  P' _( O9 W3 B. P" B% {3 v
3 N9 j8 w4 @. W3 B; L( B     "That's good," the Doctor said. "Hold those lips wide so I
; ?! Z0 S3 \8 ^, s; c1 M5 K0 _     can get a good look." The Doctor adjusted her eye piece and3 T4 B2 x  w7 ^
     Bent over shining her light inside. Jennifer was blushing
. D" D' C: N8 l4 J6 p* V' Y3 V$ l$ @; b     furiously. The Governor and Chief Crane flanked the Doctor.! f& A/ z& S! R1 c& I7 X
     Harley and The Judge looked over her shoulder as she pushed
/ ~* P9 A9 v. M7 z     her gloved finger inside the pretty little vagina. 9 {3 n4 s3 a  J) {- R5 e
! k3 F0 {- h6 T5 u8 m     Jennifer gasped as the  probing finger touched each
. {5 Z% U$ Z6 a7 I     sensitive spot inside her. The Doctor took the little
; P8 _1 Y! |- S; Y4 Z9 A     blonde's clit between her thumb and forefinger and rubbed2 L/ f' s0 ~/ F, O$ T# [1 L
     it. It grew in her hand. "Very nice," she commented. The3 p2 S$ l' X/ U" S2 w/ P4 w
     Governor agreed. $ m+ W' N, S/ Y7 o1 e
* Z$ l+ Z4 ]1 V, Q' N( d     Jennifer couldn't keep her hips still. The Doctor seemed to* o! Q' b: B4 l* a0 C8 F. F! Y
     know all the right spots to touch. She gasped again as the. n: H+ u" z7 z8 i5 [/ P
     probing fingers found one  hot spot after another. Looking6 v* ]$ I/ l. D5 D
     inside her writhing patient the Doctor checked her hymen.
4 c1 q1 q$ N+ J     "My you've been a naughty girl," She chided. "Your hymen has4 y7 E7 O) z* @3 j3 _3 {- t' H
     been broken and it's not that recent." She looked up. "Our
1 n- |4 L- a8 H5 W7 E     Jennifer has been sexually active," She informed the
2 C$ r) d  z* s     onlookers. "No doubt looking at the naked boys in the school
6 F5 C% y) `2 d+ u     was too much for her. Was it any of the boys here?"
/ n* M7 Z6 u! d; l     . A, w- v5 [& e$ E- c& D9 B
     Jennifer was crying in shame. She shook her head. "No. It5 x: E! ^$ |0 k$ u" U; c& Y, q' Y4 ~
     was a boy in town," she sobbed.
# x1 ?8 T7 R- v3 x) I8 n     - X' o& e  u. E4 f  r. f7 K
     "Well I'm sure after today you won't have to go to town to- R2 Y# I6 F0 I+ L3 O) j8 s* I
     get laid," Chief Crane laughed as the Doctor continued1 t; C" D% h3 R+ Q4 N
     exploring the teenager's cunt.
& r1 E4 T1 r0 y5 t, r     
) F3 a, ~2 W: O+ l, }. N5 L% n% z: a     Randi handed a syringe to the doctor. "Hold still, I'm going, r4 q' A, ]. H- {7 u. f
     to give you a local anesthetic," the Doctor said. Jennifer
& @3 v0 L$ }3 s! s8 P$ z( G# u     gripped the sides of the exam table as the Doctor pushed the
  k( C. ^8 K9 |3 P) s+ _% l     needle into her vulva. She let out a shriek and arched1 u( Y- }9 t" V; L
     upward then fell back as the drug took effect . She felt her7 G( o( A3 H5 ]3 W/ {% t
     entire cunt become numb.
7 x4 ?/ O9 T. M$ s     
/ \$ R) [4 Q9 t$ l, X6 C     The doctor took the scalpel from the nurse and made a tiny
3 N2 V! J9 Z( c, Z1 \+ q6 g! c. u' n$ S     incision. "This will only take a minute. I'm placing it in a8 d1 E0 G! ^1 C5 j! Y& X, g
     spot that won't be affected by intercourse," She told the
7 p- R# |% ~# x# Q  \" |  Y5 m     onlookers. "She can have sex as soon as the numbness wears
. E% B% Z5 u+ h& K3 Q. ~2 U     off."  She placed the Microchip inside and sewed the opening5 l. |  M+ |! z# b. [  ]
     with two tiny stitches.
6 J3 \, R. c; T' m8 Z0 @2 E     
" J2 Q% ^/ n4 G; r; s9 c* R     The Chief and Harley helped Jennifer down, She stood next to
3 X4 s3 t- I9 Q2 `     her sisters, Her head down. She was sobbing quietly. The
: Q/ _1 p! z9 `     small wound was barely bleeding, so good was the Doctor's
3 \5 k6 l0 T+ f# Z     surgical skills. Governor Grant pushed a crying Christie
' C* u: [9 U: i  B     forward. "This is the one that started all the trouble," She$ |% {$ g% `* Q. X* h2 M" Y
     said. "Do her
4 _9 i! {' R* |  |     next."& Y1 v7 I! k" g  e
     6 V1 l5 m/ W+ _, \4 ], Z6 W
     Christie wasn't going quietly. "Please don't hurt me," she, a+ _9 Y: v* |0 ]% |* b
     sobbed as Judge Robinson and Captain Williams lifted her
2 F7 x7 `6 w* R; m) z8 h% G     onto the table.
, T9 [) h+ {6 {9 E     " k! t! ^4 `6 s1 b
     "If you move around you're liable to get hurt," The Doctor7 G( X& W$ f" N) _
     scolded as she put a new pair of gloves on. "Stay still or$ j) }& o" C2 ]% r  D
     I'll have Harley spank you also," Governor Grant threatened.
  h0 \' ~- E8 d' C( G0 A2 z# s     
) m  B# E1 |0 W# ?# n; }     Randi placed the little girls feet into the stirrups,! y$ p8 x0 h& F4 b
     Opening her cunt to the watching  adults. "Reach down and- j6 H8 j) f0 E$ u- J
     pull your vagina open for me like your sister did," The
: C! I0 {2 ~/ W- R9 X     doctor ordered.
" ?' Q5 Z& C* c) K8 E1 P     + k, W" ]4 k' |, n6 e
     Trembling Christie did as she was told. She pulled her% \% \3 s% G9 i4 I' f
     little slit open as wide as she could. "That's fine," The$ J0 f: O9 f$ Z% t
     doctor said and bent to her task.$ m- h4 a" X) U% D' Z
  I8 _! e5 s7 Z5 e4 }  l& ~     The Doctor turned the light on and peered into the little
5 `+ c# u% I3 g7 `4 s9 a$ X     girls cunt. She adjusted the round eyepiece and pushed a
4 |) V0 T  j; D2 `     gloved finger inside as Christie lay back sobbing. "These
" s! J( v. }. v+ p$ M4 H" C     Connolly girls all have pretty little vaginas," the Doctor* o; P0 O9 D! v7 A. _, A, Q8 x* e7 I
     commented flicking Christie's clit with her finger. "At: g9 B) V& ]5 T6 [. H5 P: g
     least her hymen is intact," She commented to the Chief as he
9 }9 N3 N& b. ^3 L. M( O. s     looked on./ F* G2 T, z: r2 F" k
2 u' D7 i0 c- b. `/ E4 c5 y  K* ~     "It'll get broken today," The Chief smiled. "I think Kevin's
5 ]" k2 T. w2 e9 k     cock will fit nicely in here."! K9 W& E1 x$ S" N7 i
     - R1 U9 h( f! g# ^; Z& k* s, ]! m; W
     Hearing that, Christie started crying louder. "Please don't
, H: z" a0 I+ S( X     let Kevin fuck me." She pleaded.
6 `6 r2 \$ b0 I" f! F" H  q     * F; {4 s7 \3 A( O
     The chief only laughed. "Paybacks a real bitch, kid." 2 m8 t" u- X9 V9 ~0 l! w# I
, e  i6 b& |; M" S     The Doctor continued her intrusion inside the little girls
, b( a4 G# Y2 u! O, r     pussy. Christie was moaning as the skillful fingers stroked
. E1 _# i% t$ y# ?     and probed. "I'm ready for the syringe," the Doctor said to; N" X. p, ^* J) Q- D* D
     Randi as she removed her finger from Christie. Swabbing the
5 Y! J; N! j9 W( M+ v6 z     outside of the vulva she injected the little girl, causing; ?3 ^0 j; K' M  W% y
     her to cry out in pain. Then as the anesthetic took effect,3 }) Q' B4 c8 F+ o* Z
     Christie settled back and felt her  vagina getting numb. She
' Z$ g( F) ?1 W" R& D     shut her eyes and trembled as the Doctor bent over her,. ~+ N# [. ?6 A
     scalpel in hand. It was over in a few moments. The Doctor3 g% I3 y: h6 {# G
     made the incision and inserted the chip. She sewed the small' P* [; x9 m* m# m' v
     wound and Christie was up and standing with her sisters.
$ K, I" `8 b: r* y4 y; T     7 G9 j6 Z- ^- R0 q
     Caitlin was next. Harley lifted her as if she  was
2 a0 H6 b8 Y  O& `     weightless and the crying thirteen year old was positioned& I6 z1 @- w2 G* V
     on her back, Her feet in the stirrups in the blink of an
/ B* g% s- T8 Q" V5 _& W* x! z( C     eye. "Two down and two to go," The Governor cackled as she6 i  a9 U9 g; r* C0 t/ v
     looked over Dr. Brenner's shoulder at Caitlin's pink pussy
4 ^* R% Y+ r& d3 K     so temptingly displayed.
) j/ N! i5 y2 ~1 F. K# L) z     
6 e5 b2 [7 z7 g8 P6 C4 w  a     "Reach down and open yourself as wide as you can," The) `9 l+ ?0 ~4 o. X
     Doctor commanded. Caitlin's hands shook as she pulled" j$ H9 S& f7 j" U% l
     herself open. Doctor Brenner put a new pair of gloves on and0 `0 y% u. Q0 o4 A* X8 |
     bent over the thirteen year old's    snatch, peering inside.
1 t/ \/ c6 L% y) h0 X/ g: Y     
9 j8 u, [* m$ T. r7 W6 W     She pushed a finger up into Caitlin's pussy, moving it. S9 K4 ], a( q1 c, x
     around, examining the pink lips and Small clitoris.  
- ]. H- S7 n! m     Caitlin lay with her eyes closed, crying in front of the7 C' ^: l$ }9 H: d' e0 a
     watching adults.
- m" ^7 `4 }/ b5 Q! k. u( _     
3 b5 [6 I0 L) |: w+ J% m- D     The Doctor nodded as the small clitoris grew rigid under her
  _0 h( A- U: \0 N; A0 l6 r     finger. She examined Caitlin's intact hymen. "She's still a6 S: L7 J# n4 o3 N+ j
     virgin even though someone with long fingers bruised it a
. F& n/ {2 r( Q6 g     bit yesterday," She commented.9 ~/ ~3 O  ^" W% V  `
* Y! i% {+ E4 {2 Z( w) ~     The exam went on. The Doctor stuck a second finger inside: p% f7 n2 C# ^2 Z; Q
     and wiggled it around.  Satisfied with the exam she withdrew
2 j* B' S5 R- z) Q& u     both fingers and turned to the nurse. Randi had the syringe
' _7 Q" I$ i/ B& ^4 h. u' T% s     all ready and handed it to her boss. A swab or two with a
8 F2 I, M& l+ x4 N# S     cotton ball soaked in alcohol and the needle went in as# \8 J% A% d7 p4 l4 a# m; _
     Caitlin shrieked. Then as did her two sisters who had3 h( ?, Q& w2 N0 {+ L+ M, M
     proceeded her, she slumped back as the numbness spread.
) V5 j5 d) }2 B- Q6 I     Judge Robinson held her shoulders, His hands were rubbing
' s& S" t! \, ?) t     her small pink nipples as he watched the Doctor insert the+ _) Y: s2 y* {
     chip in her pussy. A few stitches and Caitlin was now wired
5 \  [5 i: V" x) D$ l. d     for pain.4 {! n6 H/ Y8 o
2 y1 _, ?$ c- O( S* x0 t- R# b      She was allowed to sit up and joined her sisters. The three* v0 _3 w/ b3 |' o7 ~  d0 v
     girls were sobbing as they contemplated their fate. Kelly
" a- V) ~$ J7 T9 C  s& L     was next. She was out and out bawling as Harley lifted her
7 f$ y0 I/ o/ K! L) n7 g3 ?     kicking and yelling onto the exam table.
# }6 U; U# B& W) D) r     . y0 g8 A, w! e* b
     Mrs. Connolly was stirring. Groggily she stood up as the
- S/ v! y/ L9 y/ B% N2 Q3 b     shot she had been given to knock her out wore off. The Three" s. d3 R+ p4 [6 \# b* E4 m+ O
     older girls went to her and supported her as she stood on1 \  h) M6 I5 b# O0 ^
     wobbly legs watching as Kelly was prepared.
4 q& S' a0 _4 n3 P; w     
0 ?3 K' A# M! D     "Tell her to quiet down," Dr. Brenner said looking at Mrs.
/ e. M0 v) ~) q( i8 N: \9 f3 m     Connolly. "I'll  knock her out if I have to just like I did
0 v+ L& ?3 z- T6 _! h3 Z     to you.", q: G' @# p- i, H$ D
     9 X6 Z9 v8 o: z8 q3 H# g5 l3 F
     Jean nodded. "Kelly, Calm down. It's going to be all right.
4 R0 Y% f- V$ W  D& C- Y" R     Let Doctor Brenner examine you," She pleaded with the6 b. @; }  o" Q
     screaming child.$ J" Z7 l1 x! q
0 o& C) s" w( S     "I don't want her looking inside my pussy. I'm tired of all& z  P- {0 V$ {3 ?, i
     these people sticking their fingers inside me," Kelly, c& A7 m' N* b7 x4 j
     screamed. "I don't want the chip in me either."
. H1 |, S0 i( E. {- f# d3 ~# T. N     
8 A' w0 P; n5 Q* v2 q/ q! Z& N     Governor Grant was getting mad. "I have to be in the valley6 p6 A' h( Q& s4 _2 {
     this evening for a speech. I haven't time for this," She5 a6 c' v8 ~# n- c3 }
     said to Captain Williams. "Spank her little ass. She needs4 U5 ?5 m% P6 S& w$ e8 V! n$ F- I  _
     to see what happens to little girls who don't listen."
0 X3 ^7 a: b( O% s/ P     . w" D: X2 i3 P5 l& }& `3 a/ [4 T
     The captain nodded. Reaching down he grabbed the little girl
' a0 [6 D) e* R4 I3 n     before she could move. He picked up the screaming child and
2 ]' h$ P: R! j7 n8 A     sat down, lifting Kelly and turned her over his knee. Her
: [$ b8 L7 `/ D% p8 L1 W0 ?     little round behind was a tempting target. His big meaty, R# G8 l+ X4 c! |1 t- b- l. @
     hand descended and covered both her cheeks as it smashed
( i4 c9 U5 E! R     into her soft flesh. This time Kelly had something to scream
! Z9 W3 g7 c# ?1 h     about as the Captain raised and lowered his palm, turning4 E% I1 C2 _. m, m# D$ D1 {+ V
     her ass beet red as she kicked and yelled in pain. Her back! B8 t6 D* K4 g& w
     arched as he kept up the torture. Thirty times he spanked! C. R' W7 }- \9 r' z4 s0 [
     the little girl. Her ass was flaming when he finally
% v. s( n1 I4 P8 ]- q     stopped. Kelly jumped around rubbing her sore throbbing
4 U5 l4 I. n, h; u( e     behind. 1 l, W( j5 C& c4 L$ L& ?
       H: |4 Z! F$ F4 w9 e
     "Now get up on that table, put your feet in those stirrups
4 G' P$ \% b7 k1 b; B     and let the Doctor examine your cunt," The Governor ordered
) L: |, o4 `4 M1 f" t     the sobbing nine year old.' p. N, Y  s- y# `6 u; A& d. w
     8 J  O" T# T7 p' n& L
     Kelly winced in pain as she lay on her back. Her ass was; i; L" A' I7 q0 c3 x, B
     killing her.  She put her feet into the stirrups exposing! {; b) M1 f( J/ |8 s: w& P4 Y  O
     her tiny pussy to the watching adults." y  X$ n7 T9 {, f9 N& f
6 _; Q( I' `% ~' `3 A2 v* S% {. n     "That's very good Kelly," the doctor complimented. "You* G$ D4 B* [9 j/ Q# y9 D. F4 c2 A
     could have avoided that spanking if you'd have done this+ P7 ?1 s0 y1 d  ~' p# v
     from the beginning. Now reach down and open your vagina up
) Z) ^6 |# E0 B% Q6 H% _" ~: t     for me so I can look inside."
+ z, D" s: G- ]; }6 b  q4 b5 J     
0 p/ t" a9 S: H) ^8 c+ S, \7 P     Kelly reluctantly did as she was told. She didn't want a
* ~: i" ?) o+ D3 j% S     repeat of the last spanking. Doctor Brenner adjusted her
! W: X. W  t3 l' H( q% \5 J1 ?& W     eyepiece and bent over the little pink twat. "Very pretty,"& @. E6 [4 c' C' t+ R
     She murmured  and pushed her gloved index finger inside. As
" n; J9 H) ?6 g+ [$ [     Kelly squirmed and moaned the Doctor probed inside her,# p1 V; V# B* I( k- L: T% D
     tickling her little clit and poking her tiny cunt lips.
- C8 F$ w; t4 i* @" N     
1 \4 ~5 @& T6 U! w* _( w0 a     Governor Grant looked over the Doctor's shoulders and nodded3 q$ F9 u3 n9 s5 n  ]4 k
     her approval. Randi prepared the syringe and as the Doctor# w- c0 y( F! g6 h, p" s: b! u
     shone the light inside the small orifice Randi got the last$ D! m/ z8 X1 E) s
     microchip ready to implant.* r: {1 Z' d' k  K
; I2 X& c7 E4 P. S! B1 j     Kelly lay still holding on to the sides of the examining
. n) T5 y9 |- }; O! V     table as the doctor completed her inspection. She was
2 P- s% u/ C4 w& c2 T     sobbing quietly. The Doctor finished her exam and removed$ _9 n, W/ I, ]9 g* B1 w% e
     her intrusive finger. Randi handed her the syringe. "You'll9 A9 D; ~. b! H% P. q4 d
     only feel a pin prick then you'll get numb," Doctor Brenner 6 g  d0 Z1 T/ l1 b  e6 M
     said to the crying little girl. "It'll all be over in one$ |3 C% N# B+ l) \
     minute and the numbness will wear off in about an hour."& T6 k' i8 u+ B
     . U2 z* D5 [! p% D8 Y( w
     Kelly nodded and held her breath as the needle pierced her
3 }, V9 O' @- f) M8 p6 W0 R     vaginal lip. The Doctor worked fast, inserting the tiny" e' C8 r% @8 s* H) s
     device and sewing up the small wound. Kelly hardly bled.
6 V9 X6 o3 G8 W2 B1 e     Randi helped her off the table and she was allowed to join
1 D8 d& ^5 X& B% a     her mother and sisters.
5 I9 c$ B  T5 [$ l* H2 Y       I( {* H$ a+ I' c
     "Give them an hour for the numbness to wear off and then you& }* s$ f5 u" p  \. q
     can let the boys have them." The Doctor said to Miss Thomas.
: }7 C9 L3 h" s/ A+ D% Y9 G     "The two youngest ones don't need Birth control yet and Mrs.5 I' D5 a* Z3 C* w$ X( }
     Connolly has her own. I'll give Caitlin and Jennifer some
7 I" Y1 b+ W) F! X. D, S. ?  }" T' j9 x     pills now." ! y0 B: m1 q" Z8 Y+ z
     ( c4 N" a1 V$ @
     Miss Thomas nodded. "We'll let them rest for an hour in0 F* C: X- p$ i! L
     their room. The boys can amuse us while we wait for the
5 p; }2 N' f+ V) k2 f     shots to wear off." ( @. L4 w  v, @1 [9 Q" _( x
5 u. k( p% \: i. F. I     The thoroughly demoralized Connolly family was led by The
# V/ \- C7 l4 ^) I  |     Chief and Harley back to the girls room and all five were
# ?. M6 @: I8 y. a! S. d8 K     locked in. The Chief rubbed Mrs. Connolly's tits as he
+ l/ r' Y, @' \0 O( D& b/ o     turned to go. "I'll want you to suck my cock later before we
! y! _4 W% C: T1 ^, i4 @     let the boy's have you." He grinned. "Tonight your pussy is
1 h4 s* l: N6 Z- M6 ?& m5 t     mine as well."3 n* F2 ^; H% e8 Q, R
     ! m7 E; z0 u! g
     Harley winked at Jennifer. "Your cunt will get a workout$ m  o: ~1 ~3 _( J  l
     from the boys today. Hopefully It'll stretch enough to take
3 q; S, M# a/ s9 ]     my cock later. It would be a shame if I ripped you apart' j! B2 w; G/ v5 z  o
     just when your career is getting started." He patted her on
6 ]$ P: J: \3 ^     the head and walked out behind the Chief. The five miserable
* ]  [: O- z+ W! ^. [% Q     Connolly's were left alone to await their fate when the5 ?1 j$ M5 d2 a7 K
     anesthetic wore off. Jennifer lay on her bed sobbing. "I'll
3 T5 x1 c8 c; ?- F' T" ]     kill that son of a bitch," She said as her mother sat down
7 b2 m( b8 K- x3 t+ C, u5 s% C     and hugged her.
( L2 _/ x4 O2 b* c5 K     , x+ }: z" X2 O- }) v
     "That's not going to happen," Mrs. Connolly said. "Harley is
/ D; Y; y7 a& t     too strong for you. You tried and he handled you like a
/ Z$ W$ B$ f& [7 g4 Q0 |4 G% a' [+ z     baby." She addressed her daughters. "We have to bide our
& i) G0 S. b" i3 y/ }3 J. [     time. The Governor is leaving later and we stand a better8 {' K# {0 [: V
     chance when there are less of them."
- F; I7 }' Y) h: O  j( H; }     : s) _0 n; D8 N5 f$ [
     "You want us to let them fuck us?" Jennifer asked in a2 Y) l6 n- m/ \& u
     shrill voice., o9 P9 E7 J0 Q1 d) U4 G4 Z6 e1 j  I
     7 W  b5 y2 t% c4 L* W6 V% _0 H  @
     Mrs. Connolly nodded. "We have no choice. These microchips4 Q4 D" `# ?- q
     are their ace in the hole." She looked down at her labia0 B) `& W, z1 ]
     where the little wound was. "With these inside us we haven't- g7 s) E; R: `, X
     a chance. Now I know how the boys felt." " u" W4 C8 b0 N! y, D, H9 Z
     * U* J! L8 p% I
     Harley and the chief met up with Mrs. Maikowski, Lori and9 _- ?; k! o4 e: j
     Naomi marching the seven nude boys back to the lunchroom.
) [! r# q( i5 A" f0 h& o" {       G- K  }1 q1 k. h9 Y8 z, U) K; P
     The Governor and Judge Robinson were sitting at one of the
1 ]% p% d* c$ O; N, N' D$ w" G     tables with Miss Thomas having a cup of coffee when the8 N$ P: n; Q. T% \5 U
     guards led the boys in. "You're just in time," Miss Thomas0 c& b/ c1 l: q6 k% C
     smiled. "The Governor wants to watch the boys doing each
+ n" m$ w5 I) Q% G$ n2 C5 p$ e     other before the big show."# z/ F# U+ q2 z1 J7 {% ~! b' ?" S
     ' Z2 |) X* L& C- g' R% B0 \+ _4 }8 B
     "You heard her," Lori said. Stand in front of their table
4 w% J/ A4 Q6 a8 m; b4 F" x' k; ]     and put your hands up on your heads so they can get a good
1 k. B$ U* M0 L2 L9 J# W     look at your cocks," She instructed. When the boys were in
# O) Q. A) a) [& @/ a7 Z1 v     position she asked. "What would you like them to do?"
  ^& U- ~0 Z! ^' W+ o0 l     
. P! ~- T1 A/ Q6 Q6 B4 D     The Governor reached out and took Kevin's limp prick in her
& D! N, `1 W  C% G7 U# y     hand. She examined it for a moment. "Whatever they do, they* w4 i; q, N( ?; Q7 z2 D1 P) A  n
     can't do it with their cocks like this. Make them get hard, R2 V7 b' x( O2 }" u/ W& u
     for me."% m3 [' N9 W( t: ~, U) B3 i
     0 z) O# O* J/ v5 }9 n7 C, j3 Q" i
     Miss Thomas stood up. "You heard Governor Grant. Get those
1 }5 O1 I0 i8 a     limp dicks hard right now or else," She threatened.6 `7 C# L% l: a. T' V# ^# n
     4 V. S( @2 y! E! F% U5 o/ h0 @3 ?
     Harley and the Chief sat down to watch. They were joined by" x+ Q* W6 H9 v( q. ~8 C
     Annie Mandel and  Miss Maikowski& V1 _/ j: H6 \' x; @
' i+ c* U- w2 F* O1 ?     The boys were tired from moving furniture. They had created
0 {3 G. r2 }. \; S     two more dorm rooms. Knowing the punishment for disobeying0 M+ p- u+ m* H' z- L: @6 S
     each boy took his own prick in his hand and started stroking1 Q: ]5 L2 L' p
     . Soon their young cocks were responding. The governor) O6 A) N# B/ G* i* H. R
     nodded her approval as the seven naked boys stood in front8 ^, x- a7 R  U
     of her masturbating themselves. "Play with your balls too,"
/ q1 \8 W' J" L4 Z# @0 @2 G     she giggled as the shame faced boys played with themselves.$ A7 I: C6 t% c
% Z+ |6 K8 W4 Y     All seven boys now had raging hard-ons. The governor was5 P5 Q' l8 {5 _! {" s1 m0 T
     delighted. "You three," She said pointing to Josh, Ricky and' A: v/ I" ~5 G1 j/ S
     Christopher. "On your knees. I'd like to see a good old" H, z5 {6 h& I7 C! y
     fashioned blow job contest. We'll time you. The boy who cums* m2 f; x( b, ?7 L3 z6 d
     in the shortest amount of time gets ass fucked  when the+ Y5 @* z3 F6 H0 m8 V: v
     girls join us. There's only five of them and seven of you."/ I' V* P; n. V8 B$ v
7 @+ z. \/ @# m# ~" j- y     Lori positioned Kevin in front of Ricky, Michael in front of
$ [: L( i$ E4 i) M5 ?0 b     Christopher and Andy in front of Josh. The boys knew what
  h+ U" d  F1 s     they had to do. Ricky took Kevin's hard-on in his hand. He6 ^( p$ k! E: g+ g; x
     held the auburn haired boy's balls and opened his lips
* h) r( _) u5 G& U7 d, F! X     around the large cock. He took it into his mouth running his
1 s" n. A( \+ Y; Q: a7 t     tongue around the cock head as it pushed past his teeth.
* d3 n& a( u& z4 ^5 B9 k+ d2 d     Christopher struggled to get Michael's massive cock into his  O7 t. F3 J5 {3 j6 k) P& }
     small mouth.. He grazed the sensitive head with his teeth
& q9 \: g$ K! w. H% {$ u% |9 `% ?     causing Michael to cry out. Michael smacked the back of( D2 m" z& G$ x3 a  s9 o
     Chris's head and said, "Watch it stupid. She said suck it,
$ C9 c. O4 k8 }5 Y) j* S     not bite it off." Chris started crying and opened his mouth
$ u# A* z/ C( I: Q! Q     wider taking half the length inside. He played with
% W' @# m! Z1 e& q) C& Z     Michael's large balls as he did so.
5 F0 @# A+ X4 V) u# D- x" |' Z     ' W6 o- X( i9 e) M4 p+ e7 o$ A
     Josh had the easiest time. Kneeling in front of Andy he took* h; P6 Z2 R2 c
     the smaller boy's cock in his left hand and opened his lips
7 ~7 g+ g  Y4 |! n# j$ Y     around it, Easily taking it inside his mouth. "Miss Paulson# ]% U& {$ `" {! P+ E. a- U
     watched. "Play with his balls," she instructed.
8 ^/ W, `  y) Q     0 L) e$ v" X9 \' D5 F% t, w- ?0 @
     Jerry stood by himself, odd man out. The governor pulled him
8 L" [; F5 u* I, P' F* T7 ]6 b     over and fondled his uncut cock as she watched the other5 p3 C# S2 m6 }2 w) H
     boys sucking their partner's dicks. She expertly peeled back
( U8 F& O4 X2 q: Z. W     Jerry's foreskin and examined his cock head, Running her
. l/ j* Q! m$ k3 V8 A# h# L     finger around the pee hole.$ l5 K9 p+ D! q
     ( s* j$ O- F% {1 c4 d) f( r- n
     Jerry shivered as Governor Grant bounced his balls in her
# D9 v3 N: {1 ^' S+ _     other hand. The old lady knew how to give a hand job from
# ^5 g1 {2 h; ^# k/ k0 ~     all the years she had spent climbing the political ladder.* Q; W1 |/ q& d4 {7 u1 M
     She pulled his large cock and bounced and kneaded his balls
" F1 u5 x' @2 R4 w! E5 u     as he stood naked with his hands on his head in front of
- p6 w: g4 v+ Q: ~! X& k) }9 F( v     her.
% `0 Z7 r' f" D; [* U. z" q     1 _( L7 V4 c: D1 x9 U& F
     Michael was holding Chris's head steady as he pushed in and$ X# v9 y$ i0 i0 U2 q- y
     out of the little boy's mouth. His head was thrown back and7 w) X9 l: W" W  }. G
     he was gasping as he neared his climax. Christopher kneaded
% }1 ?6 S9 ^' H! r     and played with Michael's large testicles with one hand
4 ^7 g- N" S9 u  l" s  G- d     while holding the older boy's large cock in the other as he) {8 e; t6 h* q6 O) Z8 Q7 {
     sucked and licked it. Harley knelt, watching the youngster
1 `8 E" r- E/ d% Y: s1 Q     as he worked on the large uncut cock.
& J1 c8 t' z& W: G- W+ s( P$ n  y/ [     ( y% L! L# `/ }( _
     Next to him Kevin was in the final throes as well. His ass$ a7 `! {$ q" \5 a
     was moving in and out as he fucked Ricky's small tight; z4 H4 i2 Y2 a: w; N
     mouth. Ricky held the other boy's balls in his hand,
& _! o9 s) X- n4 X     kneading and pulling on them. Judge Robinson knelt alongside
2 I  u. k. f# S% Y. i+ v     them, watching with his watch in his hand, Timing Kevin. The2 e! q8 Y8 x9 O: y$ t, v
     boy who came the fastest would lose out on the chance for4 L, x, b# i* n8 U3 a
     Connolly pussy. Even worse he would be getting ass fucked9 c5 }7 b# y; t* y
     while his friends enjoyed being the first boys to do the: O3 Z2 V6 r, l, M% ], y! p$ \
     three virgin Connolly kids and Jennifer's barely fucked% p9 w  t! B1 e7 S* Q; w; z7 n' |
     pussy. Kevin was trying to hold out but was losing his
* o+ F* |1 x8 n5 c9 I4 f     battle.- i) _+ V8 b8 E  s: U' S
2 E7 `- U" O' H( }: d  Q     Josh expertly sucked Andy's small cock. He reached around
1 m7 ]( ?/ l! R     the young boy and was fingering Andy's asshole while he
: j4 B/ C1 t9 F! x     licked and sucked him. The combination was driving the
  O# J. t$ B2 i0 f" m$ s     younger boy up the wall. He was gasping and moaning as the2 Q0 s0 q$ s4 K' @4 d/ M4 h' C3 B
     twin assaults brought him closer and closer. Captain
3 s, G: H: ^& Y$ W     Williams monitored them closely. There was a lot at stake.
  |1 O9 F; @5 C. A: q, [     
3 P4 ?8 O0 K7 g: r     Governor grant was poking Jerry's asshole as she continued
' X" i; S% V" [3 W7 d     pulling and stroking his throbbing cock. Miss Thomas watched  ^! b8 P* |8 b
     the old lady as she brought Jerry to the brink of his own
3 p- e! C* |. c8 M! }     climax. Like the other staff members she had a watch and was
/ l& q6 Q1 P/ I7 w2 h: x0 b; _+ |     timing Jerry. 7 J! E$ P9 k3 k/ W1 x9 K! W6 Z  O
     ) C9 A+ Y( G: S" L) i
     Michael was the first. Despite trying to keep his mid off; K7 e: _( \0 C3 @& B
     his cock, Christopher's little mouth and hands were too
# [! U+ k7 @3 l! H* @9 Y5 h     much. Michael arched his back and gasped as he shot a load
$ i) h. {; S% r0 o% [# u     of cum inside Chris's mouth. The little boy gulped and( M" A; Y) f) v. k. C5 [
     swallowed as fast as he could but a dribble of cum ran down; S8 T; |# K! O6 [
     his chin. Harley clicked his stop watch. "Three Minutes
  K# d, Y& K1 h4 P     twelve seconds," He yelled.. F% u( |* d# H" R7 r& o9 p# [! }
% f3 l. `7 A- {( N     Kevin was next. Michael had just finished when Kevin arched4 _+ Y+ ]$ c* j
     his back and stiffened. He let out a moan as he pumped his
( q7 y8 T. g! j( i     cum inside Ricky's greedy mouth. The Judge clicked his watch
) ], Q9 T; I) g: C9 ^  H* Z     and announced "Three minutes, nineteen seconds."
; v& K0 j, m9 {% S& G4 _" J9 R     
$ t' g* i: U7 {/ G- g/ A: c     Andy breathed a sigh of relief. He had held out the longest/ K- L1 K' l7 F, T4 |2 f
     and would get one of the sisters. He hoped it would be$ |5 [. s- a! c% K9 A' n- F
     Christie. His cock would fit into her pussy so nicely. When5 [1 H% }. w  S3 l& u3 q6 F) S
     the boys had been allowed to examine the girls last night,
4 D9 P0 T) ]0 Y/ @/ B2 z! C     He'd spent most of his time gazing at her cute little cunt1 j0 s1 }+ O# r6 m# c, g4 M0 G& f
     before moving on to check out the others. The thought of the
" z0 Y$ F6 M# ?4 ?2 E     little girl spread out before him excited him even more than. t8 v  ]( b: w$ R0 v; f
     Josh's tongue licking his sensitive cock head. Andy1 k* l. o3 e9 z! F
     stiffened and croaked, "Oh God I'm cumming," as he dry came
& q/ ]% h9 {3 [8 @8 [3 z* n     inside Josh's mouth.+ L, ^  W0 }. p- w% r0 u5 j
- W; h$ x1 \( D     Jerry didn't have the luxury of a blow job but Governor
8 S0 v) v/ t# y9 u; t7 `     Grant's skilled hands coaxed his cock into shooting only a) f6 {1 j9 J1 q1 Q* F/ ?7 ^7 e3 {
     few seconds later. He'd made the cut and would also get one( R7 o0 W- ]! s4 z; x( G( d8 F
     of the girls as his prize.# I& A+ C# Q6 c7 j3 n
     4 C0 H% b4 m# S! v
     The boys now had to switch places. Michael was really upset.
, R" D4 R1 {* W7 N! I( I* y     If one of the other boys didn't cum in less than three
1 |3 j  ~) X  q: ?: S. b     minutes and twelve seconds he, Michael would have to be ass
6 }$ b# i2 N6 z' o2 x3 }: L; |7 {; J) v     fucked while his friends were doing the Connolly girls. Even/ M. ~2 ^8 g( t9 V" v3 ~4 S
     if one of them came faster he'd only get to fuck that one in
& n1 ^7 x# y* z4 Z) _5 \     the ass. He needed two boys to shoot faster in order to get
# b3 l! C- r$ }* G) B: T8 t     one of the girls. "Fat chance," he thought angrily as he" N$ o2 u' a3 W/ N
     knelt in front of Christopher.
8 @- I9 V) j1 J, N3 \: G  A     - v0 `. k( |5 l- @  z* d9 G
     Governor grant selected Josh as the next boy for her to
% r9 f/ I! m. y* \$ b8 ]5 Y8 ]( m     explore and Jerry was made to kneel in front of Ricky.
- A( n* V" ]! K& {: }     * K. V* M' z1 y+ {: t
     Miss Thomas handed Andy a towel and he was put to work3 K; \  j7 f5 @( h+ Z: g3 v0 x0 w
     cleaning Jerry's cum off the floor as the second round of
% H$ a+ u% D) A" _3 h# ?- Y     the contest got under way.
6 H# Y: Q9 c, X/ z5 s2 l2 N! e     / o) `1 ~; Y) {( }, Z
     Michael vowed to give Christopher's little cock the best
* t: o$ h& O: i2 t! v% F     blow job it would ever have. If he could make the little boy2 S7 l9 l% m9 B
     cum faster at least his ass would be spared. He pushed the
" K! a; c7 _: y& G- \. O$ M9 h     index finger of his left hand inside the boy's asshole while
7 h- b8 g1 A0 N, m& h     lifting the little cock and gently licking the head. He
% s$ u8 |4 |: a4 Z  p* N  S     flicked his tongue around Chris's pee hole and played with5 ?* i4 ?9 J. o/ Y1 g+ Y  Z0 K- V
     the tiny ball sack. Christopher shivered as Michael licked" c0 t' }9 h5 ~4 v" p
     and probed. His ass was moving in and out. + b% E- V. s! _+ f# ~% m+ s2 {
7 |8 b) I! P7 Q3 {     Judge Robinson knelt and watched. He felt proud. This little
0 u" d& @* ~" M     naked boy was the same one he had sent up here to start the  e7 r2 Z& i1 Y$ `( A7 E1 @2 ]
     school off. Now he was being sucked in front of the Governor
% J( M+ |# {3 G2 O     of the entire state.0 Z/ D5 e5 n, J( J) s: g
! k$ l+ a2 d3 L) I2 ?1 c) R! T2 b     The Governor had only one eye on the two boys being sucked.. |) J5 J' u+ q7 O, F
     She was busy exploring and pulling every inch of Josh's long
& X. m6 B3 C5 `( ~% B     slim cock. She pushed back his foreskin and ran her fingers5 F  ~* j- p# w# l" |4 [) }# |
     around the velvet cock head. Josh was gasping as the old
) w1 z  q  l6 w# t     woman held his balls in her hand and examined them. Her
8 g" A" Z& i7 a, [     fingers were everywhere, They pushed inside his asshole1 `2 ^; y1 L! F/ |' o5 p
     while playing with his cock. She switched hands frequently.1 f* V: m2 P, m4 U6 K& d* C) K
     Josh was breathing heavily. His eyes were closed as his cock
; J" y6 F6 t9 `" ?) ?     throbbed and his ass moved.  S) D# z: A! _5 D1 Q8 z
+ _3 u) {1 C8 _/ g7 U& D. l4 s: \     Jerry was pulling on Ricky's small cock with his lips.
# q0 s: d! L$ {7 q' [8 o     Harley and the Captain knelt on each side of the two boys
( U' t$ w, T, u     and watched. "Play with his balls," Harley instructed. Jerry; S% D* ?0 l  Z$ V
     cupped the little boy's nuts and gently squeezed as the two
4 @" ?# H, q0 J, r' J5 d6 M     men watched and timed them.
) l1 m, v  ^: |' w8 {& ^     
9 \# {) v( w" p4 J- e) `4 [# q# e     Jerry was doing his best. As the last of the boys to be
3 u& U6 f1 q$ L8 I  Z. e) a% R& {  Q     initiated, he had caught on fast. He reached around Ricky's8 [9 }+ z9 Z* J" O/ ^5 Z) p
     body and plunged his index finger into the smaller boy's
- m0 Y6 f  |1 }2 H' I     ass. He sucked and reamed and Ricky responded by closing his
! e  k4 o: h( B% a+ m5 Z+ r8 E$ O0 e     eyes and moaning.: X/ J) R. P/ y( E+ _
, ?, S6 E2 a! M% M     Michael was good at what he did. Christopher had his head5 ^+ Q: I* e- g8 n, p3 d
     thrown back and was gasping as the Mexican boy popped the
- b4 X. u2 v' H# i" D0 Z/ e     little cock in and out, alternately licking Chris's small
2 f4 ^9 `+ d4 |6 j     nut sack and cock head.% H8 e8 U: h9 W. ?0 T7 T* u
+ K8 ^" J# F4 [1 l     Governor Grant stroked Josh's large cock and ran her fingers' E6 k4 k! g! K7 N/ C& M$ `
     around the rim of his foreskin. he shivered as she played
2 z5 v9 O4 z& _9 r     with his sensitive velvet cock head and balls. It would be a# ]! ^" b2 {8 k  H5 h& J9 ?
     close contest.
3 W! W% r& g! g- ?- s: T, e     + G- O2 _$ W, w6 V! t: W2 \
     Andy watched from the sidelines. He had just cum but already0 o' s4 Q* f/ s* c
     his little dick was getting hard again. Mrs. Maikowski
+ f# Q9 o# A8 A# a- K. l. k* x  G     pointed to his little cock. "They just keep getting hard no2 b2 E# n+ R+ [/ h, D! q7 K
     matter how many times they cum," she said to Annie.
1 x, K. j& Y) q  D* m     8 M8 Y, {4 v; v: g# _  m
     The old cook nodded. "Good thing too. It'd be a shame to) V7 A: r* S* v1 F; F' k
     waste a good hard one on themselves," She cackled. 4 p* e/ q$ ]+ v( P/ I3 r4 W
" u' Z+ t* p& N4 c9 G) Y0 f8 g     The Governor was skillfully masturbating Josh. He was as
  l; f6 l8 _1 v7 o5 Q' q6 X3 L     aroused as he'd ever been as the gnarled hands stroked up0 X7 \" u/ |% F! d. H
     and down the length of his long slim pecker.
3 T0 B% ~8 C$ g$ q, T9 r) F     + \# |& k; r  {# Z: z9 [, n; ]
     Ricky came first. He tried to hide it by pretending to still
& D9 t8 m1 E7 _* _     be aroused but Jerry could feel his cock shrinking. Ricky's
. O9 b1 F) x5 w& A* j     gasp as he came gave him away to Harley. A sharp slap on the2 L% n' \+ K: t
     ass by the burly deputy soon had him crying as his cock4 v% B! K* ]9 c* p$ d, ?
     popped out of jerry's mouth. The little blonde boy stood
! _7 }/ i9 \! V! Q$ n; S, U     rubbing his ass, His shrunken cock on display for all to
2 E9 z4 t. ^! l- N/ ^2 Q" y     see. "Three minutes thirty one seconds," Harley announced.
) |: G& ?6 o0 D) d1 ^& f/ h     "Relax kid. You beat Jerry and Michael. You'll get your  Z2 @. `9 a/ K5 d' \
     piece of pussy," He grinned.
, @) C# t: x0 o     
+ ]5 t# `3 W- l     Hearing that, Christopher settled down and enjoyed himself
( N' f: s: x1 j2 n. |, f     as Michael sucked the little cock into his mouth. Michael
1 H- M5 j& ]- r: p- a     had given up and was going through the motions but the
5 i& T+ ?5 M" G$ ^, e     little boy pumped in and out and Michael had to keep sucking 3 r( Z+ J: I# |
     under the watchful eye of the Judge and Miss Paulson who had
0 {$ C6 _2 V& S  _2 S     joined him.+ u0 X; z# k( }" b3 L7 f: o
  Y# X9 D( Z! C& b3 g     It took ten seconds and then Christopher stiffened and rose0 c  T7 ^$ x; T) \
     up on tiptoes. "I'm cumming," he announced.
# u+ G# r% u3 _7 @% m( E     / u5 \( F, B$ x& i
     The two little boys stood with their sides heaving from  O) B' Y5 o' U; J/ G- o$ b
     exertion and watched the Governor finish off Josh. - D5 B6 p  ?7 D' k5 x" x8 }$ G: O
     , D: w. {) W" m5 S
      Josh moaned and shot a load onto the floor as Governor0 Q, d! K8 x  m* O- z
     Grant aimed his slim dick away from her dress at the last" J" {: L5 Q5 S. h' w2 A6 W$ Z
     moment.. "Clean it up and lick his cum off his cock head,"
) G$ V! f. e5 N  R     Miss Thomas told Andy.
2 H( ^8 ?4 \- [% B     
9 E# n  X9 P# J, w# x     Andy got down on his knees and wiped the cum from the floor3 a. t6 z+ s; b8 T* y: x, [
     with a paper towel, then blushing he took Josh's sticky cock1 T7 J. h2 _6 @' Z( w  Z
     in his hand and put it into his mouth to clean it off.
6 |6 p3 `& C% ^" m! i" U8 k     
# j: {8 G- }9 I* q1 {7 S# e# F     "I think its time to get the girls," Governor Grant said
0 m" e! h) W/ ?( g, O     looking at her watch." The boys will be hard again in a few# e& m8 J/ \2 K. x: \2 B
     more minutes and I'm pressed for time." ) ?+ r( ^' L8 L" e) z" d
: o# i# {4 s  v! ^     Chief Crane and Harley volunteered and left the group. They" S7 F8 y# \) }
     walked down the hall to the girl's room. "I need a blow
, V& ~4 j2 Z( r. k     job," The Chief said. "I'm about ready to cum in my pants."
' n0 I( a# _1 y2 z: F$ O8 y0 q$ _     Harley nodded. "Mrs. Connolly can finish both of us in no
+ q- |' o  Q) T# o1 K6 V     time," He laughed.
! H; o3 j; X! E' R0 e8 r/ a- d     
  T; {! Z% T* V1 n     "I want to fuck her but there's no time," The Chief said,
) J% v: @$ e# o: j     "So I guess we'll have to settle for a blow job now. Tonight
& {2 I8 N9 u+ J9 X     when the governor and her party are gone I'm gonna ream that
8 ~7 z6 W6 z7 V/ {) Y     bitch good and maybe her daughters too."# O$ k" V: X: E* `/ ]* F
     * _7 g  ]& b# K# W
     The two men unlocked the door. Mrs. Connolly and her! w9 Q' t) s) w0 v
     daughters heard the key in the lock and had retreated to the6 U* e+ }! x; j* y  L* `: R7 \
     back of the room. The girls held on to each other. "It's
" E, ~; J8 U* O3 n& T1 r     show time ladies," Harley announced. "Its time to pop a few; g0 C' @) b2 g; z) _# `5 r, Y
     cherries. The sobbing, naked family members were made to
% n+ Z( S! ^# Q% n' H  S     line up with their hands above their heads. The men with
% u) [% f$ ^9 K' w     their hard-ons pushing out the front of their trousers them
! F. K5 |/ c, F: _! g. L     up and down. Harley unzipped his pants and pulled out his: p& S( ?3 N) M# X
     tremendous cock. The chief was right behind. Jennifer,: [9 b- P/ F: b. J( C" e$ B2 |
     Caitlin and Mrs. Connolly had already seen those two4 a: J- O( X' M- `# n* N( v7 S
     monstrous tools but Kelly and Christie stared wide eyed.7 M  {6 W' A: K6 J9 K" C
5 u# w+ t! Q% \6 f- a     Chief Crane laughed. "Never seen any this size huh? Get used$ E& |* Z) L( N$ N1 f/ B
     to it. I'm gonna teach all of you to suck on it. You're3 p" _$ R# R+ Q, B0 f9 y
     first," He said pointing to Mrs. Connolly. "Show your kids
1 {# p- U8 Q3 ^$ l. u( f; P7 y: f! ?     how to suck a man size cock.. Get on your knees."- z0 K/ y8 X. V( B2 S- q, }; @; x
     $ [6 Q, K7 `& V) Y9 a; L9 W$ I
     Harley watched as Mrs. Connolly knelt. "Get over here and9 c) X6 l0 e0 S: S* W
     play with my cock," he ordered the other girls. Jennifer and
' B1 G; k1 Z, i6 e3 e     Caitlin faced him and Harley pulled his pants all the way
( d  c, ^4 W' u6 l' r0 R     down exposing his hairy balls as well. "You can play with my/ d  j* N; d5 o% w
     balls," He ordered Caitlin. Your sister can suck on my Prick
" D; n7 D! ^  q* y, g" [. s     while you do."9 S, h) u' X% N7 R: c
' p) o6 z; o/ j+ ?- E6 y3 ]5 w/ C3 N     Christie and Kelly were made to watch as Jean took the6 P8 e9 A, O4 F& H# A
     Chief's cock in her mouth. Caitlin knelt alongside Jennifer
9 Y9 |8 H6 K7 O/ i1 M     and reached out a trembling hand She cupped Harley's balls,% U$ A* t' H$ k! C
     examining and bouncing them as Jennifer leaned over with her
5 R- X: U5 `1 ?" p4 H, V     mouth wide open and sucked in the tip of his massive cock.+ A7 ?3 t8 l/ Z2 F! T( {- h, g6 k
     $ l. }" _$ u7 Y6 E9 ~" I
     The room was quiet except for the slurping sounds as both
- r+ u1 s/ J- i# b  j     men pushed further inside the women's mouths. Caitlin was2 E& _. u" _$ c( T5 N$ f5 q8 G
     sobbing as she played with Harley's balls and Christie and
# C  u: E. c* f3 |* k" @4 ~     Kelly were bawling as they watched their mother and two
1 S. C3 X9 u% o     older sisters being humiliated. + Y% l9 g" c! Y  E8 D$ u' h% f0 a, ?
; C; c$ m4 s% ^2 z" H& K$ X, y     That humiliation didn't last long. Both men were excited
" a. m% P7 m; Q( i6 B  G     from watching the action all morning. The Chief came first.0 `1 r1 Y0 \( X
     He was moving his ass in and out as Mrs. Connolly swallowed  L, c" Q  q  f' P# C. X; X) Z
     the entire length of his thick cock. Suddenly he stiffened
3 N( x, }: J7 C2 L8 J' ^     and holding her head steady, Moaned as he shot a load of his. b7 e; B  m- \" j( Q. f
     cum down her throat. Jean gagged as the sticky fluid hit the
) n' [) I. y$ O& u. F# N! k     back of her mouth, then she swallowed. A trickle ran down
0 O$ B" J$ P3 }8 P& \3 @     her chin. The chief pulled out and watched as Harley pumped
5 a. P) K- f: a     in and out , forcing his cock deeper and deeper inside
+ {$ I& J: ~& `8 m0 R     Jennifer's pretty mouth. Harley managed to croak," Oh my
( O7 w" w8 [) F: s) l! p' |! g     god,"  As he rose up and arched his back. He pumped spurt
4 W* Z$ X" G& _( N+ Q# a9 x     after spurt of his cum down Jennifer's throat.1 v+ g- }) Q8 W; w
     ( S( K5 x2 _7 ?- A% g1 |4 s
     "Help your sister lick my cock off," he whispered hoarsely5 ]9 ~4 f6 z! _1 K% L
     to Caitlin. The two sisters, Bawling uncontrollably,  licked, b: a/ e/ P' M" \
     his huge cock clean as their family watched.! z; @  s. j5 f7 X1 b) y& B
/ D1 o* ~+ Q2 o/ K     Satisfied temporarily, the men zippered up and marched their7 q2 ]+ ^9 \0 j$ t4 g5 N; W3 B
     naked prisoners back to the lunchroom.
9 G' A6 a, z" O* {     ) c, q6 ~- v6 J- f$ V* x6 y
     The Governor had all seven boys bent over and was kneeling' e9 {! F/ [3 d5 D- S, f
     behind them examining their assholes when Harley and the0 @2 H/ L2 M, D2 B2 d
     chief marched the women in. The Doctor and Nurse Randi had3 \3 _6 v1 v" C
     joined the group for the show.- j# h) f0 {. ], B
     6 w) V6 g$ e5 O+ s
     "It's about time," The Governor said pulling her finger out
. ?1 Q( {1 L/ t) U0 V; P; A7 y     of Kevin's asshole. She stood up. "Get up on those tables6 x7 |& h& g9 {7 l! i
     and pull your legs apart," She ordered Jean and her$ ^) O* j5 x. v0 i7 u- M# q; |1 l
     daughters. Show the boys the stitches on your pretty little
, T/ l% {* d0 Z/ C0 p/ M     labia's."
1 r# m, o* d" I4 r! K* N' `2 ~% _     ; v! g/ A6 \8 ?9 S
     Jean was sobbing as she climbed up on the first table. Kelly
1 ^. l* p8 f( K* K+ e4 F- e( b     lay down next to her. Christie and Caitlin lay on the table
3 G# ~9 X+ `" z4 h6 g' F% ^* D     next to theirs and Jennifer climbed onto the third table./ q/ {% M5 w3 O6 b- V1 }
     All the girls were red faced with embarrassment as they$ p+ Q# f6 i+ m% L# B$ E
     pulled their legs wide open exposing their pussies once" g7 F" T8 u+ c. M- z  }5 X" ^- C
! {, k" M5 T1 B2 F     
2 u. @6 `% E, W     The seven boys were permitted to straighten up and were3 S# U6 F. d/ ~( Q: S: _
     allowed to examine the five twats laid out so prettily in5 V4 |# Q5 R) X1 ~6 ]) \
     front of them. The adults looked over their shoulders. "You
9 s  {) ]- ?4 J( H     can touch them," Miss Thomas said. "Get those pussies juicy
8 ~. N3 G7 I2 [( z9 R* R     so your cocks slide in easily."9 P- k; d- I5 e, Q  a
, X* D2 A% x& t: M/ n     The boys didn't have to be told twice. They'd seen these( ?8 B1 p! x& }* t- _+ s
     five cunts up close before. They'd even fingered and
+ Z! P/ F4 ~# p/ P* G     explored the girls last night. They wanted more. Their cocks
! z% x) p8 [1 }     were jutting out proudly. All seven boys had hard-ons7 x8 F9 `8 S+ E, ^6 R
     despite just having  cum a few moments before. The sight of
1 K2 u! u( x3 w6 K7 q* @  q! H     the five naked women , Their knees in the air and legs wide9 M- c: q1 Y6 c
     apart was too much. Michael shoved a finger inside Jennifer.
$ i" w6 M% q# p# s/ a$ t# M  \; b     She gasped as he pushed it up to the hilt in her pussy. All# E7 r! i& B& J, b: Y% [
     five pussies were different. Mrs. Connolly had  large7 M5 X& U# ?  n+ P
     wrinkled labia's. Jennifer's lips were puffy and pink but1 h! f5 U& F* M3 Q3 G6 z
     she was only fifteen and even shaven her cunt still was
0 t8 t6 R! ]; a  K     little girlish.  Her clit was large and well developed
/ z( v5 E( r/ P' w- K9 `( l8 H     however. Caitlin at thirteen had smaller labs and a smaller
9 `! M4 C& o8 z; r     clit but her cunt still looked more mature than Christie's( J. D6 ~: H& U, o, R2 I
     small pink gash and tiny clit. Kelly had the smallest twat.
4 {! C- d% [# `0 L* t     Doctor Brenner was worried as she looked at the nine year
% c4 m1 w, F; f1 ?' {, D     old spread out on the table. "Christopher has the smallest
1 A4 z# x' m2 K. o1 C5 z. J9 p     dick. He needs to be the one to fuck Kelly. Any larger and
0 f& m5 g; w! G0 K/ C     she'll tear," She whispered to Miss Thomas. ) h0 z  Z9 Q2 W; W# ]
     " C( L9 B  u/ U+ l/ S4 U
     The guard nodded. "Andy can have Christie. Caitlin should be( a0 a- ~8 Y9 ?5 q
     able to Take Ricky's little cock easily and Jennifer will do6 L+ B- |' d% O3 u7 A& f
     nicely for Kevin. Josh will have the honor of being the
: h$ g2 k, o$ d1 j, l- s     first boy to have Jean. Michael will of course get fucked in* r6 Q& F4 Q! q9 X) N
     his ass by Jerry," She grinned.  "I almost feel sorry for
+ C' h2 o2 _( T; i     Them. Maybe if they put on a good show I'll let those two7 S/ @$ n; T# X# c6 Q
     have Jean later. They can do a sandwich. One in her ass and
9 D) \$ T/ ]2 |     one in her pussy."
4 e4 `& m" O& J% f4 ?     
: i( A+ _; Z0 O" f6 b; V     The adults watched as each boy fingered and explored the
% K% O! ^; z# T) `* U! W$ _     five  naked pussies. This went on for ten minutes. The girls
  F7 _) ]- G* b- V4 [" ?     were all well lubricated. They were stretched and ready.
0 W7 f* M: O, {" j8 A     
0 M* i; K( J* T' \6 O8 W  p     Governor Grant looked at her watch. "That's enough ' k% r& }- \  \& X# k" i
     foreplay. I have to leave soon. Have the boys lay on the
6 q' W: k) o7 W4 m0 D, F3 b# G     table," She said to The guards. "The girls can squat over
5 K" K; f$ C4 \7 G+ e, T4 ]$ y     them and lower their cunts onto the boys cocks. We'll help2 l' R* b8 q# T, d  f! ]
     put them in."
) n* ^5 [& ?0 ^, E; u$ I/ }; q     
' q- Y8 `) m/ N% O# `     Mrs. Connolly and her daughters were helped down and the six
; t; b. O: ^# D     boys were positioned on the three tables, Their  stiff cocks
7 T2 e' o" F) d. N0 R     jutting up into the air. Michael was the first up on the$ ~8 Z: ^. o4 \$ i& @
     table, He straddled Jerry, facing Jerry's head. Mrs.# Q9 {  `3 n- N$ N- m; T1 d
     Maikowski held Jerry's large cock straight up, pulling back- G  P+ T3 T, D4 q; Y6 C- ~
     on his foreskin as a very red faced Michael lowered himself
" Q/ N4 {2 S0 m- p) x- U     onto the rigid pole. It went easily into Michael's large: U& \1 S8 `- _/ z  z$ @" R& _  s
     brown asshole. Ann Mandel watched as Jerry's prick slid in.1 T5 g' E, l7 t# i6 S) r: D, {7 I
     "Let the fun begin," She cackled.& E# N$ Q$ |6 v; i' j
9 w  P8 Y. ^7 ~7 d$ C3 D  u     Now it was Jennifer's turn. She was forced to straddle' l& j1 O+ O. O- y
     Kevin. Her knees were shaking as Harley held her arms and
5 d! E& y1 j$ }$ {     forced her down. Naomi Tancredi  held the boy's large cock0 k9 C5 r( U1 E9 b
     straight up. Jennifer pulled her pussy lips as wide as she/ ~  t. N( \$ }7 C- a) ~
     could and they enfolded Kevin's stiff cock, "Ahh that  |. W6 E; L1 U( j9 {
     hurts," she  cried as  his dick slid in. The Governor/ K4 N& n: K/ p7 ~
     watched  with an evil grin on her face. "Start bouncing on+ o- l( Q: D# H5 A2 \1 H
     that pole, you little bitch and shut up," She ordered. "One( z; I& K2 T% b% U( i
     more peep and I'll have Captain Williams take his belt to
1 h2 S- @% L- @( c  r) u+ r( N     you."
! `* E' ]3 W. \/ K2 S% ^     
( a% r0 R* u9 w) ^2 |1 s' O     Kelly was bawling as Judge Robinson lifted her on the table./ k! F, I; C( \( c8 }/ u, o
     Captain Williams easily lifted Christie up. The two little
! r/ d3 `" ]! l9 I$ F- _% T- S( T     girls were made to straddle the Micelli brothers as the
+ z( r) D( `0 f" M     adults watched. Doctor Brenner looked on with a worried& F5 V2 ?/ e3 d8 o6 ?2 j
     expression. The two girls had small pussies. The doctor knew2 ?  o* C; U: _. L# U
     they could easily tear if too big a dick was pushed up) `6 ]  h6 X  p( I: A
     inside them. Christie was the first. She imitated Jennifer# L) R: k( p2 B, j" `2 D: e
     and opened her cunt with her hands. Her small labia enfolded
& ]' |* U. }' N, l     Andy's stiff little cock. She hesitated as his dick pushed. ~  M5 J# x. @# S3 u  d
     against her hymen. Both girls were well lubricated from
2 O2 o# J  V  I. Q# a2 Z     being explored by the boys. It still hurt. Christie cried
+ I' E, M# X2 F' j( `- x/ R     out as her cherry popped and Andy arched up, forcing his
2 m. r& ~" f5 I, s! V+ ]     dick deeper. Then she was sitting on his legs as his cock
' K8 N( F6 O2 Y9 Q- s% B     pushed all the way in.
: i/ ]) L; z! ^# ?- W- ?/ Y     
- P9 T, S; h2 ]9 V' ]3 M     Kelly followed close behind. Her wet little cunt slid down
* b6 M" }+ }0 N: Z  a$ I     on Christopher's tiny cock. Her cherry was stretched but
; ^/ L0 [- P* Z' l     unbroken. Chris needed to push upward. He lunged. Kelly
' j3 q$ b7 n" y; Y: E; [( a# {8 U7 Z     shrieked as she felt the pain of her hymen breaking. She! m! k" t+ ~4 N2 {$ P- S
     started crying louder. Nobody paid attention. The boys& G% E1 I/ X. g: i
     arched up together and  the girls were riding their cocks
+ Z; y2 W* R6 V- |     when Caitlin was hoisted up and made to squat over Ricky's7 H: [& ~# I. `
     small pecker.
) B% n! L- X) ]4 |     
8 g# x. C/ \( W( Q       " o; [) d  R+ A* Q/ n
     "Please no," She begged as Randi held Ricky's cock in place.
* }6 @: @. O) z# ]1 L, \3 u     Harley had moved over to her table. He  reached over and7 T2 M. Y# {; ?% l
     pulled her pussy open to allow Ricky's cock to thrust up% r- b) ^. C1 @, ^
     inside her. "Nooo," She cried as the small rigid penis  P: `6 k; K$ c. ]- z
     pushed against her hymen. Then she screamed as the thin& x1 q& S6 I. Y6 D7 d' w8 A
     membrane tore. A trickle of blood ran out of her cunt as
  s9 t3 D9 k6 q# H  m     Ricky lunged his body up and down.& Z1 e! H( c7 p# {& s9 v
     ; G  A) u) J0 L+ r
      Miss Thomas gave Christie a whack on her ass. "Start moving6 n4 M# q5 @! G" M/ l5 u
     up and down or I'll yank you off that boy and spank you
! {  O# m' p& _  c3 }, {4 G* t     myself." The four terrified girls were moving up and down,  K) q" |% i0 T* l- o) d
     at first because they had to and then, because strangely7 m% O2 a& u2 R7 ~- x6 O$ M
     enough it was starting to feel good./ q7 f$ C5 t( T
     6 U, ^  L3 i4 w# X0 a
     Mrs. Connolly watched as her four young daughters were being/ s8 [- @% v6 a7 S
     deflowered. She ached for them but could only watch as they( p! S. l* D7 Y7 {4 s  C+ k" R+ N
     were forced to take their punishment. Then it was her turn.
4 q# z7 x# j' V2 ]     Josh's thin long pole awaited." Get her up on the table and
1 ?/ N2 w3 a9 f6 f7 y4 M     get that cock inside her," Governor grant ordered.
0 M& d. ]" ^- C+ F     
% Q+ n% i0 m8 V* @% p: M8 |( c/ ]     Mrs. Connolly straddled Josh's slim body and lowered herself
4 @/ s' o! }# D3 q     onto his cock. It went in easily. Her pussy was moist and
5 m0 m7 b2 I+ J9 |) j# c# u( p* X     after the huge cocks she had taken last night, Josh's thin
" m$ B9 O( p0 L7 A7 G     pole was nothing.# h8 F1 v0 S  f! m" N  @1 ]. ~
6 O4 I/ U' b& E$ m2 `     The girls were gasping as the four boys arched their bodies. j  I9 p; _/ n: ?* ^/ }5 W' G- j8 W3 v
     up and down. They slowly responded,  Moving with them. The
: n" y& h( O. t+ n     four cocks plunged in and out thrilling the onlookers. Kevin
% u5 Z+ P( ]$ J1 A     looked over to where Christie was riding Andy's cock. "I
' Z6 J7 s6 I7 [& C% @) L! V0 e) F     wish that was me," He thought. "I should be the one inside4 A6 _- {- r9 J0 d, y! u2 W# {
     Christie. She betrayed me."
9 \6 ?( V) P1 c* s3 {     
  \( h# ^6 |+ E7 |2 j0 G: k     Jennifer had her eyes closed as Kevin's cock plunger ever# n% S, M+ |" W/ g7 i6 B1 g
     deeper inside her. Despite her humiliation she found herself) q$ d$ m* p3 d( i& P1 r
     enjoying what was only her second time with a boy.( z( @9 [( \" k% V; D2 w5 [
  ~0 L+ R; w: }& [' x& c     The onlookers watched as the girls rode up and down. Jerry7 i( h  y/ ]" v+ `8 u  m
     thrust his large cock deeper into Michael's asshole. The
3 r, m3 E/ B! N6 t  `  g     only sounds were gasping, as the girls forgot their aching
$ I9 S. Z: v9 E2 p5 z     hymens and moving more rapidly now approached their first
" u0 ]8 \8 U' N% j$ D! z6 U( H     vaginal climaxes.
" d! |- J) e- X) ~3 F     
4 k% @0 Z% u8 O0 U6 [3 i+ P$ R     Jerry arched upward into Michael's tight brown asshole and
0 t& w2 b' g; P+ @' o     moaned as he came first. His hot sperm shooting up into
  v  R* Y+ M7 D4 p0 k( l2 ?" S     Michael's bowels. 9 \. _" k  @" D$ M& Y$ P  x2 O
     1 q: n' B4 T% g2 `/ J2 t1 R
     The girls kept on bouncing on the four stiff dicks. Kevin
4 t6 ]. n6 ~& r/ g     was gasping and moaning as he plunged in and out of9 o1 _, ~' ^: ?) X6 l( m0 R
     Jennifer's tight, shaven pussy. She was squealing as his
2 `5 v+ A1 Z) p7 W* D% `     cock rubbed her insides. "I think I'm gonna cum," She
$ F$ T( ?8 Y* y+ [! t     wheezed as he held her knees and pushed in deeper. "Me too,"9 l, _$ W# H1 H  e$ C' |8 j, e  [" Q# G
     He gasped, Then arching upward he released a jet of sperm  a+ ^! s0 M$ F2 }. Q
     inside her. "Aggggh," he moaned as she came with him and+ ?, c. w' {& s- y3 {2 F
     then collapsed, laying down on his chest.5 p  C) L1 s! ~) ^
5 J3 q* H+ t- m) J1 _0 q     The governor stood watching as Mrs. Connolly rode on Josh's/ x/ [2 H% ]( o0 t9 T1 ~% y8 _  \
     rigid cock. Her eyes were closed and she was gasping as the/ X6 B3 Q; G9 W/ ?. T' W
     young boy pushed in and out of her gaping pussy. "Oh Yess,"
2 ]8 p% q0 F7 _0 r% }7 N& b     She gasped. "It feels soooo good. Fuck meee." Josh responded
! a7 [3 u8 l9 x$ `1 i7 I     by arching up even higher, Driving his cock in as far as it& t8 n- B2 a7 ^, X7 e9 H% {
     could go. "Grab my tits," Mrs. Connolly moaned. "Play with
2 Z. J8 n7 s/ l) s2 j, x     them." Josh held one tit in each hand and massaged her
1 k' Z3 {! ]  v( ?( g' X6 |8 u! }     nipples as she rode  his pecker to a climax. $ l* _; n# e* g7 D
; M! g1 ]6 o8 B     "Arrrggghh, I'm cumming," She screamed her head tilted back.
/ |# y$ z/ O0 `$ [  u  k     Josh lunged and  as Mrs. Connolly came he pumped a load of9 g; X/ o% x2 G) z8 z0 D
     sperm inside her. Thoroughly spent, the young boy and the
' H4 y  r: C0 q     former head mistress lay gasping for air.
" M( p8 p7 S" L% t     6 b3 q5 i2 t. k. j; h$ Y5 z! A
     "Christie and Andy were bouncing on the table even faster as9 ]: Q$ c4 \: ^1 J$ C; y. z. c
     they worked their way to a climax. Both children were$ \6 Q' i$ k' H( T" ~
     sweating and gasping for air. Then with a cry Andy pushed
" `# y3 Q. M) K# `) K5 v" C* v     upward and gasped. He dry came inside the young blondes tiny0 {: c& O: ]3 @0 T: h* E+ ~
     pussy. Christie bounced on his cock a few more times then, e# O6 Z/ s& j
     shut her eyes and moaned as she too came.
7 g) @6 v- R* Q7 o& X+ K7 s     
. w4 x1 Y; P. O6 b' y3 L+ L     Christopher was pumping in and out of Kelly. His little cock
, m) F+ D" P! R. R- }     plunging inside as deep as he could drive it. The others5 S' x2 N% r6 Z: J
     watched exhausted as Kelly rode the little pecker. Then the  b7 D! b. h( N( N5 E0 a. z
     two youngest children climaxed at almost the same time.+ [  E- \: F8 v/ G4 U
     Kelly squealed as she had her first vaginal climax that was
) n3 D3 z, w( a" V! l* T) T     not self inflicted. Christopher was used to cumming in the% T, ~( z9 b3 h+ h0 m9 Z
     boy's  mouths or assholes and he moaned and easily dry came
4 f0 d0 e$ b/ D! |2 G* L     inside the little girl.
! r' H. q: \. j# {) O5 _) p     
% ]6 `: I2 a. T3 X     The last couple to achieve climax was Caitlin and Ricky.4 v7 W2 q: a4 c, M+ E* w) g
     Caitlin was not enjoying herself. Ricky's cock was too. k* O2 f- w6 x) H. s' n2 e: z
     little to fill even her tight little thirteen year old
4 W+ s# a: K$ m5 t% B     pussy, Never the less she was in pain as the little blonde
8 B+ {3 [2 |8 W     boy thrust up and down inside her. Ricky didn't care that he
9 i4 y; y9 F4 h. O     was hurting her. She had inflicted pain, both mentally and
( @3 O; ]1 _6 z+ K% {7 P" r' j     physically on him for several months and this was payback.
; k  f% f0 i5 [     He thrust even deeper causing Caitlin to cry out as she rode
+ C; ], R7 U! ~" x% ?     his cock.
! G: ]& }: n( q) m8 p. x$ y5 y     / a: N/ x# y+ O) a# e! u
     The others watched too exhausted to move off of each other.
/ F( [) }7 _6 O% Z6 p" P$ ]     Governor grant shook  her head. "I can't abide dirty cocks
1 c. N. y  ^$ ~# j     and pussy's," She said to Miss Thomas. "Let them lick each
2 S; h( @, W4 m8 O     other clean while we wait for those two to finish."
( _( e3 z$ ]# b/ c6 F2 l     
/ e+ B( Y% J1 r; p+ j* V! b/ R     The head guard nodded. "You heard the Governor. Get into4 {  l% c% K5 E5 q& a
     position," She ordered. "I want to see each of your cocks
  i* }" ~5 q, p# N: T0 P     and cunts being licked. Jean you get on top of  Jerry and
2 q- |  G1 X. S. {* s, u     lick Michael's shit off his cock Jerry can lick Josh's cum9 C! C3 n' ?5 r' A/ I) }* g
     out of your pussy. Michael can mount Josh. They do sixty-
. a+ a1 g* R2 d# W! }/ `( ?     nine on each other so well."
* d2 }4 p7 b5 X7 x/ L$ N     
  D% I2 I1 ^# Y1 M- N     Neither Michael nor Jean liked that idea. They knew better
; l4 `: `. d6 U" a& C& x     than to protest. Slowly Mrs. Connolly climbed off Josh and / v/ G3 z! X$ D# q
     Climbed up on Jerry. She sat on him facing his cock and# w' h0 B! `" n2 f! h1 y; d* k3 D
     lowered her wet cunt onto his face.
! L8 I0 z% m; i9 Q, P& f; F     8 V/ \; o; Y2 J) m8 j7 a
     Michael mounted Josh and positioned himself dangling his* \/ p. o$ _5 E
     cock and balls over Josh's face as he bent over the other
/ _/ E% ]- N% N8 A0 x     boy's slim cock.
- C5 D6 {! N) w     : i+ O2 X  o9 f7 Q( e. i' i  Y
     "Lick his asshole clean as well," Miss Paulson ordered Josh- y# X1 e. J8 e3 F8 u
     as she stood by the two boys watching. ( v( ~2 L8 G# a2 G# O) @& Q
     3 I* `* R7 J9 n' g5 a( n2 h6 F( C7 T
     Christie turned around so Andy could place his mouth on her( f- f) T9 V* Z7 [, l
     cunt. She bent over and took his shriveled cock in her
9 L! k1 z; P. C3 E+ \6 }# D     mouth.
7 v& p+ y& ]. y" F7 C     7 c# M; R4 [! L7 [# c% N/ H3 x' ~
     Kelly watched her sister and copied her. She opened her' r" x/ E; y' P
     little mouth and took Chris's tiny cock inside. He pulled
/ C# b( e& f& S7 |! Z     her cunt apart and flicked his tongue inside as The Governor
& V0 q$ j* p" a/ f, y     nodded her approval.2 O  E+ R: x. K4 I6 G9 |
) S8 s3 o  I/ d5 _/ s     Caitlin decided she had been fucked enough. She threw her
4 t3 }1 r6 p- N( F" w     head back like she had seen Jennifer do, moaned and faked a' y5 J" k# b* l( L  g3 f9 s5 Z
     climax. Ricky chose that moment to cum. Annie Mandel  was1 L1 ]; A# X# a7 Z: ~9 N; r! K+ W. ~
     watching them. She snickered as they lay gasping. "No rest
; Y- o: P/ d6 H# g     for the weary my two little nudies. Climb on top of him and
! d' ^9 G8 z% W  j) N0 }+ W     lick your pussy juice from his cock."$ M& I, g1 [4 D8 ^8 r
( U- N7 ]. V& o0 ?     Jennifer was straddling Kevin's face. He held her cunt apart
" K- Z- P. H% T/ W* G0 Z  W     and was licking his cum from her pussy. She gasped as his0 L9 M2 p6 h& L# ?6 d+ i& k2 b
     flicking tongue stroked her prominent clit. His cock was
2 N$ n) e! @2 H' {1 u; P" {     already getting hard inside her mouth. She ran her tongue
$ e% M. R/ M/ s' C6 }* O2 K3 f     around the tip of it tasting her own pussy as well as his* t0 N6 @# t1 [4 D7 @' {4 r
     cum.1 r9 o4 c8 i8 U# B
* W9 M6 C( J9 z0 r# f+ w     Mrs. Connolly made a face as she tasted Michael's ass on
) O, n. [: a9 |  d     Jerry's cock. She had enjoyed watching the boys lick each
6 G% S* s2 V" J& c/ U) T) R     other's dirty dicks after a session of ass fucking. Now the2 O1 T0 n, M1 F2 p! E8 g! v7 r4 f
     shoe was on the other foot and she didn't like it one bit.
) G- d+ V) `" k" l  X     Jerry had his face buried inside her steaming, shaven pussy
: r7 _' j0 j0 ~) |     and was licking it clean. He could feel his cock starting to; ]- _0 |9 |8 M" M- }" Y
     stiffen as she licked around the rim. She played with his
+ P' r/ [6 _' O1 r. f  N     balls as she sucked him off. His ass was thrusting upwards  G& ]/ K, M  Z! q3 K+ O3 Q: t5 v
     forcing his large cock deeper into her mouth as the Chief! a! V7 p8 d& F1 S, \# y
     and Captain Williams looked on, their own cocks tenting
7 S% N' v4 @* m  {* ?2 E7 v/ \  ^- M# P     their pants.
) m0 X# m9 I3 n- v$ P6 o, q  a, Q     4 T3 `6 q& W( M  e, g+ b3 _
     "That's some asshole," Captain Williams commented looking / b4 \' p. R! Y$ {
     at Mrs. Connolly's ass as she sucked on Jerry's cock. The1 e5 }  F; W7 Q; d7 L
     boy was holding open her cheeks as he licked her pussy. "I'm
# O! K8 F0 F4 \     gonna stick my cock in there before we leave today."  Y* S- i* @. a  u* q
     3 x- T. i& Z2 g6 }6 h
     "Be my guest," Chief crane invited. "I'll be able to fuck, J* L$ T# V( G) J) {" w& v6 K% t
     whatever and whoever I  want as many times as I want." He
( P2 y. b/ C9 b) x8 s     grinned. "I'm gonna love this new job."
1 \$ K3 Y) }+ l3 s: L0 b     
" |# u5 G& N) z' o     Harley and the Judge joined them. "We have to leave in a
5 |1 d) }: |+ N: d& [8 b     half hour," Judge Robinson said, looking at Mrs. Connolly
1 I1 [' V; t& h. r9 g1 O1 L: z& O( }     rubbing her twat on Jerry's face. "I'd like to get one more
2 y$ \! H' l. I& V$ W     fuck for the road."% Q* n1 z, V- z  C' R" R
     9 v9 \! c( X' Z" B% }% p* n
     "Why don't you and the Captain do a sandwich on her? He can
' B) q. A0 S* D4 h) n- T! ~( z     have her ass while you do her pussy," Harley said.
" @+ E/ |/ J6 v     volunteering Mrs. Connolly's services.
' K4 p" f7 ~& M; J     ) ]4 L/ R1 k1 \" W- q6 [! d* i4 |  S
     Josh and Michael were sucking each other off. Their cocks
9 y' T2 u4 B1 C* A% d4 k     deep inside each other's mouths. Josh had finished licking
# b% [& x. Q; `5 \5 H+ h3 Z     the cum from Michael's asshole. The four girls were now' s9 n& ~6 O; G8 r  H% d2 g) s
     occupied sucking on cocks while the boys licked their" p) r9 N% g, U$ |: @
     pussies clean. Governor grant watched all this, She was very7 K, j) ^: u5 b$ e3 [
     pleased at the progress that had been made in the last
: J" d3 o. w. m9 i     couple of days.. t! B; O& f. v! d5 I! P% l, p
* Z8 u0 [6 Y& j! ^     Jerry grunted as his cock exploded inside Jean Connolly's
8 f: W9 }+ a9 G* E, I7 o; t     mouth. The blonde swallowed it all. She was getting good at
) ?1 @( |. M# v! O     sucking cocks.3 ^/ a  ^4 z7 S6 h1 q
     ) @3 t: V% ]& E( I" Z1 v* j
     One by one the couples on the table came. Caitlin gasped as
: c1 F7 C0 C5 i6 ~: p& M) ?$ M     she released  her pent up orgasm. Ricky lapped her pussy: n* T4 o1 m$ a5 X/ p) |) n! a( V. s
     juices up and pushing his little body upward, came again.
* `9 R* Y) t7 T5 J) a# H9 n     
& X. o" w* K6 Z# s+ W, E' v     Andy and Christie came simultaneously a moment later.
9 K' V/ c' t6 V( M/ Z% ]8 b     Christie's little cunt was fairly dripping. Andy lapped it
' I' h( c5 r: ^7 _     up as fast as he could while the little girl ground her
4 g; \; c: \% K) x* j" e  G3 @2 ?     pussy against his face.
' P" \% ]5 C" k9 Z; p6 W# U     3 j" p5 j# {: k4 j# K; j$ _
     Kevin lapped Jennifer's wet cunt as she arched her ass up- B2 I4 d1 ?# {4 v: ~
     into the air. He was holding on to each cheek and Mrs.) d7 l0 ~# W- p
     Maikowski got a good look up her pink asshole as he pulled
+ G4 r+ W( t" d4 m     them apart. Then Kevin arched himself up and for the second7 u- I: [4 m( [( Y5 C/ n' c
     time in ten minutes shot a load inside Jennifer's mouth.0 X, g2 K& l+ t
     6 r8 p. e( g' _7 h# c& f/ b
     The naked boys and girls lay on the tables. They were
* }! H( |4 p; R' o4 ^3 s     exhausted and sweaty. "Get up and go to your rooms to
1 j) K# p, F/ {7 q8 w     shower," Miss Thomas ordered. "You have ten minutes then be& U8 S! T! K: z/ Z2 X
     out here cleaned up to say good-bye to our guests."
1 X  O  \3 P0 r9 _% K     , H' K( g+ {% W" q5 ?
     Wash your pussies  really good," The doctor said to the5 p& i: R( U! z" c, W
     girls, "I want to examine them for bruising and tearing."  2 {0 D2 f! N; Y2 ~+ }( `8 T( F1 O8 z! b
     $ _8 ?' A) o8 s/ h' b  @
     The boys marched off with Miss Paulson and Mrs.  Maikowski. 6 W: Q0 e/ O0 u0 k" a
     "I'll take the girls to their room," Chief Crane said. "You
' f2 ]+ C+ K/ u! c     stay here," He said to Jean as she went to join her
" J+ {) S8 F6 l( I1 c- h" a8 ~     daughters. "The Captain and the Judge aren't finished with1 h5 x5 l& z1 w5 _, s
     you yet."$ z8 y# h) Y& G# p8 X
& G2 w1 j: T. b7 J     "Don't you want some too?" Judge Robinson asked.
4 M* D+ M' U$ P7 L% S     
& I, _( ?6 |, Q0 \     "I'll get mine later. You and the captain will be leaving* V: W; }/ a8 Y  f% c: q
     soon," The Chief smiled. "Enjoy her while you can."! ?  F/ N$ j. r/ z  y
8 z- e& j( z: n! a# d2 X     Governor Grant looked at her watch. "Hurry up and fuck the
+ o& y/ Y+ ?# \; r* D     little slut," She said. "We have to leave after the children
" l' Q5 |/ k, @0 K$ z2 N# K     get back and I inspect their little assholes, cocks and! R) p% ?8 R5 Y( _( r( q
     pussies."( `7 }7 ], A# |4 ?* G
* Z! V# h! I$ u9 E9 Z1 D- A     The Captain nodded. He took Jean's arm and pulled her down
: P0 ~* R5 w8 S  U. p/ m$ F     the hall to the reception room. Judge Robinson followed.
0 _# t  ^2 R2 a) G9 j5 l9 e     2 u+ B1 J3 c  b- K* \: `" C
     Harley and the women sat down and Annie scurried off to get$ B# |% S' o5 _$ G2 G! E8 b3 M( K* y
     them coffee. "You don't want to get in on the action?" The7 H; E# ]0 I" y& d7 i
     Governor asked. 4 ~8 ]: G- Z1 O6 O5 r
     " K3 c  u6 s2 C2 n
     Harley shrugged. "I have lots of time to do her and the
) T# J' q+ i/ o: w! c" D: c% \* Y' P     kids. They have to leave with you. Let them have their fun."9 l0 @; N3 f4 f6 H
     $ j8 W+ v8 ]; {
     I'm glad you and Naomi are here. Tomorrow I want you two to8 w8 {- P- l( n% F! x! k+ `
     drive over to see your old boss, the sheriff.2 a9 K* w; r; O0 W% q* Y" A3 s0 a2 \
     He'll have four little girls in custody. You're to bring
2 S+ B- ^6 W5 P: [     them to the school. They're your next four pupils," The
; ?6 m8 A' q- ]$ H: y     governor explained. + y0 d" b$ z3 H+ m* X
0 a; y4 i6 s" s- u! \' n! k. Z     "What did they do?" Miss Thomas asked.
$ j& u( s! c( `! T0 N     9 S# Z# R# l6 A
     "They were put in charge of six boys and were allowed to
+ |; n# P& B! K0 Z: [. _( }* k     strip and humiliate them," Governor grant explained. . D4 u) M+ Q- ~3 I
     8 W/ X* |6 d2 D" S1 }. E
     "What's wrong with that?" Naomi asked.1 D$ I' l6 {. K
  X3 V. C9 K& P: @8 y2 I3 @. K5 k/ I     "Nothing's wrong with stripping and humiliating boys but it; H  q4 ^5 L1 u# r- O9 y! E# M
     got out of hand when they forced the boys to fuck the( F% `, T: [; x8 L. F3 L
     daughters of the two richest men in their town. It so
9 x6 L- n* U# [     happens that one of those men was a big contributor to my1 v2 d/ [3 v- ?
     campaign."3 y3 f: ~$ Z+ U  A& Y7 p
     4 w2 Q" Q7 y* ]1 a
     "I see," Miss Thomas nodded. "You want them to get the same
0 c3 ?. i7 n; V4 F# D     treatment as they gave their victims."
% w# c/ K# i3 [6 R- R     
/ L6 B$ Z) B$ }; Q! J6 _) P     "Spare the rod and spoil the child," the Governor laughed.3 S* @  e$ d# r% V
     "That will give you five boys and eight girls. I'm sending
7 u- {8 |) m! P$ _; u! `1 K' B, J     Andy and Christopher home tomorrow afternoon. I called their
9 `' r% q* Z5 m7 U. H) c. L8 }& i' I     parents this morning and told them to pick up their boys."& Q; f4 g  W+ T" R9 m. s0 t1 W& M
& |" w2 }- B/ q     "I hope you'll send me more boys," Miss Thomas said as Annie
! i+ I, j9 {/ v! {     returned with a tray of coffee and cake.
  i& z, V+ J$ z4 m# Q3 x1 W     ( T9 e0 W! B; v( g; X
     "You'll have five more boys by Thursday.  One of them is a+ o# Y8 b0 e# z% t/ p7 |6 V
     black kid named Gilbert. I haven't seen him yet but from0 O0 t/ I+ F% E  s5 }
     what I hear he's really hung and makes Michael's cock look
; p7 |& F# h4 {9 j     tiny. He's only eleven but he's already been in Juvie three* A& m* `# \5 o2 }  e
     times. That will give you time to process the new girls,"/ r/ \, v3 Z6 t
     Governor Grant said taking a piece of cake.
# ?% {' x" _! [% o& v9 `     
3 R5 x6 f+ o& C  J2 {& ?. h! {) P     Mrs. Connolly was sobbing hysterically as Captain Williams! E$ ~: A6 L: r7 f+ o
     pushed her into the reception room. "Please don't fuck me,"6 U1 J' l0 @& V8 e. D' s/ q
     She begged looking at the huge tent in his pants. "My pussy/ q7 L4 {( D& X! }0 A& d
     is still sore from last night."
/ w/ C0 Z2 f% G     
, v1 ~+ N! d7 q; x! `' s! ]" m# `     Captain Williams laughed as he unbuckled his pants and5 Y9 x- d  H  h" b- f0 h, h! |3 }3 {# }
     kicked off his shoes. "Don't worry. The Judge is gonna fuck
# X1 W% u6 @" K     your hairless twat. I want to stick my cock up that big pink
% y2 Y. T( Z; t# u& {     asshole of yours."
9 `. }+ x- W+ T  z! ]$ {     9 c& W: l, Q" O* {+ _( y5 ]1 g5 R! [
     Mrs. Connolly looked on in horror as the two men stripped
# T" r( |$ N2 }     off their clothes. She screamed as Captain Williams pulled
  e" h& R4 S; e1 D) p# \% m     his underpants down and stepped out of them. "That monster6 i. q# ^$ {6 Z" s. F+ p: A5 `5 r
     will rip my asshole apart. Please don't do it," She begged.7 j& z7 ~! Z+ i
     / c: z, I5 e$ z$ q& }! t3 E
     "You can take it in there," He said. "I watched as the0 ^2 J% d+ k( m  q1 f% l
     doctor opened you up in her office. It'll be tight but it'll
: r$ X9 K6 E  `! a2 e     fit. Now get up on the table and squat on the Judge's cock3 J! t2 o# G8 d9 P
     so he can fuck you."
7 z* Z! `/ ^# Z. {1 B     
& Q: q% `3 d, S; `2 q     Judge Robinson had stripped and climbed up on the table. His
1 {; b* V) Z, s$ n; e4 l7 ^: l3 U" `( c     thick cock jutted up as he lay on his back his legs dangling
" z$ A2 L: a$ x' {2 |     off the edge. "Hurry up," He commanded. The Governor wants
5 b( C/ {' G7 @" h3 d     to leave and I want you to suck me off after I finish
" a! U( b3 _0 n  L     fucking you."
, H' I( p  f% A+ b/ i     
2 R/ I* H  N  X% |( ^3 `9 c     Captain Williams helped the trembling woman up onto the
8 o" [3 V2 p( y( V9 S' `     desktop. Mrs. Connolly was crying hysterically as she3 }" U3 Y: J0 q1 M% x; S
     straddled the Judge and sat down on his cock. The thick
1 [9 Z, ]" m/ \2 c6 z3 W1 O     penis slid inside her moist vagina as she sat facing the, a: F& `5 F% c7 E+ A0 ~8 i
     Jurist's face. He grabbed her tits and pulled her down so
# H) f. A5 [( }2 g     she was lying on his chest.
" U* \& o( z. ]' B# t" p     / a; S0 \( c! q# J* ?; A" e" ]/ G
     Captain Williams walked up behind her. "Pull your asshole
( d& Q3 r2 |  |0 O3 F- I) z     open as wide as you can," He commanded. "My cock wants a
7 n; ]$ z, v# q* U  x/ `0 Q     piece of it."1 P# l  E' y/ O- \/ `6 \
     . l& g  W1 C9 @
     "No please, Wait until I finish the judge and you can do my
4 N8 P- ~2 l4 N* p- g     pussy," She pleaded. "My ass can't take a cock that size."3 h9 D! _9 J8 J7 M5 [% b+ w
$ B! m- W! X+ a     "Listen you bitch. Either you take my cock or I'll spank- N4 j+ A0 ?) {! u! \2 s
     your ass until it bleeds, then stick my cock into it
$ O% c9 P) m3 p1 A+ N- K/ \     anyway," He roared. "Now pull those cheeks apart."; A5 f0 `; b9 \9 u, O2 Y
     # V, J: f% Z; t' O" H
     Trembling and sobbing Jean reached behind herself and pulled9 d1 J0 v' v- T  S7 ~
     her buttocks apart. The captain spit on his hands and
+ l% {* @6 Y8 w8 b1 @     lubricated his cock. He stood behind her large asshole and, I% O; \( \1 F, }
     placed the tip of his black cock into it pushing against her
9 L  m! I8 C4 j7 w  y. z     pink pucker. The women and Harley were sipping their coffee7 \$ f1 t9 U% e  `( _
     when Jean screamed. "She's getting what she deserves," The
; p. m. ?6 e4 Z     Governor grinned. "You better give her some Preparation H
" H& P9 v& R/ M) v2 `5 y     later. She's gonna need it,"  she said to Nurse Randi.
3 S5 z: w9 ^0 ], F3 `% f0 W3 ~     
# h2 F3 U" l6 I2 ?     Captain Williams pushed his massive tool inside Jean's+ G" X; \! }& l! b& L% g, l3 j
     stretched asshole as Judge Robinson speared her vagina. In% |8 O/ J8 r0 o' u8 f
     and out the two cocks went, pinioning Jean as she bounced up
; s6 G2 i4 v, c+ |3 ]     and down on the Judge. Every time the Captain shoved his  |+ W2 ?/ f3 c* P& r
     giant prick into her ass it forced her down onto the Judge's
1 \$ p" g8 {7 Y' r# S) Z, i' v     cock. She could feel the two cocks touching through the thin
, |. _+ q- W( F" Z     wall that separated her asshole and cunt. Each man had a tit
# W0 k: R* }) b: c+ M, f' d     in his hand squeezing and pinching her pink nipples.9 t+ a8 W5 x. m
     2 C- r5 C2 M: Z# P0 G
     Deeper and deeper The two cocks went. The two pair of3 q! s/ ?, i4 z3 x
     massive balls were bouncing against each other as they drove- a5 y  R' d$ f) m1 _/ V! q
     inside Jean. She felt as if she was being ripped apart at
& Y: B% l/ k2 S     the asshole. The men were gasping as they tried to hold out.
& q4 W6 h7 C4 \1 j, g+ X     They were too excited from all they had witnessed. "Here
3 ~! w* O, }6 {5 Q     comes the Judge,"  Judge Robinson gasped as he arched
3 O* f2 ?% f/ q3 z. ^  Y/ j* V* r     upwards and shot a load of cum inside Jean's sore pussy.* ~/ X2 J6 }6 s
4 w) e% p" ]( P8 R1 i     Captain Williams gasped, "Me too," As he pumped in and out3 ~6 Y5 o, }6 L$ R& P# p
     of Jeans ass. He was in up to his balls and shot a load of
3 J! d; x; V4 |     hot liquid up into her bowels.
1 [$ m$ h3 V5 @7 o4 ?! H; S& j     % S9 I; F) a4 l6 M
     He pulled out, noting how red her asshole was. Jean climbed
& R' U3 _$ k2 L* N     off the Judge. She was  rubbing her ass. "It hurts so much,"
+ P1 X! |/ b# b) ~" W2 S& x" u1 v4 Y     She wailed, standing shakily with cum pouring from her  c' h8 i9 U! T- W$ F4 ^  \
     ravaged orifices.
8 r" d2 D. w* E     ! C- h$ ?- X7 E) ^) z7 e
     The Judge stood up. "Kneel down and clean my cock," He
9 ?7 ]5 _: v9 U! y. C$ ^( h& c5 J     ordered pushing on her shoulder. Jean knelt and licked the
4 ^1 x, p; x! j+ k     pussy juice and cum from the Judge's thick cock. The Captain% r6 B1 ~4 f. ?1 [! C
     watched, His cock in his hand awaiting his turn.* F; {6 i+ ?. W4 J4 }# ^9 x# p# U
5 n8 p: |9 l1 O9 L! P2 E     Jean had her mouth around the judge's cock head and was
1 z' A# y& U+ n     licking the cum from it. Captain Williams watched, His big
0 E6 m' c. b- w$ F+ Z" |     cock in his hands. "Turn your head and lick mine too," He3 E! H, A& y  _8 d
     ordered. "We don't have time for you to do us individually."; C' p3 p) j$ a' _
     - f- c# i5 D# S) B' b, A+ [# B% x
     Even soft, The Captain's cock was enormous. Jean could9 X* o; B' F  R3 y2 P# I4 }/ j
     barely get her mouth around it. She cupped the Judge's balls5 Z3 p! e# f1 q2 I
     in her hand and kneaded them as she licked the Captain's) U, w% z+ W! [
     cock. She almost gagged as she tasted her own ass. "Play6 _3 a# f6 Q# x* V& M: @
     with my balls too," the Captain ordered.
4 {! _! I1 C1 H) G. h9 s6 {     : ?9 ~1 y: W/ i9 v6 y+ A
     Jean was holding a pair of balls in each hand as she turned
* t' C: n0 e: {1 n( s     her head left and licked the Captain's cock then turned it  K/ u3 x* T) g3 K' N
     right and licked the Judges. Both men had their heads thrown; F/ V3 F* ]5 s, v) Q' H0 g
     back as their cocks hardened under her flicking tongue. She
$ {! ]3 |2 w! v- C2 h2 G' Q( L. t     licked the underside of the judge's thick stubby cock then
1 \8 p: v& z8 R6 w     did the same to Captain Williams.
  w& E# p, A+ _7 J) X     + t9 ^( ?2 [+ J' U
     "Take it in your mouth," The judge Gasped. She opened her
: ]" N! {0 `2 {) H0 t5 y" _+ A* k     lips and took the wide prick inside. She sucked it for
/ B5 r9 r+ t5 g" W' g6 x     several seconds then let it fall out. Turning her head she
2 s1 l- O! n9 R' N+ J) F     barely got the Captain's cock past her teeth.
( P" X+ B8 p+ J1 R     
4 ~) }( r8 r3 h( c( i% [- [     Both men were breathing heavily as she sucked them to a
( ~9 p$ V  w' N  v2 z0 l     climax. Judge Robinson came first. He shot a load down her
, `8 _4 m; e8 b. p& U6 L$ ]1 d     throat and stiffened. The Captain chose that moment to cum1 U/ N9 Z" P% b7 n* N/ ]! k
     and shot his cum all over her hair and face.
9 B4 j8 t1 \  ~2 k     6 k* {+ P' g* r0 A, _
     While Jean was sucking the two men off, The girls had4 `- k" I. ]5 H' J$ e) h! t
     finished showering their weary bodies and dried themselves
! ?/ [- W+ V2 a$ [# N0 ^     off. They quickly combed their short hair and leaving it wet( @. [' R2 a& }
     they assembled, Naked in front of the Chief.
5 i3 T. s* X# e( z     
6 N) V& \! u$ e) m$ @     Chief Crane nodded as the girls stood at attention with& n. R5 K/ e0 [& |& b: K" m: T
     their hands on their heads. He knelt in front of Jennifer
1 b" W$ [8 G2 x7 _9 @: e1 a% _+ C/ m     and pushed a finger inside her pussy. She winced.. K9 `: ?/ q0 D4 n* @# S; X0 y
# j* ~! u& r5 g6 }4 l1 W     "It hurts does it? " He grinned. "It's gonna get a lot more: C8 j2 H( E6 g
     action in the next few months." He wiggled his finger around
2 W* `% O. ^2 o* x  O     then removed it and moved to Caitlin. The Chief pried her7 l& P% d, e- K8 f1 K' d! U
     lips apart noticing the bruising on the outside. He poked a
+ H% F+ p6 y' L8 t$ j     finger inside the crying girl and wiggled it around. Caitlin) g- L1 i" ~/ h0 }# E
     stood rigid, tears pouring from her eyes as the chief worked
! E  b' N# o# F7 p+ W6 ]8 s7 w     his thick finger inside her sore pussy.% I1 K- X! l4 D4 G& Q- O9 n: I
' R) y5 K; ^: r: d# H' n     Christie was next. Despite the pounding her pussy had taken
6 K# C% f! n4 |% W     it was still tight. He barely got his middle finger inside
" f& \( U, d8 W$ c" Z7 s7 X     the little pink twat.  Then it was Kelly's turn. He vowed to5 e5 V. J2 t9 f0 P1 k. V! e1 I
     make them lie down and spread their legs apart for his next+ w6 ^6 w; M; l. O3 V
     exam. Standing up they were just too tight.. Finishing with  w1 ]' A$ J( {+ Y
     Kelly's tiny slit he stood up. "Turn around and lets see/ T" n% f; m" R3 t# f
     those assholes," He ordered.
) m! Y0 ?+ }! [4 V6 C7 e     
( a# t2 P# W9 e     The Chief watched with satisfaction as the four little girls9 y2 z& e4 @  B7 W: ?
     turned around and assumed the position for the rectal exam.  V) E. v7 H% K3 `& d
     He smiled as they bent over, Legs apart and reached back to- g; e8 q  S3 w+ n+ P; a% T
     spread their cheeks. "They learn fast," He thought. It's7 h& e8 W2 F" }) \& S: ^7 O! j# K) N
     only been twenty four hours and they're already trained."$ {4 O) a( E' T% D
     Four pink assholes looked back at him as he knelt behind the, L7 U( W$ a! K, r. y  [+ m& e9 g
     girls." D( f7 Q5 e" Z
     5 V6 F5 `1 K) V# R- Q% c0 \
     As the Chief prepared to plunge his index finger into2 K5 A3 [$ h: J% {7 @/ z7 H
     Kelly's tiny pink asshole, The boys, Fresh from their# [) R. E' }/ i" s& ]' {; K
     shower, were standing at attention with their hands on their
! q! U: ^+ P, t6 X     heads. Miss Paulson and Mrs. Maikowski knelt at cock level
4 \6 z- t2 x; B- P& n2 t     preparing to examine their dicks and balls.0 Z  U. ?2 k0 {  }
     5 R3 D  l- R, n, b% P2 _2 Q7 V
     "I love this job," The older guard gushed as she stripped0 [5 N& _/ ]* [) f
     Jerry's cock head back and ran her fingers over his velvety
7 Q, _7 H& J' Z4 M* u( \' A- P     cock head. % Z& U2 B( [  X& S  `% C
     - k) O. ^  i' [5 z5 t% Y$ W& ?, I
     Lori nodded, "Me too I can't wait until we get more boys.% W! f# s6 Y# q( }
     There's something about a naked cock that feels so good in2 `- r0 d2 Y- j* v6 \: Y% w
     my hands," She giggled as she cupped Kevin's balls in her" a% [% j  o' q- f+ k  J3 P
     hand while stroking his dick.4 [" X2 i5 E3 i
  V+ E5 V  k& L* I     "We're gonna need more guards when we get more students,"
, I+ Q% V  u3 p  v6 P- |     Mrs. Maikowski said moving on to Ricky's little pecker.- {4 t+ c8 J) I, E0 u7 k
     8 y2 F& ~1 D; `2 T* K- u
     Lori agreed. She turned to Michael and peeled back his) Q7 n0 [* S2 \: o
     foreskin. "They might hire Paige Riley," She said bouncing
5 k; C, r: Y" ^; r7 w     Michael's large balls in her hand. "She's a little young but8 X/ z4 I5 l. g, W8 x
     from what I hear she really likes looking at cocks and
" t* A, i( b- r5 x/ a     assholes."
3 P" C' R/ j' ~* ?1 T     
  K4 L! M$ I8 [" \7 H     Mrs. Maikowski examined Ricky's balls then turned to Josh.
7 G" N' e, @$ n4 F) S( D     "I don't know what that cow sees in you," She chuckled as
2 n3 ]- Y9 I! r# C1 e3 H7 a: n     she stroked the slender cock in one hand and cupped his
& v7 G+ O3 X* O) v; g8 l     balls in the other.
1 l% w/ {, ~" I+ c     - N* }9 s! \# }( Z- T/ w( f
     Josh blushed at the mention of Marla. It was the most1 B. B9 m6 B7 I, l- }. E; l
     humiliating thing he had ever gone through and he hated the
4 p; q& Q1 n3 n+ k     thought but he also had to admit it felt good to feel that6 {- U9 W! m' z2 S% l2 g% O
     big tongue licking his cock and balls.
) s1 k6 v, e( r; V# m- u     " N/ p& ]7 a, B* {+ S
     Lori had Andy's small cock in her hands. "I'm gonna miss
* @8 L: Z# Y8 \% K! i& @- Q# T' m2 y     this little thing," She told him as she ran her finger
/ w$ D  `. A" K     around his pee hole. "You were the first boy to be stripped
+ T; y: s1 Q" v5 G4 x8 c* F     and you'll always be special," She smiled, cupping his balls
: B( N3 z9 ]0 _- o3 U) s     gently.: I; K) W6 W7 Z- j
; C" ]8 s; j3 @1 _1 U     Mrs. Maikowski was checking Christopher's little penis. She
9 ^9 D" _( v# f. _# q     cupped his balls and stroked the youngest boy's cock. "Do we3 }3 W2 _! @- p! Q2 R9 G7 y
     have time to check their assholes?" She asked. "The Governor
! `; M& U- K, y1 B# X' x     will and I'd hate for her to see a dirty one as she's( C: D+ ]7 G% p8 q9 b; G2 @  X
     leaving. 6 h) l/ Y# U7 B: j2 \
9 K9 |. `' n: n  }     Lori looked at her watch. "We'd better do a fast check. Just
8 Z+ o$ X* k/ x7 V$ \     look inside. We don't have time for a complete rectal."
1 j, s7 X% s( t+ Z& [& L     
" m! ^# J5 a9 |3 W* _4 L5 k$ R" s$ R     The boys knew what to do. The turned around and bent over' G  k6 s' C2 P+ D) y3 s
     pulling their cheeks wide for the two guards.
/ Z4 N* g/ N1 e9 s1 Y     4 y- J3 K  a* u* r- M
     Lori and Mrs. Maikowski wasted no time Each boy's asshole) S1 `$ p- K4 G: T# n
     was scrutinized but due to the necessity to hurry the boys
) ^) D& K7 g% R& J. Y, h     were spared the indignity of being fingered.
: I4 ?1 f- }3 @7 R     
. ]4 u/ a; F& x1 o     The girls weren't so lucky. The Chief had done Christie and
4 }- O9 A7 H. F  P     Caitlin after thoroughly reaming Kelly. He pushed his middle7 o3 o8 P/ U2 b+ f9 h2 q4 y6 e
     finger inside each girl's puckered asshole and wiggled it; T* A. e3 q  W1 \+ A, G6 C* h# {3 a4 y
     around. He now knelt behind Jennifer and commanded," Wider,1 F6 [' w4 ]; d1 i, j  R: C
     Pull open that asshole wider.". E' M! I! N) _1 n
     ) x! `! Q; H3 |9 n1 K
     Jennifer pulled her cheeks apart until she couldn't open any
7 T6 b  e' ^8 p& L     further. Cruelly the Chief pushed two fingers inside and
( m! Z' Y% p: @1 `     wiggled them around. He remembered taking  her rectally: Y' m1 d! [$ u. K6 c8 ?3 v% O
     yesterday and his cock grew even larger, tenting his pants
5 s# C! h! e: n/ D4 O     even as he reamed the pink puckered muscle with his fingers.
2 C  f2 l! ^0 }8 N     2 Q& ]) @6 N+ U  Z5 P( ?: Z) q
     Mrs. Maikowski and Lori marched the boys, Naked except for2 l/ j  w: _3 V) {9 G3 J
     their flip-flops and hats back to the lunchroom for the
" {* B$ {4 k3 T5 X- b     Governor's final inspection. Chief Crane pulled his fingers
- x# [- C: }! }1 t     from Jennifer's abused asshole and wiped his hands on her" Y/ U' `+ b/ Z0 e' f+ v
     bed spread. The girls were lined up and he marched them,4 {! F/ Q; a2 d) y% j; Z
     Barefoot down the corridor to the lunchroom at the same( N. p2 a& }% J* s) ?. |
     time. He met up with Mrs. Maikowski and Lori  at the5 P) ^; w2 [9 D2 [/ b+ Q
     entrance to the lunchroom and the entire group was marched
$ A) @8 {6 [8 h' U     in together.
5 l: o* i9 o: u$ j5 v     1 c# t& f  Z0 _6 o
     The Governor was finishing her second cup of coffee and was
# D* B4 p% z2 D) x+ j( @) y3 w     chatting with the Doctor and Nurse when the children were
* i' }* i& k( k, v2 u4 Z     led in. The entire group  was made to stand at attention in+ [# d6 A. I3 p! L) X
     front of the seated adults. 8 q8 Q' c0 T% s7 g5 P
8 h& d' x7 n) \     Annie scurried out from the kitchen to view the show.
  I" s% o: ~- O6 d; F      
& x( n! p& }, M% u8 z     Governor Grant spoke to the guards, Miss Thomas and Chief
* v. m$ v5 a) K- c* E     Crane "I'm very pleased at the way the school is being run
7 E8 i0 [- i( r7 D# B     now that we've deposed the Connolly family. I'd like to
; `- ]2 M/ E' k" a" T6 Y     inspect each child one more time before I leave. I know the
  s& s+ i6 J9 d3 A: J* F% o( D     Doctor is anxious to check the girl's vaginas for damage so
# C& N# r4 D# H5 k, @$ K! f. I! W+ a     let's start with them. Help them up on the tables,"  She
3 o( ^. n2 T& v7 m     ordered the boys.
) ~) |2 s9 G2 H4 G2 N' C0 }  ^# L     
  `6 _6 a2 a9 i- n" A' e     The seven nude boys were all too happy to oblige and soon* g; ]( S+ A% n$ v# n2 g
     all four girls were laid out on the tables with their legs: v) {# S1 U9 K. a
     open wide.  Doctor Brenner stopped at the first table where
3 Q0 ~/ _5 B7 \: r     Caitlin lay. She opened the hairless vagina with two fingers2 `- k" Z  b" @( O
     and peered inside. The Governor knelt beside her.- b: G' i7 C9 Q/ _0 p7 c
     0 W" }1 `" \9 Z8 ~4 B
     "You can see the bruises on the walls here," She pointed.- J* r& g% B! \+ g& z
     Governor Grant nodded as they looked inside Caitlin's cunt.
: [9 A% e, G: X- Y* i     The others watched as the two women poked and prodded the
' |# X2 v7 C7 k' ]% [' R. r: |     pretty pink pussy.7 M  b1 ~3 @* G( h+ E! }0 Z0 X
     ( \4 [* J7 \2 w
     Doctor Brenner moved on to Christie and the Governor lent a6 p, Y% G0 x$ d" A) k
     hand. She pried open the eleven year old child's twat as the
4 Y  y: n$ w& x  \2 `     Doctor looked inside. "You can see where she's been bruised.
& O9 O- c7 W2 }' ^     Luckily nothing is torn and she should be ready for another
7 M, `* {* ^7 C) B4 R     cock tomorrow. I'd let these girls rest their vaginas
3 {. }5 ^( Q* ~     today," she recommended.0 v1 f, g% k! w% r! Z) b+ R# N
     / O4 m/ ^, y# L" i  m
     Finishing up with Christie they moved on to Kelly and opened
& k  A/ q+ T0 F7 E( c! D     her cunt wide. "Hmmm she's in better shape than I'd have+ b  H" _  W. J1 ?; D0 i% g6 a4 W
     guessed, " The Doctor said. "Luckily Christopher has such a$ U5 l) ^! X0 w! ], ^
     little penis. I'd keep her away from the larger cocks for a
: C7 F( x% T' l7 i. f     week or so until she's  stretched a bit."- p' }; n1 S* o8 l
     3 @% K. j4 H8 T. q; u9 c, b
     Miss Thomas nodded. "We'll let them rest this afternoon.
8 B8 }7 A5 y( \" o, [# r5 z6 _; p     There's farm work to be done and they have school tomorrow.
% L6 [6 B6 T. _- g4 L& \     If I know Miss Fanelli and Miss Walton, Their cunts will get* [4 f  g+ @% O# a
     plenty of exercise in class."9 b0 t! x: m& _% D" v" D
     # F8 W. R( U% a/ e
     The Doctor and Governor Grant moved on to Jennifer. "She's9 S9 X9 B1 a8 c2 {
     got the biggest pussy here, being the oldest. I think she
" i+ r1 B! s3 D+ l* t     can handle any of these boy's cock," The Governor said; P- e# A- P& m. j+ ]1 O* g  j
     peering inside the blushing teenagers vagina.( u  x  @5 w; O: U% c2 ?3 f% ?
     6 e5 C& L" G" ^% H9 A
     Doctor Brenner nodded. "I see very little bruising inside( F- R# Z: G$ o$ x5 [& O; G
     her but I think you should let them rest today."
, H  a# ?0 F3 \8 \# K1 Y     ) C7 ]6 O" `8 J- S
     Governor Grant and the Doctor were both busy poking0 o: {; {& K3 h* r
     Jennifer's pussy when they heard the first scream.: H! F, Y( X6 L; n( I
     0 p6 c/ @- X: {
     Mrs. Connolly had been on the floor watching Captain3 H4 s. t* e2 c! W! a' M
     Williams and the Judge pull their clothing back on. She was* I3 k# R7 r8 O; _3 l9 \- \  ~
     miserable. Her asshole was throbbing and cum was drying on
1 E4 S3 `! C$ C     her face and hair as well as her asshole and pussy. She was  {. @4 y. c) h: w% x. _
     sobbing quietly. Captain Williams tucked in his shirt. "I'll
3 d: l  }2 u6 ^     tell you what," He said to the older man. "She ruined my
1 I, n# q& Y9 }1 M     time with her whining and crying. I think she should be
, b" A6 I  N. C7 n0 `7 |" S     punished."6 l% M& ?3 H. Y0 _" R- i
$ }6 j. G. m6 O" j9 `$ Q     The Judge nodded. He tied his shoes and stood up. "I agree."
2 H2 [! C+ q6 P9 I7 P     He looked down at Mrs. Connolly. "As the presiding judge3 d( I$ C$ g# B
     here I sentence you to  twenty five spanks across your bare
( [% d5 M8 ]3 r0 @     ass with Captain William's belt."
3 U5 s0 x. b" E; A# `; h     0 C$ w' P1 A: o" y; z) Q
     "Nooo," She wailed. "Please don't hurt me any more. Please."% M9 C6 v' G/ K( B( i8 W& Z- I+ O- t
     2 f! @7 ?6 I7 K
     Judge Robinson yanked her to her feet and pulled her over to # [# X/ p$ E7 {! c( O3 x& F% W2 |7 F! t, v
     the chair. Sitting down, He positioned the struggling woman3 r+ q% L4 L  M
     over his legs. He had to hold her with both hands. Mrs.
7 t8 j) M% `5 |     Connolly's bare feet flailed the air as the Judge held her
2 w4 @% Z+ ~) H* }  e+ M     in an iron grip. She heard the whistling sound and felt the  ?3 W( w! P9 ?8 o" X: W
     fire as the belt cut into her tortured ass flesh. That was
* U' Y+ @& i' y9 i     the scream the people in the lunchroom heard.
/ O: Q# T9 ?5 R: R     0 t# \7 B, L+ u4 D% Z
     Governor Grant grinned mercilessly. "She's getting just what# `4 {9 N+ ?5 y
     she deserves," She said to Miss Thomas as the screaming  y* u. f; q  T$ x% |5 @; g: g
. o$ z* c7 e. D     
. ?/ V6 O# Q6 n- N* ]4 v     The boys were now standing in front of the Governor and her
  r1 D, u: j! w/ i1 u3 M9 q  j     friends The girls were off to one side sobbing in shame as+ B8 [5 M2 x9 H1 O
     everyone now turned their attention to the seven naked boys.
- c% _5 I# g1 e     
4 D/ y0 E0 R  j- h) e     Governor grant ignored the screaming from the reception room
" n- G( {  ^% d  A     down the hall. She knelt in front of Kevin and took his cock' L5 J, X  q* ^$ a- L  I& a
     in her hand. "Very nice Kevin," She complimented the auburn& T$ r5 W/ t! n% u, H
     haired boy. She skinned his cut foreskin back and cupped his' a1 Z# L, H! v
     balls in her hand examining them. "Yes it's very nice," She8 `6 ]' s; }, ?8 O: Q& F5 N4 r
     said as she patted his cock and turned to Andy. "Well Andy,
( q9 p3 k- S2 }. S     we might as well enjoy your little penis now before you go  D: r$ P: y9 I, Y( Q9 h
     home tomorrow," She said. "If you behave yourself on the
5 j- f4 {1 ~6 D( m  o$ g- c     outside you will never have to come back here." She squeezed3 A; V$ U. y6 J; d0 W; K, @- s8 W
     his balls. "If you mess up again You'll be up here until you
! j* z( o2 c  V; @" q     turn fifteen," She threatened.
  X) k2 Y" w$ D. o* w     ) v% j4 [+ ]: k# `; ^" o! O' N
     Andy gulped. "Yes Ma'am," he whispered as she stroked his
; z8 }& j( q6 U9 ]+ ~9 ?     small cock until it was standing erect.
- o: C2 V, Q0 @* r: ]5 \     9 C: {" u) ~) y3 _
     The girls watched as the Governor worked her way down the" o  |( |8 F2 e+ c9 @
     line of naked boys. They kept glancing nervously in the0 R0 w/ k& j  y7 B
     direction of the reception room each time they heard their
) w- [* m% ~, X# R- U# m( P     mother's yelps of pain.
8 q- J. s; {" d     
" k) R/ I2 p) D6 M     Twenty five times Mrs. Connolly screamed as the thick belt( p" A: {/ Y) D
     turned her fleshy ass into a mass of welts.
  D4 D- w1 B- A% r     
7 i% C+ u8 k) C; ^+ z     The Captain put his belt back on as the blonde prisoner3 v1 d$ b) \% q* k% h( h" T' Q
     jumped around bawling and rubbing her raw ass flesh. Then
- [3 e5 ]# A/ S5 y5 z- h! T     the two men led the sobbing naked woman back to the
* f3 r( @. T# W# y     lunchroom. Mrs. Connolly shuffled head down rubbing her ass2 M, I5 f$ c$ S8 _/ R% Z4 ^
     behind the two grinning men. 5 s  ~) U! I. ]) H
     8 z( ^& }  f% H
     Governor Grant was cupping Josh's balls and looking at his
& a' Y  ]% i+ m8 M3 o* T( J     cock head as the three approached. She grinned as she caught
; B& W2 C2 p  ^, T& k( H4 c. Y     sight of Jean. What a sight it was. Her face and hair were# z5 ~' F2 r4 m2 G
     covered in cum and her eyes were red from crying. Her pussy5 ]% S" g+ F  w$ t( ~, ?8 r, T
     was caked with dried semen as was her ass. And speaking of
& c+ y  _  I2 g9 G) X" A     her ass it was purple with welts and bruises from the. m2 h* i  V+ }; A
     spanking she had just received. The girls were horrified as
% }# W+ F! u& D, @* b: u6 f     the looked at their thoroughly beaten mother. Kelly started
/ C4 f; g" I) |; X4 [3 ^& m     to sob.
  h5 T4 E+ _; m$ v* W. e     
, i- c8 z: a# _& W% b     "This is how you come to say good-bye to me?" Governor Grant
6 h: P0 x* ^- u. {0 ^0 t  I     asked making her voice stern. "You are a slob and should be7 {; A& A( L" @: s
     punished. Get me a paddle," She ordered Miss Paulson. Lori
: Q4 {9 _" l0 E( b% h% T7 a7 L     hurried off to obey.
! h0 P$ n- Z* Y) U' W     2 q* D" B) c' B9 n# j4 m) k4 X, P
      Mrs. Connolly couldn't believe her ears. After all she had) z. }- v% E) ^. z- m
     been through her ass was going to be spanked again. She felt! F; P0 Y3 S: y" J, z# s, ^4 w
     the heat on her buttocks from the welts put there not five
8 h8 K, v% z7 `: y0 N     minutes ago. She collapsed on the floor sobbing
8 C$ O- o9 ?) u. Q  g% I) g* O     hysterically. Governor Grant ignored her and turned back to
0 K; ]2 I0 y5 Y! K, T6 n, w     the naked boys who were gaping at Mrs. Connolly2 n& C+ w, l4 C" ~' n) n- E' H
# E5 w1 S( n  i4 B0 t     As the young guard went to get the paddle The governor knelt- \& F# i8 z1 L9 L
     in front of Michael and started stroking his uncut penis.9 o8 I% ~( O! ?9 z1 W4 S
     She took his large balls in her other hand and kneaded them.
* A- F3 A0 m7 m4 y8 T. S     Michael's cock stiffened. He closed his eyes in ecstasy as2 h1 n" l0 l  @0 E& V- h, q: E+ t
     the Governor expertly masturbated him
, ?+ m. l8 K' i     1 B* V0 X8 ~% |2 M2 R- i
     Judge Robinson knelt in front of Andy. "You're going home
- g) T6 v: _$ R. @     tomorrow young man,"  He said.( _6 t4 a' q, M
     "I hope I never see you in my courtroom again. The next time
8 y8 N1 T% ^; ]7 k- k& i/ m     you misbehave I'll make you strip naked in front of the
  Q1 N6 B4 g6 U8 u+ u& i     entire courtroom and I'll send you back up here for a year."
2 b" N3 m$ Q. K     He reached out and took Andy's cock in his hand, examining8 i/ n$ o2 }3 O
     the embarrassed boy. He cupped Andy's balls. "Do you: T5 _8 w1 e5 Z, f8 X, t6 K+ e
     understand?" 0 |# H7 C2 I: F3 @) H
1 c# o( C5 H: k1 o( F! h% d# w     Andy nodded. "Yes Sir, I'll sure be good from now on."6 l( k4 k9 q8 ]5 r# c/ X( J
     ) g' p0 p8 h. ?) w8 c( R
     "Let's hope so," The Judge said turning to Christopher.
  c* G% {& l  f* U  L     "Come here little guy and stand in front of me next to your
2 d+ k. |( K! \- G     brother." Christopher reluctantly moved next to Andy and the7 T+ m+ f. X) V8 E' i; |
     judge took the boy's little cock in his other hand. He
  g4 R) X& M) l& E+ _' `# f     cupped both pair of balls and fondled both dicks. "What I
  V; ?# j6 w3 n% `. q     said to your brother goes for you too," He said to the
' k% a" C7 F( H- f     little boy as he stroked the two small cocks until they were
1 Z* a0 y. P6 u# z     standing firm and hard. $ T, ^* }) s" t9 v$ D
: a8 }" E5 f( @6 n  w8 e9 b( @     Next to them the Governor was fondling Ricky's cock. The* I, w3 C+ H1 K! q: y
     little boy stood with his hands on the back of his head as" I1 u+ }! ]+ ~- [4 B
     the old lady looked closely at his cock head and balls.
4 D* J, n0 s3 ?6 w* O; |     "Very nice. You'll grow up into a very handsome young man,"
+ g. e, H& Q. \7 {8 ]3 `; O7 \     she murmured as she kneaded his balls in her gnarled hand.
+ F7 d0 E; D4 E' K     - u4 X+ l$ j+ F' L9 u' X" [, v
     Moving on she pulled Jerry's cock head back and ran her
+ x) S0 R- y4 U; F+ e# @1 x6 {3 _     finger lightly around his pee hole while holding his already
" s& y  `! W* b     erect penis between her thumb and forefinger. She cradled
' z$ ?( E! U2 m6 _8 L+ R' `2 L     his large ball sack in her other hand and smiled as a drop. K/ u3 s: a# \# r1 z0 y. G
     of pre-cum glistened on the tip of his cock.
3 _* r3 i5 s8 z     
7 A: d$ \: `! A. Q2 b* [     "I think it's time to check them from the other side," She
" C. S3 r$ {2 b8 U     said to Miss Thomas as she stood up. "The girls also."5 x: B8 ~! T4 l" ~! j: Y( J! f' f
     7 x& |+ t  d8 [& J2 X& E1 _3 x# I
     "You heard the Governor. Turn around and assume the; I7 Y/ i9 M2 Z9 p1 d  k4 |/ p1 n
     position," The head guard ordered.
$ q+ ?! f* q4 g, w! D- z     
9 v9 P& s5 B4 d! w- M     The girls moved over to stand next to the boys. Then as they
& y, r( ?6 f. {4 Z5 S     had been trained to do, The seven boys and four girls turned
2 ], S. K: {! r* H4 s7 v5 m- _     around and faced the wall. With their feet apart, each child/ Y# z# g; i6 J5 B* L
     bent over and  pulled their buttocks open for asshole
2 E: ~" N8 h( G& r+ H0 i$ [     inspection. Governor Grant smiled. "You really have trained8 n& F; ~' x3 u4 Z
     them well," She complimented Miss Thomas, ignoring the fact
0 D. c  S  R1 M/ r     that Mrs. Connolly and her daughters had actually trained
! Y, a/ K8 @3 O' y# d; |$ T( s+ o- \     the boys.& @0 k3 p% x5 O6 R: l4 P9 u
+ N4 z9 a* W2 B0 L     The adults watched as the Old Woman knelt behind Jennifer.
! g2 }* H7 P, C( V1 U     Instead of poking the teenager in her ass she pushed her
: A3 B" ?! _8 V4 w$ r     finger under the girl and fingered Jennifer's cunt. Jennifer/ a* {8 C- `% v
     let out a moan as the probing finger played with her clit.
) o" y4 {  B1 ^2 B: z     The Governor pushed her middle finger on the other hand into
* e, q/ O+ ?- m6 a& Y3 A  t     the pretty teen's open asshole at the same time. As Jennifer) ^- {" q- V2 s! i. i
     squirmed the Governor's two fingers moved in and out of the( y8 p; ~! A/ C# ?( Y
     twin openings.
- C0 K! d. Q* o# c9 }! K     
+ D# |4 l: f6 ?2 R9 |( R     "She's a hot little one isn't she?" Governor Grant cackled
9 e' _, W  p4 N: [# z, C     pushing a second finger inside Jennifer's soggy snatch. ! h. f( ^9 e- m+ E/ H
     ' }  d! C. w$ D% J
     Harley and Naomi knelt down next to the Governor and as the
9 O' T: S' ]7 b" _     old woman moved over to Caitlin the two deputies took turns
& ^" h2 B4 q0 ^  c1 g. X5 ]5 v     exploring Jennifer's two open holes. Harley poked his finger6 A( E/ z4 l( a; T9 s' i
     inside her asshole while Naomi pushed her hand into
# S* I0 k6 j- }% Q6 Z     Jennifer's rapidly moistening cunt.
1 T. r9 N* L  w4 h! W' C( \      . b1 q1 R4 [* z3 Q4 N% [
     "Well Caitlin I see your pussy is still as pretty as ever,"
1 h" b6 j# V6 M     The Governor said. "Let's see how your asshole is doing."
5 a7 Y2 h% }! U5 \0 H     She pushed her finger against the pink pucker and forced it
4 A# r8 o- W$ ?8 D$ S" c& [+ ^# F9 C9 R     in up to her knuckle as the slim thirteen year old grunted.
7 D5 i: A+ D! y) }& G     "You're still tight I see. The ass plug should loosen you up
4 ?  u3 _6 j; F0 ?; X     in a few days,"
' ?. T- B/ Y! F5 p% v. f8 X8 t     
3 }/ q/ c; K$ [     The Governor wiggled her finger around inside the young! f' e- r- U2 l! s
     teen's tight little asshole as Caitlin held her cheeks apart
3 D. l7 g4 ?! x4 j# w" J     and tried to keep from crying. As Governor Grant moved over! |( l% B0 `0 d8 @% n) ]
     to Christie, Harley took over. He forced his large finger
3 q" j3 `7 l, s+ S- T     into Caitlin's rectum. She lost the battle and tears started
$ u- |+ r- e) `; d& z     flowing as Harley poked and prodded inside her bowels.
6 \3 L9 p6 _2 q) O; u     
+ r; N* f& K5 v) b" N. B1 ?     The boys were all bent over awaiting their turn as the old
& _( i5 N6 m0 c( {$ {     Lady poked inside Christie's tight ass. She started crying" j+ T1 E* M& N6 V- ~$ `1 V1 i
     as the finger wiggled inside her, causing discomfort. Judge' [6 ~* ]+ u' {2 z* Q  A, C3 N
     Robinson took advantage of the position of the boys. He
, E5 J2 t* g9 x+ Y+ k' L     knelt down behind Andy and Christopher and as the governor
" ^$ P: c: `$ F/ o/ E     examined Christie's small tight asshole the Judge shove a
1 F$ A4 I8 z1 v- X3 J     meaty middle finger up inside each of the two brothers.! @" I9 ?4 ~. R' M6 i( Q, j
     % I; P5 o: Z! c$ Y0 c
     Though both boys were used to having their assholes reamed: U. D- o4 [" j: v
     and both assholes could stretch quite a bit, they grunted as
$ Z4 |) p3 ?/ |" z     the thick fingers poked and prodded inside them. "By the way
+ B- P% q% ]+ c9 E3 t     boys," He informed the two dark haired brothers. "One of the# J- @+ Y: P, ^9 G
     terms of your probation is you both will report to me every3 V5 S( Q5 I6 L4 o6 Y
     Wednesday after school and strip naked so I can examine; ]9 Z; f" G# k, z6 Y
     you." He reached under Andy and cupped the little ball sack9 t# m; g1 k: Q$ H/ m
     hanging down. "If you fail to show up I'll send you back) p! r2 ?: t: C# r  Y/ @
     here. Is that understood?"
. m/ D% b7 {! e  `  l     3 O0 C9 @3 F" S/ E8 ^% h9 B8 D, d
     Tears were pouring out of both boys' eyes as the Judge poked; @+ H' Z  ~; P& ^  R/ _) v
     and prodded their assholes and genitals. "Yes sir," Andy
0 F3 M, g. E/ t     managed to croak./ r/ ]" W/ X( E3 b! v* Z2 P# M
     8 ?! }: [: I& x
     Doctor Brenner and Nurse Randi took advantage of the bent
7 i9 t. e) q) x     over boys as well. Each boy was given a quick rectal exam.
9 a: X# o# x  L7 M! H5 V     Kevin stood bent over his with his balls dangling beneath! W: O$ L( T7 h0 l: I# J" s
     him as the Doctor fingered inside him. She cupped his nuts
$ V# d6 l- T2 d0 J7 T1 G/ L     in her other hand as she expertly searched inside his pink
( k" a( }* `" [- {     asshole.# D7 s" [, c& w+ X! L/ Y: X/ [
     4 z8 T  A5 x" v2 F. t3 ^6 L
     Next to him Jerry was being examined the same way by the
! H3 {. k/ v, p# m     nurse. "You have such nice testicles," She gushed as she6 z! C- p# W: I6 ]7 Q
     bounced them in her hand while poking her index finger
# n; t& o& w. ]     inside his wide spread rectum.
* I) s4 r% m$ L8 @8 _, P     
& [- }/ Y, a& d7 Q+ Y/ H7 [     Governor Grant removed her finger from Christie and Naomi2 r3 a  ]4 m! g, x  x
     took her place, shoving her middle finger inside the eleven
; b/ p) F- ^2 R( G" i2 N     year old as the Governor pushed her finger inside Kelly. & r5 j& {1 l/ F; Q. R  L
     9 d* y: J. @% H# j, \# q  ~
     Kelly was as tight as she'd been yesterday before all this- h- b  \# K: w7 e' y$ _0 \
     had begun. "You're gonna need a bigger cock than9 c/ u! `4 x* v3 k0 t
     Christopher's up here if you're ever to loosen up," The! X8 H+ h6 T& O0 D, [
     Governor complained as she forced her middle finger up
% }/ E8 ]5 K) Q8 ~7 @5 ^" Q     inside the crying child.0 U1 w: _8 N. o. P) M
     5 R8 P3 R7 o3 M# b; X
     Annie and Mrs. Maikowski joined in. Jennifer's cunt and1 H2 ]; p0 P" U) Y$ R0 I: k9 ~4 Z9 B
     asshole were getting a work-out. As one set of hands was
1 H7 i% D% ?3 e2 v     removed from her, Another person took over. Annie plunged
$ M5 f7 }' y6 {6 S. O1 ], `     her finger cruelly up inside the teenager's pink asshole
" M; Y& e; S4 _0 y5 d2 D7 Z! h2 v1 w     while Mrs. Maikowski squeezed and prodded the exposed
  J' h& Z- T3 X- Q     clitoris dangling beneath her.
  b1 y" A3 M' v* M# ^9 i: r/ R     5 \; E( B# a) @& F  T! Y2 H
     Governor Grant moved on to Michael's large brown asshole.
8 o* r: W0 V" G$ M9 ]& i8 j/ i     "This is a three finger job," She grinned and poked him with
$ P7 f+ e  f7 j0 t* S     her three middle fingers as he stood bent over with his  G1 @; F5 i5 H0 _& i
     hands pulling his cheeks wide.
( R5 ~, W' e# V9 D+ L2 @     
9 C; O* I2 ?. Z1 e3 a% a4 E     As the Governor moved on to Kevin, Naomi knelt behind6 C1 J- X& x/ i. m
     Michael looking up inside him. "This is the way I like you. Z8 k! n1 B2 q' T1 G) }$ f& B: N
     to be, Michael," She giggled. "You're not as tough today as
. A+ ^2 O% n' ]     you thought you were when we brought you here," She said
; U8 j) W0 N/ r" \     ramming two fingers inside his rectum.  o% n+ r  o( }9 w
     ( o# @3 A' |6 F0 F% B' }% u
     Governor  Grant pushed her finger up inside Kevin's pink
* A; h/ ]4 a/ @$ a     asshole and wiggled it around. Mrs. Maikowski knelt next to( Z5 K6 D6 O8 L7 a: a( ^/ l) f: X
     her examining Josh. The ladies cupped the boy's dangling
8 ~1 L  {/ r, z     balls as they reamed their assholes.   7 r/ d# z& a( G, w( ]7 s$ ^
$ V# B& [# V9 W1 s; P0 ]0 i7 y     Each boy and girl was thoroughly explored. The entire staff
0 [4 Q! n) L, m$ L; p  E! K     was kneeling behind the bent over children. Poking their$ O+ A9 m" d' u( y+ Y
     fingers into each exposed orifice. Mrs. Connolly lay naked
+ g% s& T0 x, \. f, \3 p" C* U     and filthy on the floor, forgotten as the children's
. m( @" o2 W$ J" x     assholes and genitals were the objects of everyone's
. h& H7 V* ^, ~0 l     attention.
- w0 I7 M* P) R; L1 N     
6 o1 K* H7 }" @  d5 m/ \     That situation changed as Lori Paulson returned carrying a
9 }0 M% r# T* I' ?     canvas bag. Governor grant stood up. "Good, I see you've
6 z7 R9 d+ o- b- g% [9 c9 v     brought them all," She smiled.
! B9 k% h/ n9 ^: h! o$ D       q" s" y& t' l: }2 l' v$ t+ r2 p
     The adults joined the Governor. Lori handed out the wooden, E. w- S$ p. {! j4 M' Y* n8 i
     paddles. "Get up and join the children," Miss Thomas4 K4 `2 K- z) c# `8 ~
     ordered, prodding Jean with her foot.
7 r) F8 z9 Z7 q. L     
$ P$ [6 k$ O  e/ O* `5 \     Sobbing hysterically, Jean joined her daughters who were# T  S) _+ G# n# g
     still facing the wall with their hands holding open their$ B9 R+ j3 R! f  N
     buttocks. "You can let go of your ass cheeks for now. We're
" v  V+ v4 B1 }9 m! K  M4 A4 e* d" \     finished exploring you," Miss Thomas said. "Remain bent- i( O8 k8 |- U& ]4 z: p
     over." . e& G4 v& @' n  ]% ~& w5 Q5 u
( x) x/ x. b3 B# K3 T% [     The children knew what was coming. They braced themselves as
0 q1 {1 t# `+ p5 Z0 @% n- i     each adult, A wooden paddle in their hands, Positioned
, j3 S" H2 h& J2 L( `1 m1 |     themselves behind a child.
4 G7 k' q) N2 O9 g     
, {8 D" g. Q7 p/ n     The governor stood behind a trembling Jean Connolly, She5 H/ M/ X# {* D3 k9 `
     whistled in appreciation as she looked at the bright red$ V/ ?# [$ S  O1 A, G# k
     buttocks inches away from her face. "I almost hate to do
! {; e- D3 o" P+ s. c     this," She cackled swinging the wooden paddle with all her# k, c. {5 B  u; b- h9 B5 X9 e" v
1 H4 i& C' [. S& L; O6 c" R+ n7 ]% u     8 ]. d9 e7 N- O
     Jean screamed as the paddle stung her tortured buttocks.
' ]& m% y* m/ }. q0 e* ^/ I7 ~     That was the signal for the spanking to begin. Captain
/ ^( m0 _3 ]! B/ O' ?& t     Williams hauled back and gave it to Michael. Judge Robinson ( Z; H9 l8 G8 H  O3 c) G7 v
     stood next to him and let Jerry have it. While next to him& q4 H1 @) B. h" B; X( \
     Naomi Tancredi pounded Kevin's round behind. % N) |; n; Z* F) u2 z
     $ F: r: X$ x8 ~* E7 s  v3 Q" d
     Josh was being spanked by Mrs. Maikowski while Annie got2 O7 ?; a- a$ Z: u/ @- X$ S
     into the act, paddling Ricky's firm little bottom.
& \/ m0 }( v: }; ]     
4 z! h; ]# K" t5 q     Andy was screaming as Harley kept a rhythm going on his
0 _: x7 T- R6 `$ q; A6 _+ J: W- s     behind. Randi did the same to Christopher.* b2 I; e& d' W  E; ~
7 ?2 [8 A* a' G6 Y1 {0 h     The girls didn't escape the paddles either. Doctor Brenner3 c' ]; U* {% r
     was giving it to Jennifer's shapely backside and toiling. j9 \& a# A: ~
     alongside her, Lori Paulson made sure Caitlin would have a
2 p/ W3 b1 H# z6 _; Y) @     red ass as a souvenir of the Governor's visit.1 R  a9 W4 ]$ ]
% R" z' K# [! a8 n9 |* d2 S     Chief Crane was gleefully pounding on Christie's cute little
. k# L  Q- o! x% O& L  R$ _     bubble butt. Next to him Miss Thomas made sure every inch of$ |+ q+ g. c# F! |) x. o
     Kelly's little ass was glowing brightly.
$ }3 P  _# T$ f     7 X8 t% S7 ^+ H5 J, i
     The Children were screaming in agony as the paddles smacked
! O  e5 F* B3 h9 y     into their tortured behinds. "Keep those asses still," Chief7 ?, P# k. }* x7 S; ?
     crane ordered. "If you jump around before we finish we'll, U% W! |/ i, W' c, a
     just add ten more spanks to each of you."
) k/ P; N/ B" s6 V& z6 A' A     ! q* n% \# }1 X2 z6 T% k
     The paddles pounded down on the tortured ass flesh turning. `1 V# z3 Q* _
     each child's cheeks a bright crimson. Each child was crying
/ N" ^* n9 U" J: j. Z0 c: r     in pain as twelve paddles bit into twelve behinds. Miss3 f; l2 ~* }$ I1 O+ L
     Connolly's screams were the loudest as the Governor lifted5 ~2 k" ~) j6 K
     and dropped her hand bringing the wooden paddle down on the
8 H+ ?* s7 z1 F# x. ^. g     tortured ass with all the strength the old lady could
6 e5 }0 }$ a4 N! C3 t6 T- v     muster.+ n# `4 Y5 {+ D% z  Y$ ^3 A
     # V+ T5 }6 e# {: O
     Finally it was over and the twelve naked people were allowed# _) v5 R( L8 t$ Z" @5 c
     to straighten up and  rub their sore behinds.
5 l5 r; ?, A5 ~/ r7 k     , @& b: q1 _  O, C) |$ y
     The Governor watched with a bemused expression on her face
; d8 ]  r8 V1 Y1 j     as the eleven children and Jean Connolly danced around( V% \' t: b/ {* J' g9 x
     howling and rubbing their red asses.4 B3 h5 R+ @' A2 D7 x
3 U1 U0 Z. ^8 C, u- Q     "I'll be seeing you in a few weeks to check the progress# z% C- ~- N; D9 o8 G' F) }4 ]& s+ _  c
     you've made with the new kids I'm gonna be sending you," She
1 v$ m# k5 `5 y$ Y     said as she shook Miss Thomas's hand. She turned to the; Z' T) x" Y9 r# u7 N9 @& l. d
     Chief. "Good luck in your new position. You have my
( t5 x9 t9 d2 ^& D     permission to hire one more male guard and one female guard.; w- ~  H6 s8 N4 L. l+ ]1 K( p1 p0 V* _
     You'll need them when you get the new boys and girls."
) ^5 F# m" w+ x! A2 q     , O+ F& S) ~, U1 Q" P
     The chief nodded. "I'll hire Paige Riley right away as the
2 {9 c+ m/ F* B. M- S" z     female guard. She loves little boy's cocks. I may hire one) a* W, v- N9 i4 m5 c4 O6 d
     of my officers as the male guard." He shook the governor's
  M( T% m! t3 b     hand. The Captain and Judge shook the Chief's hand as they
  K9 e; A; m% j) x, x3 v2 _     turned to go. "I really enjoyed myself, The Judge said.
8 i0 _. Y/ X6 e/ D     "I'll make sure to send you some more kids from my town in, l* X- ^& I- q" w" C% H
     the next few weeks."
! d3 d# b/ B1 ^& U4 u     $ N' ~$ A  d+ ]1 R+ w
     "Line up to say good-bye to the governor," Miss Thomas- ~4 L3 h2 n' Z( h! m
     ordered the tired children.  Sobbing and still rubbing their
# V0 p5 M3 m. m     behinds the children lined up.
& Y' f0 ?1 E* o6 {0 A& P# P     
! Q! g% t- v5 L" d# d) B     "Good-bye kids Try to be good," The Governor said as she
' ]8 G2 O" q2 R& V* u     took a last look at the naked cocks and cunts in front of$ m- e8 d' U+ L7 ?6 c$ E- X
( \8 \+ g( V. @, O/ s# }  d     
$ d7 g1 Q1 z! A4 |     Judge Robinson knelt down and squeezed Andy and/ \0 s3 X6 k9 r& S+ O+ V
     Christopher's cocks. "I'll see you in my chambers next) ~  C3 a) a9 l3 z
     week."/ A9 M: ^( D( ?+ S
- H4 T% n8 h( ^  E1 a+ j4 s& S1 H     The Governor and her party left with the Doctor and Nurse.
3 g  u, D" p' O  b; C     "Let them rest for the rest of the day," Doctor Brenner3 O% w3 K* t/ f2 d
     ordered. "They can resume activities tomorrow. You can put
+ j' G  L/ m* [1 a' F5 [! K     the butt plugs in tonight. They need to have those assholes) q3 M, z: N- O3 p; f( c6 ]
# U1 A' m9 I! r6 _# h4 e4 D     
. Q0 j5 K4 g5 N     As they watched the Governor drive off, Miss Thomas turned
, g$ t2 X$ W; e. |: D" Q8 f     to Mrs. Connolly. "Get your sorry ass into the shower and
  g# p8 x, M& D/ G     clean your cunt up," She ordered the bedraggled filthy/ o5 S) V% e" ~. p
     blonde. "I want to see you clean and naked in front of me' |% D4 z8 Z) I# q
     for inspection in a half hour." She turned to Lori and3 t' Z- i$ X  @( ~# z3 g' n% i3 e
     Naomi. "The kids can work on the farm for the rest of the% b" A9 b9 K& g: s$ T
     afternoon." ' i% ?/ N. R* k$ ], I$ a
* }  X9 z9 f: g1 G      The children marched out led by Harley and Lori and Naomi.$ R- j6 Y) T" p5 A
     Mrs. Connolly followed Mrs. Maikowski to the shower room,
6 R) R6 C; W# f8 n2 j     The Chief and Miss Thomas faced  each other. "I'm sure gonna4 D. W# y& q& h) i/ c2 `
     like this job," The Chief said smiling.  * }' ^; ~, a- Q4 ~8 Z1 p1 o
5 q- e4 B3 l7 R     That night after supper the children were allowed to go to
* \, C; r: D+ z/ g7 L8 J     bed without participating in the nightly entertainment.: J( O* z9 |, X
     Before bed, The girls were made to bend over once again and
  R! g2 ^: E5 g! N- z) s5 M     with the boys watching, Harley and the Chief knelt behind% i2 S0 \2 g2 U; T: f/ Z
     each of them  and shoved the butt plugs up inside their open; U0 S  G& {+ t4 O5 L4 i' [9 @/ t, S* c
     rectums. Then they were allowed to sleep. Even with the" `& E% e$ W, L- k4 o5 h
     rubber devices stretching their assholes, They slept so
: W9 D' X, Q8 }( o' Y     soundly that they didn't even stir when Harley and the Chief
& F; R( e( D' |, U* h     woke the exhausted Jean Connolly and sandwich fucked her.
  Y$ z$ U9 H2 e( r# x1 U2 o% ?     Afterwards she was returned to the room Miss Thomas was8 o1 N& i8 \+ T; a, x4 I: [
     sleeping in and made to lick the head guards cunt.' ]# }9 l( R( \* G% r+ z
     $ n$ e7 X* `% k7 K' H" E0 ?5 ?: \
     It seemed like she only slept for ten minutes when Jean was* G6 O; }: g. p8 E- Q  V
     kicked away by Miss Thomas. "Get your lazy naked ass up.6 G- v. n  c! _  O7 z
     It's six A.M. and you have to prepare breakfast," The guard
7 Y4 x# D$ T% ^, J) X& W; b7 Y. D     snarled. "Ten minutes to get your ass and cunt clean for
4 X5 V' K2 j6 ?! j* n* I     inspection."2 H% w% l) b& A. [
     7 S1 |" B1 r5 b' n4 z" X
     Every bone in Jeans body ached. Her ass was bright red from& J4 w2 W# w9 J; j/ ~
     the spankings and her asshole hurt from the huge cocks that3 l8 ?# }- ?0 W% H' @0 o$ U
     had been shoved inside it. She let the hot water drum on her: G3 j1 z  Y! g/ H0 r9 }& }
     as she soaped and washed  over and over trying to clean her
+ I# |6 Y4 y# @- W9 A* g) W: Z     ravaged body. She stood with her hands on her head as Miss) Q$ V' V3 Q; N/ E* Z
     Thomas knelt and examined her shaved cunt. Jean cried out as
* T: ~+ [. ]0 G/ g9 r     Miss Thomas shoved her two middle fingers inside her sore" V' ^8 s( C8 }- S
     pussy. Then Jean bent over, pulling her cheeks apart so the
/ W( k( ]$ [7 d6 ?8 B7 g2 c$ B% P     head guard could check her asshole.
. J7 Z5 m$ x* i4 W     "Tsk tsk ," Miss Thomas shook her head as she peered inside
& b8 v6 C2 f9 q" k5 ]     the blonde's sore rectum. "It's so red. If I were you I'd7 F1 ]( K. F- E4 Z
     walk backward so nobody gets any ideas about fucking that/ W1 d+ N" K, s3 f% F4 _: }
     asshole.9 ^0 G# F' e, {7 d$ Q$ J6 [5 {
     / J) k0 e, B# {; H( I
     Jean was marched to the lunchroom where she had to endure+ ?( ^9 O5 G4 B
     the indignity of another asshole and cunt inspection from1 {; u7 k! j2 `' F9 U2 m2 ~
     Evil Annie. "You sure got it yesterday," the cook grinned,, N# G- X, d# H0 G9 B; q- h- y# e
     lighting a cigarette and kneeling behind the hapless blonde.& `/ G+ c* F8 C+ j7 e1 S1 a- v
     She looked up Jean's asshole and shook her head. "It looks  M- n$ _# U5 _9 x; \% l( o
     like a raw piece of meat ."  Annie shoved her finger up Mrs.1 J3 e( ]# e( h* v# o+ o5 V
     Connolly's exposed cunt and wiggled it around. "Bet this
& ?, w3 z# u- R5 j3 O( R     feels good," She giggled as Jean stood bent over gasping.
) I; g9 v  ]4 V; S( Q, \- o- f     Finally Jean was allowed to straighten up and was kept busy# u8 I3 T  {, |4 p
     preparing breakfast.5 R4 R$ ]4 G0 N, _. x6 S
& A% q7 o  R8 r" h% |2 U     While their mother was thus occupied her four daughters were0 q+ N7 J" ]1 Q6 b1 i
     being awakened by Harley and the Chief.1 s% H3 R  ~7 y# O+ X0 q# @0 `
     The four groggy girls were standing facing the wall with
: v" g  N$ f# s  r     their legs spread wide apart. They were holding open their6 ~* O( S* y1 f# ~
     buttocks. The two lawmen went from girl to girl pulling out
  Y; ^# g$ W! k3 ^- {     the rubber plugs and inspecting the girls very sore
: ^9 K  K6 v' V7 I" W! E: z# F     assholes. "Looks like they'll need another couple of nights9 p0 y# u0 w8 y% K/ n4 a# j4 o
     with these things shoved up their asses," Harley commented3 H5 _$ `6 \; Q
     looking up Christie's bare butt. / N6 b% t6 n7 m7 a$ w+ d; M' w  v
     + a+ t5 O- E. X2 A2 k/ N
     The Chief nodded as he inserted a finger inside Caitlin's; {2 m- k, ]" G- H& V: e
     sore asshole and wiggled it around. "Let's check their
8 }+ i1 |) l4 W$ R3 p+ |' S     pussies and go to breakfast," He said removing his finger
$ O& s7 i& D; U, Q     with an audible plop.
7 B: X: L  F2 y, z+ ~4 D4 y     4 C7 d7 P' L; P1 ~$ b6 d2 P. j" n
     Caitlin yelped as the chief removed his large digit from her% x7 w" ]( e/ i) `. S
     asshole. "Stay bent over," He commanded "We can check your
- G' z( C  n. h. P2 C4 L  Y     pussies from the rear."
4 Y2 o% Z3 @1 ]3 g- U, n8 b     
- \1 a" V  p' s" i5 V     The two men busied themselves  inspecting  the four girls
  T, A4 F0 T4 g7 _     pussies. Caitlin held still, Trying not to cry out as the
/ p$ @. q% w' c7 c     Chief's finger parted her cuntal lips and entered her
2 {- ~- P8 o0 x! R# Q% H. I     vagina. Harley pushed his finger up inside Jennifer and was2 |0 Q) q6 c7 o- ]6 p% q4 m
     gratified to see her shiver as he brushed her clitoris. The
. b( o; h! m8 h& K( Z# p     two girls stood bent over sobbing as the men inspected their
; Y7 t4 C9 w2 B7 F     pussies. " Next shower you take I want you to shave your
0 B( R1 ]6 w; L$ v7 f! g     cunt again. Your hair is growing back. I can feel the
9 u$ c( F1 M3 n. u0 ^     stubble," The Chief said to Caitlin. "You too," He said
$ n  i3 z& p, \, n; I  P     glancing over to where Harley was pushing his finger in and
  N9 f. @' w% Z4 y$ K, R     out of Jennifer's snatch. Then Christie and Kelly were given
3 \  z2 t: X/ t( }1 R, C     the same treatment. The Chief shoved his finger inside
- m- V4 x3 t8 m  Z) k     Kelly's tiny cunt. She gasped as it went in up to his& x  r7 x5 _3 S0 Q' U
     knuckle. He wiggled it around watching as Christie got the4 H  [+ G0 y: U7 D4 R/ q  T: f
     same treatment from Harley. Satisfied, the two men marched
$ |! a4 f3 {8 P$ Z/ Y; x% t     the little naked girls down the hall to breakfast.
# N$ a$ R6 V8 l- I, e     
7 k- `! D) P: v1 Z( K     The boys were standing with their hands on their heads as/ F3 y! R; k/ F  S3 I/ M) M
     Naomi, Lori and Mrs. Maikowski gave them their before
9 L' j7 }; \# l: E* E% G     breakfast penis and testicle inspection.- t6 B. _* J$ S- B# H4 w
# T" I' x" r+ [- G: n     "I hear Paige Riley starts as the new guard tomorrow," Lori
+ N' x1 o3 Y) m7 K; f! i# a; q% w     said as she fondled Ricky's small cock.
# m; C! B8 T" y% B/ h& ]  n     
4 e* v/ k; D& k+ N5 u6 ^     "The Chief called her last night and she agreed." Naomi
; l/ ^, ?. t% E) n, ]     said. stroking Jerry's large uncut cock "She wants to have
4 L- Z1 w8 s- s0 \2 G9 L     the boys lined up to greet her with their hands on their( [* p  G3 r, X( F
     heads so she can explore them as soon as she gets here.": R( q8 t& |/ t' p  M
     / ]) t" u' E3 @/ U
     Mrs. Maikowski was examining Kevin. "That shouldn't be a
: |+ |% G5 k( n( v5 a1 g/ i/ s) X     problem. They're like that now," She said cupping the boy's0 c$ P1 e) W7 j  e: D$ D
     balls and stroking his cock.
& t  m! P' g, r$ R4 w9 T' G     , G8 l: Y" }5 F$ t) {2 r5 u
     "She's already had them sucking each other off the last time% h2 z2 T, i4 s/ ~/ O
     she was here." Lori said moving over to Michael and skinning, t/ H. ^5 L5 f5 l, |
     his foreskin back. "She should fit right in. Michael I need
& H& E- B& p  f# r$ W, c     you to go into the bathroom and clean under your foreskin."4 W9 M$ X* i! v4 }" p. c
     She squeezed the twelve year old's balls. "Now," she
/ s- I) j3 L$ @% ~. k     ordered.
- h" E: v- f) Z! ~8 ^, T% N     Michael ran off to obey and Lori moved over to Josh.
  r7 o% p; C# a" Z7 f2 C& [! _     0 z6 x0 e6 @5 o! ^) Q" R) j0 |7 d  R
     "You're going home today," Naomi said her face inches away9 l, B) s( U! P  G5 D" a/ B
     from Andy's cock. "I'll miss your little balls," She said+ h4 [1 G. ^3 |' e
     taking them in her hand." You're going to miss seeing the
2 I, A- v: n7 i+ o0 f, o     four new girls. Too bad I hear they're really cute."
& k& F8 U: X8 \     % E9 i, F- K+ c! F4 f& _0 q
     Mrs. Maikowski skinned back Christopher's foreskin. "You're  s% A5 X& K6 A- c4 h1 W8 B3 r
     just learning how to lick pussy and now you won't even get a
$ j8 B! C* f7 O; A. s6 N     chance to do the new girls," she said looking at
3 i) n6 g* N' X& W* W- \6 V     Christopher's cock head closely. ' K0 U2 t6 I7 N
0 e  ]' t8 t0 [5 Y     "They'll be back. I don't think they're capable of being
5 o" r% e0 J) l7 s& E. r; ^/ ^( C     good little boys," Naomi said squeezing Andy's balls.
/ _+ |4 V8 h2 r) e* Z) o     
+ C  v& \0 v( V0 `% D6 J+ H     Michael ran back to Lori. "I cleaned my foreskin real good
& D) P( s$ e9 ?6 R( O! L! l     ma'am," He said peeling it back. Lori bent over and examined
$ o3 K% `4 |3 D' f6 J; C     the blushing boy's cock. "Very good She nodded. "Now lets
% O% k3 y0 ]; m4 L6 I     check your assholes."
3 K( s$ d; a/ W3 J- f# x# y( T8 \! e     ' ?! b: L5 N6 k# r
     The seven boys turned around and bent over legs apart. They
; b% n$ T$ A- S- S# {     pulled their buttocks apart and the women # ~$ R$ p3 i: q& ?' O2 q% ^
     knelt behind them peering inside their puckered assholes. / O; V$ B) _- I; z0 Y( B+ k  c- L& i- m
5 f/ L; k! x: T0 f  h     The boys were allowed to stand up and put on their hats and
0 m5 X/ \- Z8 G& j3 O) z2 Q     flip-flops, Then they too were marched to breakfast.6 Y7 |2 Y2 y- F/ D" B; U( Y, w
+ ~6 `4 N- q6 e1 Q, V     The staff was all there waiting as first the girls and then! O; H& L) H$ L
     the boys were seated. Miss Fanelli and Miss Walton smiled as5 J) Q) ?2 z/ y# G' S0 H
     they saw the naked children. A chill went up Jennifer's. I% `* O/ u0 ~( v" o
     naked spine./ V# n  {4 v& z; q$ }' ^
     2 x# g. e) }$ f! a% u+ p# `
     Miss Thomas addressed the children. "Chris and Andy's
5 L6 \; q" F! Z: k; F     parents will be here to pick them up this afternoon. You're9 F  @2 B3 q3 ?) X4 ?" K: r
     all to attend Miss Fanelli and Miss Walton's classes this
; V0 j. A+ y; l) y5 F; O6 |     morning. After lunch we'll gather in the lunchroom to say
7 V: x4 x2 q! S4 W: V     good-bye to our two "Graduates."
% }- |# H4 a$ ^     
; Q( D% S( z% j5 u     A naked Mrs. Connolly served breakfast. As she stood next to
8 z/ C7 b  Q) R6 Z# H4 {  O2 E     the Chief pouring his coffee, He stuck a pudgy finger up' V) {2 z) g) H7 Y  Q4 k6 `
     inside her cunt. "After breakfast you're to report to my- s! W! s8 E, C, y3 g
     office. I need you to suck my cock," He chuckled.  "If you5 V: ~- @& }" C9 Q) Q% [. t
     don't give me the best blow job I've ever had I'm gonna2 o. z! ~' L3 ?
     teach little Kelly how to do it later," He threatened.  ; q. X2 q7 D6 J  K- a
; ?/ A7 }& n9 D3 r- W9 r$ S- m     The children ate in silence. Boys at one table and girls at
7 C% ^9 Y2 h) W" q$ P     another. Andy and Christopher could barely contain their: w$ T3 L) o" s; p
     excitement. They were going home! They were going to wear& A+ l0 O% {/ w0 E5 A
     clothes again and best of all they wouldn't have to suck' x! U& x4 S: s& g0 B
     cocks or show their assholes to anyone. Then Andy
( k9 v" |& t+ W0 l4 W% R( D     remembered. Wednesdays he'd have to report to Judge Robinson$ a6 G( ~5 c1 {7 B% Y, ?& K
     with Chris and get naked. Still one day a week  was better
, d+ H7 x& T+ O- A     than this place.9 x) j. J$ v, a- V. O" I. t
     , m9 e& m2 P4 o/ ~
     After breakfast Miss Fanelli and Miss  Walton gathered the/ H  n6 }( L2 y1 P, D
     children and marched them to the classroom.  Miss Walton's
9 ^4 [0 D8 H, l     was the first class. Miss Fanelli took a seat in the back to
% C8 L* _. g: D9 ?     observe her friend teach. Miss Walton let the kids get
0 ~; g; u( E. @; f: P3 M2 z     seated. The naked children gingerly placed their sore, red) S! ~/ T7 p/ P- \% f
     butts in the wooden seats. The girl stayed together on one
; U0 E! r" a6 T4 L  d+ Y4 a     side of the classroom and the boys on the other.
5 o' m* V) W/ C5 D! s     
! {" C* R8 p- s5 F1 `( s8 d! D; \* i) B     "Good morning class," Miss Walton said. "I'm happy to see
' o2 i7 Z. ~8 S. t+ J+ E& }     all your smiling faces today. It's a special day as the
# V" D+ k0 x" r% `5 X( |! w     girls are joining our little group. But I'm embarrassed to
9 _: A, C: E; h: K     see the girls and the boys sitting apart." She shook her
* H) K. E6 j1 F/ ^, h: g( J6 N     head. "After all you've been through together. I understand
5 f* G+ r4 ?) n1 F6 d     the girls even lost their cherries yesterday. Well, let's' N4 _7 d4 q' j4 N
     break the ice. I'm going to ask two of you to volunteer to
; }$ z  |8 l9 _. t$ E: i     play show and tell."
. n4 h# u7 Q8 ?8 Z- l4 g2 Z     
$ p' d# k; e3 M* Z4 w5 T     She waited but no one raised their hands. "This won't do. I% j# t# k! ?+ V7 l* }0 z  K* u
     guess I'll have to pick two volunteers. Everyone will get a  F  ?5 ^; r2 O& i
     turn in the days ahead. Let's see now. Who amongst you will  I& U4 d, `6 }, Z) E  ]- y/ [3 i
     go first?"  Miss Walton looked around. "Oh come on.  Its not
" S8 P: V/ f  N5 D" D     like you haven't looked up each other's assholes and fondled
: W) J2 J  z9 D" s$ {! p     each other's privates before," She coaxed.8 G  I3 L3 i0 l# F0 S
     / {+ H9 G' Q- p& I& X7 i
     "Christie, You be the girl. Come up here and stand by me."1 B% ]6 m5 s# M4 z; a. Y
     Christie stood up and walked slowly up to the front of the( H8 N% r& d* E- f! u
     class. "Kevin you be the first boy." Miss Walton ordered.( a$ O+ N/ ^6 R
     "The object of the game is to examine each other's entire5 X! L/ {: a' {. D. I3 T/ W4 f
     body, Describing what it feels like and looks like to the
6 x9 D' r' m0 T% P( u, U     class. You can use my desk to stand on. Christie, you climb
0 H/ Q* [4 Z1 n% C0 e! K  y+ u+ `" r     up and let Kevin describe each part of your body to the
9 g" u3 k  T8 Z+ @- T0 C) h- Z     class. Kevin you can start with her feet."
: |9 E! I. e5 S  ^. F, ^1 x( Y     " y; t/ S% L- ]
     Kevin helped Christie climb up on the desk. She stood up and6 S* M# c$ b$ K& Z5 `# x, V6 u. O
     Kevin looked at her feet. The little blonde girl blushed as9 {% f$ Z  f6 A3 W
     he started. "Christie has small, really cute feet," He said
% r) F9 ?( v" i( y     touching them. "With small toes. She cuts her toenails and/ o3 H7 r6 ?6 ]( v; E: ?
     takes care of them. Her ankles are really nice too," He. R8 P0 j4 N: G) `# y, a
& c: s7 p8 J" M- }     
$ ^! P5 v- R8 p$ @, s$ s2 [. i) b     "That's good Kevin," Miss Walton said. "Go on and describe
- C5 u+ S; f& P# D     her legs."
, @4 D$ }* `3 n) S. s3 P     ! L6 W5 b9 K# q  c
     Kevin shrugged. "They're kind of long and slim.  She has a& e: G4 z4 S9 \9 V* V( I
     nice tan." ! K6 }6 I4 [, M) P* U
     ' ~8 D% S, X6 L6 [% Z
     "What about her calves and knees and thighs? Would you say
9 k/ p, u1 x, s. i     they're shapely.?" Miss Walton prompted.
3 A/ T3 `# b' d, G5 q     
: u6 e* f$ l3 ^* o7 Y" B) K     Kevin blushed. "Yeah I guess so," He said.
1 h! o2 }6 n0 o9 w     1 Z5 k# @9 N( b% a( Z
     "Go on and describe her ass. Turn around Christie." Miss1 a9 {; D6 Z0 e. y7 k' a$ t
     Walton ordered, getting exasperated with Kevin.! s5 f9 S# q$ M$ r7 B7 E8 ^
4 s! B# k8 I6 ^* I5 Q" X* F     Christie turned around showing the class her shapely ass. It. A4 [7 s/ `6 b/ u  a
     was still a dull red from the spanking last night. The class
4 m- P# y+ V8 U5 I$ u6 A" e     could sympathize with her. they also were suffering from red! k' n% u( [0 _  s! u
     ass syndrome.
: A9 a/ N+ E: V, ]4 u  ^6 `     * q6 ?) z% ?  K5 p  A
     Kevin looked up at the pretty ass displayed in front of him.
( N; ^0 ]4 ]! Z# p/ }  \) t     "She's really got a nice one," He smiled. It's round and9 d8 D! \/ Q$ J& }
     firm without any creases." He grinned referring to Mrs.
' v/ x7 @$ m0 o, G$ a4 f1 S     Connolly's dimpled behind.
* M: l! i1 j6 O  `- u     * Z% o( q9 Y0 r9 D) Z: e& H
     "Let's talk about her pussy. Turn back and face the class,
: N! m+ l2 m2 x     Christie," Miss Walton ordered. / Q5 \0 o$ A" B2 S0 k3 e9 V
6 A: w* `0 P1 ]8 |     Christie turned back. "Spread your legs open slightly so we
2 n: m3 V* n1 F     can get a better look," Miss Walton said.9 J& f* ^9 H' m# [% |
     1 w4 j0 M1 y, m5 |8 U( U" b, u
     Kevin pointed to the little girls cunt in front of him. "She9 B! Z% D$ l( L; ]4 ~& |9 M
     hasn't any hair yet and her pussy looks like a slit from the
( N- x( V* D5 {$ x& d  Y* H2 R     outside. When she opens her legs you can see her cunt lips.
0 f" x1 s. R1 m; Y- `- {; J     They're pink and pretty and her clit sticks out when her4 j% q+ Z- i" |
     legs are wide apart." ! N  [' a  x( K/ W
     ! x! t9 \% S$ J# O1 _: K: K
     "Sit down on the desk and put your feet on the ends so your
' }6 A% f4 i8 \$ [+ N     pussy is wide open." Miss Walton ordered. "Let's give the
8 Q3 W2 X+ f1 m7 P     class a better look." 9 ], W* Y' D. g0 C/ g+ {- c
( J; c( T5 M3 ^9 Z; f# Q: W) ^* e     Though everyone had seen the inside of her cunt, Christie
8 \% k, N8 g: i: _8 X1 O     still blushed as she sat down and opened her legs wide.; q- O. ^3 r( K( L5 D1 P& _
     Kevin reached over and pushed a finger in. "This is her clit* R0 k7 S4 s( W+ n# A/ D
     and these are her lips," he said pointing to each part.. N( b7 z! O$ V- x7 N0 G
     Christie felt herself getting moist as Kevin poked around1 y; I+ P. Z3 l( ~/ Z6 A
     inside her, Describing her small vagina to the class.
# `) v* m- G5 }! W% m5 @4 O5 C     
7 ?! C) {$ H% z4 R, M; T8 L; ]     "Sniff your finger and tell the class what it smells like,"
# V% l$ j& s: P* F- f4 X/ P; d     Miss Walton prompted.
* P2 J. i3 d: f     7 i4 v. ^4 e9 V! U
     Kevin put his finger under his nose. "It smells good," He
7 ~; ?+ S- W+ `5 y1 j" m4 C     said blushing. "I like the smell."
$ G, G- R3 O! g: U     ( _3 V# x( T5 E
     Miss Walton smiled. "Good. I hope you'll also like the taste
! X% F, o* a) i     of fresh cunt cause you're gonna have your nose buried in
! u& B" U' O/ ?3 S) P     pussy a lot in the next few weeks."
3 |* V, }6 @; {0 f4 j6 V4 ~- P     
. R( Y( D6 E6 w$ m6 m( Q, G' w     "Lay back on the desk and lift yourself up with your hands
: k8 [# u8 x/ n: D/ c) H; V     under your ass so the class can see more," Miss Walton,
; M& p  z& g+ y6 L     ordered kneeling beside Kevin and peering into the young: B  N0 r5 |* @; D
     blonde girls vagina." k1 V; m. K, o" P" W  J
     Kevin was now sporting a raging hard-on as he looked inside/ k* o& ~; |; ~3 y
     Christie's cunt once more and described it to the class.
: ]. ~/ {# g8 E3 q. ]0 R' V( l3 s" o     
. @( Z5 I2 ?! d; [7 [. U% ^     Everybody was allowed to get up and look at the spread-
+ P3 m9 w0 p* j     eagled girl. "You'll all be required to do this so be nice+ N2 u1 N) f# c+ J
     to her," Miss Walton warned as Ricky poked his middle finger
( k  S' F. y) J     inside the gaping cunt causing Christie to cry out.
& P  l6 o! d- d8 h" j     
; }# p- c% d5 Z) G! Z     "Now lets see your asshole, Dear," Miss Walton said after: l  y+ D4 j# v" `- l- j3 o( u( q) ^
     the class was seated. "You can turn around and kneel on my
( D9 T8 |! p6 C4 B) y0 n     desk with your face down and ass up. Pull those legs apart,"
: q7 K( G4 K+ l     She instructed as Christie took the new position." ?) X5 A! b3 p( @6 z' k, P
     + M- G5 x8 G/ n- t& U( n6 @0 S" Y
     Kevin stood alongside the little girl and poked his finger' J( V; X" I& @) r, z
     inside her pink asshole. "It's really very pretty," He said. - O$ L9 Y* y( W) x1 b
     "It's sort of pink and crinkly.  It's still tight. I can
0 h9 I8 [7 p6 S     only get one finger inside and I have to push to get it in.& v1 r4 a; o) @$ b( G' k$ R8 y5 r
     She's very clean also."; X2 r) q7 F+ i5 w
     , v) f: A7 i% m& K
     "Bet your cock felt good inside there," Miss Walton said,$ x) B' |3 @' y( ?# a- j
     looking at Kevin's hard-on.
# g& \1 L, b! W7 |8 ~$ O) t     
/ Y; F; j' z) ~2 B     Kevin blushed. "Very good Kevin. Miss Walton smiled. "You
7 v1 o1 r8 ?. R) @* D1 v     still have to describe her tits but being they're so small9 g3 l2 r3 G8 x  k+ M& ]! A5 f
     we'll excuse you. You can take your finger out of her ass) Q1 v0 |  O) O1 }8 J
     now," She chuckled.
( `7 m( n. @8 U3 y+ k% g     ; I* k: U" N4 U. ~3 K# s- s
     Kevin turned even redder. "Now let's let Kevin stand on my
  |8 M7 V7 ~( ~& G: H/ M; `) L8 ]& G     desk and Christie can show and tell his body," Miss Walton! p3 B6 `; J+ q
# W6 \) Z" S" `9 f( ^) Y. W     9 f7 G9 C, C1 ]$ p3 e% j
     "You should really be familiar with his body. You've been1 R3 x% N. L; j; M
     examining and exploring it for several months now," Miss4 A2 o9 W8 u1 A
     Walton said as the little blonde girl and the little auburn* c% s9 i9 E4 e8 T. i) }
     haired boy switched places.
, v# s- `, S3 I* c4 S5 h     9 C* ?4 D- j( ~6 R
     Kevin kicked off his flip-flops and Christie looked at his( @' W& F3 C, a. S1 W
     bare feet. "Kevin has feet like a girl," She giggled. "His- n$ L1 _+ A, J) _( p) h5 b
     toes are small and nicely shaped. He has high arches. His
1 l0 ^) |+ i' M: |+ [     ankles are slim as well. He could use a toenail trim- V1 X  \. \$ D+ E
     though."  She looked up at his legs. "His calves are3 B+ ^( o: m( `+ M2 Y* |0 @
     muscular. He's a runner you know," She explained.+ [* D* P' z% V- D% z: ^
     * N( I8 @  g; b  x
     "His thighs are also very muscular and his legs are nice and
- e. w; x$ Y* n7 s' D' M     long," She finished.# B, e* L  S; S7 t) F) [, g" g
, k( ?; R! ~: o1 s0 r/ T( J8 @     "Very good," Miss Walton complimented. "Now describe his
4 D, m5 l+ Y5 ]) d. W     cock for us."  i: u& M9 z$ ~: p
' P2 ^# ]# K8 @* ?0 U! y, m     If it was one thing she was totally familiar with, it was$ y# m, Z9 S* G/ c  m+ e/ ~3 J
     Kevin's cock. Christie had examined and played with it every9 s1 F+ I& c+ w6 ]$ F$ D6 L
     day since Kevin had first been admitted. She nodded. "It's a
. X& O3 i" c* z+ `     very nice cock. About five inched long when he has a hard on" ^/ R+ b7 U6 R* S# x) S5 ?( d' X
     like now," She said. "I can't touch it with him standing on
4 O! T  q) ~" @" m) |     the desk, Miss Walton."
+ M$ J% m( s' J4 B( L7 `' _+ i     $ u/ |) Z8 m- T& D2 T$ G
     "Very well,"  Miss Walton said. "Kevin you may climb down
& k% `6 d/ b9 j' r, P. a* @9 D     and stand facing the class with your hands on your head so7 U/ B2 |1 w% u- u5 D( e
     Christie can examine your cock for the class."
  G+ R6 q2 E' h1 A     
2 t- N- j& K% y8 D* o8 I     Kevin hopped down and Christie continued. "Kevin's cock has
- k, B5 i0 b  i     grown since he came here. He can now cum. He couldn't when
$ R: j& @) o6 ^& q. p- }, K     he first came here. There's a drop of pre-cum on his cock2 j" X) A/ c! }9 p" k
     head now," She said touching his pee hole. $ e$ A; e% T+ _
" m8 ?1 K! f4 j/ U' ^3 U4 o     Miss Walton nodded. "Is he circumcised dear?"$ k) k7 ]2 `. a  E& S% t( w2 E2 Q
     ( ]* ^5 n+ p+ b* D3 X
     "Uh huh," Christie nodded "He has a circumcised cock which& ~2 Y% @/ N9 W7 H! A0 p" U% {
     means the cock head always sticks out." Jerry and Michael
! |, h7 I% E7 |" s     are the only two boys who aren't cut," She added. "You have
4 ~( i6 c: {/ u     to skin their foreskins all the way back." She ran her
: I3 P8 _- {0 }) _     finger around his cock head some more. "It feels soft.4 [* a9 D" j3 K4 _6 f& a0 M
     Almost like velvet"
5 \; a: f) J8 h6 a/ m     
, U5 ]+ h: }* {: d/ {- Q; H     "What does it smell like?" Miss Walton asked.
$ x, f0 B4 ~" s9 X, m; ?     
+ V: ^- C: J# P  K' J# t     Christie knelt in front of Kevin and sniffed his crotch. "It3 W/ o. W" A9 C6 V8 e+ m
     smells like soap," She said looking up.
: }5 B4 b' y$ B; |) g     
5 H/ k0 |. E5 ]4 Y! y+ u6 n% y     "What about Kevin's balls?" Miss Walton prompted.. ! a1 T7 L2 W* Q- t. C; s, v6 r' }- R0 y
     . o: @+ j: G# Q7 ^9 I$ K
     The little naked blonde cupped Kevin's balls in her hands
+ a9 _8 |$ `* h; |" i4 U     and still kneeling moved to the side so everybody could8 z  n' L+ J% q4 `
     look. "They're quite large now," She said. "Kevin can cum
, f3 E" K" G' f+ U1 n& m% k     and his balls have dropped. They feel larger than Andy or* L7 t# L9 e$ X1 x' E& J3 J
     Ricky or Christopher's balls," she added wisely. "Sometimes
+ X. x( T3 A% i8 u0 c% |6 [+ w     they dangle lower than other times so his cock and balls4 K) H6 v# v0 X% g8 O) ]
     always look different."  W$ Y' B; p- N. ^% m0 S" o, m6 S
# b% J6 D1 x; x2 d3 U: v: [& v6 c     "Very good Christie now lets check Kevin's asshole," Miss! i! p, A( l! [" w( S7 f8 @3 I
     Walton suggested.- [# X: n6 l. L  v: Q
     ( w& q* k1 _8 s. Q; m9 C$ O, `
     Kevin was used to this and turned around. He bent over and
  N+ K, ?7 W% H0 \$ I; c/ J     pulled his cheeks apart giving the entire class a look up
* U0 f) x8 k, J' I- _* w- i  Q     his pink asshole. His buttocks were a cheery red from the4 b: {2 W; ?; l5 ^5 J9 @
     previous night's spanking.
& r# o/ E$ Y; d6 m! ~     
% D8 m- m$ F; l     Christie looked inside the familiar opening. "Kevin has the
0 S6 Q4 ~2 C  p0 O2 Y& C( e     nicest asshole of all the boys. It's small and pink and very
, X* M1 l2 U. [8 Z* \. I. ]     clean." , S( S* O: K3 x
+ l5 m) p( Y0 p) U! V     As she spoke the little naked blonde pushed her finger
7 D4 ?0 p* G" {, }     inside his ass and wiggled it around. "He can relax his
0 q6 v( f8 I) ?% W& e4 _" ]     muscle and take even the largest cock inside," She told the
; \3 p8 a) M9 `3 c     class and to prove it pushed another finger in.' E4 q2 B2 O- X) T7 E& T
8 `# b0 M- x8 H1 }/ N' _) M5 S     "Very good Christie," Miss Walton complimented. "As you know
4 T# X* A6 S' |/ j& G. |# m     Miss Fanelli and I had the day off yesterday and missed the7 N0 {4 U: \# [" t4 d" x  W
     girl's deflowering. So as a reward for your show and tell1 [9 T' k5 I% u7 E
     presentation we're gonna watch Kevin and Christie fuck.
! L8 H( d- D. ^2 r: j7 k, ~- Z     Right here in front of the class."1 F( K% p* L8 [$ C
       v) l* r$ x% s2 y0 @
     The six watching boys all had raging hard-ons from the show
" v7 i8 c9 ?) e0 e# S     Christie and Kevin had put on. Now their hands flew down to  X6 n- q0 I  @  V
     their cocks as Miss Walton positioned the crying little/ L2 y) r- e' K8 Z' i+ f3 Q
     girl. "I think we'll let Kevin do it doggy style," She said, t9 a* |% \& B5 Y# m4 b
     as she made Christie bend over with her  hands on the desk
+ S; Z6 j8 V* ~9 R$ t! s     and legs apart.3 L5 W3 Z7 R/ ^+ u. g+ S
     ' u/ i9 ]. T- {* \
     The entire class sat transfixed as Miss Walton made Christie
$ q5 m7 ]3 \1 z6 K) U/ J; h     open her legs  wider. The boys hands were on their cocks.
9 x$ [8 k6 k8 T7 Z     Every boy sported a throbbing hard-on . "Get up on your5 I! p' e& _5 P2 F, ^
     tiptoes," The teacher ordered the sobbing little girl..' Z+ c1 b, O. H
     "Kevin has to get his cock in there."
# O( J2 f! ]+ Z: e  [  O5 z     5 Y) Y0 P" R  {) q6 }% D  W% D
     Miss Fanelli got up to help. The two teachers maneuvered the
! Y  j# s+ T9 }& W& B; t4 q% t     little boy behind Christie's open pussy. Miss Walton took
" c7 b5 n* G8 q$ L: L. k- Z4 m; y     his cock and placed it in position  to enter the little1 C, h0 c% i( a& I5 ^2 w% {: w
     twat. Miss Fanelli pushed her finger inside Christie's5 u) g9 N7 Y# A- y5 d: S/ W
     hairless cunt. "She's nice and moist," She said smiling.. D1 F" t$ d$ O! \3 w& w
" f9 r# l3 O5 m$ b* v% K" z9 n& H8 a      As her sisters looked  on horrified Christie felt the hard  W  N8 j8 P3 V% N8 v; a- A
     cock push it's way past her immature cunt lips and enter# K% ?# c- `* l7 j* n# c" y6 ?" N
     her. "Arrrgggh," she screamed as it painfully stretched her
4 n) Z3 d8 g8 g: I4 p; N* q     vagina open,.
  J( i% G; T0 E8 J7 Y     
) \1 s# a1 Y. d  Q2 w6 E     Kevin shut his eyes. This was the moment he had been waiting
  J6 C* l7 y5 \, Z     for. Revenge!!! Strange, Though as he pumped in and out of
  f: V7 y# e1 Z' m( ]( w; Y     the tight cunt he felt only humiliation. "Perhaps if
; e- y2 }4 S4 b* p  \; B     everyone wasn't looking." He thought.
9 Y! D' v2 [0 ~  l+ c! s% i! q     
+ O- T- U! A& B; {4 [# j     The rest of the boys were breathing heavily as they watched
& \) Q& n' k+ `2 H7 T/ U# s     Christie get it doggy style. Miss Fanelli watched the boys
0 Y: k7 }7 n& R8 l6 \1 a     playing with their cocks. "Stand up and let us all see," She) q. [* x8 P; K' q" A8 G4 V
     ordered. Red faced, the six boys stood and whacked6 Y$ u4 y* d8 _& L
     themselves off in front of their teachers.4 c8 q+ f0 v7 G; u5 Q# G/ y
     4 S4 |: `4 Z. o8 ?
     Christie's cunt was hurting. Yesterday she was fucked by2 k' l. S& \0 h& k' @  W/ L
     Andy. Even his little cock had hurt her. Kevin's was twice
: }. B0 l2 n) k, ^4 i4 ?     as large. Then a strange thing happened. It started to feel4 v/ a2 Q7 ]8 M+ @1 i0 X# b; L9 `7 S
     good. Her cunt was stretching. Her ass started moving as she; R* \" {* w" T3 U* J# x6 z) e0 @
     pushed back. Kevin felt her tight cunt holding his cock in+ x( n# t/ T: @/ _0 l8 J
     place. He thrust forward and tried to shove it deeper.
" v% f- S3 K" l$ F, f7 G     Surprisingly Christie's pussy accepted it. The little girl" f7 t, f; c- @2 b/ w% j5 k
     was moving in time with Kevin. As he pushed forward Christie
, s  v1 B8 x9 e- Q* g. i  \; ]3 X     thrust herself back. Kevin could feel himself getting ready. f* p9 J, I6 a( L6 j/ t! N8 C5 @% ?
     to pump his cum inside of her. "More," she groaned. "Push it
6 a; G% z5 B! p5 i! Q% |) l     in deeper." He grabbed hold of her hips and arched backwards! F. ^: t% ^1 b) e" k0 U
     forcing his cock in as deep as he could. Christie moaned and
' q2 o$ |3 r1 e$ h! M4 V5 }     took it all the way in.
4 G# c& W  z$ C! ^  N( \     , t6 x/ w6 E) X3 m. y1 f% L2 {
     The boys watched. They were panting as they jerked off.
+ q$ e- p3 K$ n9 ^4 O* p     "Don't any of you cum on the floor," Miss Walton said
9 Z) R+ I, y8 p8 |     watching the action from the side. "When you feel like you5 r$ i/ K7 ?4 x: t; ]* ^. v
     have to cum The person next to you has to kneel down and/ D4 n6 a( l7 r# S) }+ H0 B
     take your cock in his mouth. If one drop hits the floor
- g3 F9 h: O) J4 {" u% @2 F     you'll all get my belt." She threatened.
0 J! B8 L9 U  ?% N     
- d" D9 V6 P. w6 O     No sooner had the words escaped her lips when Andy shouted,# O- R+ J, b7 E
     "I'm Cumming."
* d9 U0 K  \5 Y! o5 p     ' Z5 G+ y  d! ?( l; B6 K3 b
     Michael was next to him. Being Andy's little balls didn't) w6 u8 s' X' ^$ i* k5 Y! L2 c- k
     manufacture sperm Michael just kept yanking on his own cock.: C8 s+ B: ]& d6 p( x# a
     When Jerry started panting and groaning Ricky let go of his
0 R& I9 ]  D/ R8 R/ l/ c7 w) O     own cock and knelt by Jerry's dick. "Quickly," Jerry gasped.
8 y) e2 @- l, }( [     "Do it now." Ricky wrapped his lips around the large pecker
3 z$ o0 c$ a1 T5 y     and Jerry held his head steady and pumped a wad down the
+ [0 L0 S1 f# w. c+ Q  I. U; X     little blonde boy's throat. Then Ricky stood up and Jerry+ T. W$ a( p0 d+ X$ f
     returned the favor by reaching out and stroking the smaller
( H6 L( x1 c2 `% o/ j- p/ O6 F     boy's cock until he too came.  
" }/ k! W, F0 O: @& r4 a     . i0 M) c5 F6 {4 T
     Andy knelt and took Michael's massive cock inside his mouth
0 X* r4 ]% t  u+ g     just in time. The older boy moaned and shot a load down
0 @) F5 C0 e( k( Z! f     Andy's throat almost choking him. : O, X. e! {3 ]2 L
; \6 h* ^2 V. f9 D' [, q) G     Josh was standing alongside Christopher. Both boys were4 {9 B: w+ \6 ]  a' F
     sweating as their hands worked on their cocks. "If you
3 O! k8 H7 }# C. s     finish me off I'll suck your cock also," Josh gasped. Chris, n/ i4 R7 N3 ^- W& O4 \
     shrugged. Today would be the last time he'd have a cock in
; @5 i3 M+ H) J; y5 w     his mouth. The boys got down on the floor cocks to mouths0 A! i$ i% f9 _1 i% J4 U" ]$ P2 ]
     and sucked each other off as the teachers watched.
0 x% @! n$ P7 K# e6 L1 N5 h     
/ l3 e8 B1 [* V- x, Q" i     Christie pushed back as Kevin rose up on his tiptoes. She% p, F! A7 ~! a5 M
     had already climaxed twice and  was on the verge of a third
% j: E$ K! i- u5 k: e     time when Kevin pumped his load inside her tiny cunt. He
( \3 c. a9 V# v  S     gasped and moaned then panting from exertion leaned his head
; K9 H* W' T. y% [$ \     on her sweaty back as his cock shrank.5 n6 w6 x, U2 C  F8 y0 R2 P* e
     # C) V: h8 b3 L; P) Z
     Miss Walton was smiling. "That was excellent. I know you'd
) s! @' u, s# ^. W. E     all like to take a break," she said as she surveyed her
9 _+ [; l, y: \7 A2 M4 p) V- ?" g     exhausted class. "unfortunately I still have twenty minutes0 A; P* N( o+ ^3 m3 w. `
     and we're  going to sit here and do a history lesson before
6 D# f& [% Z& W5 i     you're dismissed for Miss Fanelli's class. Jennifer and- |: T, q2 J& Q2 ]9 H% k
     Michael get to do show and tell tomorrow. There will be four
* W- @3 g  H. A8 \8 @2 y5 R7 @& h     new classmates and I know you'll want to show them what
, I6 T7 k$ X% _2 p) G, `6 x     you've got. They're sure gonna show you theirs tonight," she8 E$ Y. z" S) A5 P4 w: F/ s
     laughed.- Y7 t9 R' W2 N
5 }  W2 g7 z" @     With everyone back in their seats Christie and Kevin were
: p- ~! w* u2 t: a& b- z" N3 E/ ~     made to climb up on the desk. "You liked the way her pussy1 Z' D! w; ^7 H7 a2 L
     smelled so I'm gonna let you lick it clean," Miss Walton  \2 W$ |: C; j
     said, positioning the children in a sixty nine position with
1 p% n" U- C/ u# E1 W5 @     Kevin on top. "Christie I want you to lick your pussy juices! K! ~& C+ E1 }
     off Kevin's cock as well."
% F  ?: V! H6 b. M% u  i( c/ A     
7 V8 o+ U9 X7 p. \     With the two kids going at it, Miss Walton sat at her desk
* F6 K+ _5 o1 h! U, l/ }     watching them while reading to the class about the Louisiana( a) D1 f' T* W! [: r6 ]3 C
     Purchase. Christie's mouth engulfed Kevin's flaccid cock,
1 U% F' D0 o1 W. c3 M1 P     licking it back to life. She had both hands on his ass# l) m4 \4 J+ i6 `7 t6 S' Z+ R' f
     pulling his cheeks open and kneading his buttocks. Kevin's
& ?4 E: V" t3 J     mouth was buried inside her little slit. His tongue was
/ H" o8 G( I7 ~! i& |% v     flicking in and out as he licked a combination of his own
* {: g* q5 _* X( u$ o     cum and Christie's pussy juices.
: t/ n( V: F# o+ I$ }     : t& G, q. a! F/ X' b$ Q* O+ V
     Back in the lunchroom Miss Thomas was instructing Harley and
+ G" [( r- k/ i  j4 w     Naomi. "Go to your old boss, The Sheriff's office and take# H5 p: V0 _. V/ v
     these four new girls into your custody. Drive them back here% w/ y. T$ w& y. ?
     and don't say anything to them about what we have in store* ~1 ]- C0 `) P' |
     for them tonight. I'd like to surprise the little darlings,"
  P7 a. I  G% m) Z; W# ]     She giggled handing Harley the four file folders the
" U9 r4 O3 R2 Q$ D0 T2 E" q     Governor had given her. & w' }/ X6 T" w6 S
     ' @# k' x% I" ^2 G6 i( G
     "Do we have to go right now?" Harley said glancing at the/ {' f9 x& N3 T  U0 G
     naked Jean Connolly scrubbing the table tops.
1 _1 s/ G$ I8 V! M0 @  p     + {2 G1 g6 b' M- V, j3 ?6 X9 q! [
     Chief Crane glanced over. "I could use a little right now
- f- {7 U6 Q( U# i4 u+ _! m6 v  ^5 P  |     myself," He said getting up.  i5 L0 @; Q, N2 [4 s5 U0 W
     ; n- K) b, C, N
     "I'd like you to get started as soon as possible," Miss8 ^5 ^, e+ B5 X; W, j+ q: U
     Thomas said glancing at her watch. "We're gonna have to
4 \  ^5 @0 M' M( ]     process the four new girls later and that will take time.( m6 O  p- c& J- g+ Q& y9 e
     You have ten minutes to get your rocks off," she relented
+ l$ O% A2 K& {* C     when she saw the look of disappointment on Harley's face.
7 G; B# T9 [) Z% t( g4 ~     "Have pity on her asshole and pussy. They're red and sore/ }9 \) C! I( e) i2 Q9 p/ \
     from yesterday."
4 ~$ P. l  T! T4 @+ R: T     $ A) i2 Z! \: ]% s
     "I guess a blow job will hold me," Harley grinned taking
2 ~- y9 b" m8 O" R( ]: D1 S     Jean's left arm.
% D+ U$ _, q  p8 `' `1 k/ H, Y6 S      
2 X8 S5 c* J( b. n7 l     The Chief took her right arm. "We'll be back in a little
2 W6 x4 d3 u8 a     while," He said smiling.
; K( ?4 h! z$ @3 z: _% I! p* Z* ]     
" U( _- N; {) y     "Why go somewhere else," Lori said. "Stay here. I'd like to( \* w, W  F( s6 [2 q( j& B& U
     watch her suck your cocks."0 L% C/ ~7 p8 Z' |- Q( n
     + a( Y4 ^1 y( q2 {4 |" j: r
     Naomi agreed. "I often wondered how big your cock is,
4 @- P+ {# y$ {5 Y' z$ z     Harley."
" _6 t( a+ b+ `     ( |3 O' o- z% p$ l/ v" s
     "Harley grinned. "You show us yours and we'll show you5 [! N% A3 h: |
     ours."+ x( a4 C( v. P, }5 Y2 _
4 e3 Y+ L6 r3 N3 o2 R) J! Q$ l     The two women  turned red. "No deal Take her where ever you' J6 p; ~. T: w( u
     want," Lori laughed.
6 t  ]# |4 j8 W; l2 ^0 G2 P     
; A* ~8 K4 H6 L( Y* R: J: @     The men led Jean off to the receiving room. As the Chief
1 {  U9 a/ y, t) S& x  i     undressed Harley pulled his cock out of his pants. "Do me! Y6 E# H3 Q5 V4 l: S! F
     first," He said. "I have to be on the road in a few% K1 F1 X6 a/ ?- a3 V
& q6 F$ P4 A1 s) J4 Y9 W# W     2 M& D3 F7 d+ p" {
     Mrs. Connolly shut her eyes and took Harley's massive cock
- b9 y- o3 O) U% n" l) @0 ?/ T' G     in her hands as the Chief stood naked watching. "Might as
/ K8 m3 \  p1 z: A: l7 W     well let her cunt rest today. Tomorrow I'll probably want to* t  k8 P0 K+ Y8 z2 B9 V' }
     fuck her," The Chief  said holding his cock. "If your cunt- |: ~0 A  H) B7 i7 r3 U% {
     is too sore we'll have to do your kids," He threatened as1 s1 {! K5 E& z: ~9 a
     Jean moved her head back and forth with Harley's cock head
3 Z  D7 J$ h: P     in her mouth.& V, d, i" V6 g; ]) q
     " |! V8 W( R. ]$ ?0 ], M) T5 G
     The Chief stood alongside the naked kneeling woman and4 M6 C, Q; C, i
     watched as Harley shoved more and more of his massive cock
8 f. h# \5 a' K& v# ?' a- I     in her mouth. "Take my balls in your hand and play with% C; i& m( N2 j0 h9 n/ l! h
     them," Harley gasped.2 T/ L- [; Z2 m/ }5 W0 W: ^
& M$ q9 l% f! o# E0 d     With her mouth and hands thus occupied Jean made short work, Y. P7 \% k, {
     of Harley's  massive tool. He gasped and grabbed the back of, O- G: u* x1 {: G. P- ~
     her head. He shoved his cock all the way into her mouth and' F% R% d8 F) z* m& q) Z
     stiffened, Shooting a large wad of cum down her throat. Jean! j9 _  x) s" e* ]
     choked and a dribble of cum ran down her chin. Harley was; M. A$ P/ N+ e3 R
     panting as his cock slowly shrunk inside Jean's mouth. He
! v% f8 A8 c" Z; v  A' G     took it out and zipped up his fly. "She's getting the hang  o+ Z2 A3 T9 }$ j+ w  {( \
     of it," He grinned as the Chief took his place in front of
" X* Y& `# _4 V, I: V( ^: g     the kneeling woman. 8 w8 {6 n; I* i* _- N$ x
     1 u0 K; q; t0 h/ m5 S2 D8 Y$ p) g
     Harley looked back as he left the room. The Chief was" k% W/ c' n, ^- q( |5 }3 f. }* Q
     playing with Jean's tits as she licked his balls. "I'll see
& G7 Y$ B7 p6 a  U4 P) ]     you later with the four new victims," He said, closing the
) p7 n: E& v$ v4 {     door behind him.4 I3 C5 Y# O; @1 i
     + ^* j+ x7 `+ T1 h( {' ^
     A few minutes later He and Naomi were on their way to pick
8 s! T' z3 B5 u- M( J7 r     up the four new students. "Hurry back or you'll miss seeing
7 D8 R! _2 p. P, Q$ k/ ^3 U6 Q+ E     Andy and Christopher leave with their parents." Miss Thomas8 a8 K" e/ A$ c8 L
     said as they walked out of the lunchroom.
) s% T: y5 R7 ^4 R, V" l) _     + y: }5 `5 \7 [. h
     The boys and girls were given a few minutes to clean
' d9 K* d1 F* [" r3 w8 Z     themselves up before Miss Fanelli's class. "Tomorrow I'm
" p$ U# Z! m# Z9 _' f     gonna enjoy shoving my cock inside your pussy for show and5 F9 O# b) g- Q! C  Q$ t, Q: B5 M
     tell," Michael said as Jennifer passed him in the hall. She
5 p" Q- B+ Z' ]$ i: a     didn't answer but as he walked past, her bare foot connected  z" N2 D" }+ u1 `- M8 T7 f5 i
     with his ass, sending him flying. Michael was red with
# v; W/ ~: [  Q& M8 O2 s7 Z     embarrassment but lucky for the two of them Miss Fanelli and
% H# |) e+ S, o0 x8 h0 I  G     Miss Walton didn't see what went on.( P) o: X8 W: H9 c/ e
& ~% ^( b6 [' X% h     "Well we might as well get started. We're going to read from
/ \% l8 x! c2 \     Romeo and Juliet For English today." Miss Fanelli said as
; K8 @: r* `) v3 h" ]     the class took their seats. As before in Miss Walton's class
' l  B1 U0 t" |6 @  U1 Y: s     the girls sat to one side and the boys to another.
% y, {5 H5 l% g2 q; E# B     
+ M( R- t+ d1 P* I, j9 [1 R     Each desk had an English textbook on it and the children; a7 a- T- L% \
     opened them. "I'm going to let Andy be our Romeo today and
' t  b. p( h: Z1 u( B; B, P     Christopher will be his Juliet," Miss Fanelli announced. "In" T! A& n: f  v% h) U0 W% w- G
     olden days men played both male and female roles in dramas.6 P0 {/ D- f; T+ _$ \  c6 m
     We're going to dispense with the talk and get down to action
0 ?( {; q9 |: e% W- Y4 J: o     This is in honor of their leaving us. This might be the last
% s1 @6 P& ~2 C     opportunity to watch them suck each other off. Boys please( w4 B" Z+ n8 t5 \! k/ [
     come up here and climb up on my desk."$ Z9 Q& f- b' _
' r, Y) ?  c4 l6 \" L! h* K- `  s     Andy and Chris walked to the front of the class and climbed+ t, y6 d, M8 K4 |/ c
     up on the teacher's desk. "Andy you get on the bottom and
" i% F9 r1 {6 p/ Z+ Q$ ^     let Chris mount you," Miss fanelli instructed. "Put on a
) A( h; g/ N  ^+ l) B7 K     good show for us while your classmates read a chapter out, I1 y9 x2 z" M  M1 _
     loud."  P, H1 R- ]0 v3 z5 A# q
0 q& N# p/ \. k- }8 @6 I  x6 [     Chris squatted over Andy's face and bent over his older8 J0 ^( R: n/ M8 j( ^9 y7 K( D) y  D
     brother's cock The two boys had a lot of practice and soon
( j8 a5 a1 b! ?' o# Q/ G     both their mouths were filled with cock as Michael read,; O3 c0 }  ]1 h
     "What light through yonder window breaks."
: ~+ k( ]6 X0 r" z     
$ m8 _3 p6 s" p, K     As the naked boys and girls took turns reading the classic
) t6 t5 q. _  r. x/ l; L     play everybody watched Andy take his little brother's cock
0 P1 t3 P6 \# c) u6 @     all the way into his mouth while kneading the little boy's- f# c% B; m: g) z$ x. F
     ass cheeks. Christopher was swallowing all of Andy's small
8 s# o# T# \" B/ C6 v     cock as well. Both boys were gasping and bouncing on the
/ x6 K! L9 v4 c7 |     desk.
5 A" K2 V8 S5 m' D# u% L* c" S     & I0 z. {' @' k" \
     Andy was the first to cum followed very shortly by his' q: r% M" q5 q- ?0 q' k5 M, S2 n5 x
     younger brother. They lay panting with their cocks shrinking  z. T6 @, P) z( i3 L% M
     as the class went on. ( R2 T. n4 b( R  O
& N9 y6 J0 n0 c     Miss Walton and Miss Fanelli had the two boys climb down and
6 u- x9 V4 _* O8 w1 J6 a     bend over pulling their cheeks wide open. "I'm sure gonna
0 r+ D! k& B0 }- L7 n# r8 N     miss these two," Miss Walton said as she pushed her finger- x  W$ D' f* Z% j( @0 d+ b
     inside Andy's asshole.  "Me too," Miss Fanelli said reaming8 |+ L9 A& Y: S9 ~) f% k* q/ R0 C
     Chris's little pink anus.
  u( W% k7 p2 ?$ k1 w! y- b6 H     * E6 V! s  y' S! x4 C+ ^) \, B
     The two little brothers were made to stay in the same bent
! p" j# a9 n' M, s- d     over position for the rest of the class. Each boy and girl6 y& Z2 _5 V/ n; ?+ U+ j
     was allowed to come up and look up their assholes for the
$ M( O% P4 J- B  G' x2 `$ p     last time when they finished reading their passage.$ P+ ?" l0 @  S. }2 A- ~0 A. a" C- [
( p0 v! j; P$ x1 ]/ e5 _2 A$ P     As the kids marched back to the lunchroom Ricky walked
- c& L" p0 n4 O5 ^     alongside Andy. "They sure gave it to you in class," Ricky3 A. S& p  t% [' y% q
1 }5 u8 b/ x( R, Q     & A+ }6 H6 B' o, u7 h, r! g  `
     "Yeah but tomorrow I'll wake up in my own house, Put clothes
( k8 n1 D$ R. ?     on and never have a cock in my mouth again," Andy smiled.- Z$ P0 w5 p0 D+ P$ M
     "Besides everybody here has seen up my asshole and watched4 `! O! V5 }8 y  J
     me suck dick so it wasn't really a big deal."
( V+ f7 [5 ~  m* k     5 b; c" Q/ t2 X* E+ I2 B
     The children were being fed by a naked, sullen Jean
* j! V! [: S* _% o     Connolly. Miss Thomas noticed she was tossing the food on
, [9 n: N) Z/ Q6 e- Z' L     their plates and sulking. "Get up on the table and show the
* B# n/ V/ n7 m7 C- ]( Y* S+ ?# r     boys your open cunt." She ordered. "Next time you serve food
2 \- ^  T( c6 l, e) {! d: \     with that kind of attitude, I'll make you shove it up your
$ K+ Z$ }* |$ I     ass."# J) M& k- j3 r- |6 c( F( A
     9 D  _. W0 w% G
     The boys ate their lunch while looking at Mrs. Connolly's
7 O9 Z% p! f, D! q5 R     still very sore pussy. Jean was sobbing as she was forced to
- C" h7 j) w/ V) m5 r& @8 f     squat with her knees apart giving the boys a close up look5 ~9 |" X, }# I1 X" @5 a
     at her vulva and clit. "I'm gonna miss this part," Andy
- o5 ^$ H0 w8 x3 B; `+ J     whispered to Ricky as he studied Jean's wide open gash while$ d6 D# d+ C( R+ _  f
     drinking his milk.
& X8 Z4 c5 M) j# u     
; L( W, i4 t) J1 g1 y! T  G4 b7 _     With lunch over, The children were led back to their dorms
5 |% W* m) c& e! M; O' \9 F     to clean themselves up for Andy's parent's visit. The girls
3 R2 c& j3 `8 J$ r6 p+ D6 C     were going to be exhibited naked to outsiders for the very1 K( H1 W3 N/ ]" Q" r) q+ n
     first time and Chief Crane wanted them to look especially
# m! {) t% O: G* t! Z     good. Mrs. Connolly was allowed to shower with her  A. o) e. m  v* M: ?' R
     daughters. " j. N$ t, q7 i" p, p# c! o9 `
' w- v+ p$ W# ?: ]     "Take this razor and shave your pussy," She was told by the5 o8 @  L4 D! k8 Q0 L+ {
     Chief. "I noticed a little stubble there this morning. Check
2 B* E% E5 t0 i4 S4 g% B/ ~     Jennifer and Caitlin's cunts also," He added as the girls
8 [7 g+ a; G, F; I1 r* i     went into the shower room. "I want those pussy's to be as" ]3 }* J1 ?' n  a! D7 q& J
     smooth as Kelly's ass." He laughed as the forlorn Connolly
4 S0 S4 S8 `7 Y) }! q     women marched past him into the shower room.
$ P. G  k$ ^& T; t( f     4 Y5 s% }. K9 @9 @7 L
     The boys had barely finished showering  when they were lined
% z: l4 ^5 Q9 I0 C- y     up. "It's getting late," Miss Thomas said as she and Lori; V; j. C4 [" N3 |) C
     checked their cocks. "The Micelli's will be here any
# z3 \" ?& S  C% e0 d5 Q     moment."
! T. w4 @& Z3 ]9 h4 ]     
5 _# ?4 ?# e9 g' \" g5 x+ y) j" ^     Chief Crane checked Mrs. Connolly's clean shaven cunt.$ [3 ~. P2 N# }" R5 x1 }
     "Good,"  he nodded rubbing his hand over the smooth skin. He
% J! H0 z: j9 D2 p4 S3 [: q6 j  M     checked Jennifer and Caitlin as well. The two girls stood! J# \- E+ H- Y) `4 N, a$ M2 R
     with their hands behind their heads as the old Chief knelt' L4 M/ x$ s! E8 }4 w! e; l$ g; u6 y
     in front of them and ran his hands over their groins. He; F6 b: t. G! O
     pushed his finger inside Jennifer's slit for good measure
8 B+ J! `( b1 q9 @% l1 n) ~     then turned to Christie and Kelly and checked their pussy's! p9 o9 b/ \' O0 c
     also, poking a finger into each of them.. Satisfied that the$ \" o+ f6 S( e, p4 w! c
     women looked their best he marched them to the reception2 f" p3 A: g" X0 R
     room to join the boys.
8 V" y4 w8 ?( k     , T3 n% l  E$ F" O/ n
     The children were lined up in the reception room, Girls on# [5 R) p8 w, U; o
     one side and boys on the other. The boy's were all sporting
/ M4 c! v/ b3 ~     erections. Despite all the sexual activity at the school in
1 T- ]5 p/ w- n7 d: x     the last few days, The sight of the naked girls still
0 l0 s$ A8 i& z2 e, u     turned them on.
: o6 J% r6 P8 _" H8 \3 j  ~. W     1 ?. n! A$ F. Z  o3 S3 n
     Miss Thomas was about to lecture them on what to expect when! f) t$ L3 B2 v. @
     Mrs. Maikowski came in with the two teachers who had stayed
  Q' L* ^2 r0 P+ Q* q; K7 I( A- z     to say good-bye to Andy and Christopher. "The Micelli family
9 U/ j  c+ K1 T" e$ `     just pulled up," Mrs. Maikowski announced.4 u' l9 I9 b! o: T: `5 {' Q$ c' N6 {
     : G; j3 h. a& i& o) e, e
     Miss Thomas nodded. "Take Mrs. Connolly and have her answer1 z- w& @+ o% w
     the door with you."5 M9 M# `. N+ y6 D. R
3 b# Q# c' U: N* m( J% L     "Please don't let them see me like this," Mrs. Connolly
& E+ j* _" l& w. O2 F$ S: I4 B     begged to no avail.
! X& k5 g& o5 z( i3 f+ ]% ^5 J* G0 s9 h     / f# N8 T+ r5 B# U
     "Get going or I'll redden your ass some more," Chief Crane
6 X+ g& y% J' j5 r     snapped. Mrs. Connolly started sobbing as Mrs. Maikowski led( i6 ~; p6 }9 f
     her away to greet the Micelli's.8 S' Y# P; ?# S; k4 I8 z" g% c
     ., h* U' ^; R4 w$ t$ V1 O
     Nancy Micelli rang the bell to the school. Nick stood behind
/ ~, Z; N  s9 m; k% g5 E8 `     her holding Susie's hand. The little girl was hopping up and' _3 b. F3 Z) D8 r- f9 w
     down in excitement. Not only were her brothers coming home
7 K9 p; G1 }5 C1 u8 C! S     but she would get to play with all those nice naked boy's
& W6 f% A+ W& P& X     cocks in the school. Little Joni also was there. After her
) m& @# p$ R$ s1 x     first visit to the school she had told the Micelli's that0 S9 h4 N2 |* p6 Y% `! y
     when they went back she wanted to join them again./ ?4 \% H1 B2 ~7 c. [! c, |4 w
' f4 Q: Y; D1 W% F/ i% b& e     The two older Micelli's had decided that Andy and Chris3 @0 R2 K+ P  j# C  A
     would ride back home naked. They would have to earn the
% \# M# R5 G1 A  |  l4 i! W     right to wear clothing in the house. Joni was looking
* O- `" r+ s: h7 ^9 W7 I, r' w  f) ?     forward to seeing the two boys and their friend's naked' v1 t4 b6 e; x% v3 V, u$ l5 R/ \7 E
     cocks. Nobody suspected they'd be seeing a whole lot more" Q* u+ T9 ?! r
     than cocks in a few moments.
6 X; s& B2 C% L$ s% x* O5 M     
3 F" |* q" S* ?" Z     Nancy was about to ring the bell again when the door swung
& M4 v- K5 Y7 S. T9 S     open. Standing to the side of Mrs. Maikowski with her hands$ ~* i% L6 A& e/ H
     behind her head, was a very naked, Sobbing Mrs. Connolly.
. @. Q3 a7 c) ?1 ?     0 [4 V6 W0 k" i' n: j
     Nick's eyes almost popped out of his head as he took in the0 Z) P5 h5 {( f& K4 Y! z
     curvy headmistress in all her nude glory. He just stared.
. G1 q- [& K& ~1 W8 [, D7 u     Nancy found her tongue first. "Mrs. Connolly, you're, You're
# ~8 w4 p/ X# M$ Q  H     naked," She sputtered.
% ^/ I6 E9 l) N4 s* L7 y- H     
& |* O$ X1 j0 U8 o, F1 U     Mrs. Maikowski smiled. "Her and her daughters were bad
$ G9 z+ I/ m  X* e$ J2 x     girls. They double crossed the Governor and now they're just
7 f. a, o4 }$ c) [, P6 Q     like the boy students in the school. We keep them naked.- i! p2 t/ Q0 g
     Hell we even made this one shave her cunt."0 q5 H) ?/ f0 T
     ( k- j/ b; w% U; x" u
     She stood aside. "Come on in. Miss Thomas is waiting for you* [: G! U1 F  o; K- p! z
     with your sons and the rest of the students in the reception
7 L0 \2 D& f* G' _$ z" d, R* `. E4 d     area."
9 M( _; w7 D& J; p  ^; j; u$ c     5 r3 L! T7 T/ s+ j# d
     The Micelli's and the two children entered the building
7 q) L4 R: d8 r4 U9 j     Everyone's eyes were on Mrs. Connolly. 6 r2 B5 U+ S& D( {. D6 @' x
     : k6 T5 v4 a# x) _) N$ Y
     "Miss Thomas say's you're to feel free to examine anybody; t; j$ Z. K$ I
     who's naked in the school, Boy or girl," Mrs. Maikowski said
! Q& }. [# b0 ?2 M9 h5 V     watching Nick salivate as  he took in Mrs. Connolly's cunt: S8 L, }5 y# g- I. T+ A
     and tits.
7 d9 V( Q* R9 }9 S4 I     * k) d( r) j9 O
     Nick blushed. He would love to shove his finger up inside
* g' ]* n: Y7 O6 U: C. u0 M+ V/ Y     the blonde woman's shaven pussy. She was standing right in* ?2 n; ~- A* u( ]- B! Z) _: H+ \. S
     front of him. It wasn't fair. All the time they had been; u4 u, k( f8 b
     here on visiting day he'd watched Susie, Joni and even Nancy  ~8 ~$ |5 a1 F( L
     playing with all the boy's naked cocks. Now he had a ripe1 F( u5 q5 h9 p
     pussy, And a cute one at that, not two feet away from him..1 j5 f; ~" p" E
     % q  |- E- T+ _2 f
     Nancy smiled. "Go ahead if you want to. I certainly enjoyed
2 [- j( D, d& b3 N% M     feeling all those little dicks last time we were here. Just
, n- K8 T0 i+ i) e2 m     remember who you're married to."
% n& O  h) v4 \7 U     
$ J5 d/ n) u3 _8 O9 R3 u1 t     Nick knelt in front of the trembling blonde. Susie was! Q! Y  z& f+ |
     standing alongside him. "Are you gonna finger fuck her
' O8 P# @4 a% [1 X; b     daddy?" She asked. 3 p# v2 m% _+ k
     3 u2 A" \# A; ^" F1 X2 `# ]
     Nick's hand was trembling as he parted the pink cunt lips.
; w9 B: f/ g1 j( ?* R     "Yes honey I am," He said as he shoved his middle finger0 E+ ]# D' h" U# |
     inside Jean's warm pussy.
( K' r7 c% T+ F2 h" o+ x     0 i& c* D+ h2 N5 @# l
     Susie knelt next to her father and watched as he pushed his  D( l9 e$ `8 d, ^! `. A3 @
     finger in and out of the thick lipped cunt. "Can I try
, A% \  F0 x4 y/ e& g9 A: c     that?" She said.
/ @, R+ M6 W0 E7 r/ @7 A     : b; y& v, _3 w. Z8 G
     Nick could feel his cock pushing against the fabric of his
' o8 D: J0 _" l     pants. He wanted to fuck this woman. Fat chance with Joni,- U) @# x# s& {
     Nancy and Susie watching. Oh well he'd get Nancy at home and
: U& Q' x0 m  w     pretend she was Jean. Connolly.
6 b' n# i; E. p       L7 u: s8 g5 S( V! y
     Mrs. Maikowski interrupted his thoughts. "We should be
9 \& s1 d( c2 y0 B     joining the others. There are plenty of naked Connolly women. E0 x  I; o# h- }
     to look at in the reception area." She patted Susie on the8 F/ H8 y. B% a0 P6 Z* M$ `
     head. "I'll let you examine one of their pussies in there,"
3 U( ~' G7 h. m5 o9 W1 M6 q     She smiled.1 S' ~1 X1 [+ ~6 r: O1 _9 f
     3 k  `2 L0 @" q& W& y
     Nick nodded and stood up. The Micelli's and Mrs. Maikowski8 T* c0 p. V! m
     followed Mrs. Connolly's very red ass as she walked in front6 T/ h2 l! K0 _- C, m- o
     of them to the reception area.
/ W/ j) b/ N" R* d; I7 H# s     - ]5 v/ k/ s1 \% T5 P
     Miss Thomas was waiting for them. The girls were lined up on3 H: _- Z* z% j3 X7 J* R! T
     the left. Their hands behind their heads. Each was red faced9 O2 [2 f- |3 O, Q- v
     with shame as the Micelli's entered and caught sight of
' v4 }( |. ~1 g  D     them. The boys were on the right side of the room also stark
' l; F. [, T* k- |     naked. They were sporting hard-ons and their hands also were2 b6 {# ]& c* n  i
     behind their heads. Mrs. Maikowski led Mrs. Connolly,
0 g: G5 Z6 I; F6 s! d     Pulling her by her tit over to the girls. She was
/ M7 L; T8 ~  Y* a     positioned  with her daughters.
3 |. ~- ?" ?& M! n: D     + X' O1 m! p! m5 y- r. D
     "I'm glad to see you folks," Miss Thomas said as the0 F0 A% F7 H& \) p+ K
     Micelli's gawked at the naked boys and girls lined up for1 x+ e$ l8 H- v( g) R
     inspection. Susie could barely contain herself at the sight
. |3 k- }& l. p# i% H  B* l     of Kelly standing red faced and naked. Kelly couldn't even6 T/ |; W& [; f/ k/ p2 p( }: G
     meet the little girls eyes.
7 I8 D( J# Z, }# g) X6 ]  X     
, j2 R" X( N8 q, c' X; e; x9 Y     "Can I look at Kelly's cunt, Mommy?" She begged.
' y0 X) G  M5 i     * m9 B* P" y, d2 ^1 u, R+ D9 A
     "Sure you can honey," Miss Thomas said, Taking her by the
# e; I: v& O, }8 A$ G, S     hand. The rest of the family watched as Miss Thomas knelt
0 b' @( A4 P1 a% S, [     along with Susie in front of the nine year old little
' q8 G, U8 u0 P     blonde. "Spread them," The head guard ordered.8 e0 b' r& a9 u; n, S
8 V% l' P: O$ G5 @) l( h1 i     Nancy was kneeling also. She held out her arms. "Andrew,
% J* A8 N9 O8 L2 _; k( Y     Christopher I'm so glad to see you. Come here and give Mommy: y/ F7 M# ?4 {. p
     a big hug."4 \3 `7 e$ z+ A8 O
) F) P0 [8 o+ B5 i     The two boys looked at the Chief for permission. He nodded.
+ Z7 l; l6 P% b% W     They were in their mother's arms in an instant. "I'm so glad, q' ~* A% d) ?' v/ w% e8 B; k
     to see you.". Nancy gushed. "Look at you. You've grown so& G1 M7 ]  \4 F
     tall and handsome. Your cocks are larger too," She said
9 Q5 i( ~+ C$ c8 }$ |     looking down at her son's penises. "Andy, I do believe your# [2 h$ @7 A( `5 ^# w9 O
     balls are bigger too." Nancy reached over and took her two. P: ]' r6 }% |* P' u! ^9 m
     sons cocks in her hands. She examined each one as the boys
# [) D% x  b0 a# i     stood blushing. "Look how hard  you are. You must be glad to6 f8 V- h' W8 t2 x! [$ o  y
     see me," She said as she stroked both boys' peckers
7 u# Z: U9 _6 A4 c% [* U     simultaneously. Joni was standing alongside Mrs. Micelli1 Y5 m' x5 P2 d4 I& v$ \
     watching as she fondled her sons privates. "Joni don't you3 o/ c1 ]2 f* I, K* g" U
     think their cocks are larger?" Nancy asked.
6 {8 D2 t' C6 d* p     
2 F9 y7 M+ M+ U( [     "Not really," Joni said. "Not like Kevin's. She ran over and
& h' c; u" f/ D     took Kevin's cock in her hand, examining it and cupping his6 s( w5 b$ S& p+ G
4 K8 ?: w5 m% F3 W6 p' z- M     
# B* I9 E& c5 ^( _: N     Nick watched his wife for a moment then resumed staring at1 N$ j: _5 C4 o% s+ B  y8 V; G
     the naked Connolly family. "Do you want to see them up5 H: p1 R3 x* H$ Y7 a. u; ^# f
     close?" Miss Fanelli said. "The rest of your family are kind# \/ c/ q$ G9 e6 j9 J* }
     of busy. You should be also."
+ Y: `5 F. }7 S! d4 R     
  n" _( E1 A, D" O. O- K     Nick nodded. His hands were shaking and his mouth was dry as
# ]6 w$ U1 |+ G% D     the two teachers led him over to the sobbing, totally nude; }4 t( l* d3 C: b# t4 _
     young girls.
9 h, _8 E) f/ ?" d4 k8 \9 F) l. M, U- w     
4 o$ a) k7 _# ~     "I'd like to look up all their cunts at once but I think
' U1 f" G8 @+ n* L6 M     I'll start with Jennifer," Nick said.
# w% c) ~* [$ m0 n: }     
9 `2 I4 o5 o& T, [& q! \2 v     Miss Walton nodded. "Get on the floor and spread your legs
0 q8 o6 G( n6 x7 {8 T* _0 a7 i2 S     open as wide as you can." She ordered the pretty teenager. . j; Z- V. @) q+ n1 f$ W
3 B# i. {8 t7 k1 z6 F( V     The other sisters looked on horrified as Jennifer, Now
- F) M) h0 `: L3 e! D     bawling her eyes out, Slowly laid down on the floor in front' f. G# i# _& {- E5 p% e! m7 h
     of Nick and opened herself up to his gaze.
& R/ X6 V  Z/ ]6 f- r     
1 L  N3 o, |4 x% l     "Put your elbows on the floor and your hands under your ass.
" P1 ]( d  b* r& y  s     Raise your hips up and support them so Mr. Micelli can see
. d. z/ f8 {; N  a, r: j     better." Miss Fanelli ordered.
) p, R3 v! O. r; `6 l/ S& d     
& i5 L) h3 Y! X4 G     Nick knelt and with his face a foot away from her pussy,
- x" G4 j" P0 j     shoved his finger up inside the crying girl's wide open gash
+ w; ?; N' ?7 s9 a/ e( K     and slowly finger fucked her tight cunt.
! D+ g1 k3 J& _! C     
' X9 n/ L! g. h6 r8 ~     As her father explored Jennifer, Susie was busy rubbing
. y+ M1 g" n; L8 k3 v$ N% g# l     Kelly's cunt. The little blonde was standing up and3 p: d$ g" z& Q9 m, m
     spreading her pussy lips as Miss Thomas knelt alongside
  d8 u5 U" I* t- i: E. ~8 a     Susie. "You've never seen a pussy before?" Miss Thomas
1 t( y; _7 w) f, }5 |     asked.
6 X1 s* ]8 k+ h1 K- w$ M! d     ( @( a7 [, A7 h
     Susie pushed her little fingers up inside Kelly's cunt. "Nuh
! z5 m5 r1 i% O3 \& J  h     uh," She said. "I once stood in front of the mirror and
9 \  Y1 j" `+ J* D1 ?     looked inside myself but this is the first time I saw a real
. n9 l* n6 k6 q     live one on anybody else."' |$ h0 D. K" A3 ?0 T3 L" i) d8 V
. m$ {7 |7 E. E" \4 a: U3 z     "Do you like what you see?" Miss Thomas asked.1 u- V5 i3 n/ y8 b: x
     " U7 W: \6 i  X! ]
     "I think I like boy's dickies better," Susie said and ran
& k: h$ O* K4 h& J6 D. _& W9 {* _     over to the boys. She grabbed Ricky's little cock roughly
) s  k* ~2 k" u     and examined it as Lori Paulson watched amused.! S9 B" `$ ?, c! o3 M
     3 T" q* [9 Q) L+ G) E* m
     Nancy Micelli had finished examining her sons and was
1 c# @% _# M7 x- o' j     standing in front of Michael. She looked over at Nick and% A0 g4 v' V& w6 ~* Q
     watched him exploring Jennifer. She vowed to shave her own
5 I8 `8 m( C: H! `     pussy. "If he likes them like that, I'll give him one like
4 E, x: C2 o+ f- a9 f, V4 R     that," She thought grinning inwardly. Turning her attention
; ~* @# {6 F" i' Q1 o& c     to Michael, She took his cock in her hand and peeled back5 m! n* [8 x" }% y
     his foreskin, Examining his cock head. Next to her Joni had& R# l& F5 [$ ?! t/ ~
     Kevin breathing heavily as she stroked his cock and fondled! G0 d& e- |  A7 }+ [  i5 P
     his balls.5 F3 k+ I. Q* n. D/ m
6 u: X! H) x9 N3 v. a! x0 R     Chief Crane took Kelly's hand and led her over to where Nick: H9 B5 h8 e8 J& }7 U
     was pushing his finger in and out of Jennifer. She was made
% H9 d% Q' D* s8 x9 d0 v) ~     to stand with the others, Her hands behind her head. The
: K( q: e, }3 ^# h     other family members were also awaiting their turn. As3 A3 D3 T5 V; h4 f7 o9 s4 y& v
     Jennifer gasped and moaned the Chief made Caitlin lie down5 h$ w! `2 [5 w; c4 S  i
     next to her. "This one needs examining next," He grinned at
, [1 l/ B* o6 m& O& ?     Nick.
8 b8 q/ l! r3 g4 s  z     1 c& [/ b: b; ^8 ~
     "Sure. I just need to finish Jennifer off. She's almost5 v5 ^- y, v5 v$ R1 V1 h, X6 n
     there," Nick said smiling as Jennifer bounced and wiggled on
: C+ O9 b! t7 v& P     the end of his hand. Then she let out a little scream and
8 }0 E. m# K! x, n     came. Nick removed his wet finger as the teenager lay back! w( h$ ^, O+ p
     trying to catch her breath.
9 t9 O- A8 V8 }& }5 F6 `     5 C6 n% L- J8 I4 _
     Forgotten for the moment, Andy and Christopher could only
! L: Z! G, ]5 V% F4 B8 S" ]4 a     watch as their family explored and probed the other naked$ _& M3 q2 {2 D) y8 q; n
     children.4 }; _* l+ |, X- K$ w/ Q
! y7 a& Q( _; i  l$ l: D     Caitlin was laid out next to her older sister. Her legs were
7 v: X% L* U: e) H& e     wide apart. At the Chiefs urging she raised her hips and
# V# m$ f" y# P, O! M     showed her little twat to the men.
- O# D0 s" H) @" B3 x     3 E* p& D7 C% \- W" f3 B
     Nick whistled. "I never thought I'd see this when we drove
5 q% H. X3 }+ ^( s0 h     up here. I was looking forward to getting my boys back and" X( ^/ f! Z6 t9 e$ N4 w& x0 T
     driving home. The girls were talking about playing with all
5 P' O  y# g% j# j9 M8 g+ N     the naked cocks. Now I'm getting to see more pussy than I
$ i# m" u; E! ~! G* I( @2 c     thought possible, short of visiting a cat house."
5 |% z, d5 S' A7 y: Y; K' O     
# U; Y: p# \4 d6 f     "You'd never see pussy like this in a whorehouse," The Chief$ Q  V+ a) D  K& |! E& w' E
     grinned as Nick pried open Caitlin's cunt with his thumb and
6 ~: N; Y9 }/ l9 z; T     forefinger.7 ^7 u. E' ?" f- D, z
6 E* F" e; X# I1 r8 R' i     "Why are they naked and being forced to do this?" Nick asked
8 X2 R5 h) N4 Q' D$ n- _     pushing his finger inside the sobbing girl.' p; ^* U: b2 c7 B# Q3 @2 W  ?* @
     $ F/ Z- A- s) l) |4 a& e
     "They pissed off Governor Grant," The Chief answered matter( G2 B5 f2 A  m- B" o0 G
     of factly. "She can take two fingers. You're being too
3 |& P$ V7 E- V( m+ Q     gentle."3 w$ u6 x% J% M4 r
     3 Q7 b; V9 n' q- Z2 h* u) U7 p: }
     Caitlin was red with shame as nick probed her open pussy. He
& i' p4 s: T- B* l3 k  q* b     rubbed her little clit between his thumb and forefinger. She
- d$ v" i) W* r' e9 \0 b     was moving her ass as he stroked her to a climax. Despite0 o: w& e. s+ Y( u3 j% B
     her acute humiliation she was getting hotter and hotter as. ]1 T7 V! }6 T" f
     Mr. Micelli manipulated her cunt.3 U) E& C0 G9 s/ d7 x; C- w' L9 ^
9 O( r2 A+ x; {" O     Mrs. Connolly was sobbing as she watched her daughters being
0 s( n2 G( x# }/ W, {     fondled. Chief Crane stood up and took Christie's arm. "You
5 C# N6 Y6 b6 i7 ?6 F' i) u     sure loved it when you were doing the examining. You didn't
5 O: w8 T% }0 c' M( q     care who was watching. Now it's your turn." He nudged" y$ x* d+ m+ A
     Jennifer with his toe. The crying teenager stood up next to
2 S  |' J7 m8 \     her mother and Christie took her place on the floor. ( l0 B- N- \( r! L3 X  }
: R- `9 f4 }" n- X     Nick turned and looked up Christie's little cunt as she- D  t# s# i! H; ~9 j
     raised her hips and opened herself. "I'll be right with
9 V7 G3 J2 I4 C3 H0 _7 X8 K. F5 N     you," He chuckled, turning back to Caitlin. He poked and- U/ q& U5 T2 s+ I" u: ^
     prodded her dripping snatch as she squealed and wiggled on  g9 x; R/ U0 K) z4 Z
     the floor. 0 Q) a* e( r- y% @
     9 H: ~9 ]+ K) j& V6 x7 Z+ X5 H  ?; U4 V
     On the other side of the room  Joni, Susie and Nancy Micelli
/ Y; x- K+ A3 F1 V4 T4 I     were finishing their cock examinations of the boys. Joni had7 X9 y( A& \  W4 ^' n. ^
     stroked Kevin's cock until he had shot a load, just missing
, D5 t. d9 P1 p! ~" h5 I" q     her. Michael had cum also and the two boys were on their
# A7 `0 J" T$ Z3 D* t3 D8 E     knees on the floor wiping the sticky fluid up. Nancy was now, a# x+ G- ^' u6 c$ `; t
     busy with Josh and Joni was peeling back Jerry's uncut# h3 k6 O( C& H, y$ X5 O" F
     foreskin and examining the boy's velvet cock head. Susie was( q) d) s- K* J/ b$ [2 x
     playing with his balls, She had been jerking Ricky's little
6 }8 Q4 O( M& e  Z8 h& q0 X     cock until he had his usual dry orgasm moments before.
' _  ^9 r; z+ X; b+ n7 k" q     2 q. {  t% I+ [) F0 }  H$ W. C
     Miss Walton was making sure Andy and Christopher didn't feel
- J+ }1 g6 A* X     neglected. Lori looked on with an amused expression as the3 @6 g- M) p- f
     two brothers were forced to rub their cock heads against, t5 V& [2 Z- D# ], s) j3 [3 a
     each other by their teacher.) Y/ S8 ~7 ~5 q% y1 G% z( P/ v
* c0 P. W, }9 W3 a8 H8 M3 c     Caitlin was allowed to get up off the floor after she had! \- s4 j6 l5 `: S
     cum rather noisily. She was forced to stand beside Jennifer1 I) P* \9 t( p
     as Kelly and Christie took their place on the floor in front3 L/ b- v/ o5 {( u+ t
     of Mr. Micelli. "Might as well kill two birds with one
- [6 }2 e7 ^; K1 G" ~     stone," The Chief had suggested. Nick was happy to oblige
3 y" r6 A$ d7 O0 c% H     and plunged an index finger inside each girls wide open
# |% Y" X2 B) z+ _! G5 T8 L) [     snatch as the chief nodded his approval. "Oh God their; }* c/ ^2 X% e. a
     pussies are so lovely Nick gasped as he fingered both cunts( F. g3 X6 k5 ]) n5 t
     simultaneously. The girls hips were off the floor as they; q; u# a, Q0 J- I  c2 x8 O5 f
     balanced on their elbows and feet. Their cunts were open and
5 D: I8 ~- t0 \     displayed at eye level.: o/ L% c' P9 f$ B4 y, K4 h( G, x
     ( y0 X3 l0 f9 x
     The two younger girls were crying and red faced with shame
" g5 }, v: ~4 F2 n4 P" z* V: a     as Nick explored inside them. "These Connolly females are/ V8 a- L( K9 @* U5 \
     really something," The Chief said. "They can dish it out but8 _  R/ S1 x! Q/ }0 C
     they start to cry when it's their turn to take it." He2 x' M9 z$ R& n& u5 Z( p
     turned to Mrs. Connolly who was watching her daughters being
9 [& |3 G) j" h4 E+ ]" p2 w/ W( Y     fingered. "When he  finishes with those two I want you to# P+ z. o9 e8 x) L
     get down and pull yourself wide open as well. Let Mr.) f. O: K& \6 |: ]6 H
     Micelli get a good look up your snatch. Then you five will$ I- W5 Y. u0 G3 I
     turn around and let the Micelli family look at your pretty0 y! J, O2 h2 M( F
     pink assholes. Do you understand?" & ?5 Q8 x8 T) {& v3 |0 {
     & U/ K/ ]0 s# Z- a$ ~) Q
     Mrs. Connolly turned pale. "Please Chief. Not that," She  T: _9 ^  W: e/ _' c( f
     begged. "Haven't we been humiliated enough. You're letting
7 r  H! d8 D7 Z$ \- ^/ N  M) ~. Z     strangers finger fuck my daughters. Don't make us show our
( k3 u' m; p/ r6 u     assholes to them. Have mercy." She started bawling.
& ]+ x+ N' l6 X5 n  ?/ f8 R% N& p     , n9 X! H/ l+ c, k
     The Chief stood up. "You and your little brats don't know, ~& |$ f: z* }
     the meaning of the word," He snickered and took out the# u' ~/ o3 f/ d2 m
     remote from its holster. "I want to try this out anyway." He
% U- s9 W( @9 V* |     pressed the button set for Mrs. Connolly.8 B) w- ?7 u# {" l. B5 ^" x
     . W0 I; p8 F- B9 V* ~$ @
     Jean screamed and grabbed her cunt. She fell to the floor
' ?8 }4 G3 x0 X3 w& q     writhing in agony as the pain shot through her pussy. 9 x  Y( e  s( `, a( h9 X7 d& F
     + p5 g( K# G4 ?4 K
     "Don't you ever say no to anyone on the staff," Chief Crane5 R. w; n# S5 _# z3 R; Q
     said sharply. "If I want you to show someone your asshole
4 k! ]/ F. H! t! \& ]8 r6 Y     you'd better bend over and pull your cheeks open."9 D- u& s* u( W1 _+ v& i! ~$ U) E3 g
     / Z: C0 d; L. ~4 H0 p4 w! p
     He left Jean crying on the floor and knelt to watch Nick
; T7 o7 z, X7 P6 c# W7 J     poking the two little girls. "Why don't you check out Mrs.
9 W& J& l9 E+ t7 W     Connolly's cunt then we can have everyone bend over," He
; g7 f( W: {$ S     suggested.7 P! l" ?9 i* n/ w+ h
% h" U$ j6 m5 b2 P8 B     Nick nodded and stood up. Kelly and Christie got up on their: \) Y0 O9 N3 G7 ~7 v+ h
     feet shakily. Both girls pussies were wet. The four Connolly$ H, s# r- `$ |5 e) h5 K3 [8 J7 V
     girls huddled together watching as a shaken Jean Connolly
2 Q& C: j9 u$ I     was positioned in front of Nick with her legs wide apart.7 k' }5 w- j* }1 ?4 e) w; n% Z
     "Raise your hips and let me see your cunt," Nick said* J0 @1 w; l7 G7 k
     looking at his wife for permission. Nancy nodded and walked6 I, N5 Q3 E" O) v5 j, n
     over to watch. She was finished with Josh. He had cum
4 A) d/ F% N- I4 k- i) t1 g0 [     moments before and she was curious to see Mrs. Connolly's& p$ H, R* d: W- T9 Y
     pussy as well.+ P% g9 V% I1 H, c; F+ @
$ z- K3 Q6 g+ ~) v3 V3 G     Susie joined her mother and Joni, who was still playing with4 j+ ~$ F- e  Q" z  R* I) D5 f; c
     Jerry's cock joined them. She pulled Jerry over by his balls
: z) p7 F$ F- r# W1 g     yanking so hard he yelled  "Ouch." 5 k" L& X( u7 n2 e' I
     ) M/ c( u6 H1 Y+ G. q
     Nick pried open Jean's still red pussy lips and pushed his6 I4 C7 a" s4 G; J( x
     two middle fingers inside. Her snatch was already soggy and* C, I; ^. s' e5 g: V  {3 i
     soon she was moaning and bumping as he played with her clit.
. o  {; ~  m) U; m  @     In a few moments she reached orgasm.
( M9 a- ]: {4 B) p     # ~( Z5 v8 n/ C# k0 F; V8 a( t0 C
     "Apparently the chip causes pain but also stimulates their
  j3 G5 q' D( k/ c     pussies," Lori giggled to Miss Fanelli as they watched
) K! \% U* C: \8 e* z' F     Jean's climax.
# V" _- \9 |! J% H# t2 M, V( M- ]     
% T; k0 j& n0 D. ~; e" B     The last person to cum was Jerry but Joni kept at it,
9 i1 Y. f# g6 K7 d     Stroking his large uncut cock. Susie joined in and played
6 ^9 ~" q# d7 ~* }  b7 k     with his balls. Soon the two pronged attack proved too much# o3 \+ T% I# j1 X
     for the reluctant cummer and he moaned and shot his load.) X$ |& z0 [" z1 g* u0 `+ e8 r
6 r/ x1 t2 J6 M7 L( i' J1 {# g     The boys cleaned the floor quickly and then were positioned
3 G5 T4 d- h$ T0 ?! M, Z. f: p     facing the wall for a rectal exam. The girls including Mrs.
, n: }/ P; Z/ x1 p0 @/ a/ J2 i, S4 Y     Connolly were positioned next to them. "All right, you all/ n0 d! j$ E0 h, l5 n4 U
     know what to do. Andy and Christopher This will probably be
6 m' R  X* H4 C6 x     your last asshole inspection for awhile so I want you two to6 M; d7 J- r  A. K4 h
     spread yourselves for us first," Miss Thomas instructed.8 C3 c  p6 W: W/ R
     "We'll all check your assholes out, then do the rest of the9 ^9 u. H9 V5 ^2 [% R; _
     students."  I; U  l8 k0 o) L( h3 q
     6 P' ^, v& i8 {5 w/ J- w
     Andy and Christopher stood legs apart and bent over. They/ M. Z5 o4 q" u, |, e  F
     reached back and presented themselves to the watching6 V# e. D4 Z- R
     people. Joni and Susie were first. Joni plunged her finger7 P: f# K; U% T& s! L0 V) F& [8 p! F
     inside Andy and Susie did the same to Chris as everyone2 F7 ~. j' X; w# d: _
     watched. The girls wiggled their fingers around inside them.) i1 a0 H( ?, o4 Y9 B  P, `4 d
     "This isn't my last time," Joni giggled as she explored
1 E2 r9 M4 O5 T2 g     Andy's rectum.. "Your mom said I can come over and make you9 D3 i: x$ H1 K0 S9 x; h6 K7 n
     strip and show me your cock and ass any time I feel like. X! O+ W$ }1 S9 d0 K2 u
  g" f4 p! S+ x8 d- n7 k& k     
, `0 o/ z6 H/ N; R6 X     Andy was startled. He looked at his mom even as Joni poked/ j! u: C4 @0 C3 e
     her finger up inside him. "Until I see that you've truly
, Q% V, U# s  F8 h9 `     changed Andrew, Miss Thomas suggested I keep you and+ a: o! q8 @/ p3 v/ g- S+ V
     Christopher nude inside the house." Nancy Micelli said. "I'm4 s" g: G% g9 ]& p/ i+ q  Z
     putting Susie and Joni in charge of you two boys."  ?) z, e% C2 \. T1 b, }& O, j/ b, ]
     5 m' n5 m0 |) R; b! C
     Now it was Andy's turn to cry. This wasn't going well at7 O$ k; W0 y( }! F, a3 L
     all. One by one everybody explored the two boy's pink
- j& G3 @0 n' e2 U: u" ^% Z4 f, g8 ]     assholes. Chief crane was last. Their asses were already: S& g- q3 x5 |, j1 Y; Q, I. c
     stretched and his meaty finger plunged inside Chris's behind
/ r/ |& d4 q  ^# P) u3 E5 {. n2 X$ K     easily. Christopher grunted as the large finger poked around
, Q! R! _: Q' n$ L% r     inside him. He was comforted by the thought that soon things
& o; }0 g: I: ]2 f0 |     would be back to normal. Chief Crane took his time inside1 E4 H7 P9 V1 Q- Q6 E/ U* K5 p
     Chris's little asshole. "I'm betting you're back here in a
( U' s' |  M+ F# m8 j& I     month," He said  pushing his finger in and out.  .
/ Y3 B6 j) `" D     
) ]$ k! A6 x& i  H8 d     Miss Thomas looked up from Andy's asshole. "I'm gonna miss
; A" e) A' u/ S- T; _     these two. I think they've learned their lesson and will
2 X8 V3 d( t4 A$ F, V$ d8 o     behave from now on. If not this won't be the last time I8 o8 y" U+ R5 U. K4 q0 i! L- N
     shove my finger in here," She said pushing her index finger& @' S  V8 s! K3 e; Z# H* {
     up inside Andy. # D& K3 k: Q% ^; L
  q  r% A0 B# D9 w  {& V     Andy agreed. He thought, "Even with Joni and Susie: N$ J  V& R2 @/ O2 {
     inspecting us it will still be better than all these grown8 M: B+ c3 P' [& n0 b
     up fingers poking me."  Then Miss Thomas reminded him of the  K+ r) Y/ x! i) V
     terms of his parole.
! I, O. _; n0 B5 l     
2 H+ Y1 E  H1 y3 G; B9 e2 @     She looked up at Nancy. "The Judge wants to see these two
  A+ u* F/ J8 q( {0 u+ k     every Wednesday. He's acting as their parole officer.7 c' [! {/ U) d& a$ A
     They're to strip naked in his outer office. The Judge's
5 i2 K- z* `0 Y0 }/ q2 l' \     legal secretary will watch them to make sure. They're to go/ [5 |8 m. z( O$ H
     into his office and stand in front of his desk while he- L0 k! C& y5 H  j3 T# w/ s. j* s8 A
     examines them and asks how they're doing."3 c2 W- ^( I0 M
" \1 u$ c- j$ ]' F; g* i     Nancy nodded. "I'm working full time and can't take them
* O' c* L  @$ s: \, e4 d8 ~  ?     there. I'll ask Marianna, the teenage girl next door to take
! I, w8 I! o4 \6 n     them to the courthouse for me."
5 N& a0 E7 r: `" ?# {2 s     
7 i6 i6 p5 q2 ?     As Miss Thomas finished up his rectal exam Andy's spirits* L2 Y  H2 b% p, j& ~2 I
     sank. "Great. That's all Chris and I need. More people to
' D/ I$ N" ]- X' v+ Z& i     see our assholes  and cocks." He thought bitterly. "We might' t- y- |7 N) z' I) g
     as well stay here. At least we get to see the girls naked1 Z" z, v5 {3 o  L
     and get to mess around with their assholes and pussies.. "
7 s2 C5 D/ o! b: K1 x     7 Z; R7 @# j  W. ?5 X) Q8 S
     3 a# T+ l( ^: @. ~' l
     Nick was getting impatient. He hadn't spent too much time5 h8 m1 q3 k- G: k
     inside his two son's behinds. A quick probe and he pulled- p0 _! \# j& E/ u2 M  T( i* r
     his finger out He wanted to see the girl's pink assholes. He( F- H3 Q4 {" M# A* i1 r" {
     stood watching as the other children faced the wall. He was
8 M7 |. ?2 \7 t, F/ [; p" P! I  a& k     admiring Jennifer's curvy buttocks. "I'd love to get my cock
  @* C& Y" f$ T7 v/ G3 ~     between her cheeks." His eyes lingered on Caitlin's curvy4 h2 d  X, k+ n, p
     butt. "She's gonna be even better than her sister," He9 _' P( L! T" C7 y0 E3 d! [9 d0 h
     thought admiring the round buttocks and slim legs on the! h( V' i% O$ p+ C4 Z5 p2 n, y2 g
     thirteen year old.) ~( G2 `3 w! H! J
     2 L! t" y9 W7 K! D' }7 H
     Nick's thoughts were interrupted. Miss Thomas removed her4 X$ z* [$ e7 v# d
     finger from Andy's ass. "You two remain in position," She
: o. p/ m% \7 Z7 G     ordered. "The rest of you can join them. Bend over and open8 t+ j) e7 r  q* {8 D
     your cheeks. I want to see Twelve assholes looking back at
, e& S* ]: x/ {1 N     me."
& ?- V1 t) d/ e5 s3 S" [( M     
" ^+ J, \+ |" ]  W9 j$ o     The boys were used to showing their assholes to anyone who0 o) n- a2 X5 ]  o
     wanted to look. They didn't hesitate. Almost as one they
2 E3 a; w- J8 M% B8 z" v( {" u  r% `     positioned their legs apart, bent over and opened their
9 J( M" g  j5 [; v' W     cheeks. The girls were all crying. Their faces were red with
1 U& |5 T( p! f" O; ^     humiliation as the followed the boy's example and bent over,
8 V1 f! P5 i0 C3 o( X$ P     Legs wide apart. Their hands went back and pulled their1 |( F# ~; ]8 h9 J0 u+ |4 Z/ V4 f8 N
     buttocks open. Now all eleven of the students and Mrs.
  T; N% D$ p) i1 }     Connolly were displaying their most secret of places to the
& _$ j8 ~5 }* B2 b0 k: Y     Micelli's and Joni.
; C5 Q% {4 x+ r1 \     
! I2 q4 c% Y: X6 k     Nick couldn't believe his eyes. He'd dreamt of something( s. P- p+ y9 r$ l! h( d" I5 @5 x
     like this every day of his thirty six years. The girls were
6 T% e; l  N2 a! x6 J     displaying everything they had for him. Their assholes gaped
, o3 f/ u; ^/ A     open pretty and pink. While underneath, Their pussies were- A7 j7 H1 O3 y! B
     also winking at him. He took a deep breath and knelt behind) E& X+ K- c: p& ^3 Q6 k; I8 P
     Caitlin. Her tight, pink little asshole beckoned to his
6 q% K# P0 [# l5 G1 m. P& a7 G: _     finger. He pushed against her sphincter and caused her to
& P3 Q+ ]: X2 Y- q3 }+ B     moan in pain as it forced his way in. Joni was squatting
$ @! P1 d! t7 E: i/ H4 t( P     behind  Kevin and Susie was kneeling alongside her pushing
  [6 |; j1 v0 {     her finger inside Ricky's small pink anus. "I wish I could
' u( t6 B# m6 t5 T$ [# T1 {0 F     take you home with me. You're so cute," She giggled wiggling' @1 j$ D$ D: u* L6 T6 E
     her finger inside the little blonde boy.. }  w' Q/ W+ y( B
" `# b. ^$ x. |( S; I     Chief Crane watched as Nick explored Caitlin's small pink' r; a( T+ e1 y! K
     asshole. "If you like I can arrange a blow-job from any one; a* h8 i  I/ }' D9 ^
     of these girls," He offered.% A) Z! H, y; j/ K" K& @
( Y1 c: ?" ]( B/ V     "No, that's O.K.", Nick sighed looking over at his wife who9 w4 E- w4 Q& i1 ^7 p8 h
     was busy poking Jerry's asshole. "I'd love it but Nancy* H6 i4 U$ W& N" l& L: x9 E4 N
     would divorce me. He looked down at the tent in his pants.$ }  `* H& a: M; C8 Q
     "Let me tell you she's in for it tonight."
3 P8 y% ]4 ~: r     
2 ~2 L1 o$ |9 f/ m& l* c. U8 M     Chief Crane laughed and knelt beside Nick. He waited until" ~: X) A; k% V. k' w" i$ j; N
     Nick removed his finger from Caitlin and moved over to  l+ U0 i7 `) l+ n! F6 l  j
     Jennifer. As Nick pushed his finger inside the older sister
6 `) |9 V8 C7 H     the Chief pushed his up inside Caitlin.
" R8 P( A  M* Z7 D- D# j5 k8 a     
+ A) {- t8 Z3 V5 B# y% z' ~     While the men were thus occupied Mrs. Maikowski was showing3 ?) r8 k/ b! x0 p" w
     Joni how to finger Michael and play with his dangling balls
1 ?" e: n+ |$ E2 C- p     at the same time. Nancy finished with Jerry and was
. F7 z( f# i0 n( f( z0 w- Y     preparing to poke Josh. She started by kneading his balls
' ?0 h/ h. N3 q6 ?5 m. h& g     and gazing up inside him. The two teachers watched. They
  ]5 ~) R. ^- o; C     could have the students anytime and it was fun to watch
' ]; I, H3 f, B5 N     others explore the boys.
( A% H" t$ ]$ v  B9 h1 @     1 n2 q7 j( v! [: C' d' `  o
     Miss Thomas joined the men. As Nick poked and prodded
6 H2 o5 V# H# Z" m     Jennifer She informed him. "We are going to leave the micro-
( {- R7 l5 G& c7 O# Y7 M+ `' z     chips inside Andy and Christopher. Here's a remote device.
0 u, `' P9 a" q$ j* t. |     If they get unruly you just have to push a button." ) ~5 c/ }- v0 Y; o2 R
     # K2 Q* v, F% g
     Nick shook his head. "I don't think we'll have to use this- l$ Z* T. s1 D7 I
     very much," He said looking over to where his sons stood
6 ^# Z4 {9 L' p' Y$ c7 j9 @# ~     bent over alongside the rest of the kids. He watched Lori
$ R% A+ ^- }9 l" H, U  r     Paulson kneeling behind Andy, poking his asshole. "But
: o' }, R5 L, T; `4 {) @     thanks anyway," He smiled pocketing the device. 3 G3 v, D3 }. S# e1 r" y
8 x; N: {/ K  Q, B- Q$ r& t     Nick moved on and was Pushing his finger into Christie.
" I( {/ p" ]; d1 U. J     Susie came over. "I'm gonna watch my daddy," she said to( Y2 m/ K$ x5 y: q3 e  T
     Miss Thomas and knelt alongside Nick as his finger pushed
9 b( `  O: q# Y- y     past Christie's tight sphincter and up into her rectum.$ {- Q6 v7 s% p/ v* M: ~
! ?+ ]& ~6 u1 t% T" M, @  E) J$ {     "Why don't you explore Kelly while your Dad does Christie,"5 P1 |2 J, {1 ]  A9 B
     The Chief suggested. "A little girl's asshole is the same as8 l& g% P' n  H+ }* j
     a little boy's."
5 K) ]  W% i# U  u     
# K3 Y! f; Y0 E+ P# @6 `     "Can I Daddy? Please can I?" Susie said excitedly.8 X  v) B$ i( n- [  @
     5 J; Y4 J2 C: I4 C$ J# l0 U
     "Sure Muffin, Go ahead. Daddy will watch you," Nick said as, n+ q6 w4 ^- r1 N7 g  i
     he fiddled with Christie's little cunt while poking her
( L% v( V5 H  h8 s     asshole with his other hand.2 G$ w- s" `  K$ z* p- u1 m' M
$ o! O, z% x; S: G9 z5 {     Nancy drifted over and watched as Nick played with7 J5 \* g2 W) p6 L+ S
     Christie's cunt and diddled her little pink asshole. "Having
" L  {. y5 n9 ^: K$ t     fun Darling?" She grinned. 6 |7 ^4 e8 Z  T' z9 A2 W' R
     / ^# A/ y7 Z- C* [- w( }) h
     Nick looked up. "You can tell I am by looking at my hard-
/ v. ?4 g. c/ [; |, v  e7 V     on," He laughed. "I noticed you worked your way through all6 o+ K& E+ d0 `
     those little boy assholes pretty good. God I'm horny. You're
8 q6 d% T7 @3 u- o: L     gonna get a good screwing tonight, my sweet," He promised.
# R9 V" A2 S9 h8 f     & S0 j. N3 B: R7 _
     "Why wait. Your cock is good to go several times." Nancy5 O# q% Z! {7 N; P( A0 c
     looked at Mrs. Connolly who was standing bent over, holding
' x& C/ b5 G: Y  {     her buttocks open alongside Jennifer and Caitlin. "I noticed$ e8 X  Z3 Y% U3 R) {+ @
     how hard you got when you were fingering Mrs. Connolly when
! i4 V9 ^( z& v0 P1 g" ~     we first got here. You can do her if you want. I know you're+ O5 Y2 [" u! ?. E
     only human."
& T8 t! Z; K  H0 E7 D     
4 ?% s( M( V5 B9 }" z     "I haven't gotten to her asshole yet," Nick said. He pulled" _: q" {8 r- S' S) |
     his finger from Christie and moving over  he knelt behind/ }" Y! r9 ~% I* \2 z; a
     Jean looking up inside her large pink asshole. "God it's red. z8 i) @4 I6 ~1 P% y7 d2 c
     inside there," He commented. Nancy knelt beside him and
2 g0 G2 q, z* z8 z) {     agreed. "She must have been fucked by a good size cock." She0 v$ A' X7 q  P' ~) [
     looked over to the Chief. "Yours?" She grinned.
/ }6 s% q3 l! m* w& z9 s     
' |1 O- p* c: `     Chief Crane blushed.  He shook his head. "Harley's and
5 b7 ~9 u1 }/ p4 f3 |* V+ r     Captain Williams who is the Governor's bodyguard." He looked( A- Y4 h# E& ~' _- y6 H$ Y8 W$ I3 ^
     at Nick. "She can take your cock in her cunt or ass if you2 a& v( _2 w4 ]  }
     like."$ h- C% G  X  A/ ^* A& Z% ^
     3 g5 e& G; y( K3 O
     "A blow job will do," Nick said pushing his middle finger& K1 }- }8 r7 d6 n9 I
     inside Jean's sore asshole. She winced and pulled herself/ H" z7 Q& E( N/ V# q+ ^
     open wider. Jean was sobbing in shame and pain as Nick poked
. `2 s, d6 v+ L- X1 {( s     and prodded inside her. Nancy looked on then pushed her own
+ v2 P6 n$ H3 V& ?     finger inside Jeans cunt. "I'm just curious," She blushed as
* l$ Q" j; {# L, T& r     Nick looked at her in astonishment.
: S, o8 Z5 ~; J/ p" ?8 ]' A( a0 u     
5 ~' _. c! u" w7 E8 I, g+ m/ D     As Mrs. Connolly wiggled on the ends of the two Micelli's
! Q' i% b9 ~8 E3 p. h; }3 k     probing fingers, Joni was poking Jerry's pink asshole and # Q- T6 w1 A  W" r. u7 g
     bouncing his balls in her other hand. Miss Fanelli and Miss
; t$ A9 N1 i( a     Walton were doing the same thing to Josh and Michael and
' f6 Q4 o  c+ B8 K. }0 y     Mrs. Maikowski and Lori  Paulson were absorbed in Kevin and
- x) \6 [7 @6 U7 v3 O; S     Ricky's assholes.
" T3 s. X  x6 d* l: m( b% a     
# i6 d) L3 |" q7 ~) y; b     Nick removed his finger from Mrs. Connolly's asshole. "Stand! R2 a, E8 _5 l1 z; n
     up please." He said. As the sobbing woman straightened up1 W( J. p. B" K# B$ j: E- c9 f
     Nick cupped her tits in his hands and played with her pink
3 U/ A3 w0 `. ?" T     nipples. He examined each breast. Nancy watched. "Yours are
( X: a: L& I3 y     much nicer," He told his wife. + P  y" |% _6 ?
     1 d$ @# l: B0 U
     "Come on," Chief Crane said. "We can take her in the back
/ x; J0 \1 _) H% _2 Q0 K/ F     room." The two men led the red faced woman into the back,) x! M  G& {: y; U8 G
     Nick still rubbing her breasts.6 A  t2 ]8 a: W' |
     ! r8 `; Y) w" S# b5 r- F
     The Chief locked the door and turned to Jean. "Get up on the* E- K3 ?9 {$ L# |, O
     table," he ordered Mrs. Connolly. Jean was openly crying as) C: M  P- g! c% ]; x
     the Chief positioned her on her hands and knees. Nick stood6 U2 T" @# U* ]" N  t, m
     in front of her. his hard cock pushing at his pants. Her) {; _9 k6 ^1 V6 r
     mouth was level with his cock and he unzipped his fly and
7 R% J) v  Y0 p: C# T     took it out. He was proud of his cock, not realizing how; V6 n% O3 z/ [( {
     much smaller than Harley and Captain Williams he was. Unlike/ L: h1 j" L7 }& J, M0 m# N
     his son's he was not circumcised.; q. |$ [: D3 `( C6 v$ K  ?6 Z2 k* u
     % w" q9 r6 A$ b4 j
     Jean knew what she had to do. She knew she'd be spanked if6 l; J9 G$ |' G( `
     she hesitated even the slightest bit. Besides, Nick's cock) w; D4 o, y8 I8 L5 ?( j  ~
     wasn't so big. Her tongue flicked out and she licked the; K% p" U  x3 w0 q
     underside. Nick pulled back his foreskin revealing his cock: V$ G& u7 c3 Y% t5 _' v; q4 G
     head. Jean's tongue licked around his pee hole causing him  _: T: R$ I  Y* a/ k7 T- V3 w
     to shiver. Then she lapped his balls. She took his dick1 Z# s# B2 x1 F9 w( q1 F
     inside her mouth almost up to the hilt. Her head bobbed back
. U/ `  g* O$ f* b! J     and forth as she sucked for all she was worth. She didn't
$ b, H9 r; w% W& s: a     even stop when Chief Crane pulled her buttocks apart and
1 p1 t; P) N6 e! S; n, v+ A     pushed his cock head against her sore asshole. She gave a
% Q4 D5 s+ b0 E     little cry as it pushed its way into her bowels then she8 e: f, r4 k8 x
     took the entire length of Nick's cock into her mouth., K; g7 m8 n% d1 c# B7 U
     ; O7 W) }- K% Z( I( x. I
     Outside, Nancy was getting ready to leave with her sons. "As
9 p/ [$ P: C" i) T2 e7 I     soon as your father is done we'll head for home," She told
( D; e3 B& ]7 }5 v2 b* B     Andy as she watched Joni explore Christie's cunt while Susie) ]# T1 p# O# u0 P9 a$ l* g2 m
     watched. 5 E  a: p) m( H1 v! Q  e( d) S( O
+ ^2 ~( g9 y& d; y     "Where's my clothes for going home?" Andy asked.1 L7 v) o# b; W& }, h6 S
     ; u+ I) w+ E$ V& o
     Nancy smiled. "You have to earn the right to put your
6 i+ x* N; C2 a     clothing on, Young man. So far you haven't shown me you
. C6 ~% w1 m2 U2 {- K+ f3 ^( X     truly are a changed boy. Until you do you're to be naked at
  q( W$ |- R6 [) h0 ~4 |' }     home. The only times you'll be allowed to dress is for
( w8 H; U$ n, M- [) z( P: R( ~     school."
  V3 X6 [$ I) S# Y; ]     
* M$ B" V# y5 O) W     "What about when Susie's friends come over?" Chris asked,) o2 y" Q/ d- R1 v, ]2 [8 {* i9 Q! R
     panic in his voice. "We don't have to be naked then, do we?"
6 X5 Q# P  y( X* \* t- \. {3 Y     * K( K  M; r! S- \
     Nancy nodded. "You're to be naked at all times in the house." H4 W2 _3 H! D4 j$ i+ b
     If Susie invites her little playmates over and wants them to1 Q6 ]( m0 F' Z; u1 c
     see your cocks then you had better stand there and let them
3 [8 `& C. J- C' q- p     look. She's in charge. Miss Thomas even gave us a remote in
8 \  g$ K/ D! g' b8 C: \2 T, ?6 `     case you're thinking of disobeying Susie."
5 A- z4 C" f% Y. h6 K, O5 {     - `# q* F7 k2 j' u7 M8 ?: G
     Chris and Andy started to cry. Joni chimed in. "Your Mom$ v0 T3 A/ e5 \
     say's I'm in charge also. She say's I can bring whoever I
0 Z' i7 I$ H- P/ ^. q) n1 K     want to your house to see you two naked as well."
; v) Z: D/ O. j     
% B! o) i1 U0 s. C8 J4 x% _( W1 M     Nick was holding Jean's head as he pushed his cock in and, S- e1 G7 L2 h. G( c
     out of her mouth. With her mouth being used this way she  \0 u9 ~4 _: b" O  B
     could barely squeal as Chief Crane's cock pounded in and out
" m2 N" q% t" J) A7 ?+ H     of her tortured asshole. Deeper and deeper the Chief's cock/ P# R8 N" }6 _! q, U, \
     forced it's way inside her. Trapped between the two men5 u  |1 [7 f9 v7 q
     Jean's mouth and hips worked frantically to bring the two6 @! l  b% P1 H' }% G) \9 v
     cocks to a climax. She needed rest and the only way to get& e. o  z3 |( o+ O
     it was to let them cum in her two openings.
9 y/ p: F% W7 l" O7 c6 y8 l' w     
" w6 s* Q. c) p4 {9 b     Nick did just that. He gasped as he reached his climax.. U7 M- k0 x  O7 D* M
     Still holding Jean's head he stiffened and pumped a load of8 O" j& H' \9 \2 a$ p2 e
     cum down her throat. As his cock deflated Nick pulled it out' K! S0 P- ]  j# z  Z; i' E
     and wiped it on her face. He was gasping for air. ) a; E, x9 {) {1 I8 @5 D
0 H+ h* V# [4 a  V     Chief Crane's face was red as he exerted himself. His entire$ N) v1 s6 t! L6 K8 Z7 w! {% ]) f
     cock was inside her asshole now and Jean's hips pushed back* R+ P6 M8 v+ Q" f' w
     against him as he strove to go even deeper into her anus. 7 S. l- W. ~$ m% h) Z
8 M& N+ @/ n+ ]     Chief Crane pumped in and out of Jean's asshole. He was8 @/ [, C, P4 d0 z' }
     gasping for air. As he pushed in, Jean let out a squeal and  b# P* }+ n2 K- z2 ~: R
     in a small voice cried, You're hurting me." That energized
0 Y* e0 F+ h% ]2 Z     the old policeman and soon he stiffened and moaned as he
2 N: \& P" l& m: k9 C3 x% \6 k     pumped his jism inside the blonde's tortured asshole.6 K+ ?5 F% L! n3 u. P8 F( K) ^- H
' `/ @, N5 i  q# Q     As the two men pulled themselves together, Outside the room
+ U! W+ m. x/ w$ Z     Jennifer and Caitlin were bent over and Andy and Christopher( z* M+ {8 l% |6 V0 |. [1 y7 K6 o
     were preparing to stick their cocks inside the two girl's
6 C; E: y4 F/ {     pussies. Miss Thomas had suggested it as a going away
! R6 @5 B# {: w% {  Z2 M2 c     present. "You two can pick whoever you want for a farewell! t3 w7 S+ T- v: e* w
     fuck," She told the boys. "It's probably the only pussy$ D% k# F! X5 N# ]
     you'll be getting in the foreseeable future."
* Q6 W! n! Z. y8 _2 @     7 K2 Z1 Q+ h. B$ w7 N. ]
     The boys had picked the two eldest Connolly girls and Miss, J/ V3 v0 U9 V; p  g
     Fanelli and Miss Walton stroked their cocks to hardness as! F. L+ ~# S- X& G' w9 Z( X- _* m$ u
     the rest of the school and Nancy Micelli watched.  Joni was$ c3 N4 M* g& k; ]
     allowed to lead Andy over to the two bent over girls. She( F  k# w0 t2 J! k
     pulled him by his cock and positioned it at the opening of
% z1 k  V1 m4 s; z- j/ {: c' {# }     Jennifer's pretty little twat. Kelly was forced to take
# }. U2 n  E/ `; ?( f0 e- ~8 R# x     Chris's cock and position it by Caitlin. 3 |: v: }/ e; u5 i( t. V2 n* ]/ g+ t
7 x% \( v% G+ E3 b) J8 p- P4 y     Nick and Chief Crane led Mrs. Connolly, Her ass dripping cum  u) |" M7 q: K0 M
     out of the back room. She were just in time to watch as her
# S1 v5 O) s# d* |1 X: g     two daughters were about to be screwed doggy style by Andy
' n& }6 `9 {( I: F     and Chris.8 e, S5 x: V+ i+ k4 r; {+ a
+ i  M2 }% T5 q. t0 G     Joni guided Andy's stiff little cock into Jennifer's cunt.! y9 }1 |! Q6 r: i" T
     It went in easily, Barely pushing inside her. He grabbed her
/ F! f; n) w5 h( C! |     hips and pushed as far as he could. Jennifer pushed
, l3 i1 W, N" N+ {9 }     backwards and his cock grazed her clit causing her to hiss
2 o9 U( e! m  g# f2 L     in pleasure.
% z2 ?! l1 Y' W8 z" L     
- X$ `: `- r* V6 E. D1 ^& T  I/ S     Caitlin easily received Christopher's miniscule dick. She
: F8 r% w# x9 i/ q) N     thanked her lucky stars it wasn't Josh or Michael pumping
: d. ]3 F# |3 }8 S     away at her open slit. She could barely feel Chris.
( B/ n. \6 }# @6 \2 U     5 C/ l2 l9 T2 v+ \
     The Micelli family watched as their boys tried to fuck the
, I7 b: i$ T! _0 T; ^6 c     two girls. Nancy had misgivings. "I hope they don't expect
9 |* q0 E, o3 f+ _     to do that at home. I think I'll have to make them suck each' Z2 r9 C0 X/ }* I' s% r3 q
     other off twice a day so they won't get too horny for girls.
5 A4 ^# _4 t+ J     They're way too young," She thought as she watched Chris& E0 c/ G; V- h, w5 @! M
     trying to shove his cock further inside Caitlin.6 E" x% ?  ?2 m
     $ \. t; v6 g6 @& L' ?5 b
     Nick was beaming. "That's my boys," He thought. "Just like+ }' N7 ?" F, [6 f8 H9 b6 a$ q. w
     their old man."
* X- M. m1 P1 w1 W3 _7 E, Z* ~     
, w6 E* d8 u1 p" U: ?' j0 P0 A     The boys were grunting and gasping as the stood on their
: g# i' r8 V; i4 C. ]% z; U- w     tiptoes trying to shove every millimeter of their little4 m7 @, y9 Z+ o! V8 t; m% ^
     cocks inside the two older girls. Andy was gulping in air& n4 ~% |3 I2 p! H7 ~8 W3 s' \
     and thrusting for all he was worth. Jennifer gave up trying/ v0 H4 u4 T4 V  T# l4 W
     to get off. His cock was just too small. She pretended to
' M: d" f+ L+ E8 M     cum crying "OOOh Yess," As Andy arched himself backwards and
1 c) W' {* O/ ?     stiffened. "I'm cumming," he announced then seemed to wilt: r. ^  P8 X0 {
     as he climaxed.6 n% s7 l; a* n) f( B$ f4 O: ~
     ( u; Q% a1 _7 s; I2 A  r6 z1 |
     Christopher followed suit. He pulled his cock out of Caitlin+ a* s( S( \  q9 p
     and turned around proud of himself, Grinning from ear to ear
/ M/ A0 H+ I+ a5 m     as Caitlin straightened up. # l' h/ R; Y0 m4 \4 H+ ]4 Q
2 ?1 ~$ L, ^, E/ U7 E     Nancy turned to Miss Thomas, "Is there anything else we have
/ K- m/ u  i+ n8 O2 K. m$ k9 A     to do before we leave? I'm anxious to get on the road. It's
4 A: a  E8 X0 l, Q# _5 X     a long drive home."
% L1 u2 @& M( W! ]     , o8 \( x" g2 w) }& n
     "You've done everything." Miss Thomas said. "Just sign this
. S, M# @& Q; B7 Q0 z& D0 Q     release and you can take your boys home. Remember every
' S' G& q2 a. Y" H  O     Wednesday they're to report to the Judge's chambers and1 z) X+ J: B  A3 O: v
     strip naked."% h. X9 k" N! C
     . u$ w% c0 h5 N' D# V) C
     "I understand," Nancy nodded and turned to Andy and1 ~: h% [; I! k3 C, a
     Christopher. "You aren't going home like that are you?" She3 u$ V, z! M3 M
     said looking at their naked bodies.
+ n  O) l, u& Q! o* q! P0 z/ N     : H4 v2 j9 S: l/ b3 M# P  K
     "You said we'd have to be naked," Andy said.
8 ?0 R9 \- b8 |% D# b# Z% ]     , ?  y6 E; A0 A4 u7 u9 I
      "I don't mean naked," Mrs. Micelli frowned. "Your cocks are. T' u7 h3 p$ S. V+ R+ [
     all slimy from those little pussies. Put your hands above, d! H# O3 L: f  m, e3 D( j
     your heads and come here," She ordered fishing around in her
+ E/ f. Z4 }8 f8 S5 C* `     purse. As her two sons stood red faced in front of her she5 d4 U% L8 U( G0 C/ }
     took out a handy wipe and kneeling down she took first: |- e, r' s9 z9 G( W" H
     Andy's cock, Then Chris's in her hand, and washed them off.
* b- H3 T( o, H# ^  r     6 Z  g! ]% m; S8 v
     Nancy examined each of her son's cocks. Satisfied that she# n# k7 j5 \  w5 ]( B
     had cleaned them sufficiently she let go and stood up to
( Q; B: T; k( {5 y( R4 x' h     leave. "I think you should say good-bye to your friends,". E1 \; R, Y: C2 Q# F
     She said.+ }! o% J" h* @/ g3 W
) O7 N, x6 J8 g) O7 w     Miss Thomas smiled "Good  idea. Line up to say good bye," K$ L7 v1 f/ L9 n7 F2 c& E8 n; X
     children," She ordered. " c/ T1 K" O7 ]( q! p2 g
     7 A, Q/ Z3 Y4 [% \3 }! i! H
     The boys and girls were positioned facing Andy and Chris.
0 ^1 t) D7 E" z9 [& y     Andy reached out to shake Ricky's hand. "No hand shaking7 F  f$ }7 U6 v& f2 \0 h- O
     here," Chief Crane said. " In this school we shake each
( ^$ j. ?" H' F! E& I/ r4 s" T; j0 s     other's cocks. After all this will be the last time you'll
" X; t# `" s" d' o. \4 g4 N  k, g; _     get to hold each other's peckers unless you misbehave and3 \  G! C% _! N: }  J! Q1 K) x
     come back here," He chuckled.
6 P" A' H/ ^( `! I* U     ' {! L6 {% ]! U: r4 a# @) R
     Andy took Ricky's cock in his hand and shook it. Ricky was
# _# m% O" j' Z" h& E+ Y     crying. "I'll miss you guys," he said as he stroked his
1 d/ N  i% m1 ~! k. R; h7 T     friends penis. " Z4 r7 ?/ c' a2 ?( c
     / m, B; Y% c8 M5 {- B$ S
     Andy gave Ricky's little cock a squeeze. "Me too. Take care* G7 i2 u# `1 C; ^2 U
     of yourself Rick," he said and moved on to Kevin.
  `) j* s; |: W9 V, W     Christopher Shook Ricky's cock and the little blonde boy3 s+ I/ }% p3 q$ M% g  ^  ^
     stroked his as well. "So long pal," He said- `3 Y% J2 C# ~2 f
     + _4 X7 W3 m$ U
     The adults watched as the boy's moved down the line shaking
) Y% H- `& A2 I' _' i% J     each other's cocks and saying their farewells. After Kevin,1 o( Y+ o2 d1 K2 E' S
     Andy took Michael's large cock in his hand and shook it up
+ u' f. u9 [6 u# w$ T# t     and down. ""It's been a pleasure sucking and fucking you,"' v# Y) r  `. j
     Michael said grinning at the younger boy as he stroked the7 b- Z% L0 ^% l( l1 s3 d/ P" [/ g; o
     small cock for the last time.
4 \' f  Z, D" k5 ]& @     
% P) |4 U3 C  R1 j& m* s     Jerry cupped Andy's balls and stroked his cock. "Don't ever; m1 Y8 ?1 ^$ ^# }5 R, \; G
     come back here, you lucky stiff." He whispered.
- P0 R' N! \# ]4 _; \, Q3 M     " q( J4 E0 Z; \% Z8 W' O* b
     Michael shook Chris's cock. "I like your asshole the best,
/ Q1 B, z; Z. d1 b7 S/ }     Little guy," He said "You were always nice and tight."3 ?$ H8 ^9 X; c; M
     # F! C) O) ~$ g0 b
     Joni and Susie were giggling as they followed Andy and Chris3 E6 R6 {* ]2 t4 {  u2 O
     and shook each boy's cock as well. Joni lingered at Kevin's; T) U; n8 G$ g9 b* n
     large cock, fondling his balls. "I wish Andy and Chris were
: `+ _- B& m. }: R. I) C7 f" S/ l' y     staying here so I could come up and see your cock some4 @5 ^9 e9 _/ t$ d
     more," She said ( `3 Q: m* U3 P3 Z+ G; `4 v( N
3 U% C8 c9 ~. J( o     Josh a was last and as Andy shook his slim long cock he3 f# z1 |: l; a2 k9 |* s
     sniffled and shed a tear. "I'll come to see you and Chris5 Y5 b! ]: A, I) D0 j5 C
     when I get out," He said palming the smaller boy's prick and
& O) p3 U4 |$ [8 a0 I% k     shaking it.: A' n" Z( D, g" |9 u+ ^. _
. u0 S' W! e; E" J* t( L     Andy stood in front of Mrs. Connolly. Impulsively he shoved
- F, _+ A4 v9 O+ W& ~. i3 X     his finger up her cunt. It slid in to her lubricated channel
  `8 d! y* B6 v: y' `: G: O6 _' k     easily. "Fuck you," he snarled and moved on to Jennifer.( }  f: x! d# ^! n/ m% z
     - m& p9 O  {3 G9 `; l
     "I hope they keep you like this forever, You bitch," He said" D, r5 W0 i" \0 r! q
     as he shoved two fingers inside the pretty teen's pussy. 0 J9 o7 l) l( Z9 r2 f$ T8 E* V
     / S9 L0 \, K/ |8 q. @
     Christopher was standing in front of Mrs. Connolly. She took
3 G$ {. ?- o6 V+ \& a7 b( Q4 x7 |     his cock in her hand and shook it as he poked her pussy with
2 A! U/ t4 R; Z) K6 d5 d     his small hand. - q( f9 t7 J; j2 f' K" q- t
     ( I5 o% C4 o, n2 S9 `
     Caitlin was next. "Take his cock in your hand and shake it# x8 H* R5 w( N0 e2 Z
     good-bye," Miss Thomas ordered as the teen hesitated.1 u) P, c1 T5 p/ c1 p+ o
     Caitlin reached down and stroked Andy's cock. She wasn't+ D- p% x" T' m' @8 [
     happy about that. It was fun when she had the upper hand.
0 o$ N9 ?. J* ^     Now that she was as naked as the boys and just as helpless, B$ ~' q% c- c9 h+ ?  g
     she didn't want to feel their cocks anymore. It made her. q) l! ]9 k' l
     even more unhappy when Andy shoved several fingers up inside; |2 @& \; p2 p) f" m: G
     her little pussy and played with her clit. 1 k3 b* ^! P( {6 I
  P: w! Q, ^7 |4 A4 U     Christopher took Andy's place in front of Caitlin and shoved
. Q. r5 z# }& J0 e! h     his fingers inside her as she shook his little cock. Andy
5 M; J6 h2 |1 L. L4 I9 k% v     Poked Christie. He snaked one finger inside her asshole as. o7 k# S8 `$ F, V1 ]$ g, |
     he fingered her cunt at the same time. She couldn't meet his
) Q7 B/ ^0 l; F( E     eyes as she stood head bowed and played with his cock for" Z( s8 g/ a2 W/ r
     the last time.
+ `1 n+ I+ B8 T! I/ n* [     
( p  E* {% }) w- ]% I: Q1 Y9 _     As Christopher poked Christie and Andy finished up by+ X+ R& |, n4 i1 p# L
     shoving a finger inside Kelly's little twat, Susie and Joni
/ |2 o& F% R( m5 O9 L0 b; A# p     stood in front of a red faced Jean Connolly and poked her
5 k& G: m5 d9 O9 v3 b     pussy and ass with their little hands. & s4 w9 N# V6 S# z
     & J4 G: X0 U! Y) D! U
     Nick took it all in. He could feel his cock growing. He+ \4 h! z: _+ T9 ^& j  d# @
     looked at his watch. "Holy shit we've got to go," He
! B8 {4 e9 h9 v6 V: p* q6 n+ R     reminded Nancy. "We have a long drive ahead of us."
& ^0 Z0 l) k- N! \     
& h! O" \$ R( `( d$ q+ H2 w- I& p! C9 z     Nancy nodded. "Let's go kids," she said.
& F2 X/ C# f9 Z5 e. i# V* A$ q     
: c1 o- h. R9 w7 ]+ v3 W     "Do you want a cock harness and leash for the boys?" Miss' n1 M; w; b7 h6 T6 q
     Thomas asked.
9 G" L" \- _6 s& j3 q" \* R9 E8 L8 E5 G     
7 T# W. ?0 G9 \) f! Y     "I don't think I'll need those things," Nancy smiled "The
, S; ]/ @: X3 r# U7 C: f     girls can take charge starting right now.
8 {0 c; g% L1 \( f7 W: s- f     Susie you take Chris's cock and Joni you take Andrew's. Lead  A" R2 d: d7 F( g8 W
     them by their dicks out to the car."9 z% l" I) v3 O" t. i3 Q. j
     ; p8 Q2 j# d. e
     The two Adult Micelli's shook hands with the staff and; B3 m0 w$ l/ e* T' ^
     followed their naked sons who were stumbling along in their2 U7 N  y0 f- \( Z. v
     flip flops behind Joni and Susie, out to the parking lot
, p$ v- H/ `' _. Z     
; x  N2 S) i' r2 p2 b  [9 Z     Andy felt strange. He hated the school but would miss the5 v# n+ Q: I. V0 {+ ?9 [+ Z! C
     boys. He'd also miss the girls. He had thought things would9 }/ w2 ^) N2 o8 S( e+ ]% l
     get back to normal now that him and Chris were going home.
  c! ^, |) }# g: ^, g3 C8 e     This really sucked. He was still bareass nude and now Joni
. ~8 E8 H. e; f3 B: H     and Susie would be their bosses. Even worse he wouldn't get& q+ S1 ?, U, C. H
     to see any more naked pussy.5 ]; U2 K, E  ^7 N4 o! y/ H7 o! W- Z
     : z  V/ P* L* x- N. Y" v
     As Joni led him by his cock she was stroking it and Andy) I$ D" }; Y" b! ]0 E. e* E% p
     felt himself growing. He glanced over and saw that Chris's
$ h* s4 z8 s5 E     cock was getting harder as well.
4 t+ y  I9 i  j     
0 K, Z6 n1 b) @  b1 K  b4 G7 [     Nick was unlocking the van when Harley and Naomi pulled up.6 L7 ]  x( a( D8 f- f
     All the way back from the sheriff's headquarters with his
8 L; i/ P! ^8 |2 y) e3 T% }. _& G     new charges Harley had suffered listening to the four little+ L6 ~0 M. p( Z4 ?: K
     girls prattle on about how they had tortured six boys they'd
' S+ I. m! ~' v/ {1 {& C     been put in charge of. Harley had a headache and was glad to. q3 H* M' h+ P& d8 i; Z
     get back to the school. These sadistic little girls were
4 O& L3 t: d) p3 E7 p     gonna get their just rewards in a little while. He'd wanted
" i: U  \* k' b0 l) ~, a9 {     to interrupt their giggling and chatting to let them know
$ d6 y! p( L* V: U8 q3 U     what was in store for them,  But Miss Thomas  and the Chief; X4 n  E: p7 T5 v* X5 v
     had given Naomi and him orders not to let the girls know0 W6 F. r- A+ ^
     that they were to be stripped and humiliated upon arrival at+ w5 d7 C- u8 ?) Q# Z( F
     the school. Harley kept his mouth shut and endured the
- }& t/ E3 z/ |" C: d     chatter all the way back to the school.
0 C( Q+ Y2 m( I3 ^& |4 p- W1 ]6 Y     
# \1 t* _- Q+ K6 k* {! g8 V' c1 w     Naomi was enduring all the noise as well. The four girls; h3 l. s8 g3 \
     were acting like they were on their way to a picnic. All; D% C3 H; }3 ~5 c
     four were wearing  dresses and had sandals on their feet.) [. m7 G$ q+ U" b3 h0 E& L
     Naomi was looking forward to personally  ripping the dress
  y7 y1 O  W0 x, G. q     from the slim leader, Tracy and yanking her panties down in+ _; m% G- q! O% M9 F. s* @
     front of the boys. "God this kid was obnoxious. The short
0 W* q7 J4 h) ^     stocky one with the tits, Charly was pretty bad also and
# L- F, X) K( n     Naomi planned on picking on her as well.
7 m  Z0 e; q) o/ o- F. z' R     8 }; x4 K# H% t- w& }+ t
     Debbie was the first to notice the naked boys. "Holy cow4 L+ Z  @* X; D/ @# M& e# ]
     those two little boys are naked," She shouted.! v, O6 l6 k: ?3 J( s
5 l5 u$ q1 q2 Z) n     "Naomi nodded. "That's Andy and Chris. They're going home.
7 i! W: E% I) H( r1 M- u6 L8 q4 y' q     They've been paroled."  She smiled. "I guess we forgot to
" S! R! m6 A1 G* t2 e! K     tell you, Here at the Grandview School all the boys are kept+ B. X3 G# \/ a
     naked." * @/ v% V# |9 d
$ ^, i0 G" k/ T1 A     "Wow, That's so way cool," Sharon said smiling.
( g0 M1 j& x+ V  K     3 t$ Z- P; G" W* B1 n
     The two deputies got out of the car and let the girls out.& D2 @& i- \1 f3 d# {* ?7 v" |
     The Micelli's smiled at the peace officers. "You're just in
) n0 J' p! s; r7 W     time to say good-bye to Andrew and Christopher," Nancy said.
( W2 ~+ \" x! l$ K' J6 m/ m     
9 J1 W6 s* D* z- N     The new girls gawked at the naked boys and giggled. "His
8 _8 m, I' u& v) L# _5 ]1 |/ U     cock is as small as Jonathan's," Tracy said pointing to
) z. D8 v6 f% ~8 G: A1 C     Christopher.# z. A' b0 u' _. a% y
% ?# @* P1 g# n, u! Y. ^3 a     "Can we check out their cocks?" Sharon asked Harley.5 v$ G3 |$ S! G9 h/ s
     / W; |) k: Y5 |; u( ^0 L' s. s$ [
     Harley looked at Naomi and shrugged. "Why not. There's lots4 J3 y% c1 w# l" y2 J' ^
     of naked cocks where you're going."   
7 x  r  A' K- r. s6 {/ O% D6 o2 E! M     3 l5 `/ H9 n, W# m+ j( A
     Joni released Andy's stiff little prick and Susie dropped, p8 }2 {4 Z; J' _- P( u
     Chris's. The two boys stood with their hands on their heads
1 \) H0 Z" D# S3 ^& a/ O7 P     in the parking lot and endured the embarrassment of four+ p& q: P  ~' G# \0 H9 \6 X5 r
     giggling girls poking, stroking and prodding their naked  R* T1 N3 y0 C  v$ }- J9 y, E! H( x- a
     bodies.5 d: I, P8 w' o/ ?% O0 r* a! P
     8 T: }# F! i" Q# ]$ s5 o
     Tracy took Andy's cock in her hand and skinned back his
* ~0 c9 T( x+ P$ ^' ?, ]; T1 [     foreskin. She knelt and expertly examined his cock head and
. f% v: w7 S$ V% i- |& \0 R     balls. Charly watched and took over when Tracy moved behind
' S8 @- F$ m+ a, x( j     Andy and pried open his cheeks. Andy was now being attacked; C3 Q7 u$ P$ D+ c
     front and rear as Tracy's finger pushed  up inside his) u4 s, n* |. C* [, L
     rectum. Charly was stroking his cock and playing with his2 k. D- r/ H; t( ?) O0 w7 O# g0 j
     balls.6 B5 @9 A: K% Q  {4 `& v
4 n/ X. d1 @/ X( H     Debbie and Sharon were doing the same thing to Christopher.9 M( u' R  h8 C7 @; ?) U! d# U3 W
     Debbie ran her finger around the little peehole and cupped
0 M- u6 s) ]4 V! f" Y# |# N- c# |' w     Chris's balls. "They're so cute," She cooed as she bounced. B) i4 ^1 h3 |" Y- j
     his little testicles in her hand.
: X  z2 i: D) m* K. N     
7 E, h4 V$ U9 e( |( |4 }     Sharon knelt behind Chris and as her friend played with his, y0 L7 b: x% N* L3 X  w/ v
     cock and balls she pushed a probing finger up inside his
/ @$ f+ C2 Y8 v8 D- r5 w5 v     asshole.  . V- N" f6 K& L! Z7 ?; ^2 V
     / e" U! G2 E3 Y7 Q: m) B
     Andrew's ass and cock were getting a workout as Tracy and: m+ u5 i$ M* X
     Charly kept switching places. "This is just like what we did
6 m$ q% |  }3 t     at home," Charly said to Joni as she pushed her finger5 F* A1 @. `! m# r: x
     inside Andy's asshole. "We had six boys and made them our) b1 x* `0 S: V0 F$ e1 e% x
     slaves." 5 o; o) T! @$ x
     6 G: |% V4 f5 q* t( {) S+ I1 J
     Harley watched as the girls examined the boys. "They have no
) ?1 _2 T! c) J" u1 h  B0 m     idea that what they're doing to your sons is only a ! e. T9 E% w3 d/ _
     fraction of what's in store for them," He whispered to Nick& F) f6 C9 c8 {% u  @
     Micelli.  Charly and Tracy switched with Debbie and Sharon
1 i7 y, F$ c6 g4 {! a     and two new pairs of hands examined Andy and Chris.
/ a& A0 l' A% u2 P! l     
! A, W! \" N3 I6 S$ }# ?% B. o     Naomi watched in amusement as Sharon closely examined Andy's8 ?: r) A2 G9 }- v* E
     hard little cock and Debbie poked his asshole. " I'm gonna; W' l) y& A) v1 L1 q4 Q4 L% q
     let them have another five minutes," She said to Nancy. "We
: l8 e1 ]4 ]  q% }     want to get them inside and process them. There's plenty of$ V. Z1 ~: }2 C/ C0 z+ ?' x& B, H
     little boy cock for them in there but I don't think they're
; B) W( X1 s& r5 \     gonna like it as much."6 g) u7 |# [* K
0 y7 ?$ e- r2 u% h. V# I- O" Q     The girls continued to explore the two brothers and looked, w, G1 P& X# p8 u
     disappointed when Harley called a halt. Andy looked
% j9 S1 z% M7 @6 g) `1 {% _: [9 f     wistfully from the back of the van as the deputies led the
: d6 @8 V5 I0 [8 e5 v! L     girls into the school. "I'd like to be there to see them
2 I: Z: `! v; m6 O6 n     being stripped," He thought as Nick drove out of the school3 ^3 p; I; m, D. K5 S
     grounds. He realized that for all the torture and forced sex
" Q! m6 \% T! f6 Z, Z     he and Chris had been forced to do, He would miss the place.
! H1 D7 n" A& V+ X     
5 j% W! R+ {1 g  e/ T( p. I) z     Joni wasted little time in establishing herself as the boss.% q8 r$ ^5 |( M. q3 ~9 t" j, u
     "Lie down on the rear seat," She ordered Chris. As the+ k" A$ a# J4 }$ o! c9 M  S
     younger boy complied she ordered Andy to straddle him and* I" A! c. I$ e" A& ?' T
     "The two of you are to suck each other off until I say
; Q6 |% i0 [) R7 j  j3 @8 p     stop."
" w. m: O8 G! J; n, W) p& b, ~8 z     
0 g" c6 m" b! g% Q) b* D# y7 L     Joni and Susie knelt facing backward in the middle seats of" S* g) M- f( M) E: N" \
     the van and watched as the two boys sixty nined each other; I, g  m! r" Q( N, o
     in the back. Both girls were giggling. As Andy bounced on
6 t# H8 c. g7 o     Chris's face, Joni reached over and stuck her finger inside
# k5 g- z( N+ k) s! M% ^     his ass.   
9 T, p  x6 f. A3 K3 B     ' ^. j% _" v! r# T+ d9 w9 f
     The two boys were going at it, Sucking each other's cocks
5 W) N$ M$ P# o     deep into their mouths, Giving the two giggling girls a
9 c) N7 G! M) Q. ?; I! T     show. Andy came twice and Chris three times in the next half
0 q' f% r/ {; ?0 u; C4 y$ Q     hour and still Joni wouldn't let them get up. Nick had
7 @! g& ^/ |; e- u- o     driven about forty miles when he announced, "We've got to7 d- p4 {! I9 Z, j8 `( E5 T* ^
     stop for gas.", d7 ]1 ~+ P& l( R  P2 J
     5 v& m, t2 G& X1 q0 n- W
     As Nick pulled into the gas station Susie asked, "Daddy can
! m. k1 m4 x& z* U     I pay for the gas?" * n2 v' d. X+ A+ B
, ?# V  F, r3 z# M( V% P     Nancy took out twenty dollars and handed it to the little
* A3 |( Z8 U7 Z6 W7 x5 U0 |+ C  R  J* a     girl. "Tell the attendant we want twenty on pump ten, O.K.?"" ]8 ^: }9 F( I
1 `9 V. C" Q% X  E/ W; F' E     "Yes mommy," The little girl smiled as she got out of the- a1 _/ I- j& `8 u  G
     car. "Come on Joni. Come with me." , f! a$ y' C5 }7 t% ^, l
     7 ?3 G* c: S& k' K3 }3 ~2 g  G
     Nick opened his door "It's a self service station," He said.; ]2 {) I" ?  T& C
     "I guess I have to pump my own gas."7 g' J+ h+ H5 W* v6 i
     7 g6 j! d+ a" L  L4 `4 O0 C* a
     Joni looked back. "Why not let the boys do it?" She smiled+ V) N# A2 H& l7 H% y7 o2 o7 w
6 I/ k4 G5 z+ s& M     / X5 D0 o6 \  A5 Y7 e: E+ X
     Nick looked around at the brightly lit station. "I don't' i1 i5 O3 n) b( O
     know," He said. "I don't want anyone seeing the boys naked."
9 f' M/ [& v& `7 b) A/ M) r3 Q     
3 M' h/ l4 M: j# |; D9 E' F( a     "I think that's a good Idea, dear. After all the boys are! T- L: L7 C5 o* J, K0 g! n5 }2 h' _8 w
     still being punished," Nancy said. "Let the world see what
" ~9 Y* o: b' G; o+ V     happens when boys are naughty."
  l$ D7 g4 [' B: X3 l     
/ K8 W; v$ o1 a     Nick looked around. It was evening and even though the2 Z  T- u  N/ X; V4 ]; r
     station was well lit the boys could stand in the van's, L4 u+ {  L/ X% Q0 c
     shadow and pump the gas. He nodded.
- v$ H4 ?8 ^7 s7 i- {6 c2 m     
" W& ]! K9 |8 P     "Joni smiled. "O.K. You can stop sucking each other and get
6 y. i# J  O" |" ]+ [# p     out of the van to pump the gas."
1 K( ^. e9 E- m* \  D     
5 R4 {5 {) @$ r& m# ?- i     Andy's heart sank. Both boys were sobbing as they slowly* z0 a2 z3 U8 ~: C) U' k3 w% B
     climbed out of the van. "Please dad don't let her make us do
) c# N* e$ L& f' _6 \* b2 |# R     this," He pleaded.
3 g. u# D8 `- ~2 [7 }9 h/ r% D& @     
, B8 @7 n1 l% U1 R& R     "Sorry boys. Your Mom says its O.K," Nick shrugged. "She's
. ]! z% L4 U0 C! e/ Z2 z     the boss."
+ r; p3 ~$ g+ Z, M2 g( O     
& {4 |/ q' D, I. R8 a6 O- W9 S" ~7 p     Joni and Susie ran off to pay for the gas. The attendant was
# t0 @" |: ^0 U( P1 K9 }, A     a young girl. Her name tag read "Stacy". Susie reached up
6 N( i# Q% [1 J8 f1 S2 A     and put the twenty dollar bill on the counter. "I'd like7 F) M. [1 d( m; I! W) a" B3 Y# ~
     twenty dollars on pump ten," She lisped.* U3 R: V, W2 f* U
+ X/ [' k- Z: z: n- j+ a: d7 m     "Ooooh you're so cute," Stacy said taking the money., }$ H$ i' ?: k4 L$ _$ h3 h
     9 D7 I0 C' n5 ~  z4 i8 m
     "My brother's are pumping the gas and they're naked," Susie) E4 ?- J( I, v: ]% \; U
     volunteered smiling. "My Mommy lets me play with their  t- o0 D1 Y, o- m4 l
! ]9 g9 q2 g* y2 x  |     
& z$ Y; p4 m& F% }, Z. J     "Yeah sure kid," Stacy said looking out at the van. "I don't
$ e. r$ Q0 E% P7 V. l     see any naked boys."; G2 z2 A( J7 ?
# @$ d' S0 n6 v  d3 O5 D     "They're on the other side," Joni said. "And they are too
* f- a0 u, B6 i1 E$ S6 U, {& f     naked. You can come take a look if you want."
: \+ \8 I7 S& a0 ^     ! s% h. F2 F# ^* y! z& C! Z
     "If you two are joking I'll kick your asses," the teenager
$ M$ O3 V' R' p5 W     threatened coming around the counter. The three girls; Y8 r' D# g2 g8 G# v4 h
     marched out to the van.
5 D, s4 B5 U8 J9 {- e     
8 N; x8 `  d9 S     Stacy's mouth fell open as she rounded the rear of the van.
* k$ M7 O# {. f. r4 _+ o     Andy was cowering on the side of the large vehicle trying to- s" I* \2 o9 E! D3 |
     hide from the traffic zooming by. Christopher was standing, g( q) K: P: k3 q4 A
     alongside as his older brother held the pump handle in the' t% h, O, C$ @1 ^5 s
     fill hose of the van.
. C# W) ~: a$ o0 a& G+ S# p; _     
& d9 J7 g) V2 ^! Z' h     The teenager gawked. "Holy shit, its true. They really are
3 y0 n- t& i$ N% ]9 u9 ~4 P     naked," She said once she caught her breath.
) X* B. c. M# l* i  Z     
% k( ]2 Z7 u2 Z4 I0 U: u* H/ W     Andy looked up, Panic on his face. He couldn't even cover7 O3 q0 d' d& U
     his nakedness. He had the pump hose in his hand. It wouldn't
5 P7 P- L$ R% T$ D' K     have done any good. Christopher covered his genitals as the
: w; ~4 ^/ L5 h! \5 X' e     teenager stared at the two naked boys. "Hands on the back of
4 M, L* s2 L8 d* D     your head," Joni ordered and the little boy started sobbing
* R1 v' X3 V! J& O7 _$ z% G1 _* F: v     as he assumed the familiar position.
- j* ~+ e  p/ n' f     7 I1 B% k1 j! |; E0 n$ U
     Joni took the pump handle from Andy and ordered him to stand
: H% ?) F2 W; h$ F     with his brother and assume the same position. "You can  l) j7 y0 a5 E- u9 y; Z7 u& c" }1 E
     examine their cocks if you want."
" g- I  L, f1 {! i2 a# w& k     
! n* _1 l+ M' e8 ]4 ]7 Z  {     The boys stood red faced with embarrassment as the teenage
+ j" ?4 k  r! Z     gas attendant knelt in front of them. Tears were running
' Q+ ]# `, q7 j1 T) f* l5 L9 h1 o     down both boy's cheeks as Stacy took Andy's cock in her hand / y* E( V6 \  i: `( S
     and bent her head down to get a close up look at it. "Not! ^3 o4 ]* r" D9 \+ Q
     very big is it?" She commented pulling his foreskin back and
  ~% I) i$ f$ _, K' ]     examining his cock head. She took her other hand and cupped- N6 P- s, P3 w
     his balls as he stood shivering with humiliation.
' ~9 u, Z4 S* G0 \     
9 l, A- G2 d. R) \     Andy thought he'd never be able to be embarrassed again
: M' n  F) }9 x6 T& E* n& p7 b     after what he and Chris had been put through at the6 |, ^/ D, B8 E4 f9 H
     Grandview School. How wrong he was. He stood gazing over her
7 f9 Y: y% J3 b9 }/ ], E     shoulder as Stacy stroked and pulled at his cock while Joni" a2 t% J4 B7 M$ j( |
     and Susie watched giggling.
% g' h; W' f; c4 E6 V     
" c# m4 a! I6 E1 A& G, |7 ~2 B     Stacy turned to Chris and took his miniature cock in her
( s8 T2 G, l0 k5 I     hand. She examined it closely, running her finger around his
( F" i% W3 r7 {6 H  A5 W( Z% t     pee hole. "Stop crying," She ordered. "My boyfriend would
9 B9 {- z; R4 u$ X" ^- R     kill for the opportunity to get a hand job like this." She
3 y9 {8 j+ r7 c" r/ [! `     cupped Chris's balls and squeezed gently.7 T# W# c4 b: V4 U  `
! {& H8 h) {" J; D6 }% f     Andy and Chris endured the girls exam dreading what they
* C" \4 i( d- Y$ S; o' B     knew would come next. Sure enough Joni ordered them to turn7 X# v  v# f8 ?9 S) T1 m" i  L
     around and open their legs. "O.K. you guys, bend over, pull
0 L  K6 h4 F! }7 Y     your cheeks apart and show Stacy your assholes," She said( L+ i- X, r% x3 p2 S
( B3 s/ X0 w. |: K     
* i: u- O. g3 k2 X+ ?$ O     "Please Joni, Not that," Both boys pleaded. Joni stamped her, @  `# J7 P) m% o3 M* Q( Q3 B
     little foot. "If you don't open yourselves up this very
5 D6 N0 Y8 Q; O: c4 H     instant I'll get the remote from your Mother and fry your) a( }2 e! v1 `
     balls," She threatened.
' c. F5 z9 f% V4 b; f0 j     ) c% k1 `0 g6 S5 N& L
     Andy was miserable. He was no longer a prisoner of the; u+ t( K- v+ z2 C
     school yet here he and Chris were, Stark naked and being8 K9 ^$ L; h$ q7 q4 Z8 Y- L- }+ ?
     forced to show a stranger their assholes. He bent over,
  I2 D1 {) ~( I9 o! o     tears pouring from his eyes and pulled his cheeks wide open.: |/ _: n* w# |0 a& z, H  m/ Z* ?
     Christopher did the same.6 u) ^; b% y8 }3 c! s) y! S* |
     7 n2 Z% W7 Z9 q$ @+ b$ x
     Stacy pried open Andy's cheeks even further. "This is great.) m( }. K/ L: U/ t
     To think I almost swapped shifts with Diane. She's gonna be
7 {# R, i* Q3 V/ k6 J$ E9 f) _     so jealous," She giggled looking inside Andy's pink rectum.0 a7 v" e- b7 e9 e, J3 L; \; c! I
% p7 ]4 M" x+ K, M     "We stick our fingers up there and explore him," Susie  j# h7 B$ j7 ^, ^: U' D, F' v& S
     giggled. & Y' d7 D$ J- S7 L2 }: {
     % \5 s; u7 L5 K# z) u
     Stacy shrugged. "Why not," She pushed her finger inside Andy! n& g9 n- w9 B$ N4 m# c
     while at the same time she cupped his dangling testicles in5 m5 H5 q9 z( Q% w! a
     her other hand.) Q& |4 v! J6 G. [* |& `3 Y8 y
     4 g) B2 h% H5 v
     Andy grunted as the girl's long finger  slid up inside him.; L  L0 ^# c( V; Y! H/ i
     "Does this hurt?" Stacy asked. , W+ _1 V# R/ E, k+ }1 K
     8 E: h+ N, Z! n7 k
     "Ow. Yes it hurts," Andy cried as she pushed her finger
8 {: ?5 f" o  E- V) l% F" {     further up his asshole.
, _3 [0 A) f0 e* b4 i* |: Y8 H     
5 x$ _1 V% r/ V; a, G' `     "Tough it out buddy," She giggled. "I've never given a guy a
8 s6 C' n& _% G9 }     rectal exam before  and I need to practice on you so I can
% y: W& b$ \& i8 A  U     do it to my boyfriend Jimmy. Boy is he gonna be surprised."" {) w/ _" T6 S) M6 t/ V% ?
. P: _; v- B7 u0 w     Stacy wiggled her finger around inside Andy for a few more
* @. J. v" Z- i( J1 H& @     minutes. Joni noticed Andy's cock getting hard and filed
) ?2 N) U( E( B; @8 T) y8 z( D     that little bit of information away in her mind for later8 s, p9 D/ Y& G' B; z# Y5 W  s
5 H5 O" U0 q7 c     
2 o7 L. h# E0 J" j- ~/ A" [     Stacy turned to Chris. "It's your turn little man. Open- Z# Q4 t4 F4 w3 D7 x! m
     yourself up wider or it's really gonna be painful."
0 }6 o( h4 f1 C9 B5 z# U" _5 t     Chris was already sobbing and now he started bawling in
6 B8 P8 G! @) F* V     earnest as soon as Stacy's middle finger entered his
! G3 f/ X8 h) z9 z. {     asshole. It went in easily. His stay at the school had8 c3 r2 L" c5 P' _( L0 B
     widened his little asshole considerably. Stacy kept poking8 o9 h# U- Y8 r$ X8 |& @. b5 o
     and prodding as Christopher stayed in position. Her finger7 i! R$ A6 `) ^
     pushed up into the little boy while she reached underneath7 z5 `8 Y# L' U8 R* i, Z
     him and pulled his little cock. While she was occupied  with
% J( t) d2 N: s+ G     Christopher's ass and cock a car pulled in and honked it's7 b9 n: x, N: r8 R
     horn. 8 Q3 w) {6 j# T# j
     % k/ G5 l( q' X: A
     Stacy stood up. "Whoops I gotta go,"  She said. "It's been a
! [" V! C; |+ y     pleasure meeting you and I just loved your assholes," She0 v3 c2 ?6 j- N2 \1 ?3 a
     told the red faced boys as she ran off to take her
9 L+ Z  D% A6 D+ W     customer's money.
: @$ g: J4 V" H9 k' I% Y% J     - Z( e% m- `9 p$ q  r& ~
     Andy breathed a sigh of relief as he and Chris climbed back
8 n  K' G4 M; l- R) i4 N$ v     in the van. "It's about time," Nick muttered. "You two have
- j" t& C, ]% S1 ?# _     got to stop showing your assholes to any stranger who wants
3 s' d) q! ^, B     a peek," He chuckled as the kids strapped in for the rest of9 C6 N+ B: {3 B. B/ W* C1 w! @0 C
     the ride home.
' J9 l9 C$ }% ~. t7 I     : N' q+ F3 G; j  B5 C0 s" p& x
     Joni sat next to Andy and played with his cock and balls.& h1 S* P2 w6 J+ V* F  O5 x
     Susie fell asleep next to Chris who thanked his lucky stars7 B2 ^- ?+ a- z/ V. N' U* ]* O5 e
     for the reprieve. " x4 J: T% E6 l) f) o0 J, F
     # ?9 [( N# Z& _$ \. V' j0 X
     "Does it get you hot when people poke your asshole?" Joni
4 l" V( W9 c" s* |+ U+ P     asked running her fingers around Andy's velvet cock head.
8 y6 m! `* Z* @; n+ y! U8 N     
3 D0 z2 g8 u7 h, {7 _; V: i     Andy shivered as her fingers tickled that sensitive spot. "I3 T) L2 o5 i1 B) u, T
     don't think so," He said.
* S% K* Z' W8 b4 }0 `, U     / E0 i  t5 Z' [2 B9 n- C
     "We'll see when we get home," Joni said sweetly, squeezing' F5 ~: g& ], B8 Q" s2 ]: N4 Y
     his balls gently.
; k) j; P6 t4 J2 R     : ~- q7 R8 o( H
     The drive continued. Andy dry came twice while Joni massaged# }$ Y" @7 L6 I" p0 B- A; H2 \- b- W
     his cock. Joni soon grew tired of this. She released Andy's$ S" `$ _; s3 p1 i. S" h9 f, b0 `
     sore pecker and closed her eyes and went to sleep.. g$ T' s% {, t) Z1 h9 c7 O
     1 o1 d) t/ X5 W- N9 h
     Andy shut his eyes too and thought about home. Soon he'd be" v9 D8 O$ G5 q" c! {# E+ o
     in his own room. Nothing they could do would take away from* H( T2 r' C1 B( v  _& @3 L
     the pleasure of sleeping alone in his own bed. Tomorrow he'd
# z4 n2 L' Z5 k" o6 o1 H  f     get dressed for the first time in months and go to school.6 n+ n: R& l; t- I& C2 X
     He wondered if his favorite leather jacket would still fit
6 L6 s  Y3 Y6 |; F- z1 O& m     him. Looking down at his bare feet, He wondered if his, @% A' I- x* Y1 r
     sneakers would still fit. Even though he had to report naked
+ M% z% p% `( U% }: ?% c  r1 [     to the judge every Wednesday and Joni and Susie had him in5 D8 E. W$ L" L% Z* }8 w
     their power, He vowed never to tell his friends about what
! F) w* f  }, y! G3 ?) T# q     he and Chris had been put through.
5 Y7 h0 e7 K3 e1 s- d       Z, c& U) \8 U: z, I; {' E! N" B
     As they got nearer to the house Andy's excitement grew. The8 E% S: Z6 L2 [  U$ @
     ordeal was almost over. Chris, Susie and Joni all slept.
% b. V. o) A; C0 G4 l7 A* n     Nick looked into the rear view mirror. "Excited about going
" _' l: m! k7 S, x( D* v     home Andy?"
# i! X/ h  I0 K. n. L" T     / K9 G. N+ b1 l( H4 k  _5 j9 F; n$ [
     "I sure am Dad and I promise that I've learned my lesson.
# A6 U. r/ p8 W5 S5 }     I'll make you and mom proud of me," Andy said$ u' q' \6 `! Y
0 }( G3 d0 [2 @4 }; T% |     
. x( |5 h2 \# F! i% J& y! g* Q     "I'm glad you feel that way Andrew,"  Nancy said. "Perhaps( [6 E% @( R  v  n$ U
     in a little while we can talk about you wearing clothing in; x# v$ }7 T# _% v& p
     the house."  o$ G1 r  R3 |$ M
" U5 N. ]( P$ m1 t: c0 v     Nick pulled up in front of the small blue house. "We're( T3 ?0 k$ w! ]# a( d
     home," He announced. "Wake up kids."
* B# A+ P% }+ n* ]4 p- q$ c     
9 y. [+ K% \+ c( }5 L2 @! h     Joni smiled at Andy. "Welcome home," She said as they
; |* Q2 n, T( n: ~     climbed out of the van. She took Andy's cock in her hand
6 [. d5 O, W( H* m! q     fondling it as she led him up the path. Susie followed,
% H; C- Q1 Y+ V9 P# C/ D7 z     tugging on Chris's  small dick.7 O. x# v1 Y. I
) X7 ?& l( N" H% f2 e     Nancy unlocked the front door and stood aside as Joni and
4 A5 J; B/ q: f/ p! k, z     Susie pulled the boys by their cocks into the house. 6 x' s5 _9 p5 l2 g
7 z  T1 ^2 C+ S! j& k     The first thing Andy noticed was the house was dark. Then as
- @  B* P) T, \: x     he and Chris stood in the living room Joni dropped Andy's% m" K0 n0 X; P9 L3 ]
     hard little cock and ordered "Hands on your heads.". P" a$ H- ?3 m9 D6 y0 m( ^
     : T# B+ z% L6 a9 V
     The two puzzled boys reacted instinctively, putting their
8 _! ^% h" u5 F/ f2 e$ F0 M5 k% `+ [# r     hands behind their heads as they had been taught at the
' `! |4 a; u# B( s     Grandview School.
5 B  v7 R8 q, |$ t. F     
, t; I% z0 T% c. v+ M$ l6 }     The lights snapped on and as Andy and Chris stood naked,
0 S- u; \7 M5 B     There were shouts of "Welcome home," as  both boys' entire
. J+ }9 X8 P# _, ~: U2 h* J! u     classes from school greeted them. Andy and Christopher's
2 U& ]6 _/ b  W1 V6 O5 N     teachers, Mrs. Scanlon and Miss Reese were even there with
6 T5 H. d, i; V/ Y5 u     the children Worse than that the parish priest, Father Regan
( F, k& {# Z9 g9 R+ I     stood wide eyed staring at the two bare cocks in front of' A& K( q- ~1 K' |/ q" P# |
     him. The room got very still as the forty two children and; [* i0 j0 }4 b7 ]# D" o
     three adults stared for what seemed hours at a very naked
  r6 M2 O9 m7 \# W, C* `+ D     Andy and Christopher Micelli. No one could say who was more; `3 X  B. t. I( s2 y
     shocked. . e. b8 w4 R8 D+ C3 }; v
6 R6 b+ H- W! @- V# ^' ~4 D, m. P     Andy found himself in front of a wide eyed Maria Rivera who0 a* S2 p1 t3 U* T4 Z
     was staring intently at his naked cock. The boys and girls( a& e" H; `5 r* H
     invited to the welcome home party had not been told by Nancy( C3 _+ q- @/ v- i( C7 _4 w: H
     Micelli that the two returning inmates would still be in
6 @6 h: b' l5 H     their Grandview School "uniforms". Andy and Chris's1 I  E1 K2 I" w2 f$ g! t
     classmates and friends soon got over their embarrassment as  V1 s- o! r, R5 X
     Joni and Susie made the two humiliated brothers show their
4 E# P" M/ a. T% [     cocks, balls and asses off to everyone.   R- R) _+ |3 V' u. F. i
0 S' ?/ O2 m# V, e3 @     Father Regan knelt in front of the two very red faced boys2 M8 c. U& t+ M6 }( N
     and examined their cocks and balls in his gnarled hands..
7 R* ?/ }" M* R) F, i9 s     "You boys must visit me in the rectory this week," he said' g) G1 F# `+ c# f" b
     squeezing Andy's nuts. Then he commanded them to turn around
% j% I' ]- b" {0 j' A# F+ {     and part their buttock, "Like Moses parted the Red Sea."( E0 y! k7 p6 Q
. a0 c9 P8 k: o+ e# R# R# L     Andy was crying and wishing he was still at the Grandview
2 w9 p. N+ d1 P8 C     School as he was forced to suck Chris's cock in front of; o! E! b' j% s
     everybody for a finale.
) V' M! L2 V; S' K6 @     * r  l" L1 J, N0 c" B
      : t, ?* h# Z. g; y$ t4 O
# @) s+ u' m- \! }+ Y7 q     The End+ ]8 Q9 Z+ G; O: x
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